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Public Notices. THE .NEW ZEALAND TOBACCO GEOWING AND MANUFACTURING CO PANY (LIMITED). Head Office asd Factoky : Auckland. ; , . IMPORTANT TO FARMERS." % The Promoter of the ahovo Company is* desirous communicating with Fanners and others, who a willing to grow,.-Tobacco, - Genuine Havana ai American Seed and all information free, which c: be obtained at my Office, Mercantile Chambers, ne: J to Bank 6/ Now Zealand. ' Mr. T. GaytoiJ Clarke will attend to the growing > 3 the Tojacco. AUGUST VOLUIRACHT, Promoter and Manager pro tem. ' September 21,1853. ' rj! O AECHIT Ec, T £ . Architects who competed for the Buildings to t erected by the New Zealand Insurance Company i Auckland;:'are requested <to write to the Goneri Manager to return theiv Designs, giving. the' : znotti as thelctters.still romain unopened. • < -V' ' ' .GEORGE P. PIERCE/ ■ • • : General Manager. ' Sep,tember-.25i;1883^/,, • POUNDS RE WAR] Is offered on tlio conviction of tho person or porson who removed tho FIRE LADDER: from Mrs. Fai) biun'3 corner; . Uppor Symonds-'street and, Xewtoi Itoad, .and also damagod tho fencing around the abov ■ property. GEORGE p. PIERCE AMI BENNETT.' . September 2J; 1883. ■ . . 1 ■ | -pARTNERSHIP THE UNDERSIGNED-beg to announce that the; have Commenced Practice in Co-partno'rßhip as BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, In Chambers in Hikjj-steet, opposite Mr. W. Atkin' PrintiDß Office. E. W. BURTON, W. 3. NAPIER. /'■ .Auckland, ■.. J ■■. , ' September-22nd, JBB3. ■ ' :■■■■ WA RNE AND BEARD, HANAWATU, Ajre prepared to msppiy TOTATA, any length or; size. for.Bridgo Work/ Piles, etc. Address, Waroe and Beard, cars of D. H. McArthur, fielding. ....... ..... Meetingfl. KLA N D UNITE D. O. C, . The Twenty-first Annual Meeting.of. tho above - Club will ho held,, in. tho Gluh-room, United Service Hotel, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING., at 8 o'clock. , CIIAS. E. JUACCORMICK; Hon.Sec^.' Q n I C K E T. - The. Annual/General Meeting of tho '. WeitnEnd Cricket.Clnb hold, at the Young Men's Rooms, WellesLsyrstreefc,:. THIS (Wednesday) ETENINGy. at '7.45 o'clock. A fcill attendanco ia reqne3tGd, \ . ••••: PERCY BUTLEB.. . • ■. V ' . ,r " ' CHEJSTIAN ASSOCIAH /TION,- corner of W ellcsley and Albert-streets.— .'EyangelisUc Sehdce every THURSDAY EVENIN3-; at ,7iSO; All are incited; arrivalsaro cordially invited. . i To Let. TO BE LET, with immediate possession (as. A Stone Building in I'ort- !. street known as Jjamb'a . Mill.—Apply to J; Larabi | to W. AitkienyLand Agent. • •■■■• ■ TO .LET-rrNew. fiouse, bay window, five ro6ms, scalle.ry, : large Tank ; John-street, ; Mount.. Eden Roadl—Apply Jtleath, or Lovatt, Eden Terrace, New North Boad; TO' A., seven-roomed House . and Six -Acres of with frootago to.tho Onehunga' Road, and, three miles' from town.—Apply to W; jutkerii. Shortlarid-s'treet.. s . rpo BE LET—rWith Immediate:-Posses-i Bion, Gknorchard.House, at St.'Heliors, .Containingrl4.;rooms.—Apply to Cs-pt. Claik, on the PrenSsesj or to W; Aitken, : Land-agent. rjnO LET, in a charming,situation in .One- § ■ . hunga-—A Honie of eight. rooms,-and., four acres of landi-with coach-house and stabling and outr. houses!.' '.Convenient iq 'buses and', railway . Btation.— Apply to Queenrßtreet;,Onehunrft TO JDrapier's Premises. ; in the best .part of Queen-streot, with shop fittings, for a term..from Jannary 'Ist, 1 1881. ; Now in tlio occupation oi.