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Public Cornpar.ts. TTHAMES VALLSY AND KOTCRUA X EAiLTTAY COMPANY (LUIITED). NOMTKAI, CAPITAL, S.iOO.VM, EC 409,000 SHARES O7 £n EACH. p2.0V1510X.i1. Dl££CTC2i : WSJiadsK. Cisinai=. J.L. Canpbrbl!. Esq.. iI.D. F. D. TjHi. Zt%. Wai. Crush Dildy, 850. E. i\ Rocce, E»q. Jis. C.srk. Esq. The*. Pei»:k, Esq. Ect»ert Grahia, Esq. E. B. 'WaSer, HrQ. Jin-» DJwcrth, Es-2. We. Aiike3, EcO. Jo**?h Howard, Eiq. TtAtn Puiciraa John Wil=c =F Esq. He=er» p=iTiit=a Ti'jt Jlcrris. Es«- P-?tchiio Hi-paps We. Isiss Tiyli-r, Km. W. Msiii Tβ P-insikiheke C. J. Skis. Eeq. Anbien Te "Wtra A. IT. F. Es2con;b>, Es:. firm PiLmii : Baar cf New ZeiUsd. SoucrroEj : M».-.-r« Ja-iki-;i & Aackhmd. J. Swwirt, Es-;., M. Ltsu C.E.. lit« Kitrict Enji^eir. IsTXaLM SEC2.ETJS-2T : JiS- S;*wirt. Esq., C.E. Tte propcii'i railwiy will be aiwii MTenty-fonr mUei i— lenrth, and cosiraeniei at a poirjt on vhe Hsjnliion - Th-imei Riiiwar, zmz the tG-»-n of i Frcm ihis vi-iai it rtuis s-jUthv&rd throcjh the centre of the jres; valley cf tie Upr>=r Thimii, bv a eiiy ro»t», for i. dii-.isc* of thirry-f:ve miles; it th=2 courts m> the "wc-coed platean which divides the Thartei and Tinraj:fa districls; fioa this i; by an ro-t«, to its urmir.m xt the town of mr.Virg a farther cf niiles. This an unbroken <* v cf r&ilway ccmriunicatt:*Ki the citr cf s;i the Hot T.-v« tOUriit; tO 5=W y**l-.-rl The co-\ of the his ban ejtimat^i— ex. ploration—by J2.5. Stewart. Es-i . late I/istrict Enrinetr, Vj be £2XO prr mile for the irst section of thirty-tve miles; c f the rexAinder, twecty-four miles, will cc-it £SCS.v r>er iniie, trd th= Df-.-ren ra:'e-=. swat i4;jfo z-i? ruij? : a :otil cost for co=rt.-2r.:on (of the elisa of the Gofemment railw»ys, and exclusive of roUias stock) c: i2-.-9.t-M. making a t-t-ti! cost of £247.£»W. It is to censtrtict th» Railway is two sj?-5-tions ; the rirst ir«:on of thirty tinder the provinons of '* Dietrici KiiiwiTs Ace, I*T7,' br which, en approvi! by the OcTerr.ra»ct, the Coicnial revenue is security for ii:verert on the cc-5t cf co^asd the land* ir: proportios to the are liable for iruer»£l not 2. farther i p-=r cer.t., thus giving a certain irlereft cf 7 p*r oeit. on in? eip*==*s- Ta» ajijority of the laid ho']den k'tratting on this section haTe their -xi.llingntu that thsir proj>ertiee ihail be under lh» operation of "Tha District Railway. Act. acd ;h» AsesdEKt Act, ls7S." For the cocstrscdoa cf the ssco-d section, pasiins, as it does mainly trroarh native lands, which it ij cot possible to bring under "The Dirtrict Railways A ci=," it U protosid Vi work if posrible, under the " Eailwiys Construction and Land Act, J 531." By this Act. the Coloaial GoTeramect is empowered to contract with a Company for the construction of this Railway, amen? others, and to cae only li.<jOO acres are available, situated in the P&t-rtere country. This would not be a Enracieut proprietors have, in addition. a«r ed to rive a coniider&ble area of lacd to the It is also that the CorcpsjDy ihculd acquire, by purchase, a further portion of native lands ad"acent to the Hue. which car»y be eipec:*d to be largely increi&ed ir. vajue br its constrticios ; azd. -.v::h this view, the of the Coaif*ay has been tied at a rum S"S--cieiit to include such purchases. By this means, it is hoprrd thr: conitmction of the second section miy be The ; respects of imraediute vi-ry traffic rn the lir.» are as roo'l, or better, than cac bt thowa on any new lii.e in New Z*alind. The rapid strides ms'.e dcri=g the last few years in the Tpper line will open tip an area 0: from l,S.*-.v»i -./.■ i.iOJ.C'OO mediite oc-cupition, at present wholly partly to the want of n-eans of CMSrnunica-io:;, OWTiers. Tho cf tiiis t.rea must trarhc. ted" year by year, as SittlercerT; "•.her 1.--i-jce c:ua-. j.'.ij to very r.'.rr.c--■iozs. liut. !!:dep;ndent!y cf the ordinary source? of cvn.l p.isto:al oi 'ht cousin' ttfords, there ir-.