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—■ Meaic-dJ. fR . T Y N D A L L, Jjl SURGEON DENTIST, Flrg Jesn assistant to Mr. Plumley), _ more lo present tho Auckland public with Jegs ©nee *** his list of prices Gold Upper snd Lower .. . £10 Celluloid " " " £1 ° Vulcanite » < rDm -• Silve « from Dental Alloy .. onl y - Sicglo Tooth, Jrom ss. Repairing 1° Vulcanite, from 10a. Top of Gbkv-htbbkt. Taraxacum podophyllum— Prepared only by J. Pepper, London. This. Vlnid combination, extracted from nedicmal roots, is now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the rare of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of X)n«efition of tho liver, which are generally pain 'beneath the shoulders, bead-ache, drowsiness, no ap. •petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste i* tho mornfck giddineßS, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very siightly acts on tho bowels, giving a sense of.hejlth and comfort -within 24 hours. It is tha safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is afluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, London, whose name is on every label. Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s (3d. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine for India, Australia, the Cape and Colonies generally.—Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser and' Co* PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC rouses and develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels ian* gonr and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, ague, indigestion, fevere of evejy kind, chest affections, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, etc. The whole frame is gt«aU.y invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, tie constitution greatly strengthened. J-Qci retnm to health certain. Bottles, 22 doses, 43 6d; next size, Us. Sold by Chemists everywhere. The name of 0. Pepper, Bedford laboratory London, must be on the label. There is no Tonic so certain in effect as Pepper's Quinine and Irsh. It is strongly recommended to residents in India aad the Colonies, and sliculd always be kept ready for use in every case of fever or febrile conditions—Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. &fe CJ ULPHOLINE LOTION."—An Ex ternal Means of CUftING SKIN DISEASES, lliere Is scarcely any eruption but will yield to " Sulpholine" in a few days, and commence to fade away even if it seems past cure. Ordinary pimples, , rednees, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plagued the sufferers for years, however deeply rooted they may be, "Sulpholine" will successfully attack them. It destroys theanimalcul® which cause these •onsightlv, irritable, painful affections, and always j produce! clear, nealthy .natural condition of tho skin. " Sulpholine" .Lotion is sold bv most Chemists. Made by T. Pepper and Co., London. Bottles, 2s od. ' >ld by Kempthorne, Proaser, and Or> fa LIVER COMPLAINTS. . KING'S DANDELION AND By QUININE LIVER PILLS (without mercury THE BEST REMEDY FOR BILIOUSNESS STOMACH DERANGEMENT, FLATULENCE, PAINS BETWEEN TEE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HEAD ACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of disordered«liver and dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent suigeons to be the safest and mildest pijls for every constitution. In Boxes at Is l£d, 2s 9d, and -Is G<L Bold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout . tho World. Prepared by Jas. Rorko, London. Specially valoablo Pills for residents abroad and travellers. JJ OLLO WA\ 7 S PI L L ti. Impurity of the Bloot>.—Unless the blood be kept in a pure state the constitution must be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all contaminations of the blood and system generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tendiug to produce ill health, and institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. Tho dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premucure grave. Complaints of Womek an*d Children*.—The very mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills re commends them to every household as a remedy? or i the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse I or young person guided by the directions which a© j company each bos of Hollovays Pills has at one available means of checking disease, purifying tK i blood, and expelling from tho system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. Disorders of the Ltvep. with Flatulency and Indigestion.—Loss of appetite and flatulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all affections of the liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy /unction to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions and cast out all impurities. "Weak Stomachs Impaired Digestion.—The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pill 3, as they vonsd the stomach, liver, and every'other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food and drink'to the nourishment Of the body—hence these Pills are the purest strengthened, and the restorative in nervousness, wasting, and cluonic debilityOougtih, Colds, Influenza and Sore Throats.