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Meetings. SUCCESS GOLD MINING COMPANY >0 (LIMITED). The .Adj nrned Annual Meeting will he held, at the Registered Office it the Company, Shortupdstreet, TO-DAY (Friday), September 21, at 12 0 clock noon. J. M. MACDONALD, Manager. "\TEW NORTH DEVON GOLD MINING J3I COMPANY (LIMITED). An Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders vill 1)G held at the Company's ollicc THIS PAY at 2p. m. Business : To consider Company's financial position, and to determine whether work should be continued in the mine,, or. .otherwise, .. By order of the Directors. F. A. WHITE, Manager. ; S3, Queen-street, Auckland. "o • T I C Ti. ■ ;. WAITAKEREI EAST P.OAD DISTRICT. A Pablic Meeting of the Ratepayers in the above District will be held, at Henderson, on SATURDAY, the 22nd inst.., at 2 p.m. to lako into con-ideration the Rate struck by County Council on thn District. .. , JOHN iI'ELWAIN, Chairman. ;■ Sermons, Lectures. Soirees, &c----gT. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, The Anniversary of the Dedication of this Church WIU be observed Tprday, by a Celebration of Ifoly . Communion at 11 At 7.30 p.m., the Rite of CONFIRMATION > Will be administered by the Lord Bishop of tbe Diocese. On Sunday there will be two Celebrations of Holy Coinin anion, at 8 a.m. and .11 a.m. In the evening, at 0 30. there will be Special Service and Sermon on Confirmation and First Communion," entitled " Tho Soal of Man in Commflnioii with the Spirit of God. - ' Educational. JgOARD OP EDUCATION. " MICHAELMAd HOLIDAYS, . The Michaelmas Holidays for Schools in and near Auckland, and at tbe Thames will, be the week beginning MONDAY, 24th September Instant. School Committees of Country Districts can arrange the Holidays at their discretion, subject, to the Regulations. ■> . By order of the Board. VINCENT E RICE,. Secretary. H. A.RA.M-, . . will continue to give Special SINGING Lessons up to end of November (leaving for Melbourne early in December)* at his Residence, Albert Park. •vi. Mr. POOLEY's VOCAI. Competition : Three (bairhours) - £i Is. MR. JO N 8 0 N, .. .t. . Certificittcd Teacher of | PHONOGRAPH "2, Shorthand Teacher at the College and Grammar !. School. • i > • Address : Karangahapo Road. "T>ROPESSEUR JULES BERNARD, H - FROM PARIS. ~ I ffiTEACaEU OF OLD AND MODERN DANCING, I ' „ 'CALISTHENICS, &c. . ■.-- Permanent classes—Dancing Acadomy:' Queoni street, 8 p.m., also at North shore, Romnera, Ponsonby, &c. Private lessons daily at residence, Hobson-streot. "lyj E/ P O O L E Y desires to intimato' that lie lias changed his Residence | from Vincent-street t:o Hobson-street (first private hoa o above Cook-street on east side), where Madame Pooley and he ivill bp pleased to receive their pupils. PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, AND HAK. MONY. 3. 2 i LAMBERT. Per terms ana other particulars address Newton Po-a-offlce. CHURCH OF ENGLAND GRAMMAR ■ SCHOOL. , -h- : Tha Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Aucklanjd .The Wen. Archdeacon Maunsell, D.D. - . The Vun. Archdeacon Pritt . . \ .. The Hon. Colonel Haultain. r - R C Barstow, Esq. : ••• . . C C McMillan, Esq. > v- - . .. A Boardman Esq., Hon, Secretary. - bTAFf! •• Classics, Modern Language?, English—The Headmaster Science Mathematics- A. Jr. T Ansley Drawing and Painting—K. Watkina Writing, Commercial, ArHhmotic, Mechanical Drawing —r„ J. Claridijc. 7 The proper appliances being course of ercction Gymnastics, under an efficient instructor, will form part of tho -chool Courso. > A Workshop is also to be added, in which instruction. will be free, but boys are expccted to pay for tho •ti.mborthey use..