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I Insurance Companies. I • :• • -TV* j , 9 , SUN FIRE OFFICE, ' LONDON ■ Established 1710. J ' >•; Insurance effected upon almost every description - of Property at tlio Current Katea of Premiums. Total sum insured, 1881 -j£29l,SOo,}>O. Claims arranged by the Local Agent and paid whh promptitudo and liberality. G. "W, BINNET,' Agent, .5 . , v Qoeen-street." UNITED FIRE r AND' MARINE 'IN"' SUEANCE COILPANY. '..■ . The undersigned is prepared to offer special inducemento insure rs. RISKS taken at LOWER :'BATE3.than heretofore, and LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. • , ART. HEATHER, Agent. Lower Queen-street. The equitable insuranceASSOCIATION OK MAY Z1 ALAND. . Capital—£.l,ooo,ooo; FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, AND FIDELITY '■ Gl-ARANTKi,. . ; Head Office: , '. DUNEDIN, Comer Bond and Rattray-streets.■ ';■■■ Dirxuto M :■.■■■ E. B. Cargill, Esq. (Chairman); J. Haslett, Esq. J. Hogg, Esq, ..... . .. F.Meenan, Esq. A:. Scoullar, Esq.. W. Gregg, Esq. " .11. Guthrie, Esq. W. C. KIRKCALDY, Manager. ' INSURANCES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GRANTED ON THE MOST FAVOURABLE ..TERMS. ASII AT. V... ■ LOWEST CURRENT KATES. . Auckland Agent: F. T; KNIGHT, Fort-street. '■ HENDERSON & MACFARLANE, Chief Agents for Auckland,. Povorty Bay, and New. : Plymouth Districts. \TORTHEEN assurance COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000 STATEMENT SHEWING , THE PROGRESS ■ Off. THB NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY Since its establishment in .1833 to thopresent time, j IS7BX. ■, ■. ' .' 1 I ' ACCUSOU- „ Net Fire Net Life U °S ao latod • Revenue. Revenue. ■ jHterest.' ■ 1830 ixK. *700 55,200 1838 1,900 666 2,500 1841 3,200 9,800 2,400 63,900' . toil 4,000 1-i.OoO 4,003 95,500 1847 0,800 13,200 5,800 134,000 I 1850 7,900 20,000 ■ 6,500 182,800 ■! 1553 22,900 37,400. ' ' .8.600 '■ 225,800 IST, 6 05,400 56,600 13,?O0 342,500. 1859 100,300 02,G00' . . 18, COO 153,000 1862 127,900 75,300 24,200 692,400 1805 163,000 87,400 • '34,706 802,700 1868 182,500 113,700 11,100 9-10,900 1871 /230,400 11'.),900 57,700 '■ 1,241,i!00 1874 313,300 133,000 • . 7:5,400 .■. 1,778,100 1877 403,700 167,500' 2,215,800 LIFE DEPARTMENT. , It Is wose than usols'ess'to.'possess'a. Life. Policy' nilless there is tho cortaintv'thatthesum assured paid at death. A nvin. may for|yeara : triiisi.t to .it the support of his family, ami ultimately llnd that it is- el no value. The sums assured .by the'. " NORTHERN" are guaranteed by the .Shareholders ,;capital of Three Millions Sterling, and by its: Accumulated .Funds, all safely invested, amounting :alrea'dy (December, 1877)' to more than Two Million Two. Il.iranß.ED. Thouhaxb Pounds, and continually increasing. In the Participation-' '-Branch, 'the ' whole of the '. ascertained surpltjb. .at each valuation belongs to. the Assured. . . ::• .■?. 'i Tho undersigned, Agent for- the; above' Company, .. prepared to accept Risks against'Eiro,on..BuUdihgs.'arid' Contents in tho City and I'rovinco ofwimikland. at the LOWEST CURRENT RATES. .THOMAS MAOKY. . Fort-street, March 19; .1379. Mutual like association op AUSI'RALASIA. • ■ Established 1809, and incorporated by Act of Govern- . ment. THE SECOND OLDEST MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE IN AUSTRALASIA. THE FIRST TO ISSUE POLICIES FREEtfBOM AIX RESTRICTIONS, and the only one ESTABLISHED', witliin the TWENTY YEARS which has. declared i<i3ONUS on an absolutely . , PURE PREMIUM VALUATION. