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Corporation Notices. . ■ .! PARNELL BOROUGH COUNCIL. ■ WATERWORKS BY-LAW. No. 7 FOE LEVYING EATES AN© CHARGES FOE WATER SUPPLY, REGULATING ORDINARY AND EXTKAORDINAEYSUPPLIES, LICENSING PLUMBERb, do. Tho following By-Law is published for public Information, in conformity with the provisions of " Tho Municipal Corportlons Act, "and will come into operation on tho-first day of November, ISB3. In pursuance of Section Three hnndred and thirty, nino of ".The Corporations Act, 1576," tba Council of/,the Borough of:- Parncll ordainfollows:—" '• i'■■'.' The Council hereby make and levy tho following ratts, and declare the following as tho conditions upon which tho Corporation will supply water on all ratablo properties. .';.'- • ■ ':':,'_ EXPLANATION OF ; TEEMS USED. ' " OitniNAEY SuiTLY"shallmeanonlywaterused , . - 'for strictly domestic purposes, and tho Conn- .;'■ ■ ell resoives the light to dotcrmino inanycjso ,". .what aball bo considoicd a supply for strictly .' . domestic purposes. .... '■'.Extraordinary.Supply"."shall. me»n water ■ used for any other than-purposes of "Ordinary Supply," and may bo charged extra &c- ---. ■ cordingly. ..,■ '\"i . .".■'' '.. -' ■ ■;■'-. ordinary;"supply- ;.' ■ ■ . "(On Pkopertie's is the Boßouan of Parvell. ' -1. Ratable valuo in terms of "RatiDg Act, 1876:" ' Not exceeding £12 10s, ten'shillings per. annum. 2. Ratablo,terms of''listing Act,IS7S:" ■Fxceeding£l2 10s per annum, a uniform rate-of 4 pa'" , cent, per annum: but not les3 for any tenement--than tennaiiillings por annum; h -' '■" ' ' TO BE CHARGED BY METER.'• " . Ilotoisj Butchers'. Shops, 'Manufactories, Lodjing .and- Board'ng'. Houses, Public Institutions and Schools. Nurscrj-mtn-'and Markot Gardeners: Meters from tho Council, and-to to paid'for .by consumer?. , ... ■ .;-.'' EXTRAORDINARY HUPI'LY, ■ .Charged .by lleterManufacturers and other consumers/Is 3d per 1,000 galicus. ■. Ap'pliration for w:-.tor ihnll be mado to the Borough Cqunc'l offiiic.'and all noce?sary forma shall be ob■tained there. - ..; Water rate 3 for ordinary supply shall' be payaMo , -half-yoaily in jdvnncc, and new applications for s.-r----vic.o .'shaUbeiiccoinyiinied by tho tender, of » sum eq'U'il to the ratt for tho tiroken period of the current lulf-yciir, commencing three days afttr tho date of ap.plication ; .except tbo payments b'e.iriade two months prior to end of half-year, in .which case payment shall be made to the end of tho second half-year. Temporary taps, as per' ag'roemont with Borough Council. , ' • . At stanuplpe3/ any quantity not .exceeding 400 gal"lons, 2.S'Gd. _ Hose for gardens or other purposes (oxeppting flra extinguishinu'purp ses), 40s per annum each'. No hose attachment allowed unless paid for'by meter or-othcrwi-o. . ■'■-■'. Stablc3, 10s per horse, for, the, maximum number kept, unless by motor. Cow, mule, or ass, 6s each! . Builders shall bo supplied, by meter at 23 Cd per l,Goi> gallons, th >y shall deposit the cost of the meter, which shall be retained as security thai the-meter is leit in guod,order.. No rent shall bechiirged for meter. Minimum 10,009'g.illdns per quarter, or-a'uy portion of a quarter: Kent of "motors, 15 per cent on-cost , payable quarterly in advance (a douosit of .the value of the muter supplied may, if deemed necessary, be demandod frwn applicants.) ' , Feofor'cutting off and turning on water supply 7s Cd each. " . . . All pipes over-J-inch to bo charged the difference of COdt. Exceptional ca'aes for supply of piping outsido of streets with mains—ln the manuor as decided' by the Council. METERS. . Rites by motor shall be payable quartoily., All supplies other than to private dwollings must be by motor. Any consumer usin? the watbr shall on delivery of writton notice liave a metcraflixed to gauge liis supply. Mutera shall be flxeil in such places as tJiR Cbrciicb Council sliiill direct, and be charged as mentioned in ..scale of charges. Should any meter bo ont of repair or c -'nso to register, or register inaccurately, the olhcer duly appointed by the Council sliall estimate tho consumption of the iworage of the p'reyiou.j quarter charged to the consumer, who shall bi! liable to pay accordingly, and' such decision shall be linal. , All water meter 3 must bo enclosed in a wooden box, and tho keys of both m-ters anil boxes duly labelled with tho name of tho owner must bo lodged at the oilice of Borough Council. If requir-d by the consumor tho box may have a glass front. Locks of metord to be uniform andsupplied by Council ut the, 'expense of muter consumer. PLUMBERS. . Competent plumbers may be licensed bv tho said Corporation to lay pipes and do any work in connection with water supply"on tayment of nn annual fee of .CI Is. Every such plumber on receiving bis,'liccn;o and inakirg.tho necessiry deposit',-sl.nll sign'ira o«Toe,mcnt, binding himself to comply with tho conditions contained in- the: By-laws by the eaid Corperation relating to him, und no p'orson but those duly licensed by tho Corporation shall bo allowed to-attach or alter, any service plue.orin any other way. intorfero with pippß, taps, cdoka, meters,. or any matters or things' connected with tho water supply,, ■

