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Ksw ZCAuA.:iD o?:itALr> Office. Saturday afternoon. The dutifs coilocted to-day amounted to £115 os Id, and for the vreek :

la reviewing the business of the past twelve months it is pleasing to be able to report that business generally, if not of an exciting nature, has been steady arid sound, and gradually progressive, and taking it altogether there is much to congratulate ourselves upon. The variouß industries which have been establi&hed in our midut. s-uch ass the Soap ami Candle Works, the Vinegar Company, the Fibre M.\r,uf<tcturing Company, the Timber Mills, etc., are all in a mess prosperous Ktate, and all busily employed. The new ;iugar Kelining Company have compieced the of a portion of die fore.-hore of our b'tiboiii, and the work of erecting all the necesatry for the proper carrying on of the work of tbo company m to he commenced forth with, sc> that at no distant dat-e we «hall have the pleasure of seeing this new and important industry in full working order. Did we need any further proof of our general prosjjeroui? conJitioD, we hnv.j only to note the movements in the city during the past fortnight, and witness the unusually large influx of visitor* from all parts of the province. They have all the appearance of contentment, and ol being in a generally pn>?-p!?roU'« condition. ft r c do not remember witne-tdng so large a number of visitor in Auckland b\fore as there are at the present tim*». It lias been estimated that fully £150,1100 has been brought into Auckland and spent heie during the past fortnight or tbreo weeks. In Mldition to the various industiies mentioned ab.<\v, the various trade?, such as the boot manuf.tciui et>, the building trade, etc., are *11 in iuo»t satisfactory condition, and in the latter particularly thoie lias been an extreme : briskness for some time past, with every ap- ! of its continuing fur a long time to come, the rapid growth of our city ami suburbs giving etnplojinvut to capital in building houses to meet the g r ami incrcaping demand. In .summing up our rcmniU we du not believe that at :aiy time of our hiatory have we been in a more prosperous condition th.-»n we are at the present time. Fiom the Customs return it wiU I• o noticed th-t the return of Custom-? dutity was i'ol for the year iust, ended, as against i."J77,boS for the previous year, tVas showing itn increase of .C>7,o f JO on the 12 months' transactions. The ' total iee-ipts of Custom.-', from all sources, that is adding the sales of heer duty stamps, Miippb-g fee.--, piict,»se, Sea., amounts to £;Wj,372 for the year ISb'J. The shipping n-tui'r.H for the p«:s»t 1- month?, and which we pub.ibh wheie, also siuav quite as; satisfactory a condiri-jn as the Customs returns. hdnce nummary business has been S'jWHvlh: bri-k<T than for the preceding month. This briskness has been particularly noticeable in the guin market, the last having b'.n-n the month for some time past. I':ic*s are ex;:en;e!y liim, and ;dl Jines (tf-.-ied are ie*diiv bought up at piices satisfactory to the sulitsr. W" quote : For gopd ordinary quality from £10 to £-17, »nd for East Coast to" £•">'' p " ton. The receipts for the month Amount to 7f<~> tons. The total quantity reduring ?!:-■. p:mi 12 months whs nO(>S as I'gaiMst * tons for IS3I. The following ir» return >.::o-.ving the receipts from all s'.uirses it Auckland for the last four year:-, and it will be. ijor'c.-d that the receipts for tho month of u:i'.--r just past has been the largest of any moulf; during the lour years quoted : —

In the wool mr.i ket, since the opening of tho I present season. ihere hr.s been considerable J activity, mi w- may quoto a rise of fully ; f i per I Jb. -upon former rates, and this advance lias been I maictained in the face of the reported fall in 5

price at Home of f- jl]y 1( j p Cr lb. But thiß falljis principally in ' uhe better descriptions of wool, such as sen* {rom Australia, than in low C ro3s-br_e r> a „ rowu here, bo thit it is to be hoped the oor^ fil { enoe exhibited by our buyerß hero may je misplaced. , , , For hops there is a steady market, although at tho present time brewers are fairly supplied. Stocks on hand are smiU, and therefore prices may be expected to remain firm, particularly aB advices to hand of the Home market report a scarcity of supply, consequent upon the small crops. Under date London, November - we are advised that "Dunns the last fortnight the market advanced rapidly, and beyond expectations. Tho very high figure of A.-10 per cwt. been reached, and there is every probability of higher figures. Nothing under £20, and medium sold at £2o to £20. Kast Kents at from £30 to £10, and shipping hops, wealUs about £30 to £.iu. American and Continental are ako very his;U choice. !New \ork State lops realised £27, and choice Spilt and Haller,on (Bavarian), £2.j to £24. Q In ales and porters there has been a little jet'er business noticeable. Prices, howevei, emain unchanged, although we ure advised ot iisher paces ruling in .England. All lines are uily stocked. ... The supply of slates, both American and Englirli, i-i beyond requirements, aud prices ire only nominal. , , In 11 iur3, the market is generally overstocked, m<l the prices quoted are only nominal. Southern bran has receded during the month, and ia now quoted at £0 to .~t> lus. CX-\fcs, feed, 3s (id to 3* 9d. Iu the leather market pricos r>ra nrra !u per sole leither from 10J to Is 3d per lli.; kips, Is Gd to 2s. We notice several parcels have recently been imported, the reason assigned beinc the scarcity in this market owing to the short supply of hides. To eudeavour to meet the requirements of the market tho export ot cropß and kips to the Hom6 market has, In a very large measure, stopped. In sugars there have been two or three trade sales heid during tho past month, and tho prices realised have been on tho whole satisfactory. We quote (duty paid)— Sydney, No. 1, £.;7; Mauritius, white crystals, £37 to £3S ; to"?' 1 ®; £35 : yellow, £32 to £32 10s; Fiji, rations, £24 tej £28; Penang estate, Fiji (duty P a i'')> bright yellows, £31 to £33 ; white crystals, £37. Kerosenes are fully stocked, and we quote prices -In bond. Is to Is Id ; duty paid, Is 6d to Is 7Jd per gallon. In tne provision market there bus been considerable business during tho latter part of the jmst month, particularly for hi\ms and bacon. We quote — Canterbury hams and bacon (in cloth) at 3d to ; Canterbury cheese, 7d tu 81 perlb.; and provincial, GJd per lb. There has been a very briek trade m dried fmita during tho past fortuigbt for the Christmas trade. Tho market, however, is well stocked with all lines, except muscate*?;, and prices remain unchanged. Ln tobaccos the recent arrivaA tea Andreas Hue, &c., has stocked tho Market again aufiiciently for all requirements for some time tc come. , , In other stocks the supplies rtc large, Jvnd equal for all requirement*. has been Hoicowhat quiet, particularly tovwrdfl tho latter eud of the month, when attention was 'only given to such linea as -were desired for irnine* diato requirements. It is fully expected, however, that the new year will open with greatei briskness, as stocks in seaond hands are somewhat bare. CUSTOMS RETUKNfS. The following are the Customs returns foi the push twelve months-: — monthly. The following is a Htutftuj<?ut showing the amount of Customs duties collected at the pori of Auckland, in the colony of New Zealaiu: (accordion to. the several heads of revenut undermentioned), from the Ist to the 31st da} cf December, 1832, both days inclusive : — £, s. d.

Spirits, 14s per gallon - * Cigars, cigarettes, and snuff, (is per lb. - 303 £ < Tobacco, 3s t>d per lb. - 3,345 7 t Wine, 5s per gallon 7i- ?f «' Wine (Adsu-alian), 4s per gallon - - Ij< 1* I Ale and beer. ic. (in bottle),-Is Gi per gallon ------- 600 13 ( Ale and beer, &c (in wood), Is 3d per r r t gallon ------- £ ' Tea, 4d per lb. - - - - itOlO •> Coll'ee. cocoa, cliicorv, and chocolate, 3d per lb. ------ - 200211 ( Sit-'ar, raw, reimcd, and molasses, £a o^ b -::::::: I,C3 0 w i Goods by weight * - - 2 '2o(j 10 . Ad-valorem, 25 per cent. - - !'■* ; ~ 15 per ceutt - lb 1J Other duties not spcciiied above - - 00b 4 : Total ------ .€-23,750 IS) 1 Gold duty - Beer duty - - - - ' - - MO/ 14 -

QUARTER RETURN. Comparative return, allowing the net amount of Customs duties (after deducting refunds) collected at the port, of Auckland for the quarter ending December 31, 1882.

Summarv of receipts of duti®3, &c., at tli° pur-. of Auckland from the Ist o£ October to the 3Lat December, ISS2, inclusive.

