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HruH water, to-day.—Auckland 9.0 — 9.20 ~ „ Manuksu 1155— 0.15 Kitn —Uisee, 5 2 ; aois, 6.27. Moox. —Lr.«t quarter, November 3, 0.37 a.m. ■ ARRIVALS. October 23. We'dingr. ii, >.- , Arnodeo, from Uu;s.-I!. PASsenger* : Mrs. ".V ilmiiey. Min Juhnstine, Me.-*r«. '.V.ik.r. Oi.pcott, Hare, Fr»«er, William.;, and three steerage.— A. Mo'Jn'go-, .leeut-. Olem-ic, s.s. S( phensvn, from Tau-.anga. PH-seiig-r,. : 5 .1..m-, Gi»hain aud 11 .lloway, Messis. li. IC. CoOier, Fiench, !!.ker, GrooiKith, Slk-:I-., :•.:■.•-! U-.v. .Mr. Hollow..}-.—A. McGregor, »-Kt. Myrtle, liMg-ntir.*, T.\u?, from Tonga and Samoa. R«t!n{er. : Mr. and Mis. Clare and family (5), Mrs. Watkins an 1 twochil.ireo, Mrs. Lombard u J chiM, Messr-i. Cdbourn, Parsons, Mciiweu, at,J Biikett.—-UcAithur aud Lu., agents. Octvbeb 2:1. Ocean, sclnuner, Kuit, from Oi'OUki.— Master, agent. Waratah, cutter, Savige, fiom Whangarei.— Master, agent. DEPARTURE. Nightingale, bri.;autine, Aycrs, for Mstigonui. —Master, agent. CL«AIIED OUTWAHD3. Ni,;hting,l», brig inline. T2O tons. .\yers, for Mangonui. IMPORTS. Per Myrtle, frira the li'.and* : -l;'. 0 torn copin, 3 tont coffee.

Ixwabus —Tokcr.'.u, from T.ur*nk;a, wi'h 26 P.) i feot timber; Ellen, from the' Wade, with Tm.OOO shingles :-.nd 100 rails ; Agn.« Maitin, fiom Thames, ia ballast; Ke suit, from Port Charles, with 29.000 feet timber; b:irt, from Ngunguru, with 13,000 foet to' »ra limber, and fi bßgs guu).

OUTW.if.P3 CaiASTWME. — liileu, for the Wade, with a I.t ; ;e circo of sundries; Ru.kak.i, for in tali ist; Reriilt, for Port Charles, in ballast ; .Sumlerlaiid, for Thames, with 40 ton« iron ; liream, for Whangarei, in ballast ; Agnes Martin, for Whangarci, in ballast.

The Collector of Customs h»s posted notices in the Ci:.toruhou*e and Post-cilice, requesting importers and Customhouse agents that they will, in or.i.ring new stocks of Customs fonni, give instructions to have them printed on white ptpv'r, mi<l in tile mariner prescribed in schedule A iu tus Cu3toins Laws Consolidation Act of 18S2.

Tbo s.s. O e'i is to loave for 3:sborne and today, at 4 p.m.

The -..s. We.lington arrived from KusioU ami Northern en Saturday, at fi a.m. She briught a iiumhei of p>a.>e:i{;e:s, aud her cargo cou>iited t-f 20.) .-...cks sum and »u»diius. The Wellington sails fjr Tauiati'a today, at 5 p.m.

The 8.3. Glei' arrive-,! from J aur.mga csi Saturday moniiin at t5 o"clock with tfceusm! complement of a few tou* of sundries na.oargo. She is announced to !e .ve for Russell •o-.lty at 5 p.m.

Tbß Union S.S. •J.,mp..nj'» "-». ltirgarooma hitinj left Gis'iorno for Am'.!u:,l at [0.30 a.m. yesterday should arrive sometime before soon to-day. She U announced :o fail for Sydney via Ru-soll to-mor:o>v at 5 p.m. The schooner Ocean nrrived from Opotiki yesterday with a cargo of produce. Messrs. D. Ciuickshank and C>.'s threemasted sch ' W»item*ta was docked on Saturday forenoon for a thorough oveih.»ul prior to har being pliced in thu mturcilouUl trade.

Thos.s. leaves Duuedin on Wealne--diyfortho North. She will cill at all iirsimeliato pons, and is expected to arrivo heie on Tuesday morning. Tk* s.b. Masapouri is expected to arrire from Sydney, via Uusse'.l, eaily i<u Wednesday mornic», and is advertised to 3ail for the South and Melbourne on Th aisday, November 2, at noon.