-. r:><, • Foes (Including Stationery), £310s, payable in each Term. • ; ■ •a*: Term bezins Monday, 17th September, 1883. wAa the Headmaster does not tako he has much pleasure in recommending. Captain and Mrs. Dawson, who havo undertaken the Boarding Establishment, and whoso advertisement appeard below, v , HENRY PYCROFT, Headmaster elect APTAIN and MRS. DAWSON will be glad to receive into thoir family Boys from the Country who wish to attend the Church of England Grammar School erf the Auckland Grammar School. Situation, healthy and convenient. References kindly permitted to the Right Rev. tho Bishop of v uckland, Sir Mauriod O'Rorko, Colonel Haultain, tho Kev, G. H. S. Walpole, Incumbent of St. Mary s. Parnell, and H. T, PycrOft, Esq , Headmaster of tho Church of England Grammar School. For particulars, apply to Captain Dawson,, Customs, Fort-street, or (opposite Bishopscourt}, St. Georgo'B Bay Road, Parnell. Board and ResjdapcA CLAREMONT HOU .S E, PRIN CESSTREET, AUCKLAND,—Board and Residence by the day, weok. or month. Permanent and families on inoderate terms. . FURNISHED Apartments to Let; use of kitchen; suitable for married couples or single gentlemen. Apply to Mrs. Banks, 141, Victoria-street West. • BOARD and RESIDENCE.—Wanted Two Gentlemen as Boarders, by a lady having a larger hou?e than she requires, Terms, 25s.—Apply . Mrs. Elsmore's Registry. BOARD AND RESIDENCE for a gentleman and wife, or three gentlemen; private sitting room; beautiful BitUAtion; fifteen minutes' walk from Qaeen-ytreet.—Address at He.iiai.i> Officii

\,| RS, ■ DALTON has now aecommoL» R datioa for lady and gentleman, or one or two gentlemen. Tortus moderate.—Panania House, Lower Symonds-street WATERLOO HOUSE—Waterloo Qaadrant, opposite Govornmont Gate. .Promenade, . Bath, And Piano ; terms moderate. PRIVATE Board and Residence for a Ponsonby.—Address at Herald Office, ' BUHHAM HOUSE, near Victoria Wharf ■ North Shore—.Comfortable Board and Residence. Terms, moderate. BELMONT HOUSE Vincent-stieet— Board and Residence for Gentlemen requiring the Comfort of a Home. Rooms double or single;: Baths, plungo or shower; piano ;. suites of apartments; good table. Visitors to Auckland will find this retiring attd hoaltliy combined with every convenience. Moderate terms. Mra liaston. . CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower VincentRichmond begs to inform her friends thai she has now opened her new premkes ■ as a first-class boarding house. Single> and double bedrooms and suites Of apartments. Plunge and shower baths, and every accommodation for visitors. Two minutes' walk from Opera House..—'Terms on applica- ' YOUNG WOMEN'a INSTITUTE AND BOARDING HOUSE, QUEEN• STREET, Open daily from 10 a.m* till 9.&0 p.m.. v Dinner and Luncheon, from 12 to 2 p.m. Tea, from 6to 7 p.m. Boarding, Houso for young ladies who are occupied during tho day, . Terms on application to the Lady Superintendent. ' Y.W.C.A. Meeting' .ovory Mou(i'.'*y, at 7.G0 p.m. Governess Agency, ftuu Londiug Library in connection with 'the tnst.Utrtft. . OYERNOK BHvWN K HOTEL, HO2BON-STRKET. Board and LoiJsing -~2oa par Week flo,. 30. fjitnirlo roortrl, ..ghs dp, QITRAYED, from St. John's College-A O dark Bay Mare; white star on forehea! ; 3honl(U:r marked. Any person. returning,tlio to. .Mir. Jomes Scott, of West Tamaki, will receive One Pound reward. ' 1 ' Glass x> lowing i on saturLASS -OIoWING 1 DAY AFTERNOON, from 2.t0 & Admission, 6(1. Each visitor receives one Glass Jug.—M. Cook aiul Sons, Freeman's Bay.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 1