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Garden and Orchard Prodcce.— Whalesae: ii Apples. 2d to 3d per lb.; Pears, Id to 2id; Lemms. S per doz., Is Cd to 3s; Onions, perlb.,"ld to id; ?• Walnuts, 9d to Is; Rhubarb, per doz., 2i Cd toSs; (~ Celery, per doz., 2s to 3s; Figs, 2d to 4d per dz.; K Garlic, 3d to 0d per lb ; Pumpkin, per lb., 3s (id ti» B cwt; Coioannts, Ss per 100: Tematoes, per lb., li to B ljd; Oranges, Is 3d to Is 6d per doz.; Bananas. U. to t< 2jd; Pine Apples, Ss to 9s od. Betail: Tomatoes, 4i to si (id; Oranges, 2s to 3a per doz.; I'igs. per doz, U !? Lemons, 2d to 3d each; Onions, per Jb., 'A il Apples, per lb., 2d to 6d ; Pears. 4d to Sd; Wains, .'.-; Is 3d to 2s; Ehubarb. per bundle, id; Celerv, t « bundle, 3i to 6d; Pumpkin, per lb. Id to 34; - Grapes, 2s 6d to 3s per lb.; Uananas, 6d to Sd; Gat:, KSdto9dperlb. . . ;: Preserved axd Dried FRurrs. — Wholat ■-: -A Dried Prunes, Cd to Sd; Crystalized Pine Apl=i ;? Is to Is 3d per lb; Preserved Ginger, If Jα i.; Is 2d; Peanuts, 4d to 0d; Barcelona, 6d U r' per lb.; Shnlled Nuts, 9d to Is; Brazil, 6d .£/«. ■' Retail: Drie I Prunes, Sd to 10d; Crystalized"™ U Apples, Is 9d to 2s per lb.; Preserved Ginger,' J" W to 2s; Peanuts, Sd to Is ; Barcelona Is ta M I =3 Shelled Nuts Is to Is 6d: Brazil. 9d to Is. v i

Farm axd Dairy Produce.— Wholesale: ■ ' e *> fresh Is 3d; Butter, salt, Sd to lid; Cheese, goG 5d to 6d ; Canterbury, do., 6Jd to 7d; Eggs, jj atß - Is 3d; Lard, per bladder, 6d to 7d; Bacon K? D3 > Provincial, Cd to Sd; Hams. Sd to 9d; Gi 0 Ham and Bacon, 9ld to 10d, in cloth ; Hams^J s ', Jams, per case, 5 doz., £1 17s Bd to £118s 3u w1s j p&rpiir 3s to4s j Feathers, bfikcti, clean up to 2s per lb. Betail .- Milk, per quart, 4d4'ter. fresh. Is ed; salt do., 10d to Is; Cheese, colon!?.. M to 10d; Eggs, per doz.. Is 6d; Lard, per. Gd. to 9d; Fowls, each, 2s to 3s ; Ducks, d0.,"-O 3a 0d: Geme, do., 5s to 7s; Turkeys, do., ears to Ss Gd; Pigeons, 2s Cd to 3s Gd pair ;.Sscon, p<. 10d to Is; Hams, do., Is to Is 4d.

