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Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEI . ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. - IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of "Tho Debtors and Credits Act, 187 C," and the' Acts amending the sam 11, and of tho Bankruptcy of WILLIAM HIBI ie LONG, of Newmarket, near the City i t- Auckland, Butcher, a Debtor, d Notice is hereby given that at a first meeting of tl J, Creditors of tho said Debtor, held (his day, at tt d Supreme Court-house, in tho City of Auckland, at 1 y. .o'clock' nocn. Thomas Macffarlane. of tho City ( &\ Auckland, Certificated Accountant in Bankrupts »r was' elected ■ Creditors' Trustee of tho property < ••- the raid Debtor; and that tho said Thou!a3 Maeffa e. lane has signified to the Registrar, in writing, his a< ■t coptancc of the said Trusteeship. ;- Dated this 22ndday of SeptemDer, ISS3. y G. W. BASLEY, Deputy Registrar. G. T. Keetley, Qucen-str-iet, Auckland, Debtor ' Solicitor. . IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEV ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. IN'BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of "Tho Debtors and Creditor Act; 1876," and the amendments thereto, am or the Bankruptcy of RICHARD RHODES of TaurjDga, Bootmaker, a Debtor. , . This notify that Richard Rhodes, »bover.amed bas'this day filed a statement that ho is unable t< . imeet his engagements with Ins Creditors; tho firs r mooting of his Creditors to be held at the Snprem , Court: Buildings, Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, th ■ Srd day of' eleven o'clock in tho forenoon i Dated this 24th day of Keptember, 1883. > , G. W. BASLEY, Deputy Registrar. J... M.. Spued; Debtor's Solicitor. , Meetings. "OANK OF NEW ZEALAND Notice is hereby jriven that the Half-yearly Genera Meeting of tho Proprietors of tho Bank will be heli in tho Banking-house, in Auckland, on THURSDAY tho 25th day of October ncit, at noon, for tho purpos* of receiving tho Report of the Directors for the Half year ending the 30th inst., tho Election of a Director and for any other business that may. be broughl beforo the Meeting. By. order of the Board of Directors^ ;D.L. : MURDOCH. General Manager. Auckland, September 14,1553. Candidates for the Offico of Director must give notice in writing to the Board of. '.Directors, Bucfc notice to bo left at tho Banking-house, Auckland thirty days at least before tho day of olection. TD>ANK OF NEW ZEALAND. The TRANSFER BOOKS of this Bank will be CLOSED from TUESDAY, tho 9th, to THURSDAY tho 25th October, both days inclusive. By order of tho BoordofDirectors. D. L. MURDOCH, General Manager. Auckland, September 14, 1883. . A UCKLAND ROWING ASSOCIAJ3l. TION. Tho Annual Meeting of Members of the Auckland Rowing Association will bo held in tho Club-room. .VValtomata Hotel,, on MONDAY, Ist October, at B;p.m. Business : To rcccivo Report and Balance-sheet for last season and Election of Officers for ensuing season, etc. WM. SIBBIN, * Hon. Secretary. A UCKLAND CRICKET CLUB. The Annual-Meeting of the abovo Club will bo held at tho Cluh-room, United Service Hotel, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, 2ith inst., at 8 o'clock.' A full attendance of members, and of those desirous of boing proposed for tho Club) is requested. W. H. VEREKUR-BINDON, Hon. See. (p R i c i is t. ' Tho Annual Genera! Meeting of tho West End Cricket Club will be held, at the Young Men's Rooms, Wollosli-y-streot, on WEDNESDAY, the 2Gth instant, at 7.45 p.m. A full attendance is requested. PERCY BUTLER. Hon; Sec. THE Annual General Meeting of" Alpha Cricket Club-will bo held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 7.30, in Class-room, Welleslcy-strcot Church. Full attondanco requested. —F. M. Hay, Hon. fccc. Sermons, Lectures, Soirees, &c. - YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (Corner of TVellesley and Albert Streets). WINTER COURSE OF LECTURES. Friday, Septombor 28—Professor A. P. Thomas, M. A., F.L.S. Subject: "Volcanoes." Commencing