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I The nnmbir nf prriigrahts from Switzerland last year km J.I, 962. It is reported that the Bkhop of Mancheeter contemplates resigning his see. It is now Mated that the Duke of Wellington's statue is condemned to be broken up; ■ New York has 140 pawnbrokers, who are said to liotd property to the amount of £4,0QQ,000; Iα Fiance the awonl Sβ -still the final resort among gentlemen for. the .satisfaction of wounded honour. Aiinriiral Pe.sano, who commanded the Italian fleet at the battle of Lissia inIS6G, La 3 just died at Turin. The German War Office, has renewed the . prohibit.icn against- the admission of' Strangers ineide fortifications. According to intelligence from St. Petersburg, a clue to a fresh Nihilist ploi has been discovered at Tula. A survey is about to be taken of the remarkable country lying, between Lake. Sfe John and Hudson's Bay. The greatest female landowner in EngTard is Baroness Willouehby d'EVeeby, who has au income of £50.000 from Jand. The German cavalry garrisoned airing the Russian frontier « r< ceivfnj; a further considerable accession, of strength. The Spanish army at "present numbers 134,000 men of whom are in, Spain and the rest in the Spanish West Indies. A stained glass window in memory of the late Lord F. Cavendish has jnst bat n unvtiled in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster. A statue of Liberty, the largest thing of the kind in the world, is to be erected in the port of *.'ew York to serve as a lighthonse, Women :ire in majority in England and Gernvny, while in France there are only eighty-eight females to every hundred malea. Th.e_ expenses, of the recent election aiid installation of Archbishop Benson as Pfinute of the Anglican Church amounted t0.£30,000i Almost at the same motnent as that of the terrible catastrophe in. the island oflsehiathe shock of on earthquake was felt at Wiesbaden. Two of the band of brigands who recently captured Si«nOi- Corpi near Isrnidt, and obtained a ransom, for his reiease, have been, arrested. Mr. VanderbUt ia the richest ruan in the '. United States, his total, fortune being equivalent to some sixty millions pf pound sterling. Ten Ottoman officers have jnst tempo*arily joined the German army for the purpose of practically learning its regulations atd its organisation. In the course of a brewing season, Bass and Co. send away 500.,000 barrels of pale ale, the Value of which is estimated at £2, -100,000. The New York Chronicle states that in tho last eight years the destruction of property from fire in the United States was £118,659J60. ~. Tbe National Provincial Bank of England celebrated its jwbilee lately by voting one mouth's salary to each employe anil £5,000 to the director- , . , The reported deatb of Cetewayo was cited by the Bonapnrtist journals in Paris, as. a providential vengeance for tho slaughter of the young P-inee Imperial. Some Holland publishers have begun print" ing their publications in blue ink on a light creen paper, which it is stated, gives gre;\t relief to the eye of the reader. In the United States there arq nearly seven millions of coloured people, nine, tenths ox Whom are living in the former slave holding state?, and about ICO,OOO arc Catholics. Lieut, Wissman who some time ago walked across Africa from Zanzibar to the mouth of the Congo, has returned to Berlin, aad has been received by tie Crown prfcee. It is stated that the Dutch Government have decided not to grant the sum of 30,600 guilders which Baron ifordeusjoM claims as the discoverer of the- north-east passage. Lord Sndeley, Sir William Thomiwi, Sir William Siemens, and Sir F. .-,bel. C. B. have been, appointed British Comn'i si on era for the Electrical Exhibition hrltl at Vieou.i. A report has reached Vienna from Alexandria to the effect that General 7'iieks ha-a tendered his resignation in consequence of the opposition offered to him by Egyptain native officials. The fastest train in England is the Flyin* Dutchman, from Paddington to Exeter, at 10.40 a.m. the average speed, including stoppage, of whole journey being sixty mile 3 per hour. The wine-producing districts of the Old World have stock now jn hand ecinal, it i 3 said, to i 09,000,000 bottles, or about the quantity required for five years' •consumption, all over the world. The War Department of the United States has despatched Lieut. Schwatka,. with two other officers and three