Hatks or I'xciiAsur. on i.onikjn-.—Buying : 12 (lav?, 1; per cent discount; i>') days, discount; 00 days, i per cent, discount; :'.u days, 'i per cent. I par cont. Selling . 120 days, I per cent, premium ; days, per cent, premium ; CO days, 1 l'or cent, premium; ;W days, li per centpremium; on demand 2 per cent. premium. Dis. count: fti days, 7J per cent.; 12.") days, S per cent. .Kki:u;hts.--The following are the rate.-; of freicht quoted at this port for London Wool, £rc:ny, I'd per lb.; ditto, washed, i'd per lb.; leather, 00s per ton : oil. <U.> per tun of 2"j2 tallow, Oi's per ton ; copra, li'Js p>.r ton ; whalebone, to> per ton ; kauri s per ton ; .shells, (Jf'F per ton; dead wcLdit, l-iu.s per ton ; cotton, pressed, *d per lb.; .-.iiuepakins per Hi.; measurement. .*>Us per Uju aki> I\>i:ti:k.—M±Lrsh°-U's Dunodin A!-.-(duty paid), in bulk (pain),Co; xxxx, £-; 10s. Ale. in balk (duty paid) per barrel, Haas's, .es ; Ashbv's, £S. Ale (in bond), Tennent's, ]tints, c.s t'.d"; quarts, I'd (nominal); liru-s's l>osshead brand (Head's bottling). pint.;, 0s 0d ; quarts, I'ulidog {'.i. Porter and Co's boUlii'-), ,; s ; iud « brand, Cs, o< ;;d, and ;;<! ; dil'.o sparkling p.-d»j ale. 0s i)« 1 and i's :;d ; \\*. YouiuerV. as and 7s lid ; Ashby's, Os :'d od .-.nil iJ»i; ln-i Coope, pints, tis Od ; quarts, ts '.M ; P.ass's (lilood bottlers), pints, 4s; quarts (Is Od, : pints Cs od, quarts Us. Dear's Head : quarts. i>s yd ; pints, 6s iM. GiiinnesV Harp brand bv Foster : pints, tis ; quart*, Ss. Norway al<:>, pin:- 5 0s -d, quarts as (id. .Stouts in bund: flood's, pints, quarts, 7s; Do.-shead, Isuiunci's (Head's bottling), pints. d.»; quarts, cs <>d; li. I'orter and Co.'s bottling. Us 'id and >'s »>d ; Spark's Moline bottlin?, Cs to !>s iJd ; GrilUn brand, ,; s «,a and :;d ; iJurko's. Us and 9s ; Cameron and Saunders's, 7s and 9s (jd ; other brands, ."s and 7s o'd ; Combe's, quarU, 7s (slock heavy): pints, •v. i;d (nominal.) Duty: Pints, Is ti«l; quarts, ;>s ]ier dozen. IJrit.uiso Mati:uiai,.s. —'Cement, may be quoted at K. P., J ss. Market iupolhv.l. Slates: Supply beyond requirements. Counte»ses are v.-orth £11 t.-» £12. Market full. American, CS to .1:10. Master of Paris, lis. demand sli-ht U\<;s l'iAO.;iN(i, i).l'.—Marked stocked, VToolpaeks, full lOlbs.. 27 x f.l, Calcutta, :;s Ud ; Dundee, us (Id ; cornsacks, 4-bush., 2;dlb., 9s Sd. Bi'.cai.'stufks ami OiiAix.— best silk«drcsscd Hour, .4113 10s; household, £12 103; Southern brand?, .Cl 2to £12 10s ; Adelaide (none). Wheat (Auckland), none. Cats : J'eed, iis tid to 15s 'Jd. ]>ran (Southern), to £0 10s ; local millers' quotations, *:<5 to .£G 10s per ton. Southern sharps, £0 to £0 10s. M&ire (duty. 9d per cental) :4s9d to f»s; i-'iji, none ; Syaney, none. Oatmeal, £17 to £IS. 35-irley (for mallinc), as (nominal): Southern, feedini,', 3s Gd to -Js; poirl, £20 10s to £21. Cabin bread, £13 i>er ton. Potatoes, none.

