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AUCKLAND PERMANENT CO-OPERA-TIVE BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. The half-yearly general meeting of the Auckland Permanent Co-operative Building and Investment Society was advertised to be held on Dec. 5, but lapsed for want of a quorum. However, at the request of the president (Colonel Haultaiu), the secretary (Mr. John Batger) read a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the society for the half-year, the following being an abstract of the statement :— Receipts and Disbursements for the Half-year, Ending 30th September, 18S2. Receipts.— Fees, £213 10s 7d ; fines, £(iii fls ad; pass-books and rules, £7 149 (ill ; subscriptions received on shares account, £19,D52 IS-;; deposits, £525; properties in liquidation, £G2S lis: lixed deposits received from bankers, £15,225 ; balance in hand at bank on Ist April, 1882, £!J125 Ss Sd: total, £48,G76 2s fld. Disbursements.—Fees, £150 15s Gd; loans, £10,825; lixed deposit at bank, £2000 ; deposits, £171-1 15s (id; interest pud depositors, £111 0s 3d ; shares matured and withdrawn, £19,800 15s fx! ; out standing debts, 31st March, 18S2, £318 14s 3d ; properties in liquidation, £70 0s -Id; mi-cellaneous, £485 4s 7d . balance in hand at Ik.nk, £3154 10s 7d : otal, £4fj,G7(i 2s sd. Colonel Haultain said : Compared with the corresponding period of last year there does not appear to be very much difference in some of the items. Subscriptions on investing shares for this period, £10,153 ; corresponding period last year, £10,250. Repayments on borrowed shares this year, £5890 ; as against £7422 last year. Repayments on redeemed and surrendered shares, £3539 ; last year, £6456. Loans: Cash paid to borrowers, £16,825 ; last year, £4015. Fixed deposits at the Bank of New Zealand, £3000; last year, £5300. Matured shares paid off, £11,257 ; last year, £14,576. Shareß withdrawn, £8521 ; last year, £SGS9. There has been a little reduction on " miscellaneous, management, expenses," &c., which has been £485 for the past six months, compared with £510 for the same period last year. I think we may congratulate ourselves that we are certainly not in any worse position than we were last year, notwithstanding the changes which have taken place in the value of money, and the requirements of the community. In comparing the various items. Colonel Haultain referred to the periods ending 30th September, ISS2 and ISSI.


The annual meeting of the above society took place on Dec. 14 at the offices of the society, Queen-street. There were twenty shareholders present. Mr. T. Pcacock, M.H.R., president, presided. The minutes having been read aud confirmed, the manager (Mr. George Eraser) read the subjoined second annual report and statement of accounts :—

