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Steam tev V.2DWASi»- ,; v7^ii^":S i - , In thanking tho puDllc .tor the inJl? ' - 3 ' ■'•■•"'■ tended to him in Ws cfrorßto;S£S?v«Bw V ' % '"•■" • ' information of Merchants' «nd^ , K«S ßo,ai e»fe% S : ■ * has now completed all arranKijmSih. V 6" ", WiT P ' - r * factare of every descriptloai^^^e ;i :. * : The sum of money that is anntuK^ ; "^- : ■■ M'' ' ;,;:: ' tMlony for Imporiatipns of rihSS ■ '■;■■ ■■■ sweotmoafs is onorrcous, and ■ ° ! ■ respect{ull> : caution purctasars ct ?'?Ppounds which are now being ■' ' Eore from Australia, aid' - , jurious to childton's health. "S^S^gl. . ■'-.- His own Confectionary ;i3 raada of iti : - P teriala, and no poisr.nous coloaiW fl dnoed in ita manufactore. tns *^ fag? fl Storekeepers will find it grestlv to H, • ° ■ ! 'S ! to purchase their goods of ■] Eiderayy below that at Trnicnthe %*&£**■*s B ' jreMlrt, ' public!to be eminently wpe^J ffiSeWg manutactures. - o, *eE<ap Hia renoSTied CONVERSATION ti-iTpv.; r> i 1? no recommendation, and all other :••« = Always on haod. and made to r-* " ' .Losougw. Comfifc, Jujubes, & LozeHKos, Genuine Black-. Oorresi ;r2L lte *S!ii Cs Lo2en s es.(eqEal to Keating), 3 Peppermints, Donblo Extra Stxone toS?W*SS ss Icing, and BoUed Sagars of eTery^^j^^p All Goods Manufactured on the Prsr-is.. a • bosVmateriaa % \ Medicaid Losenscs ol OTery de«rißtltm «. W bsna. . v *«tjj' fi^'.Waters' Chocolate, per down. • i-'i Just Arrived. Weodinq Cake S SOLiEEODT'B LCGOAei ■" ■ - *? &c., &c, 6ci ' p.-i TEsrrMosnAX. £ rioviiisialL»borator» i Informing j-tfu, that after having insd» » k analysis of Tariona samples of sweetmeatty I **! 4 " tured by you, I Had that thev 5 adulteration, and that tho colouring TtLSS. *» a - a nnocuous. With rpgard to the S it is quite eijosl So tho best English orfeir?3 'i parations, and, being entirely fret froo J^*S i form an excellent article of diet for ■*■«* I those suffering from an impaired I the honour to be, sir. your obedieat «m^'' ! ' I *i' I JiMia M. Ttokt. f: Orders, accompanied by draft or COC d _,V 1 wIU receive prompt attention." . l,Ma **«) i ' - Jho above pjods may be 3 able wholesale house, ■ ™"% •* N P.—Empty packages only afloweo f™ tU 3. umed In good condition. ' . ™ ««■» j EDWARD "VTATEBS, % WHOLESALE OONFECTIOHKa DbHHAM AND QOBEN-STREITO. Annrr^^ Medical, " ""I HiiOß COUGns, COLDS, BEOJMnrn I IP AND VARIOUS OTHER AFFEmSiP SI I THE LUNGS AND CHEST Aii£ ™OXS o l & J. G. HENDERSON'S CHERKY PECIoW ; and 3s 6d) li Is a most efficacious remedy. ' i? 42T ANTI-CATARRH SMELLING BOITIS.*./' J. G. HENDERSON, P DISPENSING CHEMIST AND PHABUAfr* * Opposite the Three Lamps, Ponsonbr. AcS£i * R- T YK DAi ij SUED EON DENTIST, Five years assistant to Mr, Pkiclqi Begs onct) more to present the Auckland his li«t of pries:— I Gold Upper and Lower .. ~ /j 5 . Celluloid „ ... ~ g } Vulcanite from _ . £3 Silvor „ frora — ij Dental Alloy „ only _ £j ■' *' Single Tooth, Uom Bs. Repairing'in Vulcanite, tem ?C» ■. Tor of Oiit.sibiij, - mARAXACUM aai PODOFHYLLIiJiZ E JL Prepared only by J. Pepper, LomJo« &", Fluid combination, extracted from mataalirt, - is now used instead of blue pill and olomti for t£ \ cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all ijjcptaa d % congestion of the liver, which are gierilT pjlj f beneath the shoulders, head-ache, dixntsiia^iijb f= petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in Uunm. * Ing, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and leeßa p of general depression. It sets the sluggish JrreiS B ■ raotion, very slightly acts on the'bowels riitoiJ sense of health and comfort within 2tten> Itb S the safest medicine. Taraxacum a fluid made Okly by J. PEPPER, Bedf oijlatailca s Ijondon, whose name is on every label. - % anil 4s 6d. Sold by all Chemlst3. A ciost nhaSi ■' aad essential medicine fpv India, Ansbsiia, lie Cs J and Colonies generally .