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Post Magazine (London). " a well-managed' and deservedly prosperous .Society. Tho expenses of administration are. aiaong the. most moderate that come under our notice athoineor abroad.' The J nsiirance" Agent (London). "Wo consider the amount of business, obtained ' highly satisfactory, and congratulate the Executive on their groat success." Insurance Times (New York),. "Conservative inahagoirien't>a'ncl honourable basi*. ness policy have always distinguished the career of this Ofllce. N otwithstariding;an ever active and sometimes an unscrupulous competition from.. Its rivals, it is steadily pushing ahead,..each succeeding'year showing an increase of business oVer -its predecessors, whilo at the same time the exponses of management are kopt within reasonable limits/"' Insurance and Banking Rocord'(Melbourne); " Wo can say without hesitation that theresouroea and accounts have always,appeared, to us most satisfactory. Tho policy has : bcen tb build up the, society upon prudent and conservatiyp ,principles rather than upon tho less sure foundation 61 grasping' busmessat any price." _ ' IIKAD OFFICB FOR NETV S 81, QuKEN-STKEIiT,. Au OK LAND. Directors;:. /V ARTHUR HEATHER, A. O. HORTON,; K3Q. Meidical Oilicer: CHAS. FIELD GOLDSEORO', PiR^O.P. Cap.Vers: THE BANK OF NESy .ZKAtAKJ). Solicitors.: MKSSRS. WIIITAKKIi; -RUSSELIi,. AND BUUKLE, Principal Offico, .Sydney; Branchcß at Mdbpnrnp, Brisbane, and Adelaide'.; and. Agencies? irt all the cities and principal "towns in N.ew .Zealand, and the other Australian Colonics. WILLIAM T, J. BELL,. ■General Agent .for tjfew. Zealand*

remember this. I F Y ou jt" S K - If your aro sick, HOP HITTERS will sorely aid Nature iu making you wpll again when all else fails. If you are comparatively well, but fool. the., need of a crand tonic and. stimulant, never rest easy till you are made a new lwlcg by the nSOOi HOP BITTERS. If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are suSei- ■■ jng from any other of tlio numerous di'seajsos of the stomach or btwels, it Is your own fault if you remain ill, for HOP BITTERS are a sovereign rembJy to all sucli complaints.; If you aro wasting away with any form, of Kfdnejr Disease; stop' tempting death, this 1 moment, and turn for a curoto\ HOP' BITTERS. If your are sick with that terrible sickness, Nervousness, : you' .will. ■ find., a Ba!in in Gilead" in the us'e.olE,. HOP BITTERS.' " If you aro a frequenter, or. a resident,.bit a miasmatic district, ■barricade' your system., against the sco'urage .of all countries—malarial, epidomiCi bilious and intermittent fevers —by the use of » HOP BITTERS. If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breadth;'.', pains /arid '. aches, and,; .feel: miserable generally.; HOP BITTERS will give you fair skin,; rich"..bldp.d,..the .sweetest breath, health and comfort,. . ~ In short they euro ALL .Diseased .of' theStomach, Bowels;' Blood, Liver, Neryos, Kidneys, Ac.", and - ■ ■■.■ ■' £500 , will be paid. for. ■a ' ca'S-' they .will not curb or help, or for nnj-tiiirig impure or injurious found in tlium.. ' That poor, bedridden,, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter';'can ho made .the picture, of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters costing but a tritlo./ WILL YOU LET TIIKM SUFFER ?. CLEANSE, PURIFY AND ENRICH TH BLOOD \VIIH . HOT ...BITTERS. ■ And you will have no sickness, or. aulTeri or docto bills to pay rSH EACfIE R'S ■■■.: OLD . W HIS K I ■■ -"•■■y/.v' WHITE JAMAICA RUM:...:. t | .REGULAR MONTHLY. SHIPMENTS.BY; 1 H. DAVISON & CO., I HAYMARKET, QUEEN-STREET.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 3