The Vision nrriroil at Dunediu from K-ip»ra on October 20. Tue schoouer Atlanta arrived at Nelson from thi Kxipara on the 26th instant. Last liighs at dusk a schooner inside Tiritiri wu signalled at the Victoria flags'.utT, ba! there w»s no appearance of the vessel at an ear'y hoar thi'. morning. She will probably prove to t) the brigHntico Defiance from Duoedin, now 11 d»ys out. The schoolers Q leert ami Howard si:!_<d from Ku:«el for Auckland with cirgoe< of coiloa Saturday last, and the M.iriLer w;.i loid'p.g there. Tl- Omaha »Uou!.l ar::v» from Mercury Kay to-day. She has a loail of timber on board for the Chatham Islands and saila hence about Saturday next. There are now three ve««?!a due from London, nimely the Loch Fleet 110 days out, the Margaret Galbrakh 110 days out, and the Locb Urr 95 days out. The barque Andreas Kus from Sear Yoik via Launeestoa, ought to be heard of Soon being now out 121 days. We understand that Captain Jackson, late of the p.s. Torg-rirc, and of large experience here will shortly take command of the staamer Con>niandel. Captain Jackeon is well known to b.a careful able master, and is no doubt hie'services will be much appreciated both by the proprietors of the steamer and tha passengers travelling by her.

SSOa Saturday afternoon Messrs.Stone Brothers' new kelch Violet went ilown the harbour, for the purpose of testing her sailing qualities. She ataited from the western sido of the Q■■..;• nstreei Wharf, and mailed before the wind down to the >io:th H::id. She was then pat about, and the wind bciag south-westerly she had to beat ap. Her sailing opacity was thus tested both running and beating to windward, and on both her pot'forrai-.nce proved perfectly satisfactory, and lixitt up to expectation. She will probably for the Thames to-day. A new second-class open bo\t, which has been r.ic:cJ the Gertie, has been constructed l>y ilr. V. Bailey, jun., at the >7ur;h Shore Ji'-rd, and was launched a d.iy or two afco. Her dimensions are : —length 9 feet 11 inches, beam o feet 11 inche?, and depth 2 feet 5 inches. She his very bsautiful lines, and is one-of the piottiest boats of the kind that has ever beer, turned out of aa Auckl.nd yard. It is Ihrusht thnt "he will be found a very stiff opponen; at thj forthcoming regatta. Her builder is thesime who constituted ths ;>ucces'ful 1G fcot boat Elsie, which took part in the regitta» of season. Tb.3 well-known biigAntiua Myi tie anived from Tonga and Samoa, on Saturday evening, after a gcod passage of 12 days. She brought a ncmber of passengers from differ? ntisUnds, Mid s full c«t'>, ti.ii»is!ins princitally of copra. Captain Lvie h .3 kinlly tupplied us with a few iten s of shipfSag new. (which we print to-daj). aa well as tho following report of the round t r jp : _Thu Myrtle left Auckland on August 2nd with a liitit N.E. wind, which increasing the following day, compelled us to anchor in the Kawau. Left fciMiu at d .ylisht on th*Siturdiy, with -a fre.-h south-west wind, and made a go'ol run Icugi. occupying S days. Strong \V. and K.W. winds wi'a heavy sea wero met with to th' 3 l'.titid" i'f *m.liy Island; thence to Eua light winds from the same quarter. TinFrench man-of-war Hugarj, the barqu • India, imd ♦he missionarr brig John Wesley arrived during the week. The Myrtle arrived in Samoa cu cept-.-tnber 10, nnd It ft on the 23rd for a cruise. Left Tonja for AuckUnd on October 10-with tine weather and light wind), which were kept for til' most part of the trip !«c:G3s. Sighted Cape Brett and stof-d into the E-- of Isliu'sds <s far as H«d Hoid onThutsday. Oc'obt-r 2(1. Li;ht winds and calms were c~rii"'l"uo"vn the coast until Saturday morning, when a wii.d spiting up from the south-west, which brought the vessel safely into harbour.


We urc i!ic'.er.ted to Captain Lane, of the brigand!-!' Myrtle, for the following items of IsUnd .Hi-pius r.ews :— On Sii.:-:;ibei 23, then were at Samoa two German b,-i.;n?s loading wprn.M well as the gchoouer Conflict, bound for Fiji via Wallace Islnnd. «li» »e!-." V:.viu and the Qermtn Carola. During th- of the Myrtle at Tonga, prior to bar "departure for Auckland, the barque IciHa arrived and left two days afterwards for Bitaoa. The brijautino Flirt, from Sydney, and the tchooner Varan, from Samca, had abio arrived. _ There wem also two natiro schooners then lying at Tong •- About the end of August last the missionary i tchooner John Weiley was at Tonga, and tUFrench man-of-war Hugan arrived there about that time. Shipping business is reported to >e J at present among the Island*. I


Macgregor, ».»., McArtbur, from Waitara. PaiSeigers : Mr*. Broadriles. Mr. and Mrs. Batiste, servant, and three children, Messrs. J. Henry, C. O'Biieu, Brown, Cracken, and Horwif. —A. Barnes, agent. Bowena, s.s., Scott, from Ilokianga.— A. Bar»es, agent. Lalla Uuokh, «.s., Robertson, from Waitara. Passenger : Mr. Brown. — Waller end Co., ag( nts. Taiaroa, a.>\, 11. Ai:i»by, fiom the Scutn. Pause-Igor* : Mosd .niea Fouutaiiie and Revoll, Misso. Phillip* and Huddleston, .Messrs. Lewis, Liddle, V-untune, Tonin, Lord, Coatc, Perkins, 3 .:;.!<••, Jacobs, Cook, Blafeie, MoGu're, Jvger. Jack, Sh-ia, Kovcll, Jadisor, and 2 steerage. —Union S.S. Co., agent?. DEPARTURES. Stella, Government steamer, FairchiM, for Wellington.