—Sold by Kesnpthoise, Ekes Si and Co. . - f .. LOTION."-An & 1 k3 ternal Means of CURING SKINBEEiSS I Tliere-is scarcely any eruption but wiHji«Ut)p "Sulpholine" in a few days, and commence ltbli U away even, if it seems past cure. Ordinary ft redness, blotches, scurf, roushness. vanish u 11 lj ti magic; whilst old,enduring'sHndisorders,ttjtta M plagued the sufferers for years, however dsetlyraa ti they may bo, "Sulpholine" will snecessMh , |8«J rs them. It dpetroys the anlmalcuke which caassta i unsightly, irritable, painful affections, *nd Utiji % produces a clear, Healthy .natural condition {(Ci | skin. " Sulpholine" Lotion is sold bv mart Ciaiii E Made by T. Pepper and Co., London. Bottles, Jaii S Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser and Cn. ; - 3 QUININE and IKON TOSIC t rouses and developes the aerroia •= enriches thfi blood, promotes appetite, ifispelietl-. gour and depression, fortifles tho digestire c%a S Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, ague, indigefts s fevers of efeiy kind, chest affections, and insvfi). ?■■ diseases, scrofulous tendencies, etc Tne whole faa ftis greatly Invigorated by Pepper's Tonic the nedl f = faculties brightened, the constitution greatly steri •■ encd,"acd a relum to robust health certain. EoiUei 'i 32 doses, 4s 6d; next size lls. Sold by CheirJd i.; everywhere. The name of J.Pepper l ßedfordl«l>e3.:::J tory London, ranst be on the label. liersiißbl . Tonic so certain in effect as Pepper's Irom. It is strongly recommended to resitotiuji India and tho Colonies, and should always be btfp" ; ready for use in every case of fever or febrile ealt ■ .i by Kempthome, Prosser. and Cc. \j LIVER COMPLAINTS. ' r- ! DR. 'KING'S DANDELION ANPfi QCININE LIVER PILLS (without jncreaj) |; THE BEST REMEDY FOR BHJOUSSES i STOMACH DERANGEMENT, FLATUISiCS, K PAINS. BETWEEN THE SHOULDESS, BID fi APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HIIDM ■ ACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptom dV; disordered liver and dyspepsia. AcknowMgei 'T [i many eminent surgeons to be the safest «sdcilM jLj pills for every constitntion. fj In Boxes at Is lid. 2s 9d, and 4s 64 fi Sold by. Chemists and Medicine Vendors thionglca -g the World. I Prepared by Jae. Korke, London. ESpeoially valuable Pills for residents strwi. «» | travellers. _ | "|l| O LLOWA i" 7 ? I liii-URiTY of the Blood.—Unless the Hoodto | kept in a pure state the constitution mnst be irolsN 5 and disease supervene. These wonderful PilhposKSf Z_ ;tho pov.-er of removing or neutralizing all ccntmc* [: tionsof the blood and system generally. Theyqiiiift; ;i but certainly, overcome all obstructions tendicg' 3 : . produce ill health, and institute regular acticn ' 8 -; organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. 5' •; dj we.'ilt, and nervous may rely on tlese Ko i as, tl:eir best friend and comforter, as they acl DfO f; the main springs of life, and thus save thousandfr® ;• a premature grave. . ; , COMPLAINTS OF WoMEW AND CHII.BEEN".