Coru>AGL, £>.r. (Subject to anila hemp rope, all sizes, Sydiwy-,. .200. £.70; Auckland made, £70 to £75*. and Unco lines, £SQ; cutting fa fill's £S0; New Zealand ttax rope, all size?-, ±.40; Auckland made, £33 to £40: wwl lashing, £33 ; clothes lines, rid per lb.-, subject to trade discount; Manila clothe. 51 : lines, Sd; oakum, free, ditto, £-10-; spun yam two-yarn, ditto, £4S lo £55; Vrvines shop, d.p., per lb., 9d to ls2(i ; sewir.-g twice, Is Id per lb,; local make, la to Is 3d. Coal. Newcastle sufficient for requirements, oos at ship's side; 363 to 40s in yards, may be taken i as a fair quotation. Hay of Islands is very scarce, I and 12s, f.0.b., at the mines, is quoted; Wha- | ugarci coal, Us to 13s, ditto, "NYaikato ; steam, 6s ; i household. 10s. Coffek ani» Si'icks (in bond), per lb.—Ceylon, coffco plantation, Is ; do., Fiji, 0-1 to I'd ; chicory, colonial, 7.'.d ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's Is 4Jd; Fry's Is -id; Van Houten's, 4s Id to 4s 3d : Epps's, Is Gld * Maravilla,ls Od; chocolate, Taylor's, Is 3d; Frv's Is 3d. Spices, d.p.; (.'loves, Is lid; bleached ffin"er lid ; unbleached do., 3d ; nutmegs, 3s (3d ; black pepper, whole, 9d; white do., lid. # CoNfuctioskkv.— Local manufacturers are producing * rood* articles, and the consumption is gradually increasing. Watcrs's colonial boiled, G*d; dry, 9'd " juiubes* Is 2d; Iveillors assorted confcc tfun's Did- lOd; candied lemon anil orange peel, dp.,' 10$ d ta Is; citron, Is 3d: jujubes, Is OJd to Is Id. Gum Fro: &c —Cummarket is very strong, and all 'offering'is eagerly bought up. Goo-l_ ordinary £46 to £47; K»st Coast, £:»5 to £56. I'lax First quality, £20; second, £17 to £20; tow, £/ 10s per ton. Cocoanut ftbre, £l"> to £17: Cocoanut oil (fine ft'liito), per ton, £0-5. Copra : per ton. £9 10s to .CLO. lHos.Mos<si:ity.— Ewbank'S nails, invoice, 10per cent, off list; galvanised corrugated iron, duty 40s per ton, (>, 7, 8 feet. £25 10s ; U feel, 10 feet, £-0 12s Od ; English }f r irc f« i per ton, £9 to £10 ; pig iron, £4 10s tc I ss; plate iron, £12 to £13; fencing »ire is I overstocked, dutv 2us per ton : asserted sizes, £13 10s. Sheet-lead, £19 10s to £2010s; pig-lead, ■ £lS (very scarce); sheet-zinc, .£2O to £27. - Kaimes', Curtis and Harvey's, 5d P e f » To'?' Gd to GAd ; sporting (in canister), 2s ; for 10 and -4, d.p. canister, Xo. 2, d.p., 3s OU Yellow metal, 7UI; Muntz, to fcid. Jams, Dried Fruits , &c.—The duty under the new tariff on driod fruit is 2d, and_ on preserves, lid. Umrlisli marmalade, llb.-tws, 7s Gi. to Ss Gd; Moir's, 7s 3d ; Hobart jams, Kmgbt anc Johnson, 7s ; Peacock's, 7*; jars, 7(1 to bd ; Zvelsoi. (New Bealnnd), 7s (id; sultanas, Gjdto7id; muscatols (bare), Is 4-1; elemes, "d to 7J-1; currants, O'd to &!d' tigs, CM to Sid.: Turkish prunes, 3d to sd. Dried apples (very scarce), ord ™; r £ in kegs and cases, GUI; Alden s process, < u dtc bd, d.p. Lkatkku axd Hmßtf.—Sole leather, 10(1 to Is »>i. per lb.; kips, Is Gd to 2s ; runners, 2s Gd to M calf, colonial, 3s to 4s l>d ; basils, 12» to per dozen ; closed uppers, 4s Gd to 9s 3d per pair Hides, 3d to aijd; calf skins, Sid to 3:] d per lb. sheepskins, Gd to Gs. Masukks.—Australian bonertnst, £7 103 ; Californian £0 10s; Auckland, £7 to £3 10s; superphosphate of lime. £S los to £9 10s; boneftour, aS to £9 Peruvian guano, £17 to £18 per ton ; Jarvi: Island, £4 per ton ; animal manure, none; cocoa nut oil cake (none); linseed cake, £12 ; Maldei Island guano, £7 10s; Huon Island guauc, £u Hurot's chemical m-anuro, £14 10s. Malt and ttoi\s.—Knglish malt is scarcc, ami no inquiry is experienced. Colonial, Gs 3u. Hops : English, 4s Cd ; Nelson, 4s ; Snccharum ols; glucuse, £27 ]a> to £31 10s, d.p., deiivere< tobrowerj-. Oilmen's Storks.—Price's Belmont candles, d. lid o'd, d.p., Ixt 11).; DcKoulmix Jonar, Sd ; Bran don's Kctk, and Oouiia's Schiedam, D.K.O. 7Jd to Sd; McLcod's Dunedlu sperm, 7ld to Sd Local blue-mottled soap, £'27 per ton ; carbolic ; bestycllow, X-7; household, ; liritCrovvii £•25; socond Crown, iilO ; soft soap, in tins,-l a t por lb.; toilet, !M to lOdpor lb.; mould cu.udles, fn J.or lb. ; all subject to trade discount. Salt Course, jes 12s (id; tine, £317s(id ; Jordan almonds 2s to 2s Gd. JUacking paste, Uay am Martin's, 4s <Jd. Column's starch, >.0.1: white ■lid.; bluo, -Ijd; Orlando Joum starch 4d. C.ill and Tucker's starch, 4d. d.p.: Smithdale's libs., Is 2d ; Champion'sgenuin 1-lb. book-sliaped tins, llfs to lUs (id; tins !ls 3d to 'Js ltd; Column's 1-lb. tins (red), 10 Cd ; half ditto, 3s I'd; 7-lb. tins (Ted to green) -7\tl to Is; 1-lb. tins (green), l'Js ; }-lb. fljtto 7s (id; JJ.SF r'.-lb. tins. Us t'.d ; Keen's, Ds (id. Blue "Ueckitt's Thumb, Bid; I'aris, in squares, lOd iicen's, BW. Matches; Vestas, d.p., lirvant an. May's 250, "cr gross, 17s to ISs; ditto, plaid 4s Od to 4s !M; ditto, fancy oval, 22 Ckl; Letchford's, 17s ; Bell and Mack's, 17s t< 18s ; plaids, is Sd to 4s ad ; It. Bell Co. "50's 16s (id to 17s ; nlaids, 4s to 4s Gd ; Crowi plaids, Js Sd to ts Gd ; 2r»o's, ISs. Oil: Castor, n pints, Ss 3d; half-pints, 4s lid to Ds; quarter pints, 4s iid. Salad : C. and 8., pints, IS to Its; lmlf-ditto, 7s Gd to Ss; Morton - ! pints, 10s ; half-pints, 5s od. l'icklcs . Stop'.fnpints, 7a; Crosso and l'lackwell's, pints, 12s 0.1 l'ool's, 9s ; .Morton's and others, from Ss ti 10s Gd. Kico ferouml), in tins, 4kl. Sauces Lea and Perrin's, half-]iints, 12s Ud; C und li., half-pints, »s ; Miller's, 7s Gd ; Stephens (3s Gd; (joodhall's Yorkshire lieiish, Gs Gd Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, per gallon, 2s 2d Pew's "a to is 2d ; Evans', 2s 2d ; Burnett s 2s 2d ;' Potts', Is lid. Treacle : golden syrup :Ud per lb. American honey, 2-lb. tins lis 6d, d.p. Sago, »id; Upioca, 3Jd. Corn Hour: Brown's, 4id, d.p.; Brown and l'olson's, Gtd ; Johnston's, Gt(l; Wade's, sid; Munn's, Gd. Preserved milk : Js'estle's, Ss <Jd ; Milkmaid, Si Cd - .Milkman, 7s Gd. Tartaric acid, 2s 2d; crean of tartar, Is 9d ; bicarb, soda, 17s ; soda crytals .€7 10s to £8. Oils an'd Paints.—Duty 6(1 a gallon. Colza, 11 drums, is 3d; bulk, 2s lOd; linseed, boilei drums, 3s ltd ; bulk, 3s 7d ; raw drums, Ss 7(1 bulk, 3s Jd ; cistor, in bulk, 3s Sd to 3s Od kerosene, d.p., Is 6(1 to Is 7.'.d ; kerosene, in bond Is to Is Id. White lead, ground, per cwt.. genuine 345; No. 1 white lead, 31s to 3- ; >s ; red lead drv, £1 10s. Oil colours, assorted, .K1 10s tc £1 18s. Turps, duty paid ; drums, Js to 4s Gd American, 3s Dd ; whiting,per ton, lis ; resin £'J to £1) 10s (overstocked); American C!irriag( varnish, 7s fid-to lis per gallon. Pnovisios-s. Cheese-double Glostcr, unsaleable; Dutch, Is Id; provincial, GdA ; Canterbury, 7il to Sd. Salt butter, 8d to Oil for good sound Kice, d.p., iiangoon, £22; Saigon, £2i; Japan dressed, £13, i.b., for parcels. Hams and bacon (dutv, 2d per lb.); Canterbury hams and bacon, bare; do. in cloth, 9d to !)}<i. Fish : Ling, s',d; preserved red herrings, _in tins, 30s to 32s per dozen (2-lb. tins); white, 31s per barrel; Findon haddocks, 10s: lobsters, American, libs., Ss Od to 9s Gd; 21bs., ISs; salmon, lib., S's Gd ; pickled salmon, 3d ; sardines (Albert's), quarters, 5s i)d ; halve;, 10s 3d ; oysters, Us Gd to 7s. u.i*- —Svdnev, No. 1, £3.7; \arrayille, IC\ .t-:}?'; IW, " .Cil' to brewers" crystal-, £.37 to X 10; Mauritius white crystals. .41U7 to £HS ; briuhi, JC\io ; yellow. £32 to 10s; crushed loaf, sd; Californian crusliud, 4?4 f (very h:ire); Californian cube, 4 : Jd; Fijian rations, £24 to £*28 ; yellow crystals and counters, £2H to £:iS; t'enany Kstiite, Fiji, u.p., bright yellows, to £o3: white crystals. £37Kvtkits lirandy : Ilouver, Ciouillet. and Co, 2."s and 8s ;Marcellain's, ease, -22s 0.1, IB; <iask. 2Ss (id ; half-tlask, 3os (kl; quarter-llask. c3s od, and in bulk 7s Od ; Hennessy's brandy, bulk, Ilia tid to 14s; ciise, 30s to «JOs; Jiisquit hnbouche and Co.'s pale', in hlids. and (jr.-casks., 8s; Ueehive, bulk, 8s; Courvoisier's, case, 345; Otard's, '20s (nominal) ; bulk, 10s Gd ; lJeehive, case. *24s ; I>isquit, Dubouehe and Co.'s, 2fx ; lline's, •28s; bulk, 8s; Oautiers, 32s and 10s Od ; Hurgaud's, 7s 3d to 7s yd- Muller 1-rorcr, 2()s. Cavalier KreroV., 245; •'. 13. Kenc's case, 22>~: Meukow, 30s and 10s; Senimaud, Gs to Gs Od ; Dessandier's, 22s and 7h Gd. Whisky, bulk : Walker't; WW, 10s; Crecnlcss and Colvillc's f»s Gd to Gs 3d ; c;vse, Kob Hoy, ISs ; caso, Keith, Kossand Co.'s, Us; Teacher's, 9s Gd : Uunville's, 5s Gd ; case, 18s ; Lorne Highland, 21s ; lied DeerCs Gd to 7s; case, lL>s; Us Gtl and 'Ms- Keddle'sold Koyal Klend, 245; Teachers old, 24s to 20s ; Encore, IDs; 19s; Walker's WW, 235; Jeraboam, 28s ; LL, 22s Gd to 235: all in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gallons, .TDIvZ, 13 bottles, 10s; 20 bottles, IDs; kev/ geneva, j>roof, 13s ; .Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21s Gd'; Dew of the Alps, 275. (Jin. Booth's, 10s ; Kurnett's, ir>s. Lowndc's rum. 30 op, 4s yd to ss; Hod Heart, case, 25s Gd; Kurnett's case, 225. Key, 225. Duty. 14s. Torv<vo Dutv, 3s Gd. Venus, 10s ,* three-quarter "boxes, Is 4d; c;;ses, Is : Venus. Navy Hat ; i work, Is Gd ; double-thick ditto, Is Sd ; Uver the | i "Water, 30s; case Is 3d; itarrett's Crown, lid ; ; Two Seas, Is Id to is 4 U1; Victory Twist, Is 4 'yd ; i •in<l eases 1-; 0d ; low, 10s, Od to lid; Detbv 13's, ! id; Derby G's. is 4d ; Orion Ws. Is 3.1; Caujeron's Fancy Aromatic, Is 7d to Is lid ; Itoyal standard, is id. Tniiii'u. — tiuotations are as follows: — Kauri boards and ecantlini? cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., Mast Coa.n, 13s to Hs G-l. tir.-t----class ; Bs, seeoiul-class; at yards, Auckland, ISs | to 10s lirst-cJass ; 10s second-class. Flooring IG> Gd t> 17s Gd lirst-clrtss; 12s fee Mid c'.as-i ; rusticated, 17s to ISs West Coast. 13_> ; baurk. 7s; white pine (kaliikatea), 7s; T and (J, fl.s f.0.b., at mills; at yard, ilrst-class 14; secondclass, lis; ifohart palings, b feet, ISi ; G feet, 17s *' Hobart rails, £3 lf>s. Tj:as.—lVicvs rani;e as follows (in bond):—f'pn~ous. coinnjon to good. 7UI to Is Id ; middling to tine kinds, IslUfto Is -id ; Saryunes and I'anyongs, Is 4d to 2s ; Souchongs and Ivaisows, Is Gd io 2s 3d. Indian toas are n..w coming into the market regularly. Friees may be quoted for Semi-broken and line Souchong kinds, is ;k1 to 2s Id. Wini:.-.— t'hainpau'nc. duty paid: Pericr Jouct and Co., <iu.iiUy, .juarts, B'.'s ; pints. 85-; halfpints, Dfi; second quality, quarts, 01s ; pints, (Ws; iiaif-t.'inls, 78s. liiKleheini, quarts, hits ; 85s: -Moei, quarts, SSs; pints, ifOs; JJo.-derer, quats. loos; pints. 100s; Pol. and (Jo., ]'.K)s and lor.s ; Adolphe Collins, 00s and 705., ' dicio e.'tra .superior, 70s, 80s. Arpail Hara.s<;thy ami C".'s. quu-ts. 70s-, pints, 7'>.:. fit. Huberts AUbiralian, 22s per dczen. -VUCICLAXD STOCK AND SHAKE | MARK.KT. Wo have ha-1 a very Hfiiit'-t! imrkct, causo<] in i measure V»y i'm-j ni'.'.r appvoacli of the Christmas hcilid.sys. Moii.y continues to be amount in coiii|»J)ra'-ivtoy small sums at 71 to 8 per fMit. on *;ooii Ireehold socuiitirp, tiiou-h is is iiilriw"it to more tbun 7 in mounts. Muse ot our local stocks U;vVe been <iuil of sale, and th'i t:ans.rations rather limited. J).ink of Now Zealand shares imvu been p!;u;fd in fair parc ls at £23 to £23 10.-, closing with buyers at £23 . r >3, and selh-is at th<i latti-r pnet'. National Jiank s?iares s'ana at 775, ami Colunial;) at -j7s. U'iicre has bcon a brisk demand for , Sash and Deor and largo haye changed hands at. and £ l J 2s Gd paid). Auckland have commainied a reatiy saU> at £< Si to £8 7> Gd. The company CL-ie.i for toaders for 7'."'o shirts, aud tlu-y _wt*ru all o.igoily taken up at i'S Gs to i!S 7s Gd. It would seem by this that Auckland investor do not fear the el-ctric light reducing r.hevtlue of shares. Loan shares liavo been placed a; £G f»s, and thcrd area low sellers at this ti^uro. There has been very little demand for insurance Bhares, and nearly all these aro quoted r.t very low rate.*. Fishci's shan-s ttnd buyers at lis Od (10s paid), and iielie: b are holding for higher prices. A :aew company has been put on the market called the Auckland Pedigree Stock Company. The directors are amongst our most ii.Uunniifl men, a:id as already a large number ot shares have been subscribed, the company promises to be an unqualifiod success. i There has been a very limited market for mining shares, nnd prices are low, but that is nearly always the case just about Cbiietiuaß.

