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Tenders. "|3 lAKO COUNTY COUNCIL. TB AROHA TP. IMWAYS. PERMANENT WAY CONTRACT. (Length, about 3 mll&s) Written tenders will be recolved at the offlca of th. undersigned, until noon of MOM) vY, the 2nd of April next, for the works of the abov? contract. Plana, Specifications, and Conditions of Contract can bo seen and forms of tender obtained, at tha office of the undersigned, or at tho office of the Thames County Council, or a*, the eßice of Sir. G. H. I'urchas. Surveyro, Te Aroha. Tenders to bo endorsed, " Tender for Te Aroha Tramways, .Vermaneut Way 'Contract." The lowest or any tendor not notcaaarlly acceptoJ. (Signedj STEWART H HUNTKR, Ciril .Engineers. Sbortland-street, Auckland, Alarch 10. 18&{ ZEALAND RAILWAYS. lIURUNUI.WAITAKX KAILWAY. 13,529 SLEEPERS. Written tenders will be received at this Office up to neon t ri APRIL. 11, 18S3. for the Supply iind Djlixery of I.S,. r >i9 Sleepers, to be delivered at tho Waipsra Kailway station. They must bo ndilressed .o the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Wellington, and ouUidc "Tenders for Sleepers Huruin i-Waitaki lUII- - may be seen at the Public NVorks Otlices, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch. Dunedin, and Telegraphic tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraph Office by noon of the same date, provided thatwritteu tendersin du»* formanjlodged ata District or Resident EuKineor's Ottico by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque ou some baulc in the town where the tender is lodged, such chiquo to be spocially marked by a Banker as £ood for one month and to bo in favour of the Recoivor-Geoeral s Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest o* any tender will cot necessarily be accepted. By command, W. N BLAIR. Englneer-in-Charje Jliddle Island, rublic "Works Oflicc, Dunedin, 13, ISS3. RAILWAY. AWAPDRUA BRIDGE, if AN A" ATU RIVER. .'.2 OF SOAND 6"SiiALL END S Publ\c V»"o?ks Oflice, wellinjftijn, Gtk March, IS&3. Tenders will be rtfMiv>d at tlih Oflice unUl NOON on FKIDAY, the 'J'Jth April. for the above Contract. Thoy aro to be marked on the outs de, "Tender for Awapurua Bridge, Munawat'.:. Hiver," and addressed to tho Hon. tho Mini der 'or Publ'c Works. Telegraphic tenders, similarly addresse l antl marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraph Otlice by NOON of the sarao dat , provided that tonders as above are lodged at any District or Resident Kngineoi'a Otlico by the saiuo hour. Specifications and general conditions may bo seen at this otilce; at tl:« Public Works A-ackland, Ilawora, Wnngtonl, Cbristohureh, Danedic, and Invercarslll ; a; tho Riiilway stations, New Plymouth, Napior, and Masterton ; acd at the Warden's Olllce, Grahamstown. The lowedt or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN BLACKKTT. Engineer in Charge, North Inland. JpOXTON-NEW MiNAWAl'ur CONTRACT (FORMATION AND PKHMANHNT-WAY). LENGTH ABOUT MILKS GT CHAINS. l'ublic Works O«"»co>, Wellington, 17th March, IS3U. Tenders will bo rcceiwd at tliis Otlico until noon KIiIUAV. the 27th Aprii, lskv<, ( -r iho abov.< <J«-n tract. They are to be marked ou the tutside, "Tender for Manawapon C%jntraet." and a<Mre»do . I to tho Hon: tin; .Ministor for l'ublic TeloKrapliic tundora, siniiliirly aililros.n U and n.ark d. will : lw received if present.'.l at any Telegraph by , no m of tlie Ramc d ite, proTirlml that tender- a* ah»»ve aro lodged at any District or Resident Otlico by the .saui>» hour. Specillc*tiona <.nd cen«-ral couditioni may be seen at this otHce ; at the J* -blic Works Oiliccs. Auckland, Hawera, Wangunui, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargiil : at the Rad-vay SUitionß, Now Plymouth ; at tljo Wanlen'a t)lli. e, OrahaiListown ; and Crown Lands Oilico, Patea. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. I By command, ! JOHIf CLACKETT, Engiuoer-in-Chargo. North laland. WA IK ATO -TU AM fc!S RAI L\VA V. TE AROHA IIRIDCJE CONTRACT (FORMATION AND PERMANENT-WAY). SWING OF 84 FEET. NINE -10-FEET SPANS AND ONE 11-FEET SPAN. Public Works Oflice, Wellington, 22nd March, K<SM. Tenders will be received at this Ollice until noon on FRIDAY, tho 4th May, IBMI, for tho above Contract, They are to Ix* marked on the outride, '* Tender for To Aroha Contract," and addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Telegraphic tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will bo received if preaented at any Telegraph Otlice by noon of the same date, providod that tenler.s as above are !_dged at any District or ICi)Kii.e. r'»i Oili. e by the same hour. Spo itio-vtions and general con.iiLions may be seen at this otilce ; at thu Public Works Otlices, Auckland. Hawera, Wanganui, Christchurch, Dunedin. and Inrercargill ; ai the Railway ijtatiou. Now Plymouth ; and at tiie Warden'.* Otlice, * Jrah tins, town. The lowest or auy tender not accepted. I'y cuiiunand. JOHN BLACKKTT, Engincer-in-Charge, North Inland.