The Board of Management havo great pleasure in presenting their second annual report. The business of the past year ha:; been of a sound and steady character, and the demand i'or advances has enabled the iJoard to place out on mortgage the whole (f the society's funds, and also to invest, on good securities, other sums borrowed from depositors and others on lavourable terms. Out of the prolit for the year the Board have been able to credit investing shareholders with interest after the rate of S per cent, per annum on their investments, and they now recommend that a bonus, at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum, he credited both to investors' and borrowers' accounts. The amendments of the rules which were made in August last have given much satisfaction, and havo already proved of great bjnefit. t\ud, as an evidence that the increased facilities givon to borrowers are appreciated by the public, it may be suited that applications for advances from the society's funds ave steadily increasing. The Board desire the cooperation of all the shareholders in inducing their friends to join the society, either as investing or borrowing members. Kkckh'T-s.—Cash in hand and bank, 30th September, IS3I, 543 3s <Jd ; investors' subscriptions, £5305 14s ; borrowers' repavments, £3139 17.-. 9d ; deposits, £5004 os4d; entrance" fees, £S2 15s (Id; survey fees and expenses, £59 lis yd; oltices, £272 Gs 8d; rents, £221 5s ; borrowers'general account, £401 15s ; pass books and rules, interest, fines, £21 lb's 7d ; overdraft in bank, £3002 2s sd: total. £IS,GSO 9s. Exi'i:.vJHir'. T Rt:.—Loans advanced, £13,073 Is ; shares withdrawn, £1055 ltis 3d; deposits (repaid to depositors), £2950 7s; interest (paid depositors, ic.), £257 2s 7d ; oftiees, £217 4s 5:1; ollice furniture, preliminary expenses, £50 ISs Id ; rents and rates, £23'! ICs 8d ; miscellaneous (manager's salary, charges, stationery* ad\ertising, and printing), £352 3s id; surveyor's fees, £00 0s ; personal accounts, £200 SsGd ; caA in hand, £00 fis sd: total, £IS,GSO Us. I'KOFir ANP LOSS ACCOUNT. Bonus at Ist October, lsSl, £147 Es Gil: interest paid depositors, rtc., £214 ISs 5d ; preliminary expenses—proportion written eff, £44 0s Gd; geneial expenses, including salaries, honorarium, rent, printing, stationery and advertising. £024 ISs Gd ; interest credited to investing shares, at 8 per cent, per anuum, £542 19s lid; balance, £323 Us 0.1: total, £1897 15s 7d. Balance, 33tli September, ISSI, £175 14s 9d ; fees, fines, rents, tfec., £223 13s lid; interest, £1408 Gs lid : total, £1897 15s 7d. BALANCE SIIHIT, 30tll SEPTEMBER, ISS2. Liabilities.—Shares, due investing shareholders, on shares, £9332 2s 2d ; shares, interest duo oil shares, £542 10s lid ; deposits, £3703 ISs Id: interest due depositors, £19 2s; borrowers' prepayments. £20 19s 5d ; borrowers' balances, loans authorized, £970 Is; accounts due, £310 Ss 0d; National Bank of New Zealand, £3002 2s 5d ; balance, £323 0= 9d ; total, £18,587 3s Od. Assets.— Securities, present value of mortgages, £17,995 ICS 2d ; borrowers' repayments, duo 30th September, 1882, £134 4s lOd; new ollice premises, £443 lGs Gd; oitice furniture, £70 ISs 7d ; preliminary expenses, books, fmes, \'c., £54 3s -Id', accounts due, £127 18s Sd; cash in hand, £00 5s sd: total, £18,887 3s Gd. I'he Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, said : You have now heard the balance-sheet and report, and it is now my duty to move their adoption. In doing so it is unnecessary to make many remarks. The dividend of 8 per cent, and bonus of 3 percent. recommended must be satisfactory to members of both classes. It is also satisfactory to know that all the funds of the society have been profitably aud carefully invested as well as the funds derived from other sources. The amount thus lent out is three times the amount for last year. The managers, however, coultl have done a larger business had the funds at their disposal permitted. The fact that the applications for loans were in excess of the funds necessitated a selection of the best securities, so that while at all times the greatest care is exercised in this matter, additional value may be said to belong to belong to many of those selected in the past year. The managers recognise the fact that a permanent and prudent increase of the business must depend cliielly ou the increase of the number of investing shares in the society, and it may not be amiss to consider why, with the advantages offered for investment in the excellent dividends realised, there should not be greater growth in this department. It certainly cannot be said that tile number of societies of this character is too large, for, on looking over the Registrar General's return just issued, among the census papers for ISSI we Snd that the province of Otago has 14; Cauterbury 10 ; Wellington, ii ; Auckland, i! ; Tarauaki. 5. while the revenue of Canterbury aud Wellington from investing shares is larger in proportion than Otago and Auckland, showing that the shares arc more distributed in the two latter provinces. No doubt the successful Savings Bank which we have in Auckland may have something to do witli it, although the rate of interest received from that institut'on is i very low compared with what is received from the society. I think, however that

the comparative slowness of our growth in

investing shares is owing principally to the fact that the socioty is not sutliciently known. There is another point worthy of notice, and that is the fact that the three per cent, bonus is paid on the money at the credit of the investing member, so that it is practically C per cent, on the equated payments for the year. This remark also applies to the borrowing share-

holders. Three per cent, on the whole amount paid during the year really means 6 per cent, on the instalments spread over that yeir. I will only say, in conclusion, that the society is in a thoroughly sound condition, so that members may with confidence recommend it to their friends. It will be evident to all that the expenses of management do not increase in the same ratio as the business done ; let us hope that we shall steadily advance, and be enabled to meet you at the end of another year with an equally good dividend and with a much larger business.

Mr. G. Aickix seconded the motion. He congratulated shareholders that, notwithstanding the increased competition, the figures in the balance-sheet were highly satisfactory.