M.cgregor. s.s.. McAr'-hur. for Waitara. Passenger: .Mr. .Moberly.—A. Birnej, ajenr.

3olouist, schooner, Bailey, for Greymouth.— Si»»ter, agent.

Star of the South, s.s., HopkiiH, for Dunedin, —Master, a,ent.

IMPORTS. Per i?.a., Macgregor, from Waitara: »Inep, iO head cattle, an \ !' packages butter.

Per J-.a. Lalla R iokh, from Waitara : 20 head cattle. lt>7 sheep, 19 kegs and 2 cases butter, aud 2 cues egt;r.

Th". steamer Star of the South Itft for Manuk*a Heads yesterday morning. She loads with timber for Guthrie mid Laruscu\i mills, »nd is eipocted to leave there for Duncdin about Wednesday uext. The eclioouer Colonist sailed for Greymouth, in ballast, on Saturday afternoon.

Tho Northern Uompuiy'a steamers Kowena and anived on Saturday, the former from Hokianga, at an early hour in the morning, and the latter from Waitara, it i o'clock in the aftornoon. The Macgregor returned Co Waitara five hours after arrival.

The s.s. Lalia Uookli arrived at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday from Waitara, with stock.

Tho Union S.S. Co.'s steamer Taiaroa arrived at Oucb.un.ja yesterday foreneou, a number of passengers and general caigo. We aro indebted to th> purser for Southern n-wspaper files and the following report of the trip:—Left Port Chalmers on the 23r.l iust., at 0.10 p.m., and cleared the Heads at 7 p.m. After ctiiinj at Tuuiru aud Akaroa, reached Lyttelton at 3.15 «.m. on the 25th. Ltft at 1 p.m., aud arrived at Welliugton ua 2otb, it'. 6 a.m. Left for the North at 1 p.m., and airived ia Picton at 5.50 p.m. Left again at midnight, and reached Nelson at 8 a.m. on the LTlli. At 030 left for Tarauaki, where she arrived at 9 a.m , and having loaded passengers arid cargo, steamed away for Onehuiiija. aud mule fast to tho wharf at lO.o'O a.m ('-'!>;l>). Kr.i.n I'mt Chalmers to urriv Aat I,yttoito:i strong southerly winds were expended, thtuce lo arrivui fine, with variable winds. WIIANGAROA. Artr.IVAL?!. —Oct. 23 : Opotiki, schooner, frr.m Auckland. Oct. 21 : Cy.iiet, schooner, from Auckland. Oct. 25; Me.lora, schoener, fium ; Wellington, s.s., Amodeo, from Auckland. Oct. 2G: Wellington, s.s., Ainodeo, from olangonui.

Sailed. —Oct. 10 : AliC. Owen, hrig.ntine, Co»per, for Sydney, with 132,325 feet sawn timber. Oct. 23 : Wellington, s.s., Amodeo, for Mangonui. Oct. 'Ji> : p.a., Amodeo, for Auckland ; Opotiki, schooner, with 31,000 feet sawn timber, for Auckland.

Is P.'l-.T : Anna B; 11, brij, Home, for Sydney, with 174,000 feet baulk timber and 32,000 feet sawn tiuiher.

The school er Cygnet is expected to sail to day.

Loading at Wharf : A.T. CVc E»st Lothim, barque, Ci..rke. A.T. Co.'s Kentish L»ss, bar.jue, Patiicks, at [Own Ci'rreJi'Or.deut, Qci. 2b' ]

BY TZ L KG l{ a r H UUSiELL. Ojloher 2S-—Sailed : Qjeen and Rew.uJ. Loading : Mariner. WELLINGTON". Ojfnh'r '-".'. — Arriv.-J : Arawati, s.a., from Aucklir.,!, via the E .»t ; Grafton, 5.9., from thu ffnt O.xst ; lima, s.s., from Lyttelton ; Cora, tchooner, fmm (xreymoath. TIMAKU. October 29.-Arrived : 'toward, from Lttelton : Cr"»i of the Wave, from li.vercirgill. I'OKT CiiALMER?. October -9.—Arrived, on Saturday: Wai-k-ito, sbip. fmru London, Captain Su'therUnd (July 15). 15 passengers ; nil well. The cAiitun was formally chief officer of tbo ship \V,«iro*. S.tileri, yesterday afternoon : Kotomahiu.i, s.s., for Melbourne, via theKlutf.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6537, 30 October 1882, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6537, 30 October 1882, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6537, 30 October 1882, Page 4