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Faiacy Goods. GO TO GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE. FOR WA I CHLS t Gold and Silver, all wan*ir.ted to , / ENT3' and LADIES' DRESSING CASES, ex i>nie; pj \jr quisitely fitted, marvellously low} CLOCKS. Marble, Wood and Nickel, un \ every q } lET and PEARL BEAD NECKLETS, with one, other lin*. H O two, three in row. all Sterling Gold, and Sterling tJ Silver to A ; O T>IRTHDAY CARDS «fe BIRTHDAY BOOKS ELLC I'RO-PLATE r.t Lowest Prices we can W -O —sure none with us compare ; always do. <} a LBUMS, SCRAPS, and PHOTOGRAPHS are Jt\. are never wanting there. IA..IOND3(not Canterbury) set in Abyssinian 3 Y>RUSHES, COMBS, and SOAPS, and 4J oW; O jj SCENTS, and PERFUMES very sweet; with Stones and Pearls, all lovtly P TJI&SrE and LUBEN, MASON too, aad others bjp' to' behold; J23 X quite a treat. TjRESENTS, soch as these on Birthdays, are the O rapo; j t> OCKING HORSES, ROCKING BOATS, with RINGS, BRACELETS. NECKLETS, with XV e*cb that do not rock; lovely Charms, suiting every age ; g vOLLS, ..reatand small, dres3ed and undressed, C S a most gigantic stock! UTLLRY of cwry kind, Sheffield makes well © TPiOYS, suited both in price and size to almost known; c/ 2 X eve) y one. / IHINA. GLASS, and Q ! /T\ NE BULLING, SIXPENCE, THREE. y ported straight from Home; o PENCE each, more or anon. T>OOKs at English Prices, thin wherefore go O J-J pay £5 A CCORDIANSand CONCERTINAS, sure music STATIONERY, none cheaper found in ware- -cjL it hath charms ; house, shop, or store. O /~\RCfI SSTRaNETTES, and MUSIC BOXES, Eh with bell and drum alaims. BESKS. WORK-BOXES, and PAPET ARIES, _ rpOE LONDON ARCADE-visit it—each patron with deep, mysterious drawers; X we will thank you— BAGATELLE. DRAFTS, CHESS, and CRIB, & TN it you'll find, JUST LOOK AROUND, and Games which have their laws ; j 1 X li from a Needle to an Anchor."

GO TO GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADEGO TO GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE. . <W®«KWB. . ANSWERS. \\f •*** 19 there such a noticeable rertuc- -w-vvn *u • r n 1 > ▼ w tfnn in the price of CLOCKS, WATCHES, the opening of Goodeon s JEWELLKRY. CUTLERY, JSTATIuNERY nnd - S * London Arcade marked a new era on the city, FANCY GOI)DS generally in Auckland, during the aD( * tslc Profit and Quick Returns" principle past three years ? hbS others to imitate it. WHY remains y<t unfu 'lied the pre- ORCAUSR an appreciating public know dieted closing of the L'-ndon Arcade after ! who. ntrortncod the "S. P. and Q. IV motto six montlia existeiice ? ' j patronise the one who did so. WHY is it unn<;ces?ary to "mark down" I T>ECAUSE it is so well known thatallgoods and " sell off," or by professedly '■ slarmin? JD having always been marked in plain figures, at sacrifices," and " deferred p yment," decoy customers one uniform low rate of proflt, no such artifice is into the Arcade? needed. WHY BhoulJ every resident of and JI>ECAUSE in no place in the city cati there visitor to Auckland inspect the Loiidon be seen such a comprehensive and valuable Arcade before making their purchases ? assortment of goods at such tempting prices. NOTti TUK ADDRESSES— GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE, AUCKLAND. OHRI3TCHUROK LONDON OFFICE. ST. MARY AXE. Medical. a "OJBAT EVERY TRAVELLING t f and cure for Biliousness, Sick Headache. Skin j Fevers, Bloed Poisons, Feverishness or Feverish ' " : J Llmove tlio cfTects of Errors' in Eating and Drink- -- I J J '" g ' " inV "' U "' > ' o '° " 10s0 * j ? ro 'VKcd, , | them to undergo mental orunnatural excitement j j] or strain ; it keeps tho blood puro, and provents Cj S August last, I havo, on three separate occasions, been attacked by fever, from which, on the Aa first occasion, I lay in the huspital for six weeks. i 114 The last two attacks havo been, however, comIP7 &l!a0 sflffll \.plttely ropulsod, in a remarkably short S[jace nf 1 ~^! timo, by the use of your valuable KltCJl'l' SALT, I to which I owe my present health, at tho very Is l° as '' no ' m y itself. Heartfelt gratitude (- } j f\ : .