?here is great promise for the Thames goldfield ust now, as the prospects in tho I'rinca Imperial, Deep Level, Southern Cro3s, and Queen f Beauty m ; nes are so encouraging as to lead o the belief that if masters are prudently and udiciously managed, we shall ia the near ature see a career of prosperity opeii up for he Thames goliifield such as we have uot seen lince the good o!d Caledonian days, and with >very prospect of tho improvement being on a nore solid and permanent basi*. "We hear very much better accouuts of tho prospects of the Oil Companies on the EaatCGast; Doth are now being energetically worked* The South Pacific Company have secured tha valuable services of a practioal man from tho States, and lie expresses himself very much pleased with tho wonderful uhow of oil on the surface. He has commenced operations with energy and skill, and if the oil is thero (and he 'hag no doubt on this subject) we shall soon see a very large and important export added to the list. The following quotations will convey a fair idea of market vuluea and tho course of salea : —

GALL AND DIVIDKND LIST. Tho following are the curron calls and dividend of tho coropHDiea named below, as certified in our j advertising columns :— I

Duties £3,427 14 h Light dues.. .. .. .. 72 7 10 Port charges (Onthunga) .. 8 12 0 hi. S. fe-js 12 11 o Gold duty 0 6 0 Other receipts 22S 16 7 £3,0:0 8 7

l-<0. 1>SL • -• ; '- fu }\--br;ury .. .. :!l;» : ' A -~ v- iTc b .. ->>0 .1:0 :M" Ap:.l .. .. ::-i' MO -J 20 :-7<i •.i\y .. .. aoo :i:)0 ;;sr. Ju'c •• -- »50 juiv .. ■. 4 ' i " Ail—,1st • • - • *''0 -IGtf '13.» 4;>ii .. -7l: udd 4ir» :iir> October .. .. •-••SO 430 KW 4S5 Novomi.« •• -VjO K45 4S0 Dc'.vmlcr .. .. :cu OSS .'00 76,. 3,339 S.27G 0,100 5,008

