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» Medical. -ayf-ORE LOCAL EVIDENCE ««-*• or THK CURATIVE PROPERTIES OF pROFESSOR QUSSCOTT'S HERBAL TREATMENT. MAY NOW EE CONSULTED AT HIS ADDEES3, Shortland-steeet. IF YOU ARE TROUBLED . WITH RHEUMATISM apply Professor Gusscott. Tf von are troubled with Neuralgia or Toothache, apply Professor Gusscott. This is an Instantaneous CIl Bad Legs or Bad Breasts, ly you°^to<MUed > vrith Stiff and Swollen Joints, Contracted Cords or Muscles, Lame or Weak Backs, consult Professor Gusscott. If you are troubled with Dropsy, onsult Professor are troubled with Asthma or Bronchitis, eonsult Professor GusscoU. If you are troubled with Piles, Blind or Bleeding, consult Professor Gusscott. If Ton are troubled with Scurvy or Skin Disease, a perfect cure by applying to Professor Gusscott. If you are troubled with Gravel, apply Professor Gusscott. If yon arc troubled with Pleurisy, consult Professor Gusscott Tf vou are troubled with Sciatica or Lumbago, a perfcot cure by applying to Professor Gusficott. IS you are troubled with Gout, eat less and drink Jess, that is my advice. If yon are troubled with Flatulency and "Wind on the Stomach, apply to Trofessor Gusscott. If you are troubled with an excessive discharge of urine, or retention of urine, there are a few cases which I have cored, which i* undeniable. If you are troubled with Liver Complaint, because the Liver is the lever, the propellor cf our health, tha regulator of the human system, the mafn-spring of our bodv, bv which all tbe organs of our stomach »ro reTubtc'l and kept in active motion. The further olHc-'* of the Liver is to compare and secrete the bile, serve as a slniiner or iilterer of the blood, separate all impurities therefrom, and to reflno it and make it pure, rich, and healthy. How indispensably necessary then, for the good of our health, that our liver should always bo in good working: condition, that we may always have pare, healthy blood. If th« liver should be Inactive.or any tray diseased, our whole system is made to suffer soverely; our mental, physical, and nervous powers become weakened and sick, because of the blood not being purified and made healthy, which brings upon us paralysis. drop3y, and many other d?sagreeablo and gloomy feelings; the skin and eyes will assume a dark and yellow appearance, the kidneys refuse to do 1 tbeir part of the work, and the urinebecomes coloured and forms a thick dust sediment after standing I awhile