Every plumber shall forward a monthly return (on forms supplied to him) of the work he has done to the said Jiorough C-urtcil Office, and failing to do so, shall bo either guilty of an ofltnco, or his license sus,ponded until such return is duly forwarded. No licensed plumbers shall dr> any work connected with the Witer supply without giving at least one (1) days notice thereof and receiving written authority to do mch work from the Town Clerk or other oiheer appoin , id by tho Council. Plumbers shall bt responsible for all damage done or caused by them in ill ing any work whatever, or through bad workmanship ori ferior material, and in the event of any such damage, bad workmanship, or neglect, tlioy sh.ill bo liable to nave their lieena-.s cancelled without any refund of licenso fue. ■ All work shall be done to tlio .ipproral and satisfaction of thu Waterworks Eneinenr, or other ofiicer appointed by tho Council, and'must be passed by him before the water .si)a Ibo turned on at the main. All Drawing Cocks used must bo of the best quality and most appro-.ed desciiption, and must be those known a> "strew-down wives," and in exposed or pu"lic places must be enclosed with a wood or iron box under lock and key. In addition to the valve-cock at the junction of tho main in oich corvice, a sctond v.ilMi-cock shall be phced in a strong wood-n'box within the boundary of tho property, supplied at the espense of the consumer. In no caso will the use of instantaneous closing-taps, val\ cs, or cocks be permitted. Galvanized iroo piping of an approved quality only will be allowed for external sen ices, and of tho requisite sizes suitable to tho requirements of tho tenements, as sliall bo determined by the Engineer or other officer appointed by tho Council. RKPAIRS. Any person neglecting to rppair any service pipe, meter, tap, or other Uxine übed in tho supply of water, fcftcr liming ruceivoj no'ico from any oliicer of the Corporation, shall render himself lwblc to have Iho wator cut off, and shall bo guilty of an offence. "WASTE OF WATER. Any person who causes or permits any wilful, negligent, or unnecessary waste or uso of water to lake place, by allowing a cistern or other voisel to overflow or tho water to run from any tap, cock, ho-o, valve, pipe, work or engine, shall bo guilty of an offenie. Overflow pipes from baths will not bo permitted unless tho water to such baths is supplied by meter. RATES IN ARREAR. At the expiration of fourteen days from the dito of any va'tor rate being due, and nfter delivery of notnc on tho premlsos to which such water is laid on (execpt--1 ing t mpornry supplies.which maybe cut ciF after 24 hours' notice) it shall be competent for tho officers of the Corporation to cut o'.f any such supply in whatever manner may bo doomed advisable. WHOSO OR FALSE INFORMATION. Any person who shall give to any ofiicer of the Corporation falso information upon uny mitter pertaining to water supply stall bo guilty of an offence. PENALTIES. Any person who shall violate, or fail to do or obsorvo any rules, matters, or things laid down in theso By-laws, or shall do that which lie is not entitled or I allowed to do under tho authority of those By-laws, shall be deemed guilty of an oflonco, and for each such Gffcnco shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding five pounds, and a further sum not exceeding fivo poucda for ovciy day during which such offence shall continue. Passed and confirmed by the said Council at a Special Hooting, held on tho 17th day of September, 1883. (Signed) E. WALKER, filayor. S. REYNOLDS, Town Clerk. Oil and Colourmeu. FAPERHANGINGCJ A P iSRIIANGINGkS W. PHILLIPPS & SON Havo received, ox lato arrivals. ■log "PACKAGES, Containing 55 500 K OLLS 0F pAPERUANOINQB, Consisting of Now Patterns, for Drawing, Dining, Bedrooms, and Hall and Staircase, suitable for tho in&nslon or cottage. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, AND BEST VALUE KVEU OFFERED IN PAFERHANGINGS. 916- r ACKAOFS SCRIMS AND HESSIAN PLATE AND SHEET GLASS WHITE LEAD, OILS, TDEPS, VAKNISIIES,-&o AND ALL TRADE SUNDRIES. I PJ TpHILLIPPS & QON ■ .95 AND 97| QUEHH-STBEKT.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 8