ZEAi AND RAILWAYS. PURIKi. Sj-^trEFtS General Manager's Office, Wellington, 3rd March. 1 "-S3. Tho Railway Departm-'nt \.ill Purchase . plit Puriri Sleepers, 7 feet I y 3 Inches, iiy 5 inches in size. In lots of 100 or moro, dolivored and stacked at any Station or Siding on the Auckland Railway, at three shillings and six penco (Us 6d) a pieco. Sleepers to to all he&rtwood, free from largo knot*, shakes and othor defects, hewn true in shape, to bo stackod as directed, and to be approvod and passed by the Government In- ! apector. On receiving notice of delivery of sleepers, 1 on proper form (obtainablo at the Railway Stations, Pukekoho, or Helenwilb-). to Residtnt | Enginoer, Newmarket, will send an inspector to pass and brand tho sleopers, and for snch si paw inapoction, payment will bo made within 23 days of tho Storekeeper's cortiflcato. Condemned sleepers must be removed within 14 days' notice from tho Inspector, failing which they will bo forfeited, and become the property of tho Cnwn, J. P. MAXWELL. Gcnorol Manager Ne*v Zealand Railways. O T I c E. Tenders aro required to be 6ent in by noon on TUh'SDAY next, at Mr. J. B&ber'a Ollicc, Shortlandstreeti Auckland, for Carting Scoria, at per cubic yard, for repairing tho roads of the Mount Koikill Road District for twelve months. JOSEPH MAV, Chairman. March 2'J, ISS3. SEPARATE TENDERS will be receivuil by Ibo undorslffned for Re-Sliinplinp anil Painting St. Sepulchre's Schoolroom, Syuionds-htreet, until noon of SATURDAY, iilst instant. Spocitlcations at my otlico, O'Counell-htrcet, Auckland. H. ALLRIGHT. fJIO BUILDERS. EXTENSION OF TIME. Tenders will bo received, until noon of WEDNES DAY, the 4th April, for the erection of a Prick Store in Fort-streot. Plans at my otlico, S3, Queon*&trect. HENRY G WADE, Architect^ rjp 0 BUILDERS. Tenders will be roccived, up to noon on SAVURDAY.the 7th April, for the erection of a Crick Store in Elliott-street. Plana, &c.. at our otlicea, Queen-street. i;dw. maho.ney a so\, Architcotri. rp O ROAD CONTRACTOR S. Tenders aro invited up to Noon of THURSDAY, April f>, for the Formation of a Koad fruni Arenuj-road to Hobson's Cay, St. Stephen's E-Jtate,-Paruoll. W. F. HAMMOND & SON, Architects and C.K.'s, South i/ritish rji En d e r y. Tendors are asked for Supplies—Groceries, Me its. Ship Stores, &c.—for German MaH-t>f-Uar Hyain-. List of Articles re'jui'ed may be >e-n vt the German Consulate (Pucitlc Mail S.S. Co.'s No. IL>, Lower THOS. T. GAMBLE, Acting (i'jrman Consul. TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. — Scoria aupplied for (.rinding or Concrete. — Orders left at llondry and Whittey's,--Wm. Cilerly, Onehunga. E W ROAD BO AR D AC T. Common seals, required >y all lloaJ rioiird.H by dauso of cow Act now in lorco, made to order by INGIIAM & CO. Uizh-strect.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 8