- s;.cdil justify ;he'eipectaUoa_of and on thi; It is no* i-enerjliv known thit the purchasers 01 the linds kzown as lh I'atetcrc L'iitri'.t are taking active sieps towards th iron." : ]a*" cIo- izi'ioa bv =ma'l or are acquiring, through tho agency of a powerful company in The i~i j.cruition* consequent tc bt very considerable durinr the nrst years of th&ir sctiienitnt- tL& lineinito course to Ohineroutu, taps aviiuibleforertof magnincen; timber, from which — *i soon as the lice is cocpUtedso far—the whole of the Upper Thames and WaikiiodUiricts-a-ill undoubtedly draw their supi'li?? cf timber for house bui dine-, fentinr, f.nd fuel'; and last, but certainly not the iarje f.nd ev c r stream of tourists visiting >"ew Zealind from ail of the world, attracted by the wonders of Ohinemuta and Rotomahana, will "ctruiciv prefer to use this line of railivar, which will convey them easily in one short day the city of Auckland to the Hot .Springs, by an easy at once, quite irrespective of the ordinary passenger trarac of the country. It may also be pointed ont that for a distance of fu!!v forty miles the line proposed must, at a future and noverr ci-tant Gate, form pirt of the mainline connecting Auckland with Napier and Wellington, through the interior of the island. Eer&rdiag the traSc which may be eipected, a Auckland. Seeing that on the=» lines there are valleys of the Piako. Waitoa. andTha'mes are largely settled and stocked (and by the time the line is open may be exi>ected to be fully so), looking Also to the Provisional Directors think the comparison a fair one. The latest returns of the Kaipara-Te Awamutu Kailway show a net revenue of £193 per mile per thirty-eight miiea. a net revenue of or 7J per cent. on iIOv.OOO. Kstimating the revenue for ths ni~:t vear's working at < nlv that of the Kai-i.ara-V.'aikato line. 32 per cent, will be obtained, leaving only 3J per cent, to be made up by the District per cent, and under 1 per cent, respectively. For the»e reason;, and for others too numerous to mention, the Provisional Directors feel fully justiflcd in recommending the undertaking to the F-übiic as a work of national m well as local im> portii.i.-e. As an investment of capital, it will be directiv remunerative, and tbev confidentlv expect the hearty support of the peop"le of Auckland, both mediately on its completion, to add. as no one undertaking has added before, to the population, production, and the impart and export trade of the whole Provincial District. The Nominal Ca-)ital of the Company it proposed to be fixed at £-)00,OOu, in 400,000 Shares of £leach. The first issue of shares tobe -'00,000. on which it is not intended to call up more than 10s per Share, and it is anticipated that :'s per Share will snffice as paid-up capital, for the first section of the Railway, because it is proposed to exercise the borrowing 'powers consection, it will be a Question whether to issue more Shures, or make further calls on those already issued. The payments on the first issue to be Is on application ; and the balance by Calls of Is each, at intervals of not less than two months. Applications for Shares to be made to the Secre--7*e,oC'J Shares have already been taken by 32 subscribers, in amounts not less than 1000. As it is rapidly tiken up. early application will be necessary. Priority of application will be a factor in the allotment of shares by the Directory. No application will be received for less than 20 Shares. recoivo applications for Shares, viz.:— Joseph Xewman. Auckland Alex. Auckland I Chas. Alexander, Auckland Samuel Vickers, Auckland J. Friar Clarke, Auckland Eobert Frater, Auckland John Mowbray, Auckland Robert Home, Auckland J. B. llorpeth, Auckland J. M. Lennox, Auckland V,m. Flood, Auckland J. Wickens, Auckland F. G. Ewington, Auckland Kennedy Hill, Hamilton "XT OW TpUBLISHEBt Ie P.ose-tinted Cover, Gilt, and as a Work of Art, well cot up, ".SIR GEORGE GREY, R.C.8., AA'D WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR THE WORKING MAN." BOOTS ! "DOOTS ! "OOOTS ! H. SAWKINS Eegs to inform iris friends and the public generally that he is about to commence in his old line of business with an ENTIRELY NEW & WELL-SELECTED STOCK, And hopes by strict attention to business, and moderate charges to merit a fair share of their patronage and support. ■WItOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDEE. Repairs Neatly Executed. Please Note the Address— THE RED BOOT WAREHOUSE, 63, VicTOEiA-STEEET. A T SAMUEL COOiIBES & CO. yon ±\. oan Buy Good TOWHLS fer Ja 9i per doV tt, Queen-street, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8