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STEAM DIimiAM.STEEET^I^OI^^ SI>WABa> WATESS I In thaattng the Jrablks lor the ifWi * B teided to him in his. effort, to es^is ,0 * I basis ft Sew Local Induitry, bea «a » «. 1 toformaaon *f "J^t/ ,^?gg t . has now completed.all amnrsmcnt. V? , ? ftiui f actoß of description of **\ ' The som ol money that fa snnn^Sr?! *K colony for Importations of tmpn»»s tt «U thM sweotzneats ia enonnoiiß,' aci . respectfully caution purcha3era ol & ireeuif' pounds which are now being cxteaJ*.)* , '' jurions to children's With. w w «*l^¥| His own Confectionery b mads *t i<. l H tertak, and no jxjiacnoSa coSnrS-i'Ji'ißJ^&S duced in its masmfaetnrei Batle g - Storekeeper? will find Jt ersatlT lnn. , I slderably below that at which the K a^.f tJ « i § 3 are sold, while the qaality o f tho has been pronounced alike by concolS m * 4(1 »»«a " pebUc to fc eminently superior tote?3?v«4S| ■ manufactures. "KeEjjSS HU unowned COSVERSAIIOH '' no reeommoadation. and all other °*St» E Factory are fuUy j Chomist's Proprietary Losengea, Be»u, „,. I stamped and prepared? , '•"to, I Always on hand, and made In rvj i Loronges, ComSts, Jujubes, ?*,££**' \ Lozenges, Genuine Black Currant TnV <ift Scsl« Loasngcs (equal to Keating-s) ConTeraH se^SSc Peppermints, Double Extra 3troiwiflß«? a l J* ,s Siat f Icing, and Boiled Sagars of OTeryiJe^ph "^^n All Goods ilanufacturedonthePremi,-,,, i Medicated Loienges of every descrfpUn, t , : hand. * uw, «»sj ' Waters' Chocolate, por doiea :i Just Arrived, "Wediunq Case Oa«.«. I Bonbons """wsa SOMKBODY's LUQQioj % &c, it, At- p Teßtimoniai. - Provincial Labojstoiy, K Informing you, that afttt reS** •» analysis of varijus samples oTsweVtoeaul o, *! - tared by you, I find that they^rT^i?* l !!: k adulteration, and that the colonriWJLtt* I nnocuoua. "With regard to the ChioStTr «*.,«* It is quite eqoal to the best EnglMrTTji. paratlons, and, being entirely tea tnm l£*s h form en excellent article of diet for WimJ*- "«! those suaerins from an imlffiS aSfc*««s the honour to be, sir.your oKd^ttwSt"" -1 «? Jambs B.luj,st. PrortacSAt^. Orders, accompanied by draft or Mod ». will recewe prompt attention. . "'^l The above goods may bo had Ksrowh mt r, able wholesale houso. uu * a »0 T mji^ N B.—Empty packages only allomd f» >v xirned in good condition, - iu ««» i« »i« h EDWARD WATEES, • WHOLESALE CONFECTIOSBS \ DORHAM AND QI7BFy.?TBEET3. Acnurn ' Conveyances. ■ HOLLLS AND BROUGH'S LuJTT, | COACHES. W ; »g LeaTe 9.tsa.^ d '. Oβ 1 p.m. oen _ . 'is: ■ S j II B ■ "« MoadayJ'ijp.B. Monda^f , ?; I sat i^ar • s iS^i 10 a.m. , j

MS? 8 !? 63 and Saddle Ho *« s J « Hire, J Manakau Stables, lower Queen-street, Oaehimn/ i HOLUa & BEOCGff, | Proprietors.. TELEGRAPH LINE OF MATT, COACHES BETWEEN TAUKA2TQA «™ SKSKSff TAURAiraI LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES DEVONPOKT BOAT), TAUBAXGA, The Mail Coach leaves Tauranga every Taudjj' Thursday, and Saturday for Ohinemntn; rttafi' every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Fare to Ohinemutu .. The Mail Coach leaves Tauranga or Katikati, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saiodn mornings at 5 o'clock; returning every Honda?, Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 p.m. *"•""».,/ Fire to Waterford, 103. Keturn ticket, Hjfc! All care taieii but no responsibility. Telegrams will receive prompt attention, E. KOBEBTSON, Psoramos, Devonport Eoad, Taaianga, TCTEWTON AND PONSONB?' OMOTBTjaES. EVEKY FIFTEEN IHNFTES from 4 &.ns. to 7 p.e. WEST END 'BUS COUPANT, Pnopsurau, Office: 2XO, Queen-street TIME TABLE. VIA NEWTONFrom the Union Bank, from 8 o.m, to 7 p.m. , »). the hour and half-hour. VTA FREEMAN'S BAY— From Union Bank, from 9.15 a.m. to ftMp.E. the quarter to and qu?>fer past HOME BAY'BUSES— ■ .. From Union Bank, via Victoria-street mi ft! '•• ,:. ..., . Jege E0ad—9.50,10,53, 11.63, 1.53, 2.5^1.63' ».53, 5.53. From Home Bay to Union »$-. night'-buselI 0 ' 2 - 20 ' 3 - 20 ' 4 - 20 '" 0 - 6 - 20 - - ;. 8, 9, and 10 p.m. j Saturday, 8, 9,9J5, It. 10.15, FOE THE HOT SPRINGSA Eoya] Mail Coach will leave Devonport fot TTiiirera eyery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on at val of the 9 ajn. Boat from Auckland, calling at Lam Creek, Dairy Flat, Wade, Orewa, arriving at Waken, at half-past 3 p.m., and returns from Waltreta eraj Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday »t half-past Ba.Hi. arriving at Devonport at half-past 2 p.m. Fares to Waiwera: Single, 10s; Retarc, 15i JAMES DODD, PBOPHIETOB. WC R O W T H E B, O VICTORIA LIVESY & BAIT SfABIES, corner of Lome and Wellesler street! Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keeper l« H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh and Hl« EJCBI> lency Sir G. F. Bbwen. For Hire—A great variety of Carriage, open irf close; Broughams acd Wedding Carriages,mthh» '.horses; -Buggies, sinjla and double-seated, bool«I' and opea; single or pair of Horses; Fqar-wheele* ;Dog-carts; Breaks for picnic parties; Covered Osa veyancea for driving passengers to ont-disbictf Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses, tx. be. ."Charges Moderate. ?