— For curing diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, these Pills have established for themselves a preeminently world-wide fame, as they purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds, Influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the liings, and even consumption in its early stages, are successfully treated with this medicine, parti cularly if Holloway's Ointment bo well rubbed upon the efcest and back night and morning. j Holloway s Pills are the best remedy known in tho j world for the following diseases: — I Ague Gout Stone and Gravel ; Asthma Headache Secondary Symp- ! Bilious Com- Indigestion toms plaints Liver complaints Tic-Doloureux 1 Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers Skin Piles Venereal AfleeBowel complaints [Rheumatism tions Debility jlistention of Worms of all Drop3y | Urine kirads Femaio Irregu- Scrofula orKing'siWeakness, fro* larities { Evil whatevercause Fevers of all kinds jSoro Throats ) &c., 6cc. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor Hollow ay's Establishment, 533, Oi'ord-street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilised worJ'l, in Hoxes and Pots at Is Ud f 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, 225, £>-3*l 33s 3,ich. Each" Pot and Box of tho Genuine >J«dicines beai che British Government Stamp, aiih tho word*, 'Holloways Pill 3 and Ointment, Londao," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, G3S, Oxford-stroet London, where alone they arc manufactured. Beware of all coin-pounds styled ITollowaj's Pills and Ointment, with a " New York" aoei. Confectioners. STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS DURHAM STREET AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS In thanking the public for the liberal support ex tended to him in his efforts to establish on a flriti basis a New Local Industry, beijs to announce for th* Information of Merchants and Storekeepers, hat h« has now completed all arrangements for the manufacture of every description of Confectionery. The Bum of money that is annually sent out oftbe colony for icaportatiosa of impure and doleterirn* sweetmeats is enormous, and the advertiser wopJd respectfully caution purchasers of the noxiorn compounds which are now being cxtensivelv introduced here from Australia, and which are xceedingly lunrious to children's health. Hi? own Confectionery is made of the purest materialI*,1*, and no poisDnona colouring matter is introduced in its manufacture. Storekeepers will find it grsatly to their advantago to purchase their goods of him, as the price is considerably below that at which tho Knglish confections are sold, while the quality of the locally uiatte article has been pronounced alike by coanoisacnrs and the public to be eminently iiupcrior to that of the British manufactures. His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES need TV; recommendation, and all other descriptions now made at his Factory aro fully equal to those in quality and finish. Chemist's Proprietary Lozenges, neatly and carefully stamped and prepared. Always on hand, and made to ordort Lozenges, Comfits, Jujubes, Pastilos, Medicated Lozenges, Genuine Elack Currant Lozenge 3, Cough Lozenges (equal to K eating's), Conversation Lozenges, Peppermints, Double Ertra Strong Mints, Powdered, Icing, and Boiled Sagars of every description, Sugar Caady, All Geoda Manufactured on the Premises, and of the beat materials. Medicated Lozenges of every description always on Land. "Waters' Chocolatc, J>or dozen. Jast Arrived, Wadding Cakk Ornaments, Bonbons Uouxbody's Lcggaob, &c., *«., Testimonial. Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, October 26,1875. Mr. E. Waters : Sir, —I havo much pleasure In Informing you, that after having made a very careful analysis of various samples of sweetmeats manufactured by you, I find that they are free from all adulteration, and l .hat the colouring mtiters are quite nnocuouflt With regard to the CbocoJalc ; X find that it is quite equal to tho bast English or French preparations, and, being entirely free from husk, it will form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an impaired digestion.—l have the honour to be, sir, yonr obedient servant, Jasieb M. Tunny, Provincial Analyst: Orders, accompanied by draft or good reference will receive prompt attention. The above goods may be had through any respect able wholesale house. K".B.—Empty packages only allowed for when turned in good condition. EDWARD WATERS, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, Durham and Queen-stbeets. Auckland. CAMWELL, Wheelwright, \JT® market. Gate, Ladder, and Wheelbarrow Factory, Newmarket. Samples on hand, and made to order on the shortest notico. Orders for Waikato loft with Mr. J. 8. Bnckland, whAro at his sale room, Ohaupo, an assortment will always b* oa hand, and it sent direct, will be delivered eanlage xrod to any cm tta W&ikato*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 3