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Ooafectloiiera. Steam confectioneky works, DUBHAM-STEKET AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS -111 thftnWgg the .public tor the tlbetfd rpmjort tendea to him; In■ hia efforts to eatabliat qd a fliai bajis a New Local Industry, begs to »ni 04ni;» for th jnxonnatidD of Merchants and Ctnr"k.w.i«.r-i »h*t lio ■ hM now completed ail' arrangemeqta /m? 7 ® eTer 7 description, of OpiifetUr .' ■ Theaum of money that sent I ths colony for importations of ;mpnre i' ri,.],.tenons rwectmeata is enormoiis, and the aj-<- -n'.—t woaid respectfully caution purchasers Of the canons pounds which ara tiow being extensively introduced here from Apstralia, and which are eireclinpjr In. jurious to children s health. own Confectionery is made of tne pur-si ma00 poisonous colouring matter Is introduced in its manufacture*. <t KTSatly to their ailvantiigi> to purchase, their gqods of him, as ori U conv W .s hat at ,^ c h the Engllan. c.->nfectionj. ?°' d ' hUe of the local)/ >E:-.,1e artir-Je ha? bean pronounced aUke by sn d tie mMUiMtMeI n 10 "J"' o' British. His renowned CONTERSATIOK nsed no recommeiidation. and all other de.-crit-tlons -iv™ Factol7 ue to th.gso la yiiTuty Chemist's proprietuiy Lo.ienges, neatly ind carefully stamped and. prepared. Always on ijc:, made to order' Loiengea, Comflts, Jujrlws, Pastilcj, i'tdirated Lozenges,. Genuine Black Currant Lexemes, Cough Lozenges (equal to Keatiur's), Conversntion '..Otezgee Peppermints, Double Extn Strong Micto, rowderid", Icing, and Boiled Sagars of every description. Suras Cane.', All Goods Manufactured 3n the Premises, icd of thß best toiterials. hand. 16,1 Lo,engea of 6 ' cr J' dcscript!cn alwaj on Waters' Chocolate, pof dozen. ;.. Just Arrived, Wedding Cake Oksamknt-:' BplfßOJiß ' BOMEBODT'S LuGOA'Ote, &0., &c;, 6c: Tisiimostac. Provincial Laboratory, _ Aucklmd. October 26,1875. air. JS. Waters Sir, —I havo much pleasure in Informing you, that alter having made « very careful analysis of various samples of sweetmeats mannfao tured by yon, I flnd that they are free irom all adulteration, and that the colouring, matters are quite nnocubus. with regard to the Chocolate, ! and that ft is quite equal to the best English or French ore. pa rations, and, 1 ; being; entirely free from hnst it will form an excellent arti.cle of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an. impaired digestion.—l have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant. Jakes 11. Tunny, Provinciil Analyrt: Orders, accompanied by draft or good referen will receive prompt attention. • The. abote goods may be had through any reSpecf; able wholesale house. ' N B.—Empty packages only allowed for when rt umed In good concUtioii. EDWARD WATERS, WHOLESALE CONNECTIQNSB _POBgAM AND QfTRTTN-STREKTS. At'PK"I,ATiX> Conveyances. TELEGRAPH LlftE OP MAIL COACHES BETWEEN TAUKAN'GA AND OHUTEMUTU, AND TAURANOA AND WAT?® FORD, KATIKATI. LIVERY and bait stables DEVONPORT ROAD, TAUEANOA, The Mail Coach leaves Tauntnga every Tuesday Thursday, and, Saturday for Obineiantu; retnmin' every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. . Fare to Ohinemutu The Mail Coach leaves Tauranga or Katikati, every Tuesday, Thursday, and SitMcUy mornings at 5 o'clock;. returning, oiei-y li.onfiav Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 p.m. Fare to Waterford, 103. Eeturn ticket, 17s 6d All care taken but nq responsibility. Telegrams will receive prompt attention. E. KOBEP. TSO N, P ropii ri:xon, Davonport. Eoad, TaUranga, TtrEWTQN AND PONSONBT -Ll OMjfIBIJSES. EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES from 8 a.m. to 7 p.ia WEST END 'BUS COMPANY, PRO?RI P.tcbb, . ... Ol'iCii: lilO, Qut'en-rtreil. TIJIE TAKLB. VIA NEWTON— From the Union Bank, from ii a.m. to 7 n-tr..,- jJ the hour and half-hour. VIA FKEEMaN'S BAY— From Union Bank, from 3.15 a.m, tc 4.45 p.a. ■the quarter to and aup'ter past HOME BAY 'BUSES— From Union Bank, via »n3 Cci .. lege Road—, .10iB3, 11.53, 1.53, 2.53, 553 4.53, 5.53. ' From Home. Bay to Union Bank—S.4s, 10 20. 11.20,18.20, 2.20, 3.20, 4.20, 5.20, 8.20. NIGHT 'BUSES— 8, ID p.m.; Saturday, 8, 9,9.15,10,10.16, W~ OROWT HE R, 0 VICTORIA LIVERY & BAIT STABLES, comer of Lome and Wellesley streets. Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keeper to H.E.H, the D'uke of Edinburgh and His EiceJ. lency Sir (1. F. Bowen. For Hire—A great variety ot Carriages, open and ulose; Broughams and Wedding Carriatres, with bay horses; Buggies, single and double-seated, hooded and open; single tir pair of Horses; Four-wheeled Dog-carts; Breaks for picnic parties; Covered Con veyances fpr driving, passengers to out-districts Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses, &c. Sc. Charges Moderate. w. J. KELLY'S TIME TABLE. ■ Leave Onehnnga: Leave Auckland: ■ v 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a m. «;*?■ ■: 10.30 a,m. 12.15 pvm. ' 1 p.m. 3,15 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. Saturday <J-30 p.m. Saturday 11 p.m. Buggies and Carriages for hire at the Exchange Hotel Stables, Princes-street, Onehungi. ■ \ W. J. KELLY, Proprietor^ 1^0 YAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES ALTERATION OF TIME-TABLE. ' The Eoyal Mail Coach (carrying passengers) will o and after Ist Jantury, 1353, and untii fiiither notice rnn to the following Time-table:— Leaye Cambridge for Hamilton Junction Station daily at 8;15 a.m.; Tie turning from Station to Cambridge on arrival of Train from Auckland. Leave Hamilton for Te Aroha on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 2.30 p.m.; Returning frOmTe Aroha on Mondays, Wednesdays,, ana Fridavy at 10 a.ta< Bookiito OFPIC S: Gwynne's Hotel, Samiltor esti Colera&cs Hotel, Te Aroha j and at my Premises, Kirkwood and Lake-streets, Cambridge. W. K. CARTER, •• . .. Froprjo ' Cambridge; 22nd December, 1652 LINE OF GOACBLES I.IVERY AND BAIT STABLES, Kirk wood and Lark-streets; CXMBitiStiE, Waikato, New Zealand. X 7. K. CARTER, Proprietor. W. K. O. begs to return his .sincere thanks to hii numerous friends and the public generally for the, liberal support he has received since Commencing business, and has to inform them that in Order to. mcei the requirements of .this rapidly advancing district* ha is st present bpilding Jarge additions to his. premifiM, ■which, when completed, will .make, them jse-jond to none in the. Nbrth Island. Tourists for the Hot Lake Conntry snpplied with saddle horses and buggies on the shortest notice also, experienced guides and careful drivers. Baggies and saddle horses always on hire. Orders by telegram or otherwise punctnaJly ttended to. Cattfjridgei 22nd Decambent 1882, ROLLIS AND B ROUGH'S LINE 05* COACHES. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Onehnpga. «jS 9.45.a.m. 8 a.m. « . 11 a.m. 9 a.m. g 0 lp.m. 9.30 a.m. 2 p.m. 10 a.m. 4 p.n?. 12.15 p,m. .2£ sp.m„ 1.30 p.m. (5 p.m. . #•. 4 p.m. cq® 7p-.m. 5.30 pjBJ. T 4 Monday, 11 Monday, 6 p.m^ . i Satunlay, 10 and il p.pi p.m» >: Sundays. Sundays. 10 a.m. 8.30 a.m ■ . 2 p.m. 11.30 a-m. C p.m. 4 p.m. Busies, Brakes, aid Saddle Hor.'es for TTire, at Manakau Stables, Lower Queen-street, Onehunia. HOLLIS BROU&B, Proprietors. Telephone line of royal mail COACHES. NORTH SPORE AND LAKE TAKAPUS A. ALTERATION OF TIITE TABLE: WINTER MONTHS. On. and after Tuesday, May 1, and until, fntthsr notice, the Coach will run to the fdlloftiEg time tables Leave Post-office,. De'vonport, at D.30 a.m. and 4.2() p.m. Leave Schoolhouse, Takapnna, at 10.30 a;m. and 5..15 p.m. Sundays, at 10.20 a.m. and 3 p.m.; returciisg 11.15 a.m., and 5.15 p.m. Fare each way—One 1 Soi.ixikq Should sufficient inducement offer, .1 Co.v-h will leave at any moment for Lake Takapuna at otdlCart coach fares. FRANK J. QUICK, Proprietor JpOR THE HOT SPT.IXGB A Royal Mail Coach \yiii leave Devonpcrt fcr "Walwera etfery Mcnday, Wednesday, jmd. Friday, ctrt arrival of. the 9 a.rcL Boat from Auckland, calling: at Creek, Dairy Flat, Wiade, Orewa, arriving at VVai-wor,a at half-past 3 p.m«, and Waiwera every : Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at half-past S a.m. arrivingat Devonport at Half-past 2 p.m. tp Waiwera: 10s; Return, l6s» JAM E S D O : 'J). D, PROPRIETOR.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6815, 20 September 1883, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6815, 20 September 1883, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6815, 20 September 1883, Page 7