at 7.30. Seats reserved for ticketholders "till 7:20. : Tickots for. the course, to admit bearer and lady, Bs; :to admit bearer only, 3s; 6d. Admission to. single lecture, Is—may bo. had from the Booksollors or any momber of Committee, and at tho Rooms. THOMAS, bqddle; - Hod. SeCi To Let. POWER TO LET, on 80 miles or gas mains; in thocity. and suburbs of Auckland,, Consumption of gas, from 18 cubic feet of gas per indicated horse-power per hour for the larger sizes, to 2D feet for tho smaller. v Suitable for Engineers;, Wood? workers, Printers,. Firewood Dealers, Boot and.. Shoe Manufacturers, Fodder Dealers, Maistors, Sausage, Makers, etc., etc., and for Hoisting Passengers and Goods. Over SOOO'delivered." Advantages:.■'No trouble with coal, ashes, smoke, insurance, water, or constant attendance. No danger or risk of fire. Cleanliness; Economy, Convenience, Safoty, Durability. Cost, 2d :por. horse-power' per hour.for .gas/ Forty' Otto Gas Engines aro now'erectcd. in .Auckland. ,■:For■ terms, conditions, and particulars apply to tho Secretary, Auckland Gas Company (Limited). Fort-street. Sizes usually kept in stock—J, 2, 3J, 6,8, 12 h.p. TIO LET—Pleasantly-situated Cottage in Kyber Pass Road, 5 rooms.—Apply to H. Ashton and. Son, 8, New Zealand'lnsurance Buildings TO LET—Family "Residence of. 8 rooms in Carleton Road ; gas laid on ; all in good order: largo garden.—Apply to H. A6hton and Son, 8, Now Zealand Insurance Buildings. . TO BE LET, with immediate possession (AS A. Stone.Bulldicg iii Fortstreet known as Lamb's Mill.—Apply to J. Lamb, or to W. Aitken, Land Agent. TO LET — A seven-roomed House and Six Acres of Land, with frontago to the Onehunga Road and threo miles from town. —.apply to W. Aitken, Shortland-street.' TO LET, close to Qneen-street —A tenstalled Stable, rent £1 per week; to Sell, Small Badnesses, easy terms.—B. M. Heighton, EsUtq Agent, 177, Queen-street. TO BE LET—With Immediate Poases:slon,.:Glenbrchard Houso, at St. ; , Hellers;. Containing 14 rooms.—Apply to Capt. Clark, on tho Prcmises, or to W. Aitken;, Land-agent. TO LET, at the North Shore—A Nice Cottago and Garden, .orchard,in fnU bearing, suitable for a gardenor.—Apply to Mr. Brown, Vaaxhall Gardens; or H. ABhton and Son, No. 8 New Zealand Insurance Buildings. - f"|nO LET—Large Warehouse in Customa house-street; good cellar and back entrance ; will be vecant shortly. Apply to H. Ashton and Son. &yNow Zealand Insurance Buildings. TO LET.—Offices over Fisher and Co.'?, Qiieon-strcot.— Apply to 11. Ashton and Son/S, Now "Zealand Ihsnranco Buildings. TO LET, for a term or by the week, in one of the bost situations in Onehunga, and clo*o to tho bathing-A nice seven-roomed Honfp, with large store-room and dairy and double cirt shod, stable, corn and coal shed audi alf an acre of splendid land. Rent, 10s per week.—Apply to Mr. Hctcber, near Mr. Glbbrns', Onehunga; or to Armstrong Co., 157. Queen-street, Auckland. TO- LET—Those first-elans Business Premises, consisting of a large storo and concreto collar, situated in tho best anil most central part of Queen street, lately occupied by,tho southern Produco Company, and immediately oppose to Mesirs. T and 8 Morrln andCo.'s shop. This is one of the best-stands in the clty.-D. F. Evans, Land AgeDt, Queon-street. i . 'np ° —— ' E - T> , SPLENDID SETS' OF OFFICES IN THE. - - - ATISTF-VLIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENP SOCIETY'S BUILDING (late Hickson's). Aunly to Mn - A - SAUNDEIIS, 1 ■ 2. Insurance Buildiniis Or to . - Mb - a - SMITH, ' Architect (on the Prf raises). frf o~" ; E , Comfortable and Commodious Residence (lately oc cupicd by J. A. Tole, Esq., M.n.R.), situate in Hamil ton Road, Ponsonby, , The House contains 10 rooms, fitted with gas and al 1 conveniences; nlco guidon, and beautiful view. D. F, EVANS,: Land Agent, Queon-street,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6819, 25 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6819, 25 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6819, 25 September 1883, Page 1