The motion for the adoption of the report and balance-sheet was carried unanimously. Election" of Officers. —The following gentlemen were elected the Board of Management for the ensuing year :—Mr. Thomas Peacock, M.H.R., president, Mr. A. G. Horton, vice-president; Mr. Thomas Maoky, treasurer; Messrs. G. Aickin, E. Bartley, H. Brett, J. Pacre, J. J. Holland, J. Marshall, G. P. Pierce, and H. G. Wade, directors. Mr. C. B. Stone, one of the former directors, was again nominated, but being absent from the colony the Board propose that the vacancy be not filled up until his return. Messrs. John Milne and E.. Maris Clark; were re-elected auditors. Votes of Thanks.-—Votes of thanks to the Board of Management, officers, &c., for their services during the past year were accorded, and suitably acknowledged. A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings.


An" adjourned meeting of the above company was held at Gisborne on November 2S, Mr. J. Buchanan. M.H.R., Chairman of Directors, in the chair. The Chairman said there has a somewhat important transaction taken place lately. During the recent visit of one managing director to Auckland, 10,000 shares were sold to two gentlemen in Auckland for distribution among their friends there; 5000 shares were also sold to the same gentlemen for placing in London. It was contemplated to establish the head-quarters in Auckland. It was intended also to dispose of the remaining 2000 shares to the present shareholders, or to enlarge their support in the South.

Mr. De LACTouKsaid that when in Auckand with Mr. Barraclough, 10,000 shares had been sold at par. He had interviews with several influential Auckland gentlemen, who expressed themselves highly pleased and satisfied with the stability of the company. He then explained the difficulties of getting a resident directory,at Gisborne that could hope to establish confidence throughout the colony". He only consented that a Board, having the absolute control, with offices at Auckland, should be constituted, if Auckland held a large stake in the company. He then explained how the local or district Boards would be worked from headquarters. He thought a. reconstruction jn a colonial basis would give great satisfaction both to North and South. He then moved the following resolution:—"That an extraordinary general meeting of the company be called within four mouths from this date to l'evise the articles of association, in the several respects in which it is necessary that alterations should be made, in order to enlarge the constitution of the company and the organisation of its directory. Such meeting to be called by the directors at such time as may be thought best." The resolution was seconded by Mr. Bakraci-OUGii, and carried unanimously. Mr. Df.Lautour said that he wanted the shareholders to understand that only lands with indefeasible titles under the Land Transfer Acts would be put in the market.


A meeting of the committee of the Auckland Society of Arts was held in the Y.M.C. A. Rooms on the Sth December. There were present Mr. Albin Martin (in the chair), Mrs. J. McCosh Clark, Messrs. j It. Watkin, J. Martin, T. Ball, J. L. Collie, J. G. Trevithick, C. Blomfield, J. 1 L. Holland, and R. M. Fripp (secretary). The business disposed of was the examination, alteration, and final passing of the prize list for the new year, 18S2-3. The chief . features in the list are described in the address to members, read by Mr. J. Martin, I and adopted by the committee. A rumonr has spread to the effect that the Art Society had intentions of building. Mr. J. Martin drew the attention of the committee to it, and all such intentions were disclaimed. The list of prizes will soon be issued. Amongst them is the following :—"Architectural design for six-roomed cottage, on a 3-inch scale, showing ground plan, transverse section and elevation, wooden walls, slate roof, cost not to exceed £500 ; open to mechanics and apprentices." Mr. Martin's address was as follows: — Our society having now entered upon .the work of the third year, it will be necessary for each of our working members to use his or her best endeavours to promote the success of the next exhibition by immediate efforts to produce some works of art which shall be worthy to rank as superior to those which formed the exhibition of last season. The growing demand for high class paintings and other works of decorative art is an evidence of the spread of culture, and of the prosperity of our fellow colonists, which must be gratifying aud encouraging to professional artists as well as to art teachers and students. The. committee hope that the next exhibition shall surpass our former successful efforts to place before the public local works of such excellence as shall meet with a ready sale, To promote this object, they desire to extend thebenefits of the Art Union by the disposal of at least one thousand tickets (the comparatively small number of 220 tickets having been sold last year by the exertions of a few gentlemen). A book of ten art union tickets, for sale or return, will be issued to each member on application to the secretary. The committee request that you will earnestly endeavour to dispose of the same, and by this method increase in the most substantial manner the interest which will be taken in the exhibition, and promoting che financial success of the society, to the immediate benefit of its contributing members. The list of prizes now issued has been extended beyond that of last year. In pupils' studies, the first prize will be open to all-comers, and those in classes B and C to pupils in art classes under the age of 18 years. The certificates of merit offered for distribution in class 2 are intended to encourage the production of works of ornamental art for household decoration. Class 3is specially intended to stimulate amateur artists in study from nature of that which is beautiful in Our picturesque local scenery. Iu class 4 certificates otdy will be given, but in this, as in otlier classes, the exhibitors are at liberty to enter their works for sale at stated prices, and it is hoped this will be sufficient inducement to secure a large number of entries in each section. Copies of the prize lists for | distribution can be obtained from the secretary, and the committee would ask you to show your sympathy in the cause of art by assisting to make the objects of the society known among your friends, and by hearty co-opjration ensure its success.