[fMj-j for my restoration an-J iireservation impels mo 'Mf-g i"/;ij C rf rA to add uiy testimony to the already ov(.rwhelmnil ) < Ing >tore of the tame, and in so doing I feel that f' Um ,° b ° yin ? lll ° (I ' ctates of duty. —Beliovo I T\ON'T Go r %RUM Ma nblUj' WITHOUT A ""inrasir*nr JJ ISOTI'LI2 OF EXO'S FitUITS \LT.—"Sir, —After two years' trial of your cxcellont FRUIT SALT, I can safely say that it has saved me much misery from colonial fevers, indigestion, and impaired appetite, to which I have been subject during eleven years' rciidence in tl:e tropics. It is invalu.ble to travellers as a preventive of sea-sickne-s, and a relief from the o:l:er ailment, of life abiar.l ship : and for myself. I would as Eoon think rf going a voyage without my toothbrash as my bottle of FKL'IT SALT. With ordinary care it does not get hard and caked as other effervescent preparations do in warm and humid climates, and this is greatly in its favour.—l um, Sir. yours respectfully, TV. J. 13." w UC'.-'ESd IN LIFE.—"A new invention is brought befoie the public and commands success. A scoro of O abominable im tations are immediately introduced by the unscrupulous, who, in copying tho original closely enoush to • eccive th- public, and yet not SD exactly as to infringe upon le*al rights, exorcise an ingenuity that, employed in an original channel, could not fail to secure reputation and profit. —Adams.

AKE TIIK REALLY GRE\T AND SUCCESSFUL MEN OFTIIR WOULD ?—Huxley wisely says: VY —"Those who take honours in Nature's university, who learn the laws which govern men and things, and obey them, nre the really meat and successful men in ihis world. ..... Those wljo won't learn at all are : and then you can's come up a?ain. Nature'* pluck mean? extermination.' Tho simple meaning is. when ailing pay no attention to the regulation of your diet, exercise, or occupation : attempt no conformity to the laws of lif«;, or when you have drawn overdraft on the bank of life. 4c., avoid tha use of £NoS 1-KUIT SALT, and you will be surprised to learn the body what A frail and fickle tenement it is, ? Which, like the brittle glass that measures time, is otten broken «re half its sands are run. A RUNAWAY KNOCK.— Pimelas Jcrrold, describing a very dangerous illness, from which his daughter had just recovered, Mid " Ah. sir, it was a Runaway Knock at Death's door, I can assure you " How to prevent death fr«>m dis»wj by natural means, use ENO'S ifRUIT SALT ;it is tho best known remedy. It removes fu;tid or poisonous matter (the groundwork of disease) fiom the blood, allays nervous excitment, depression, and restores the nervous system to its proper condition. You cannot overstate its great value an keeping tho blood pure and free from disease. LJ SE EKO'S KRUITSALT. —Or as a he.iUh giring, refreshing, cooling, invigorating beverage, or as a ' geueral lax itive and tonic in the various forms of indigestion ; also gouty or rheumatic poisons from the blood, the neglect of which often results in apoplexy, heart disease, and sudden death. aXPERI ENCE SHOWS that mild ale*, port wine, dark sherries, sweet champagne, liqueurs and brandies, fc-i all very apt to di&turcc. while whUe winas, and gia or wliisky, largely diluted with soda water, will bo found tho least objectionable. EN• i'S FRUIT SALT is particularly adapted for any constitutional weakness of the li-<»r. 3t possesses the power of reparation when digestion has been disturbed or lost, and plic.-s the Invalid in the right track to health. A world of woe is avoided by those who keep and use ENO'S FKUIT SALT, therefore no family should be without it. DIRECTIONS IN SIXTEEN LANGUAGES HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE. CAUTION — right*: are protected in every civilised country. Examine each Rot tie, and sea that tho Capsule is maiicea " ENO'S KRIIT SALT."—Without it you have been imposed on by a worthless imitation. Sold by all Chemists. Price 2s 9d and 4s Cd. PREPARED ONLY AT ENO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, HATCH AM, LONDON, S.E., BY J. C. ENO'S PATENT.