THE S EW '/EA-LAl^rO^ 4" — 1 ' " - _ price at i f i , 1( , r lb. But this fall|is C< — ~ " in at port of Auckland for quarter e g pr i no i p aliy in _ C6 better descriptions of wool, December 31, 1S82 :— such as sent { om Australia, than in tJ low * Ulr Liz BRITISH. R\llast cross-W wu here> B0 that it is to be hoped•dar.-AucUaHdU.So-ai.g ; Yc , Vie. Vns. C, the.cor^ ce exhibited by our buyere here may ni<5i Manukau 2.30— 5gsg U1 — not je ml sp]aced. , J , m -HlEes.i.49; asts. 7.20. ' m *1 *20 ll.GSfl C37 — For hops there is a steady market, although Uoo:*< —Last quarter, 3rd, °.20 a.m- xaamania -• 1 279 10 , i la at tho present time brewers are fairly supplied . SSl»d 1 M > J 3$ $ stock, on hand are emiU, Md therefore price. ap«TV\L9 Hil .. •• I 2 1_ may bs expected to remain firm, particularly as ' Tonga .. - 2 £■> £ _ to hand of the Home market report a t I n.n'n from TaaraE ja. | Cook l ; . •• J _ scarcity of supply, consequent upon the small Glendg, s.ts,lo6, Stephe bett, C 0al _ I Marshall - • _ crops. Under date London, November we Passengers l-Mrs. B«d , pr3 .' 0 . M. 1 ;; J 3 'V| S - that»Durins the last fortnight the ? an8 V -Walker Gorbett, Good, Tucker. Kotumah .. 1 OS r > - market advanced rapidly, and beyond especQuintal, Crick, "VYalk. Sherwin, an<3 0 m — r" —, '~ e tations. Tho very high tig*"® of 140 per cwt. ( Harding, to , age nts. Total ..*1 25,403 1-0 •> 4 ' G - h , 1EJ been reached, and there is every probathe steerage.—Northern b. • {rom lOREIUN. bility of higher figure?. Nothing under £20; Wellington aTS Ir*i«, Craws. and Ldium sold al £23 to.£25. East Ken s at Northern porta. IrasB o TWkee, JlsCAe, 1611 19 from £30 to £10, ind shipping hops, wealds, Kamley, Neer, Meadam • (; li; Young, United Kingdom •• -- ■ _ M a bout ''30 to £.iu. American and Continental Mews O'Brien. H°?w°od,^. N - aw Soutu ; 1 °' 657 11 »l«overy hi«:h choice. New York State Hanley, Groogon, Cadeza', Healy, and 9 in the '• "2 100 hope reaHsed £27, and choice SpUt and Haller-Bteeragi-Northern .. 4 7,C05 229 t0 j porters there has been a little Leo, cutter, 32, Dowu, iru business noticeable. Prices, however, Haster, agent. QUARtKr.LY orTWAKi).-. ve ,„ 0 l g , em "iin unchanged, although we are advised of ran* 0 ,^thSr:f the quarter in England. All lines are Fitzroy Kiver, Kockhampton, Queensland. 6aJed December oh su jIy of slfttes> bot h American and D. H. McKenzie, agent. ' BRITISH. Tun-nt Englirli, h beyond reqairements, aud prices DEPAKTURE5. hCar p oe J, VIST's V''s are only nominal. , , W/ , baraue for Whangaroa. Pjlq C ij"' • • C- i n d mr3 the market is generahyoverstocucd, |^§41 4 - - - SA2* FRAKCISCO : „ Norfolk Island. 2 75 5 — Onbs, feed, (>1 to 3s 9d. City of Sydney, January o, ioot>. New Caledonia 1 3» 4 ~ j a the leather m.irket pricos are firm a». per LONDON : J O l Fiji Islands .. 10 __ so i G ] ei ther from lOi to Is 3d per lb.; kips, Famenoth, ship, sailed 5 331 21 - Is Gd to 2 3 . We notice several parcels Tythoniua, barque, sailed Oct. 11, T . •> 3,42s 3U5 - recently been imported, the reason, assigned Sam Mendel, loading, Oct. Snwarrow I. .. 1 S3 8 - the scarcity in this market owing to the Uataura, barque, sailed Hoj.u, • • United States.. 1 201 7 — short supply of hides. To endeavour to meet Brahmin, ship, loading, PIMD. Ciuam .. ' - the requirements of the market the export of Halcione, ship, loading. _ n - <<> -'0 01S 1043 5 3 7°2 w cropB and kips to the Home market has, In a Crownthorp 9 , ship, loading, MKBD. Tctal j ■« Urge measure, stopped. SEW YDKK : 10REIGN. In aug irs there have been two or three trade Irene E. Measervey, barque, sailod j; Sep-, v e3 Tons cTe WB sales held during tho past month, and the prices iember 25, JDB3. x ' 3 . 02 0 100' realised have been on tho whole satisfactory. Olive Thurlow, s al led Nov. 4. Sandwich Islands 1 3,017 99 We quote (duty paid)-Sydney, _1, £ ; '7, LIVERPOOL: United States 1 1&9 ' Mauritius, white crystals, to7 to -OS , crl g" l t Letterewe, barque, loading, - --- -- £35 ; yellow, £32 to £32 10s; rations, £24 HACRITIOS : Total - J t{»£28; Fenang estate, Fiji (duty paid), bright Svbil schooner, early, slmh. yollows, £31 to £33 ; white crystals, ±.3/. aOBART: THE UNION S.S. COMPANY. Kerosenes are fully stocked, and we quote Peerless, schooner, early. /pj, e f 0 ;i oW infr are the movements of Ihe prices - In bond, la tu la Id ; duty paid, la od •Bn>JEDl*r : of the above company for tho pre- to Is 7Jd per gallon. Aanie Wilson, schooner, SLMr. I u tie provision market there has been conMarmion, schooner, sailed, KWJQ. Tuesday.—The Wairarapa will ar rive from siderable business during tho latter part of Olive Thurlow, barque. Sorthern ports, via East Coast, about 9 a.m., past month, particularly for hams and bacon. T.nnTunwn ni-PAKTIIKES. and leaves atrain for tlujsell at 5 p.m. The We quote-Canterbury hams and bacon (in • Southern Cro'ss leaves for Gislioruo and South- cloth) at 9d to 9| 1; Canterbury cheese, , d to SAN FcvANCISCO p iRRs ern Dorts at G p.m. Tho Hawea will arrive Siperlb.; and provincial, GJd per Id. City of New iork, Jan-6-, 188S. about noon, and leave tho Manukau for There has been a very brisk trade in dried M5D0N : ' g ou them ports at 2 p.m. The s.s. Hero will fraits .luring tho past fortnight for the ChristLaira, barque, loading. leave iu the evening for Dunedin, via Whanga- mas trade. Tho market, however, is well Antares, barque, early. J ™ L1U stocked with all lines, except muueateis, and SEW yokk: Tiicbsday.—The "Wairarapa is to Arrivo from priocs remain unchanged. Caberfoidh, barque, early. • Rusaell at 6 a.m. and will leave for Melbourne, Ln tobaccos the recent arnvpjl <A t&z An arena Gronaver, barque, early. yU outhern ports> ftt noo n. Hue, &c., ha» stocked tho Market ogam KEWCASTLE: Saturday. — The Rotorua, from Southern ciently for all requirements for sozae time to Andreas Hub, barque, early. portu is due about 7 p.m., and leaves for come. , , 1 300TU SKA 1SLA>;0S : Eevu'ka ou the 10th. I Q other stocks the supplies arc largo, and Belle Brandon, schooner,-eaily. cqunl for all requirements. • 3Suaifi«KS bas neeii ttVPORTS. tt* a tp « p * aoicowhat quiet, particularly townyda tho latter , . ■ • TindiL Waber for Fitzroy KAiPARA. > x0 when attention was only Per Lmd . 7 brigantines Nightingale, from Melbourne, : • fco Uriea a s were desired for iinine- > Kiver, cases fruits] and the Airlie, from Lyttelton, are both daily: iato requirement.. It is fuUy expected, how-; 5 cases mullet, 10 2 ex acted for cargoes of timber. over , that the new year will open with greater 20 sacks oji-meaJ.^J_s k " , 0 'jbe Kentish Lass is now ready for sea, and briskness, as stocks in second hands are someTo be shipped at Tairua : wid sail first opportunity. whl4t b;ire . S3.000 feet timber. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. CUrtTOJiS KETUKNS. The schooner Orpheus, for Tongatabu, took The following are the Customs returns for hex on Saturday last, at tv T elve ARKIVAL. the past twelve months . o'clock vrith cargo and two passongera. llaceregor, s.s., McArthur, from Waitar.i. MONTHLY. The'barpue Woodbine, which called in at passengers : — Mrs. O'Day, Misses Brassey and The following is a statement showing the tliis port from'Levuka for orders on tho ISth gi m p 8 on, Messrs. Grey, O'Brien, Le.try, Pol- amount of Customs duties collected at the port ult. took'her-departure on Saturday morning lock, WattB, Studey, Crocker, Hately, Honey- of Auckland, in the colony of Is ew Zealand lant'for Whangaroa, aftr an unaccountable long field, Kowson, G. Scott, Cork, Drury, Roberts, to, the several heads of revenue delay in this port. . Joseph, Domingo, H. H. Kord, Quigley, Cole, undermentioned), from the 1st to the 3lst day The sohooner Norval is at present alongside and A. King.—A. Darnee, agent. cf December, 1S32, both days inclusive : the barque Antares, discharging into that Ut>'AKTUKK. r , . . „ „ i her cargo of Manganese from Russell Lalla Kookh, s.s., liay, for Port Waikato.- 'a.S s 5 The Union Steam Shipping Oompan> have Waller and bo., agents. Tobacco, 3s tid per lb. - - 3,345 7 0 removed their offices from the corner of Queen Wine, 5s per gallon - ... - 77d 14 0 And West Queen streets to Scherft d Buildings, The Bchooners Fleeiwing and Clarinda are Wine (Aastralian), 4s per gallon - - 177 14 G Fort-street. The new offices are much more for a ch- of windjtu enable them to Ale and beer. ic. (in bottle), Is 01 per f.tnrpnienu than tho old ones, and buiug ad- nrticpjd to Orevinouth. • gallon * ~ " * " j-iL'eufc to the Customhouse and PodE-office, will Union Company's steamship Hawea ecr >_ * c 3 54 5 0 t>rov© equally as handy the company s ghould reach the wharf, from the South about r£ 0 4 t i per 11>. - * 770 10 -1 clients as the old cfHces. Business commences /j.30 a.m. to-moirow. Sho H'ings the Southern coll'ee, cocoa, chicory, and chocolate,3d in tho new offices from to-day. oor'iou of the out-wurd .Van Francisco mail. per lb. - - - - - 2OO2II 0 The s.s. Wellington, from Northern port?,. • »£.^ c : "vi, ariived early on .Saturday raw, reimcd, and molasses, =.a arrived in harbour on Saturday morning witti » monungfrom VVaitar;;. She proceeds to Mann- per lb. - - - " " " ' 10 0 nueaber of• passengers. . u Heads «c 1) a.m. to-day on an excursion, re- weight *. ' 2,200 10 3 The s.s.'Glenelg, from Tauranga, arrivea m turning vith passengers in time to catoh the 25 per cent. - - 137 12 9 harbour on Saturday with several pasKbOgers, j o'clock train. To-morrow she leaves for * m 15])ercoutt ... IS 11 and as cargo70 sacks maize aud 40 bales woo!. Wauara. Other duties not specified above - - 00S 4 1 The cutter Leo, from Tauranga, arrived on Saturday,-V t th 980 bushels Baud. B Y T ti L Ju G H A P B. Tota! ----- - M 1 The shir Border Chief and barque Gronsvasr Beirdut? - - - - - 1,407 14 i ■were botL earthed at the Queen-street Wharton WELLINGTON. _ iiec.ruut. quarter RETURN. Saturday last. „ t „\ December 31.—Sailed: S.s. Hawea, for New- Comparative r'eiurn, showing the net amount The mail steamer City of New York, £«. jou.c i p lymouth RU j j; imu k :l u. Passengers: Mese , Custom3 duties (after deducting refunds) colto San Francisco with the outwaid Eogli»u / rl . uncg Alexander, Wareham, Dunn, i eoted at t be port of Auckland for the quarter mail, may be eipected to arrive to-morrow . in(1 f lim ;]y j Brown aud family, and Wilmer. en din E December 31, 1882. morning early. She will again at two Mj 3 , ea Brookinf.', Cookaon, and Keeves, Capt- ® £ s. d. o'clcak. , Ponsonby, Jlesais. Jones, Munro, Luckie, Han, spirits - - 19,010 I) 9 The brigaatine Linda_ Weber out- Morlev, L=as b, Niven, Andrews. Cigars and snuff - l.GU 11 7 wards for the Fitzroy Hirer, in Kockhampton, Bre * nt Snodgrr.™, Butler, Mills, and Barke J Tod.h-co 10 * w ± S 2 Queensland, on Saturday last, with a. email L - r i vec j : Waitara, ship, from London; 91 days Tobacco, eheepwash - - cirgo. she will fill up with 80,000 feet Umber, p<u , sage> . Win'e (Austrah'an) -" I I . - f* 4 7 to be taken on board at Tairua From I.oca- TIMARU. Ale,beer, &c., in bottle - - - - 1,007 17 0 hampton the Linda will return to h December30. —Arrived : Waitaki, from Dun- Ale, beer, &c., in wood - - - 131 1-j 0 t0 We1re pleaefd | S that Captain VT. D. • '' '' S A Hutton Bell, for J ! - _ - 0 1 command of his vesseVthe s.s. Ooromanuel. In OAMARU. Goods by weight- ----- 7,034 2 5 welcoming Captain Hargraves b.icc o Dpr#»mber 31.—The barque Asteroid cleared Ad valorem, 25 per cent.- - - - £03 lb 10 command with the new year, we trust he may - ye8 . erdav , w ith a cargo of «rain 15 per cent.- - - - 21.62b 2 8 erperience many je»ra of a more pleasurable and wo J valued at £30,000. Other dunes not spocihed above - - » nature than the one just past. Total - £70,«7 0 U