I A mketixi: of the shareholders of this company was held oxi the 12th December in the commercial room of the Kentish Hotel, Waiuku, Mr. J. B. Brown in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The chairman read the following report :—Your directors have much pleasure in presenting their report and balance sheet for the year ending November 30th, ISS2. The all'airs of the company are in a very satisfactory state. The financial condition of the company is calculated to give every confidence to the shareholders as a matter of investment. The accommodation all'orded to the public, and especially to the settlers inside the Manukau harbour is, we believe, universally acknowledged. The receipts for the year will not appear so large as in the last balance-sheet, but it must be remembered that the former statement included the account for 14i months. The expenditure this year has been exceptionally heavy, owing to the extensive repairs to the machinery, and the outlay of about £100 on the erection of a shed and ofliee at Waiuku. The net profit for the year, according to the auditors s balance-sheet, amounts to .-CIG4 15s, and out of their profit your elirec- ■ to:~3 propose to declare a dividend 1 at the rate of 5 per cent. Tin ; remainder of the profit will be carriat . to the reserve fund. Mr. John Grej ' and Captain Magill retire by rotatioi ■ from the directory, but are eligible for re

election. The directors also have tho pleasure of nominating Captain Fergusson. for one of the vacant seats on the Board. The appointment of an auditor for the ensuing year is part of the business of this meeting.—Oil the motion of Captain Fergusson, seconded by Mr. W. Smith, the report and balancesheet were adopted.—The election of two directors was then proceeded with, and resulted in the return of Captains Magill and Fergusson.—On the motion of Mr. W. J. Harris, seconded by Mr. A. Palmer, tho appointment of an auditor was left to the directors.—lt was proposed by Mr. Bent, and seconded by Mr. Smith, that the registered office of the company be at Waiuku. — This was carried.—Mr. Harris proposed that any one of the directors absenting himself from three successive meetings without leave of the Board be disqualified.—This was seconded by Captain Magill and carried.— Votes of thanks to the directory, &e., for tho past year, brought the meeting to a close.


The fifth annual meeting of the shareholders of the Coromandel Steamboat Company took placo at the office of the company, on Monday, Dec, 4. Mr. A. J. Cadmau, chairman of directors, occupied the chair, and a large number of shareholders were present. The minutes of the last annual meeting having been read and confirmed, the Chairman read the directors' report and balance-sheet, from which it appears the company have paid off £650 of the mortgage, and paid a dividend of three shillings per share. The working expenses this year have been very heavy, Giving to breaking of the propeller, alteration of cabin, &"c. The total receipts are £324S 15s lOd, and the expenditure is £2477 2s sd, exclusive of dividend and repayment of loan. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, informed the shareholders that in future the directors would not insure the ship, and if shareholders wished to make themselves secure, they must insure their own shares. The reason was, that they could only insure against total loss, which was very unlikely to occur, and if the boat went ashore and was damaged to the extent of £1000, they would get nothing. The report and balance-sheet were unanimous!}' ;<dopted. The next business was the election of a director in place of Mr. Gibbs, who had offered himself for re-election. Mr. A. Glover proposed that Mr. Gibbs should be re-elected, and spoke very highly of his past services. This was seconded by Mr. R. Glover. Mr. Buckland was also proposed and seconded, but on the Chairman demanding a show of hands the majority were in favour of Mr. Gibbs, and he was declared clected. Mr. J. H. Harrison was re-elected auditor. Tho Chairman asied for an expression of opinion as to what was advisable to be done with the unallotted shares (1463). This question caused a long discussion, in which nearly every shareholder present took part. It was ultimately agreed, on the motion of Mr. Buckland, that none of the shares should be sold at present, but that the directors should be asked to pay dividends on the whole capital of the company, and place the funds so accruing from unallotted shares, to the reserve fund. A vote of thanks to the chair brought the meeting to a close.