WJ. KELLY'S TIME TABLEa ' ■■■■*■ ■ ■ ■ j Leave Oneliunga: Leave Ancktad: s 8.30 10.30 ».m. | 10.30 a.m. : lilßpjn. Ip.m. " 3.15 p.m. i 2.30 p.m. . 4.3op.nii i .'.Saturday 0.30 p.m. Sattjday 11pm. I Bugpies and Carriages for hire at the Eictojs- | Hotel Stables, Princes-street, Onehucsra. i W. J. KELLY, Proprieto. ! ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES i : ■ .ALTERATION OF TIME-TABLE. . The Eoysl Mail Coach (carrying passengers) wil!° and after Ist January, 18S3, and until fnrthernotW ;run to tho following Time-table:— ; Leave Cambridge for Hamilton Junction Eafl*»? Station daily at ais a.m.; Eeturning from SUtioato ; Cambridge en arrival of Train from Auckland. Leave Hamilton for Te Aroha on O>iW j days, and Saturdays at 2.30 p.m.; EttominsfroßiT'' , Aroha on Mondays, Wednesdays, ana Fiidjvutlv ■ ''■" ! BoosrKa Omc s: Owynno's Hotel, Hamlltor est: ColeßiS* Hotel, Tβ Aroha; and at my Premises, Eirkwcwlwo j Lako-streeis, Cambridge. . • ! ; : W. K. CAETEB, Proprie i Cambridgß, 22nd December, 1882 , ■'<■ mELEGRAPH LINE . OF ' COACBES -B- > ——— : $ LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES, ! KIRKWOOD ASD liAKE-STKEETS, CAMEKIOOS t 1 Waikaxo, New Zealakd. . j W. K. CAETEB, t . ■■;.. "../ Proprietoi. -|| W. K. C. bejn to return his sincere- tK&nlo to if* ■; numerous friends and the public generally fttJM [ liberal support be . has received since t business, and has to inform them that in order to mM» ■ the requirements of this rapidly advancing diriridi M | is at present building large additions to his preffliMfi B which, when completed, will make them mcodo W k. none in tho North Island. ~,. ' Tourists for the Hot Lake Country snpplied vaa ;. saddlo horses and buggies on the shortest notice. | also, exrporionced guidesand careful drivers. | Buggies and saddle horses always on hire. i Orders by telegram or otherwise panrtuW ; ttended to. . ■ • Cambridge, 22nd Decamber, 1882. ■ . | mELEPHONS LINE OF ROYAL MAIL ; v J- COACHES. ' ; : „ NORTH SHOEE AND LAKE TAKAPPNA. ' i ALTERATION" OF TIME TABLE. ! WINTER MONTHS. | On and after Tuesday, Mav 1, and until fortta p notice, tb Coach will run to the following Bin' .1 Lible;- . I • ve Post-office, Devonport, at 3.30 β-m. »° _ 1 4.20 p.m. . - -i Leave Sclioolhonso, Takapuna, at 10.30 a.m. «» 1 5.15 p.m. ■ J Sundays, at 10.20 a.m. and 3 p.m.; returning ' . • i 11.15 a.m., and.5.15 p.m. j Fare each way—OSe Shu&isq. .„ ■ f Should snfflcient Inducement offer, a Coach «V| ; 3 leave at any moment for Lake Takapnna at orsnßMJ ... j coach fares. . " ... , < FRANK 3. QOICK, Pjoprlet» : S

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6821, 27 September 1883, Page 2