^ John.'.Leek.—Apply to ,Wia. South Cliafpbera/.Qiieen-stroet. TO. LET, for a term br. by. the . week,, in one of . the/host" situations' in. OnehunjgaV aud I close io the bathing—A- nice, seven-roomed Hoiise; with largo dairy ahd 'double cart. shed: i stable, corn and coal Bhedand nalf an acre of splendid j.'land*. Rent, 10s per, weck.—Apply to Mr. Fletcher. I nearMr;!GibbqnsVOnehunga; or to Armstrong and j. Co,Vls7,,.Queen-street, Auckland. .• TO LET—Thoee ..first-class Busincss vPremises, consisting, of a largo storo'and.concreto i cellar, situated in tho best and most-central part: of | Queen-street,, lately occupied by' ; tho Southern Pro..duco Companyj and immediately, opposite to. Messrs. j. and S., Morrin;'and Co.'s,shop,. .This is,one of the 1 best, stands in the- F. Evans, Land Agent, i 'Quebnrstre'ot.',. „•, •• ;•• ..y y • fj\ '.. L "■"."■-.Ey. T. Comfortable and Comraodioos ResidoDCe (lately occ.npied by J. A .Tple,.Es<i.', M.H.R;), situate ixi liarail"iori HOa'ii, Poasonhy, The nbhsp-ebntains 10 rooms, fltted with andaii conveniences; nice garden, and beauliiul vicv. ... " D:. F. EVANS, .. . . land Agent. Qa^on-street.' Boajrd and Residence. FERN BANK. Vir a it-mata Riveri-Chil-dren. requiring change of air wUI .bo received i in a country ; home during the spring' and '.summer' ;' instruction; if required ; house pleas an tly and healthily j situated in' extensive well-shadcd grounds..—Addross AHss Blytti, L"ipas Creek:,: . MRS. DALTON has now accommodation for lady and gentleman. or ono or two gontlemen: Terms moderate. House, Lower Symonds-strc&t. ■' -/• CLAREMONT :HOU SE, PRINCESSTREET, AUCKLANl).~rsoardand Residenco by.the .day;, wieek-' or month. Permanent Boarciers and families on moderate;.terms; .• . .. WATERLOO Quadrant, eppoaito Government Gato. Promonailo, Bath, and Piano; terms modcrato; .Board, and Residence for. a s gentleman in at IIeralI) Qfllce.'. . . .... - ■ BURQAM.HOUSE, hear Victoria: Wharf North fthoro—Comfortable Board and.Rtbi-. dence. Terms; moderate. .. _ HOUSE Vincent-atiest— _0 Board and Residoncc lor Gentl«inon requiring tho. Cdmfort' of a. Home. '' R'obma .double.' or singlp'; . Baths, plunge or shower; piano of apartments; rood table. Visitors to. Auckland will iind.tms ,rc-. Jlrtng and •heal.thy cpmbtnod ,wii h every ..convenience. ' Mod orate, term b. ''2ArB Baston. .. ... .. OAM BRIDGE HOUSE, Lower,:Vinoentstreet—ilr9. Hiehmoud inform,her friends thiiV she has " how« opened : her 'Dew precaisus, as a flrat-clasa boarding,hoase. iSingie. anil (ioJbi_e.vbedrorims and suites of apartments. Plunge and shower baths,- and every accommodation-; for visitors. : .i.wo .minutes''walk from Opera Uouso.r-ierin3;on appU.c.v : 'tion. - '- ' : ■■ YOUNG WOM EN S INS riTUTE s BOJiSi)XN'<jvM6XIBB, tJUKKN'.'STHI'UST.:. Open daily Irtiin 10; till P.i Op.m and Luncheon, frcm!'2 to 2 p.rr,. Tea, from 6to 7 p.m." ;Boar<Une 3 B6nw,'lur>rotiEs Udios v.ho are oecuyii-d during the day. .' Terms on aiiplitetion .to tbn' Lady SnpcrLntendent. Y.W.C.A. Meetinj etery.Monday, at 7.30 p.m. ; -.Governess Aeonoy, and; l.ciiding. IJhrary in:'con: nection.with tbe ' .' - '. OVEitNOE . BHOWMIS HOIEL, \jf HOBSON-aTBKET. ; Board acd LoiglDg 20s per weak s: do. : Co. (d0Kl« tooml „„26a do.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6820, 26 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6820, 26 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6820, 26 September 1883, Page 1