THE S EW '/KA-bAl^rO^ 4- «ianasr-r.~ " '— LJ 7~ I price at Home 1,1 per lb. But this fall|is Co — ~ " in at port of Auckland for quarter e g pr i no i p aliy in _ C6 better descriptions of wool, December 31, 1S82 :— such as sent { om Australia, than in tJ low * Ulr Liz BRITISH. R\llast cross W owu here> B0 th<it it is to be hoped Hk» V? ateh, to-day.-AucUand i Yc , Vie. Vn, C, the.cor^ ce exhibited by our buyers here may 11101 Manukan 2.30— 5gsg U1 — not je ml sp]aced. , J , m -HlEes.i.49; sets, 7.20. ' m *1 *20 ll.GSfl C37 — For hops there is a steady market, although Uoo:*< —Last quarter, 3rd, °.20 a.m- xasmania -• 1 279 10 , i la at tho present time brewers are fairly supplied . SSl»d 1 •»> > J 3$ $ stock, on hand are emiU, Md therefore price. ap«TV\L9 Wjl •• •• I 3 n° - may bs expected to remain firm, particularly as ' Tonga .. - 2 21 ? £ _ to hand of the Home market report a c , I n.n'n from Tanrat:ga. | Cook [.. •• 7 _ scarcity of supply, consequent upon the small Glendg, s.ts,lo6, Stephe bett, C 0al _ I Marshall - • _ crops. Under date London, November we Passengers t-Mrs B«d , pr3 .' 0 . M. 1 " J 3 'V| S - "read vised that" During the la.t fortnight the ? an8 V -Walker Gorbett, Good, Tucker. Kotumah .. 1 OS r > - market advanced rapidly, and beyond especQuintal, Crick, "VYalk. Sherwin, an<3 0 m — r" —, '~ e tations. Tho very high tig*"® of 140 per cwt. c Harding, to , age nts. Total ..*1 25,403 1-0 •> 4 ' G - h , 1EJ been reached, and there is every probathe steerage.—Northern b. • {rom lOP.ElGN. bility of higher figure?. Nothing under £20; Wellington aTS Ir*i«, ™Cr3 W s. and medium sold al £23 to.£25. East Ken s at Northern porta. IrasB o TWkee,, 1611 19 from £30 to £10, and shipping hops, wealds, Kamley, Neer, Meadam • (; li; Young, United Klapdom .. -- ■ _ M a bout ''30 to £35. American and Continental Messrs O'Brien. Sqvrct, New Soutn \S -1 % 57 n '-ery choice. New York State Hanley, Groogon, Cadeza', Healy, and 9 in the ". " "2 hope reaHsed £27, SpUt and Haller- t Bteerag8.-Northern .. 4 7,C0d 229 tc "j M a l 1( .^ a A n d'porters there has been a little Leo, cutter, 32, Dowu, iro business noticeable. Prices, however, Haster, agent. quarterly orTWAKi).-. ve ,„ 0 l g , em "iin unchanged, although we are advised of ran* 0 ,^thSr:f the qu.ter in England. All lines are Fitzroy River, Kockhampton, QaeensianU. 6aJed December oh su jIy of slfttes> bot h American and D. H. McKenzie, agent. ' BRITISH. Tun-nt Englirli, h beyond reqairements, aud prices DEPAKTURE5. hCar p oe J, VIST's V''s are only nominal. , , W/ , baraue for Whangaroa. Pjlq C ij"' • • C- i n d mr3 the market is generahyoverstocucd, |^§41 4 - - - : SA2* FRAKCISCO : „ Norfolk Island. 2 75 5 — Onbs, feed, (>1 to 3s 9d. City of Sydney, January o, ioot>. New Caledonia 1 3» 4 ~ j a the leather m.irket pricos are firm a». per LONDON : j o l Fiji Islands .. 10 __ S0 1 G ] ei ther from lOi to Is 3d per lb.; kips, Famenoth, ship, sailed 5 331 21 - Is Gd to 2 3 . We notice several parcels Tythoniua, barque, sailed Oct. 11, T . •> 3,42s 3U5 - recently been imported, the reason, assigned Sam Mendel, loading, Oct. Snwarrow I. .. 1 S3 8 - the scarcity in this market owing to the Mataura, barque, sailed Nov. «, . • United States.. 1 201 7 — short supply of hides. To endeavour to meet Brahmin, ship, loading, PIMD. Ciuam .. ' - the requirements of the market the export of Halcione, ship, loading. _ n - <<> -'0 01S 1043 5 3 7°2 w cropB and kips to the Home market has, In a Crownthorp 9 , ship, loading, MKBD. Tctal j ■« Urge measure, stopped. SEW YDKK : 10REIGN. In aug irs there have been two or three trade Irene B. Measervey, barque, sailed j; Se P -, v e3 Tons cTe WB sales held during tho past month, and the prices iember 25, JDB3. x ' 3.020 100' realised have been on tho whole satisfactory. Olive Thurlow, s al led Nov. 4. Sandwich Islands 1 3,017 99 We quote (duty paid)-Sydney, _1, £ ; '7, LIVERPOOL: United States 1 ISO ' Mauritius, white crystals, to7 to -OS , crl g" l t Letterewe, barque, loading, - --- -- £35 ; yellow, £32 to £32 10s; rations, £24 HACRITIOS : T ° tal te»£28; Penang estate, Fiji (duty paid), bright Svbil schooner, early, slmh. yollows, £31 to £33 ; white crystals, ±.3/. aOBART: THE UNION S.S. COMPANY. Kerosenes are fully stocked, and we quote Peerless, schooner, early. /pj, e f 0 ;i oW infr are the movements of Ihe prices - In bond, la tu la Id ; duty paid, la od •nn>JEDl*r : of the above company for tho pre- to Is 7Jd per gallon. Annie Wilson, schooner, SLMr. I u tie provision market there has been conMarmion, schooner, sailed, KWJQ. Tuesday.—The Wairarapa will ar rive from siderablo business during tho latter part of Olive Thurlow, barque. Sorthern ports, via East Coast, about 9 a.m., past month, particularly for hams and bacon. T.nnTunwn ni-PAKTIIKES. and leaves atrain for ltu»sell at 5 p.m. The We quote-Canterbury hams and bacon (in • Southern Cro'ss leaves for Gislioruo and South- cloth) at 9d to 9| 1; Canterbury cheese, , d to SAN FtvAhCISCO p iRRs ern Dorts at G p.m. Tho Hawea will arrive Siperlb.; and provincial, GJd per ID. City of New iork, Jan-6-, 188S. about noon, and leave tho Manukau for There has been a very brisk trade in dried M5D0N : ' g ou them ports hS 2 p.m. The s.s. Hero will fraits .luring tho past fortoight for the ChristLaira, barque, loading. leave iu the evening for Dunedin, via WUanga- mas trade. Tho market, however, is well Antares, barque, early. J ™ L1U stocked with all lines, except muueateis, and SEW yokk: Tiicbsday.—The "Wairarapa is to Arrivo from priocs remain unchanged. Caberfoidh, barque, early. - Russell at 6 a.m. and will leave for Melbourne, Ln tobaccos the recent arrivaA <A t&z An arena Gronaver, barque, early. yU outhern ports> ftt noo n. Hue, &c., haa stocked tho Market ogam KEWCASTLE: Satukday. — The Rotorua, from Southern ciently for all requirements for sosne time to Andreas Kus, barque, early. portu is due about 7 p.m., and leaves for come. , ,1 ijonill SKA 1SLA>;bs : Eevu'ka on the 10th. I Q other stocks the supplies arc large, and Belle Brandon, schooner,-eaily. cqunl for all requiremonta. • dSuKrefis nas neeii ttYPORTS. tt a rn a a aoicowhat quiet, particularly townyda tho latter , . ■ • TindiL Waber for Fitzroy KAiPARA. > x0 motil h f when attention was only Per Lmd . 7 brigantines Nightingale, from Melbourne, : • fco Uriea a s were desired for iinineKiver, cases fruits] and the Airlie, from Lyttelton, are both daily: iato requirement.. It is fully expected, how5 cases mullet, 10 2 ex acted for cargoes of timber. over , that the new year will open with greater 20 sacks oji-meaJ.^J_s naokB „ e a 0 The Kentish Lass is now ready for sea, and briskness, as stocks in second hands are someTo be shipped at Tairua : wid sail first opportunity. whl4t b;ire . S3.000 feet timber. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. CUrtTOJlS KETUKNS. Th« schooner Orpheus, for Tongatabu, took The following are the Customs returns for hex on Saturday last, at tv T elve ARKIVAL. the past twelve months . o'clock vrith cargo and two passengers. llaceregor, s.s., McArthur, from "Waitar.i. MONTHLY. The'barpue Woodbine, which called in at passengers : — Mrs. O'Day, Misses Brassey and The following is a statement showing the tliis port from'Levuka for orders on the ISth gi m p 8 on, Messrs. Grey, O'Brien, Le.try, Pol- amount of Customs duties collected at the port ult. took'her-departure on Saturday morning look,'.VattB, Stanley, Crocker, Hately, Honey- of Auckland, in the colony of Is ew Zealand lant'for Whangaroa, aftr an unaccountable long field, Kowson, G. Scott, Cork, Drury, Roberts, (accordiog to, the several heads of revenue delay in this port. . Joseph, Domingo, H. H. Kord, Quigley, Cole, undermentioned), from the 1st to the 3lst day The sohooner Norval is at present alongside an d A. King.—A. P.arnee, agent. cf December, 1S32, both days inclusive : the barque Antares, discharging into that DEPARTURE. r , . . „ „ i her cargo of Manganese from Russell Lalla Rookh, s.s., Ray, for Port Waikato.- 'a.S s 5 The Union Steam Shipping Oompan> have Waller and bo., agents. Tobacco, 3s tid per lb. - - 3,345 7 0 removed their offices from the corner of Queen Wine, 5s per gallon - ... - 77d 14 0 And West Queen streets to Scherft d Buildings, The Bchooners Fleeiwing and Clarinda are Wine (Aastralian), 4s per gallon - - 177 14 G Fort-street. The new offices are much more for a ch- of windjtu enable them to Ale and beer. ic. (in bottle), Is 01 per f.tnrpnienu than tho old ones, and buiug ad- nrticpjd to Orevinouth. • gallon * ~ " * " j-iL-eufc to the Customhouse and PodE-office, will Union Company's steamship Hawea ecr >_ * c 3 54 5 0 fcirov© equally as handy the company s should reach the wharf, from the South about r£ 0 4 t i per 11>. - * 770 10 -1 clients as the old cfHces. Business commences /j.30 a.m. to-moirow. Sho H'ings the Southern coll'ee, cocoa, chicory, and chocolatc,3d in tho new offices from to-day. oor'iou of the out ward .Van Francisco mail. per lb. - - - - - 2OO2II 0 The s.s. Wellington, from Northern port?,. • »£.