The annual meeting of the members of this society was held on December IS iu the Temperance Hall, Albert - street, Mr. W. Elliott, vice-president, in the chair.

Retort.—The secretary read the report for the past year : also a statement as to the position of the society, of which the following is an outline :—" Although the society was not in an exceptionally flourishing condition there was no good reason for complaint or ground for apprehension. Its business was steady and constant. Three members had been lost to the society by death ; three members' wives had died during the year. These deaths took away £SO. The sick allowance amounted to £257 Is Cd. The doctor's stipend amounted to £270 ss. 19 other members. were lost to the society during the year, and (our were enrolled, two junior and two senior, leaving 249 on the books. Many who had left the service still remained in the 1 society. Dr. Richardson resigned, Jliul Dr. Evans had been appointed to the district, having the best testimonials. The balance in the Post-office Savings Bank was £126 lis lid ; interest, £4 7s 7d ; contributions, £617 Is. In the bands of trustees, £321 9s; interest, £16 Is : total, £337 10s. The secretary's balance was set down at £332 19s. Mr. Harris had resigned the cilice of treasurer, having been shifted, and Mr. K. Porter had been appointed in his stead.'"' Report adopted. Doctor's Mileage.—The Secretary re ported that an arrangement had been made allowing one of the medical officers travelling expenses. Several members said that the patient as well as the society was charged. The secretary was requested to enquire into the facts alleged. Sick Allowance.—A member of the society made an application to be put on the sick fund, as he was ill and about to make a voyage to Ireland. Dr. Evans said the applicant was suffering from palpitation of the heart, and "a sea voyage would do him good." The meeting was nearly equally divided aa to the advisability of making the case an exceptional one, and dealing with it in a. special way. The Chairman moved, "That if the applicant forwards a surgeon's certificate as soon as it is in his power to do so, he shall be paid sick allowance." The motion was put and negatived. Mr. Macfarlane moved, and Mr. Dudley seconded, " That unless he travels in a vessel carrying a certificated surgeon, he receive no sick allowance." This resolution was also put and negatived. Mr. Long thought the case might be dealt with specially by voting a donation to the applicant, say £10. Moved accordingly and seconded by Mr. Crawford. The resolution was negatived. Office-bearers for ISS3. —The following were cleeted A. V. Macdonald, president; W. Elliott, vice-president; K. Porter, treasurer ; W. Freney, secretary; auditors, Messrs. Williams and Oldham. Medical Officer: Dr. Coombe was elected medical officer to the society for the ensuing year. Committee : The following wsre elected for the several departments—Messrs. McGann, Bryant, and Faulkener (maintenance) ; Messrs. Smith, Stewart, and Knight (traffic) ; Mason and Jsaville (locomotive) ; Taylor, Firth, and Spragg (workshops).

Fees and Salaries. —The secretary's salary was fixed at £20, the treasurer's lee at £2 2s, and the auditors' fee at £1 Is.

On November 27, a public meeting in connection with the Band of Hope Society took place iu the Temperance Hall, Waiuku. There was a large gathering, all the seats being well filled. The Rev. Mr. Thompson occupied the chair. The meeting was addressed by the chairman and Messrs. Goldsbury, W. H. Barriball, and A. Oldfield. Recitations were given by Mr. Fin lay and Masters C. West, C. Bennett, W. McGowan, W. Ridgly, and E. JJeed, and readings by Messrs. S. Jtiodge and J. J. Reed. The Temperance Choir sang several suitable pieces during the evening. A goodly number of persons added their names to the pledge book, and a successful meeting was closed by the singing of " God Save the Queen." The annual meeting of the Builders' Association was held on Dec. 7. There were 29 mcmberß present. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : — President, Mr. "\V. G. Connolly; vsceprcsident, Mr. A. Pollard; treasurer, Mr. T. Constable ; secretary, Mr. C. S. Wright; committee, Messrs. McColl, Colebrook, Ellingham, Macguire, Heron, Jones and G Rhodes. The first annual meeting of the shareholders in the Northern Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company was held on. the titb December. The meeting was presided over by Mr. G. Aickin, who, after the formal reports and audited balance-sheet had been read, spoke of the past operations of the • company, and its future prospect. The paidup capital at the present time is £7102 15s, being at the rate of 12s Gd per share, except ten shares, which arc paid up in full. The proiits on. the sales dnrinjj the year were £5069 13s 2d, while wages, salaries, commission, &c., amounted to £4173 Ss od. Other expenditure reduced the net balance of profit to £490. 10s Sd. Out of this the directors have decided to pay a dividend of ten per cent., and to carry forward the balance to the newaccount, the formation of a reserve fund heiug deferred until next year. It is satisfactory to know that tki3 manufacturing concern has proved so successful, and if it continues to be managed judiciously in the future, its success will no doubt largely help in wooing associated capital to similar mauut facturing enterprises in Auckland. A large . brick building is now being erected, and it.