Coal and Firewooo Market—Coal: S"Ua 5 (Ehip's side), cargo, 30s to 33s per ton; yard, 3 5 55 - fc Bay of Islands, at yard 3, 27a, scarce ; -ned, m 303; ditto atthe mine, 13s; ship's side. 25s to JWai- &, kato, at mine, 11s; in Auckland, 163 Cd to 203"-™o, '■% Vli per ton at loading ground. Taupiri -ine, S4 Ss 6d to 11s; at yard, 20s to 255. Whan, at i:( mine, 9s 6d; yard (steam), 17s; hocsehjSls fj delivered 235. Firewood: Uncut at whai'SO}, li 9s to 103 per ton; delivered. 143; cnt. 17s t'J U Kauki Gum and Fxax Market. — fi market is quiet at prices Quoted below, :ipt» *-? for month to date, 50 tons. The following oJcns ? • approximate to present rates :—Good ordi *-4O s - ; to £41; East Coast, £50 to £52. Flax, per t<JB to ; i £21; Tow, do., £7 to £9; Fungus per lb., 2 3d; V r - Ocecanut Fibre, per cwt., 15s to 17s; Beeswito - j.i 10d lb. |:; Hay and Coen Market.— Wholesale : f; 3s 6d to 4s ; Oats (new), 2s 4d to 2s 7d ; 'at, s: 4s 6d to 45 9d; fowl, 3s (id to 4s ; Barley, 4- to >f I 4s Uα; Malting Barlej, 5s Gd; Hay, r>w, KJ per ton, pressed, £6 to £6 ss; LacerrO., s"; £6 to £0 10s (nominal); Straw, pei»d, [i ISs to £1 10s; Chaff, mixed, £5; OmcjfS K £6; Hay. oaten. £5 to £6 : Clover. £sito H £6; Potatoes, por ton, £4 to £4 10s. ;',•!* S Maizj, 4s 3d to 4s Cd ; Oats, do., 3s to 33 3L*n, £ per lOOlbs., 63; Sharps, per lOOlbs., 6s; Jt, \i fewi, per bushel,4s to 4s 6d ; Barley, feed dosd $: to 03; Hay, per cwt., 6s Bd to 7s; Lucerne, ,7s if 6d to Ss ; Oaten, do., 6s to 7s; Straw, do., 33 3 j> Chaff, do., 65 to 7s 6d. 1 p Floor Market.— Wholesale : Superfine Flqilk pi diessed, per ton, £14; do., do., household,'; i; hundreds 55., fifties 10s., per ton extra, sacks!-- R bags free; Southern, do., £12 to £13; Bran, pt f> ton (sacks included), local, £6 ; Southern, do., i \l 15s; Sharps, £0; Cabin Bread, do., £1S; Oitmea I'j do., £15 0s to £1510s; Pear! Barley, do., £21 to £2-. li Bread, per 21b loaf, aid. H Seeds.—Lucerne, Is 3d ; White Clover, per lb.. Is t |1 Is Id ; Eed Clover, par lb., 9d to 10d; Cowprass, pe |j lb., Is to Is 2d ; Alsyko, per lb.. Is to Is 2d; Trefoil f? per lb., 7d to Sd; Timothy, per lb, 7d ; Eape, per lb. I: id to sd; Purple-top Abcr. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d 1,7 Green-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., la 3d; Green Globi j I Turnip, per lb., Is; PrairiD Grass, pjr bushel f: 7s to Ss; Eyegrass, per bushel, 63 Bi ;o "i Cd : : Cocksfoot, per bushel, about 3s 6d. ,

Bitldujo Jlateihu.s. — Timber: Boards sec : Scantling, lOOft., 10s to 15s, best dressed, ISs to 19s;: 6d; socond class, 9s to 13s 6d; rustic wealhei v\ boards. 153. MiUs: Cargo, bost, 12s; second;?. class, 6s to 6s Gd, Balk, 6s 6d to 7s. BricktT'(at Whan), 3.'>s to 40s; Town Yard;, £.2 5= " to £2 10s per 1000. Drain Pipes, per 1000, P-; inches bore, 30s; 4 inches, 14s; 3 inches, Ds; i; ' - inches, £2 6s per 1000; Socket Glazed Pipes, 11 \ Inches, 3s; 15 inches. 2a 6d; 12 inches, ii\l'i. Q inche3. Is 3d; 6 inches, 8d; 4 inches, 6d p?i foot ■*>. Miscellaneous.—Kerosene, from Is Td to Is Sc 27 ordinary brands. AVoolpacks in quantity, Ss j> : <-; each ; Corn Sacks, 9s to llsperdozen. Fencin;^ir'< ; -.; So. 6, 7, and 8. assorted, £14 10i to £15 10s per ton. 1-a Lime, slacked, Is per bushel; Quick Lime, in stene ~ eod to 2s. Sew Zealand Palings, Bft., 7s 6-1 to ,y. 10s ; 6ft., 13s; Ti-tree Kails, £2 10s to £i P« :!? 100; Puriri Posts £6 to £7; Shingles, 1& uIM ■ i per 1,000; Hobart Palings, sft., 17s to 193; eft. '- 0 ' : 2]s; flobart Kails, S3s, 100s. Buying acci -j quotations. *|