privates, to Alaska upon an exp'oring expedition, which is to extend over six months. Miss Arabella Kenealy, second daughter of the late Dr. Kenealy, has just obtained the license of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland, and special license in midwifery. ■-"■_ It was stated in the ffonse of Lords a short time ago that to recruit the Militia to its full establishment would involve the addition of 30,000 men to the army, :md that the country would not consent to this addition. A Haguenot society has been founded at Kew York, which has for its object the collection of materials fr.r this history and genealogy of Huguenots in America, the formation of a special library, aod the readme of papers. It is generally admitted that tbe death of the Camte de Chambord i 3 bound to strengthen the Monarchist party ; Imt persons believe that the Orleauiste will allow themselves to be made a cats-paw of by the Imperialists. The Municipality of Paris have voted 3l!)0fr. for the purchase from the Government of fragments of t'ie Tuleties, to be placed in the Hotel Caruavnlet, formerly - L Mdme. de SevigmS's residence,, and now a museum of Parisian history. Prince Hohemlohe I.nngenbnrgh is abnnt to start oo a two months' trip to the NorthWestern States of America and Canada. }Ms position as President of the German Colonial Society is generally believed to have some connection with the journry. A bill which has passed the Michigan Legislature requires all teachers in that state to pass an elimination in physiology and hygiene, with particnla r reference "to tbe effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics on the human system. Addressing his followers at Hanley, tile other evening, General Booth said the Salvation A» - my was still marching on, and in 20 years, if the late of progress of the last siz years was continued,, there would be 1,250,000 officers and 230,000,000 soldiers. The new Duke of Marlborougb is said to be undecided as to where he v/iij sifc in the House of Lords. As Marqnie of and for d>. he Was a radical; bat so, too, was his grantlfather, who became a very respectable Tory when he came into hh- dukedorh, At the distributign of prices in King's College, London, the other day, the Marouis o? Salisbury rejoiced that there was no prize for Latin verse. "That strikes me," he Saifl, "as a proof of the great educational superiority of the present age over the past. The French Prefect of Police, has appointed five of the in his department to take note of aodiegistersuch advertisements as those of money-lender*, matrimonial agents, and persona who offer employment to those willing to deposit a sum of jncney with them. Another attempt to murder has teen made ia a carriage of a train from Paris to Ghagny, on the Lyons line. A yonng gentleman was found insensible in a compartment of a Srst- [ class carriage, having been stabbed, in several al places and been robb-d. The criminal escaped. The French silk ftianufacturei s are experimenting with gTeat hope of success upon the labours of a certain spider which has juot been discovered on the African coast. This spider weav?3 a thrcad qf bright yellow, which is of great strength and perfeetl.y elastic. A railway car was stindicg on a siding of the Osdenabutg Railway, near Hecheater, New York, on the night of July 2S, when i 6 was biowu by the high wiud upon the main line, a passenger train ran into the ear and was Wrecked. Seventeen persona were killed atid fonrteen injured. The largest display Of electric light in Paris ia probably at the Hippodroire* where, in the large hall, 16 regulars and 142 Jpblbchkofl. lights are used exclusive of those in other yaifts of the building atid outsulei. The dimensions of the arena area 45-metres by 120, and the height about op metres. A Zurich firm, says a London paper; is constructing for the. Roumanian' Goyern rhapt. an boat, the invention of i Jrijto Ucodor.esco. '' This..aiarming craft is to . carry !>>nffibient!supply : of. air:for al2 honra ,1 ! I trip-.beiowthe.surface. It will beliijhted by. electricity; and jf.suceeasful will be able to demolish every vessel i»-the ; oayy. ; . v

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1 (Supplement)

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NEWS IN BRIEF New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1 (Supplement)

NEWS IN BRIEF New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1 (Supplement)