a expected that the workmen will be into J it early in the new year. The directors also intend to get some skilled workers Home, so a3 to enable them to compete with any class of work that might be required. An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Auckland Coffee Palace Company (Limited), was held on Dso. 11, at noon. Mr. Joseph Newmat occupied the cnair. The Chairman proposed the following resolution "That the Auckland Coffee Palace Company (Limited), be wound up voluntarily, and that Mr. John Milne be appointed liquidator." In doing so, he said those, present were aware that at a meeting held ten days ago, they had not a sufficient number ot proxies from persons to carry the resolution. The present meeting was expressly called to meet the requirements of the law. There was now a sufficient nuniber present by proxy to pass the resolution. Mr. Graves Aickiu seconded the motion, which "was then put to the meeting, and carried unanimously. A very largely attended meeting of the committee of the Auckland Regatta Club was held in the Club-room, YVaitemata Hotel, on December 21, for the purpose of finally arranging the programme, &c. Captain D. H. McKenzie occupied the chair. It was resolved that additional races be placed on the programme for the 13 feet and under open sailing boats, and one .or yachts under four tons. The programme with these two additions was then agreed to. The Secretary (Mr. R. E. Isaacs) drew the attention of the committee to an article which appears in the Field in reference to the Auckland harbour, and after reading the article to the meeting it was condemned by the members of the committee as most un- »" truthful and damaging to the port. It was unanimously resolved that the secretary be instructed to write to the editor of the Field, calling his attention to the gross misstatements relative to the suitability of this harbaur for yachting purposes which appeared in the article signed by "Isis"inthe issue of October 28th last; and also that the secretary forward an official cliarfe of the harbour, so that the editor can better judge how erroneous are the remarks made use of in the article referred to; and a vote of censure was also passed by the committee upon the author. The secretary was instructed to send letters of thanks to the following donors of cups, viz.:—Mr. E. Mitchelson, Mr. F. H. Lewisson, proprietors N.Z. Heuald, Evening Star, Mr. Kohn, and others. An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Kaipara Steamship Company, was held on Dec. 21. The business was merely formal.—to confirm a resolution passed at a meeting held in October —viz., "That the annual general meeting be held in May, instead of November, in each year." Mr. E. Mitchelson occupied the chair. The resolution was confirmed. At the"annual meeting o£ the Auckland Turkish Baths Company, held on the 21st December, the advisableness of increasing the value of the shares and raising more capital, with the view of erecting new baths in a more central position, was discussed. The matter was referred to the directors of the eompany for consideration. The balancesheet showed a balance of £3S odd, which was carried forward to next year's account. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Mr. William Lodder occupied the chair. A meeting of the Beresford-street Congregational Sunday-school Band of Hope was held in the Beresford-street Hall on Dec. 19. Mr. Joseph Newman presided, and delivered an appropriate address. Songs, readings, and recitations were given by members of the Band of Hope. A soiree and conference of officers and speakers of the Band of Hope Union was held on Friday evening, the 15th December, in the Temperance Hall, —Sir William Fox in the chair. The proceedings opened with prayer. The Chairman gave au interesting speech, and referred to various things of local interest—the death of Hardy through drink, and other matters. Mr. George Hemus addressed the meeting previously to his leaving for England. The secretaries of the various Bands of Hope brought up their reports. Mr. J. H. Jones gave a " black board" address. Mr. French read a paper on Band of Hope work. The speakers of the Union also made reports. Upon the several reports discussions eusuedl The proceedings terminated with devotiona. exercises.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 9 (Supplement)

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MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 9 (Supplement)

MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 9 (Supplement)