^ c ariived early on .Saturday raw, reiined, and molasses, =.a arrived in harbour on Saturday morning witti » monungfrom VVaitar;;. She proceeds to Mann- per lb. - - - " " " ' 10 0 nueaber of• passengers. . u He rt ds «c 1) a.m. to-day on an excursion, re- weight \ *. ' 2,200 10 3 The s.s.'Glenelg, from Tauranga, arrivea m turning vith passengers in time to catoh the 25 per cent. - - 137 12 9 harbour on Saturday with several pasKbOgers, j o'clock train. To-morrow she leaves for * m 15])ercoutt ... IS 11 and as cargo70 sacks maize aud 40 bales woo!. Other duties not spcciiied above - - 00S 4 1 The cutter Leo, from Tauranga, arrived on Satorday,-V t th 980 bushels naud. B T T ti L Ju G H A P B. Tota! ----- - M J 1 The shir Border Chief and barque Gronsvasr Beirdut? - - - - - 1,407 14 i ■were both earthed at the Queen-street Wharton WELLINGTON. _ liec-ruut. quarter RETURN. Saturday last. „ t „\ December 31.—Sailed: S.s. Hawea, for New- Comparative r'eiurn, showing the net amount The mail steamer City of New York, £«. jou.c i p lymouth RU j j; imu k :l u. Passengers: Mese , Custom3 duties (after deducting refunds) colto San Francisco with the outwaid Eogli»u / rl . uncg Alexander, Wareham, Dunn, i eoted at t he port of Auckland for the quarter mail, may be eipected to arrive to-morrow . in(1 f lim ;]y j Brown aud family, and Wilmer. en din E December 31, 1882. morning early. She will again at two Mj 3 , ea Brookinf.', Cookaon, and Reeves, Capt- ® £ s. d. o'clcak. , Ponsonby, Messia. Jones, Munro, Luckie, Han, spirits - - 19,010 I) 9 The brigaatine Linda_ Weber out- Morlev, L=as b, Niven, Andrews. Cigars and snuff - l.GU 11 7 I Wfiirds for the Fitzroy Hirer, in Kockhampton, Bre * nt Snodgrp.Ks, Butler, Mills, and Barke J Tod.h-co 10 * w i S 2 Queensland, on Saturday last, with a. small L - r i vec j : Waitara, ship, from London; 91 days Tobacco, sheepwash - - cirgo. She will till up with 80,000 feet timber, p<u , sage> . Win'e (AustraUan) -" I I . - f* 4 7 to be taken on board at Tairua From Roca- TIMARU. Ale,beer, &c., in bottle - - - - 1,007 17 0 hampton the Linda will return to h December30. — Arrived : Waitaki, from Dun- Ale, beer, &c., in wood - - - 131 1-j 0 *W G 1re pleased | S that Captain W. D. • '' 1 S 11 Hutton Be,,, for I ! - - 4,94 0 1 command of his vesseVthe s.s. Ooromanuel. In OAMARU. Goods by weight- ----- 7,034 2 5 welcoming Captain Hargraves b.icc o Dpr#»mber 31.—The barque Asteroid cleared Ad valorem, 25 per cent.- - - - £03 lb 10 command with the new year, we trust he may - ye8 . erdav , w ith a cargo of «rain „ 15 per cent.- - - - 21.62b 2 8 erperience many years of a more pleasurable and wo J valued at £30,000. Other duaes not spocihed above - - o-i3 13 u nature than the one just past. Total - £7U,«7 0 U SHIPPING SUMMAKY. .... . f r.jvpf* / a / Summary of receipts of duties, &c., at th° ShioninK business during tho past month his ' of Auckland from the 1st of October to th^ been moderately brisk, and at the present time Hnutn Ol'ice 31st December, 1S32, inclusive. the harlxmr present, Satu'Say Customs duties, - - - - 7M35 Vo 9 ance, and gives evidence that the n ye .i a u tj P « to-day amounted to £115 Less refunds - - 17s 10 0 be entered upon with some amour, of business, T»e du-.M -o... c.ea to <i. j . mou Bonding wirohou Se duty - - - 12 10 0 which, it is to be hoped, will be the lorerunner os Id, anu ro. tile week . a Merchant ahippiug fees, Auckland- - 192 1(3 3 of a profitable year to all. In the building Duties £„,4-j 14 h Whangaroa - ( J 0 0 trade there is not mach doiny at the present Light dues. ... .. .. >* ' W i, Onehun K a I- 0 2 0 time the principal vessels t il hand being tbe Iort eharp!. (Onejunga) .. ti . ltegistry sluppins - 17 IS 0 (one a steamer and the other a schooner) d V. " t dues. ; ; . ; 0 whicn Messrs. Niccol and Gouk have ou_ hand Other receipts 22S 16 7 Fees "brewers'licences • 10 0 ac Mr. Niccol's yards, North Short', for Messrs. ..-n - 3 Salu of charts ------ S 0 0 Miller, of Melbourne; and the iron steamer ' .sale beer duly stamr-s - - - - 3.21S 10 6 nt present buildim; at Mr. C. Bailey's yards l n reviewing the business of the past twelve Fish licences ------ 2 0 0 for the Patea S.S. Company. All thiea months is is pleasing to be able to report that Sale of plans - - - - - - j „ vessels are beiug pushed on towards com- business generally, if not of an exciting nature, Auctioneers _ u pletion with as much despatch as ]iossible. has been steiuly ami sound, and gradually pro- Go]d dll t,, c'oromxndel - - - - u 3 The foreign arrivals have been the Antares, g ress ive, and taking it altogether there is much _ Thames- - 024 7 0 baroue, Wetherstield and Border Chief, ships, to con j. r atulate ourselves upon. The various Pilotage rates, Auckland - - ■ 300 3 0 from London, with general cargoes, the two industries which have been established in our 1'i.rt charges, Oueiiunsa - - 47 0 « former also bringing pasaengers. In each in- such as the Soap and Candle. Works, the ,, I'aWa - - - c 1 stance long passes wero made, which have Vinegar Company, the Fibre Manufacturing 7S _ „ 10 been atuibuted to the unusual light winds ex- Company, the Timber Mills, etc., are all in a perienced throughout tiieir passages. T'lie.Nor- me sS prosperous state, and all busily employed. ANMAL KETbllN. T7egian baiques Andreas Rus and Gronsvser, The new iiugar Relining Company have com- Milrch ter .. £7s,b-i0"'l0 a £02,4;,0 11 4 both from New vu mlermednt,: pons, jdecpu tne oi a portion cf die fure.-nore of Ju , " lir[er 71 485 r, it S- 4 have both arrived, and upon discharging ot in- baibom, and the w ( ,i k of erecting all the September iiunrter.. S3.;.S:, 12 0 12 S ward cargo, tlio Gronsvier will back to necessary for the proper cai rj'ing on incumber quarter.. 70,-?a7 0 0 7-.0yu 17 7 w„j, Yoik. The Andreas llus will make „f t » lc , v ork of tbc coin])ai.y is tu he commenced —ZZ~7. TT7 a trip to Newcastle and back with cual, forthwith, sc. thai at no distant date we shall Total .. ..£315,048 1" 3 .v27i,tuS •and then will be laid on the berth i wve the pleadute of seeing this new and im- juiTb'UNS Ol" DUTIHS IKCI.UDI.NO GOLD AND for New York. The AiitareB is loading for poi tant induct!}- in full winking order. Did we iiKUi; UUXIt-s, silIl'l'JNi; FliliB, fcc., FOK London, and also the but que Laira. The latter „ e0li hr ,y furthe'r jiroof of our general prosperous T1IK YEA It. vessel is almost a tu!l siiiii. The other arrivals c . ln j;,j„ c , we h*v s imly to note tho movements Mar:h quarter XaJ.hlS 1U - are made up of the Orpheus, from A.tut.kl ; in .he city; duri.u; the past fortmght, W 7 7 Winifred, from Tavuina ; Linda \> tner arm , ltl d witness the unusually large influx of visi- 81,787 8 10 Woodbine.(barque) from Kijia ; aud tbo India, tors from all parts of the province. They have " ' from the Marshall (lioup, all with cargoes of „)! t he anpearaiiue of contentment, and of being 1 3 Island produce. have been: in a „ cr . er a!iy p..,>petoua conlitiou. do not A>,Nl. AL GOLD DO n - —the Ashmore, for Ljndon, with a oaigo of r 0aical ber wi ho largo a i,umber of visi- Jacuarj .. -4 i. 11 , Au n t wool, flax, gum, &o. ; the ba.queH.Loch Fleet toIS in Auckland b-. fore as there are at the '.<;« 7 5aob"r .' 2« 1-2 0 and Loch -Urr for Newcastle, the snip Margaret present timo. It lias been estimated that fully Xpril " H.9 r, 4 November.. S.-.2 3 0 Galbraith for Ounaiu, and the barque Core- eirvJ.OOO has heen brought into Auckland and M ., y _ __ , n -< 2. December.. IS 3 mandel for Napier. In addition r.> these Ep( ,„ t hen; during tho past fortnight or tbreo ,i UIH . .. Nil — -—— Iiiigliflh owned ve:..-eU : the schooners 'ibice W ceks. In Mir.iiion to the various industries Jury .. 311 S S 1/ 1 «'heers for L-Ji'llka, Queen for Norfolk X-Und, nientioned ab .ve, the various trade?, such as ANNUAL IlKUIl STAMP DUTY. Transit for Suv.i, Oaen for New \ork, Ljuie t be. boot manufactuies, tlie building trade, etc., Ja nuary .. ii<.o 2 s August .. £7'.i7 4 0 for Levuka, Orpheus for Tongatabu, and the are all in a u:o»t satisfactory condition, and ill February .. !Mjl 16 0 September.. 1,01-117 7 kpti-li j' dah for Norfolk Island, have all sailed t ho latter particularly thoie has been an extreme -March .. Ut ■> '■) <> October .. s-77 10 4 (luung the month with general c.ngoi's. The briskness for. some time past, with every ap- ;; 0 i Kte'.: l.i«7 11 4 various coastal steamers, anci line vessels j,balance of its continuing for a long time to yj- j :i 5 carrying the flag of the Union fjteamship Com- co ine, the rapid growth of our city and suburbs ui ! 11 0 ilO.i.'US 15 0 ull in.,>,1 uriusuali.Y busy durirm the umi'ovrni nt to canital in buildinir houses I