—Tit TBJ "• mild and painless action of those invaluable BH» " i commends them to every household as a rcrndf! e t: tlie lirst.departure from health. Any mother, man ; y. or \oimg person guided by the directions ffhichv / ompany each box of Holloway"s Pills has at OK U v<i Liable means of checking' disease, puriiriiiZ p h blood, and expelling from the system all jress <* K m'onrs. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's SkO tfi wend.- , -;'-:-":, ■■:■. ■■■■'■ . | Disbr.DHßs of tite Livee -wrrn Flatcuset U 1 bi of appetite and fiatslesty'f B: usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. ""2 A famous Pills exorcise the most salutary power on u I affections of the liverj and all irregularities 01 W -; stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy hitß* a to every internal organ, overcome all obstrnctiOßJ« Dl ii cast out all impurities. " n % Weak Siomach3 Ijipaibed Diaisnoy.-lW - r . n-Isest cannot enumerate one tithe of the » symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, »U » S winch may be readily dispelled \>j these a(to&* e i Pills, as they rouse the stomach, liver, and erer/ott« ■•. organ of digestion to thai healthy tone wki<* I™ % enables them to convert all food and drink » f • nourishment of the body—hence theso Pills V, .„ i purest strcngtheners, and the safest restoraOTe} m vj ner>'ousness, wasting, and chronic debiiitvOOUOIIS, COLD 3, ISFtUEJTZAASB SOEETBROAII- • For curirg diseases of the tlm.V, r chest, and IWP' '- these Pills have established for , themselves s eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the Hen ■ and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common ccl« ; ; 'jiflnenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inftu™ l3 ™? -I of the lungs, and even consumption in its earlysWg- : are successfully treated with this medicine. P"", : ■ cularly if Holloway's Ointment be weil rubbed oi* 3 , the chest and back night and morning. ■ . «,, ' ; '■ IloUownys Pills are the best remedy known » ; world for the following diseases • ,\ >■! Ague ■ ■ Gout 'StoneandGß™' f Asthma , . Headache ■■■.'■-■ ( Secoß(toTSJ" -; Bilious ■ Com- , '■ - Indigestion ''' \ toms . -5 plaints Liver complaints Tic-DoIonKM U Blctcaes on the Lumbago . iUlcers . fl, Skin :.;,.,■.,■ Piles .■■'-■■ Veneresl A6a> 1. _ Bon elcomplaints Rheumatism tions ~ 4" Dsbility .; ■ ißetention of Wonns of »" f Dropsy ■,■:.■: . Urine ■ l£n& ,^ r . ~i Female ■■ liregu-.SorofulaorKing's'We-kness >" larities Evil I v\ hate%ercao» Fe\ersorallkinds:Sore Throats ' &■ ,*■' . „. Tho Pills and Ointment are at Pro e«" Holloway's Establishment, 533, 0t r OL-d ■=tr e€ ;\}*n don, also by nearly every respectahle Viindor ot i"J» cine throughout the civilised world, in Boxes aauro". i at Is ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lls, 225, aii 33a 'ach tf L\ Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Jedicmes K£ Ei ilo British Government Stamp, vith tlie Sii ' Holloway s Pills and Ointment, London,' eiS" ly thereon. t On the label is the address, 5,8, Oxford sttf ; tiondon, where alone they are manufactured IIta Beware of all compounds stvlcd Boll' t' PiUsand Qintiaeat-Hitha■•■KewToflfJal'* 1 | " : - '■■'■' " J I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6818, 24 September 1883, Page 2