jyg- K. X X y. U A i, L, HT7RGEON DENTIST , Five yean wsiatant to Air. Plnmley), Begs one© more to present the Auckland public with his list of prlc a Gold Upper and Lower .. . £10 Celluloid ~ .. .. £10 VolcanJte from — £6 Silver „ from — £8 Dental Alloy „ only _ £10 Single Tooth, from 6s, Repairing tn Vulcanite, frcm 10a. Tor of Gbkt-htkkbt. [Established ISG&.] T. TRAFFORD, R.S.D.E. SURGEON-DENTIST, WAKEFIELD-STEEET (Near Quocn-street). , Painless Extraction of Toeth by the Oxide-Nitrogen (Jan. 5/--OR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ® AND VAKIOUS OTHER AFFECTIONS OF THE LUNGS AND CIIEST. J. G. HENDERSON'S CHEEKY PECTORAL (2s and 3.s 6d) Is a most efficacious remedy. S3T ANTI-CATAIUUI SMELLING BOTTLE. "Si J. G. HENDERSON, DISPENSING- CUEiIIST AN L> PHARMACIST Opposite the Ttnee Lamps, I'onsonbv. Auckland. Le . lIMI ESTABLISHED in Avomlale, ia oyen to receive new members; ago, 18 to 40; Foe, 5s to 208 ; Weekly, Is.—Application to Mr. Smith, N.G.; ( Mr. Wawman, V.G.; Mr. Bollard, Secretar Avon' date; Dr. Knight, Ponsonby.

Taraxacum and podophyllum— Prepared only Ny X Pepper, London. Thii Fluid combination, extracted from medicmM roots, Is now used instead of blue pill and calomcl lor the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of thft liver, which arc generally pain beneath tho shoulders, hcad-a.-ihc, drowsinesp, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbanceof the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It Bets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acta on the bowels, giving a sense of health and comfort within 24 hour?. It to the safest medici?ie. Taraxacum ar.d Podophyilin is alluid made o.* ly by J, PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, London, whose name is on t-very label. Bottles, *2* 9d an-4 -Is dd. Sold by all Chemists. A n:oj*t valuable and essential medicine foi India, Australia, tho Care and Colonies generally.—Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser and Co* 4b QULPHOLINE LOTION.'—Ac Kx K5 ternal Means of CURING SK IN DISEASES, There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to 14 Sulpholmo" In a f*w days, and commence to fade away even if itseems past core. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by Eliagic; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plagued the sufferrra for years, however deeply rooted they may be, "Sulphollno" will successfully attack them. It destroys the animalcule? which cause these unsightly, Irritable, painful atfectiona, and always produces a clear, uealthy .natural condition ol the skin. " Snli>holine" Lotion is sold bv most Chemists. Made by T. Pcyper and Co., London. Bottles, 2s Dd. Sold by Kempthorae, Prosser and Cn PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC ronses and devclopes tho nervons energies, enriches tfci* blood, promotes appetite, dispels langour and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. fa a specific remedy for neuralgia, ague, indigestion, fevers of eveiy kind, chest affections, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, etc. Tho whole frame Is greatly invigorated by Poppor'a Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, the constitution greatly strengthcnod, and ft return to Tobust health certain. Bottles, 32 doses, 4s 6d; next size lis. Sold by Chemists everywhere. The name of J. Pepper, Bedford Laboratory London, must be on tho label. There ia no Tonic so certain in effect as Pepper's Quinine and Iron. It is strongly recommended to residents in India and tho Colonies, and should always bo kept ready for use hi every case of fever or febrile condition.—Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser. and Co. LITER COMPLAINTS. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVEII PILLS (without mercury) THE BEST REMEDY FOR BILIOUSNESS STOMACH DERANGEMENT, FLATULENCE, PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HEAD ACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of disordered liver and dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to be the safest said mildest pills for every constitution. In Boxes at Ijs lid. 2a od, and 4s C<L Bold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors thronghou the World. Prepared by Jas. Borke, Zondon. Specially valuable Pills for residents abroad, and traveller?.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 3