LITE STOCK AND PBODTJCE MARKET;. :| Ms. AirjiED Bccklasd's Weekly RRPOKT.-it J (he Haymarket on Friday, June 29, beet hay trc3;: ; ■,- : . irom 5s to 7s 9d the cwt; inferior, from 2s Sd. OiS ; .£-■ 'M 5d to 2s Bd. East Coast maize, 3s 2d the bai"- ;. ; ;. The hooded buggy, £2G; an opsn bujgy, £21 £t Horse stock were in good enquiry, light banes- , ? jjij raedium draft selling from £12 to £21 each. At v r«v skin and wool tale held on July 2, hidts rallied sc~ ;4£ what, beat quality reached 3Jd the lb.; bones, ';» g"i the cwt; tallow, 26s 6d to 31s the cwt.; bntcsg S '| sVjds, from 3s to 3s 3d ; station sMns,from Is tci-° ■£, e.%ch. At Pukekohe on Monday, the yards we/! *% t*% filled, and, with slight exception, all stock fcc~jj ;Jj forward were sold; several horse 3 also « r =f ;if?2 owner 3, prices varying from £1 10s to £16W el ? SM At Remuera on Thursday dairy cattle were igjf an.l at lower values. I'at cittle in lets the »™: k3 number, but scarcely so high as list week "«P* ig3 avenges were: Sskers.J Horrell, £93a9?; "slesa A. Uroce Suttor, £3 16s; 7 steers, Henr/- S !e t ; ti' !'■ ''j 7= 9d; 17 steers, W. Taylor. £7 7s ; S star- 5 >™£*? f4J John Fisher, £612s ;31 steera and cow/, J- C. H-« £0 10s. No store sheep offered, anofet y'yi short supply ; prices advanced abou/is eict- «.g? calves in short supply and good enqoTj , - "5 s >'i$ good class plentiful and in brisk enqury- ' ~4 Mbssks. Hcsiee and Kolax's Veeklt Bsii , * ; g —Horses : The supply lias been Moderate aaO£ , a mand steady. There has been/no ptewortiy "•" ~;.3 tion in values. At the DnrhanvTari 3 -- °, n ,f S >M about an average number were eaered and dup- fe# of, but bidding was languid, the? bein? no sjawanimals to excite competition, te quote ferf £5 15s to £13 Ids ; active draugk £17 to£-> ™ l Jfgi Cattle : There has been a eo'» many at 00-- s—. brought forward, but store a"r/ dairy stomre - vj| smaller number than usual. Jice3 were in " T °*U f g vendors, as compared wit/tho previous ««£ fe At Newmarket, on Tnqaa.v, there «w, »,jg adequate supply of tat beasts, viaen •- with corresponing demand but the ?™*J. <*& rates anticipated by selTs was not Miu- rf effect. At Papakora on pdnesday there tm» muster for the midwinteMket; good ™JS re «s M and store steers were % : *?' ■ Tte« ''# no noteworthy alteraUo;"i value. Sheep. w;i was a large muster at fewmarket on , there waa a spirited yemand. J* 5 * wet "" h : *Ji VvSi from 15s (id to 21s : tk. Us to ISs 6d ; fisg to 125 ; store ewes, I</ «ss were incK 2jd liye-weight wm/" d - ' JS _JiM ■iM

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6750, 6 July 1883, Page 6

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AUCKLAND MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6750, 6 July 1883, Page 6

AUCKLAND MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6750, 6 July 1883, Page 6