Company. ru - VerS - SoIlcrS - effected. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of >~. Zealand 23 5 0 23 10 0 £23 f».\ £23 7.6 National Bank — 3 17 0 77/ Colonial do. .. — 2 7 G 47;6 N ew Zealand Insur. — 3 IS 0 77/ National do. ..1 4 6 1 7 0 27/ South British do... — 2 IS 0 5S/ Union do. .. — 0 IS 6 — Colonial do. .. — 0 10 0 9/6 Accident do. ..0 5 0 — — Loan 6i Mercantile — 6 5 0 £6 5/ National Mortgage — 1 12 0 — Auckland Gas .. S 7 6 — £S 5/, £S 7;G Thames do. ..150 — — U. Sash & Door Co. 8 17 6 9 2 0 £9 Auckland Timber — 7 5 0 £7 5/N. Zealand Timber — 6 5 0 — Mercury B. Timber — Par — N. Z. Shipping Co. — 5 0 0 £5 " Devonport Ferry .. — 0 IS 6 IB/ Coromandel Steain 0 16 0 0 17 0 10 6 . Northern Steam .. — 0 10 6 10,6 Ray of Islands Coal — 7 15 0 — 1 TaupiriCoal .. — 0 17 0 17/ i New Zealand Drug 1 3 G 1 4 0 23/ Fisher and Co. 0 11 9 — 11/0 to 11'9 Arch Hill Brick .. — — 12/6 * N. Boot and Shoo — 0 15 0 15/ I Auckland Stud .. — 10 10 0 — j Geld Mining Shares. Alburnia .. — 0 17 O — Caledonian .. 0 9 6 0 10 6 — ' Kurunui Hill ». — 0 6 0 — Queen of Beauty .. 0 19 0 1 0 0 22/to 19/ Southern Cross .. 0 !7 0 0 IS 0 21/ to 17/ Deep Level Tribute 0 2 6 0 2 9 3/6 to 2,6 Prince Imperial .. 2 0 0 2 2 0 30/to 40/ i Succjss .. 0 10 6 0 12 6 10. to 10; - Seymour .... — 0 16 — < Mariner .. 0 3 2 0 3 6 3/3 | London .. ..022026 — New Manukau ..0 2 2 —- 2:3 i Tokatea .. .. — 0 11 0 11/ Golden Crown .. — 0 12 0 — Bright Smile .. — 0 2 3 — New Union Beach.. -- 0 2 9 2 9, 2 6 ] MoanuUiiari .. — 0 17 0 -~ Alex. Saukdkrs, Stock and Sharcbroker. Auckland. New Zealand, 1 December i'.O, 1&32.

OA.LLS £ 8 d Date. IT/vuraki G.M.Co 0 0 4 — Jan. 10 Ion<i U.M, Co. .. .. ..0 0 3 — Jan. 10 Humphrey's Gttlly "WatyrBaeo and .M.Cd 0 0 C — .Tan. 10 Ilosa G.M. Cu 0 0 G — Jan. 10 Mercury ii-iy Tiiuber Co. .. 0 2 0. — Kub. 15

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4