There will be pain in tho small of the back, extending through and under the shoulder blades, ■with creeping chills running down the back, sluggish and Tery tleepy feeling at times, coltl hands and feet, and often sick-headnche ; pain is felt at tho pit of tho stomach, with allgono sinking feeling at times, fiatulcncy and acidity, fluttering and trembling ' sensation at the heart, sour eructation?, offensive b?lchings of the wind and gas, and very often fc* ere is water be:u«h and vomiting ; the tongue coated with a whitish fur, hcadache. heartburn, palpitation, wind, colic, generally debility, fever. bowel 3 irregular (sometimes constipated and other times quito loose), when portions of the food are passed off undigested. .All of these ailments proceed from an inactive or diseased liver not properly secreting or straining from the blood the poison element contained therein, which makes its rounds of circulation through our whole body once every four minutes, tho same by night as by day; without one moment's pause or cessation, this life giving process aau3t go oa from the earliest of our being to lifo's latest hour. Thus you will learn how it is, and what it Is that makes us sick, breaks down our health, destroys our happiness, debilitates our body, weakens our nerve? and worries the brain, and brings upon us all fcinQs L'i xCTC. rs ; the to suffer with aches and pains. j i PROFESSOR GUSSCOTT'S TONIGj Is a. Perfect Cuius tor Dyspepsia* i It is intended to have the same effect upon the Liver ! and Bilions organs as' Calomel and Blue Pills," with* out those serious results to the system that follow tho | use of such dangerous and poisonous minerals. The Tonic possesses more activity than any other purgative medicine ever k'. own—it operates freely, without pain or griming or sickness of the stomach; the reason why it is so is because each ingxedient acts independently of the other—some are for the Liver and pancreatic juice, another acts upon the bowels, another upon the stomach, and another upon the intestines, &c., yet the united combination is one of great power. While it purges the bowels of their unhealthy contents, it restores the secretions,stimulates the various digestive functions, and starts the blood into free and active circulation. HOW "WE AKE TO TAKE IT. Directions for. Use—Half a tumbler three times day, an hour before or after meals. PROFESSOR GUSSCOTT 3 TONIC carries "healing on it3wings," gives hope and health to the afflicted, strength to the invalid, vigour, buoyancy, energy and vitality, to the enfeebled; it acts upon all tho functions of the human system, searches out the impurities existing in the vital fluid, attacks and dispels them. It is mildly purgative, exerting a soothing and cooling influence on the bowels, strengthens the stomach, gives activity to the liver and digestive organs, allays all internal inflammation, invariably enres Dyspepsia, Blind and Bleeding Piles. Sick Headache, and all disorders arising from biliary derangement. The greatest possible care is used in preparing it Instead of givirg a pleasantly-flavoured compound possessing no medical virtue. 1 offer a scientifically prepared concentrated vegetable extract in itself, and three fundamental elements of tonic, aker-tire, and cathartic. In severe cases of rheumatism of long standing, whether chronic, or inflammatory, or mercurial, it invariably effects a speedy aod permanent cure; it not merely gives relief for tho time being, but goes to the root of the evil and removes the cause. For all Scrofulous and Cutaneous Eruptions, Boils Blotches Pustules, Pimples, Tetter, Salt llheum, Banning' Sores, Ulcers, and all disorders of the blood, hereditary or acquired, it is a specific. It is unm cessary to specify the many complaints to which it is applicable and necessary, knowing and believing that a good remedy carries success with it, and s; eaks in louder tones than human tongue can utter to the heart of the sufferer. Wo offer it on its owe. merits, and leave it to prove its own value by its operation.

To Professor Gusscott, Short and-strset. sir, —As yon are aware that I explained to yon when I applied to yoo, that I have been troubled with bleeding piles for the last five or sir years, as I told you I have tried medical men, chemists, and old women's cures, but never a perfect cure until I applied to you, about six weeks ago. They u ed to come down and bleed for an hour at a time, so that I should have to change my clothes, bat when jou told me you would make me worse before I should be better, I could not reckon yon up. I thought I should have to give np business altogether, if I should be worse, but in four days you convinced mo that I could give you this testimonial with confidence, that in five weeks you have effected a perfect cure on me. I shall ever be a believer in herbs after the wonde:ful cure you have performed n me.—Yours, ever grateful, Henry Marsh, Albert-street. October 11.

Professor Gusscott would impress upon those who may do him the honour to consult him that the utmost secrecy can be relied upon; moreover, from long experience, and a careful study of the human system, he can decide almost at a.glance the diagnosis of the case, thereby relieving the patient of a great deal of nervousness and hesitation. Professor Gusscott invites the confidence of either sex suffering from functional derangements, spermatorrhoea, exhausting dreams, &c. Professor Gusscott has made licrvons debility and loss of power his special -study, from -whatever cause arising. He would earnestly impress upon those who do suffer to seek immediate advice and counsel, if they desire "an old age, serene and bright,' Let no false delicacy deter suffering victims from removing the cause of this bligbt to manhood- The strictest confidence mfcy be relied upon." CONSULTATION GRATIS. tST Can be consulted by letter. Public inspection iavited to the large assortment of BRITISH AND AMERICAN HERBS. Note the Address: p EOFESSOR £N|_USSCOTT, NEXT DOOB TO MRJSRS. WINKS AND HALI/3 E£?TJ3USHMEHT t SHOETLAKD-BTHEET, AT7CBXAN3>, Hooks—From 9 aun. to 8 p.xn -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6484, 29 August 1882, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6484, 29 August 1882, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6484, 29 August 1882, Page 7