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Sales by Auction. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. AT SIBBIX'S LAND MiET, 2foo», 2Y 02DES OF THE KXiXTTOB, THAT VALUABLE ALLOTMENT IN Pitt-r-r&et. No. 4-5. with 36 fset frraUce by m s^i'oii.-:s E-:.w2, opposite Terms at Sale. GEORGE SIBBIN, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. SCHOOL ENDOWMENT, to be Leased fob Seven Yeaf.s. his received to Le**e by *=<nii3, »this LasJ M*r% on Friiay, i««=:ber I'j, a.: 1* o'clock, e>/• x ACRES FIf:ST-CLASS GRAZ-,-502 ING LAXI). oe«- One-Ire* BUI. now occupied by Mr. iJrierley st anr-uil rfect of s£iGEORGE SIBBIN, Auctioneer. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. AT SIBBISTS LAND MART, AT 12 O'CLOCK. 4 LARGE VALUABLE ALLOTMENTS, ICO i i 73 ea.h. ii Derocpori. North Sbo-«. near Mr. Burnett's, Mount Victoria tad epfolive Wrigley 5 Pirk. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS ! ! ELECTRO-PLATED CRUETS, SERVICES. BUTTER COOLERS, CAKE BASKETS, BISCUIT BOXES, HANDSOME CUT GLASS GOODS, STATIONERY, FLOWER STANDS, PUNCH BOWLS, WORK BOXES, DESKS, ALBUMS, GOLD WIRE WORK BASKETS, HAND PAINTED FANS LUSTRES, TASES, TOILET SETS, etc., &c, ic, &c. GAB P. lEL LEWIS j H»» received injtruc'.ioni to offer, at hU Store, by auction, on the above date, at 11 o'clock, THE ABOVE CLASS OF GOOD 3, SUITABLE FOKSTHE SEASOK. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. RETAIL STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' SUPERIOR CLOTHING, WHITE AND OTHER SHIRTS, ONLY RECENTLY LANDED, i GENERAL DRAPERY AND ' HABERDASHERY, i ic, (See, &c, &c. GABRIEL LEWIS His received inr.ructions 13 sell, at his Store, on the above di:e, at 11 o'clock, 4 PARCEL OF ABOVE GOODS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. LADIES HOUSE BOOTS, LASTING BOOTS, KID BOOTS A>D SHuES, GIRLS : AND MAIDS' tOOTS AND SHOES. QfiTRL'SK? OF A B O V E, 9>VJ* Just Land-.d. GABP.IEL LEWIS, Aactioneer. TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTOn-S Or THE C.jLONVT OF XEW ZEALAND. Oen'lemen,—We bez leave to intimate to Ton that w- have decided to hold a riALE of ALL KINDS of STOCK, at th- Northern liotel Yards, near the .■jiaughwr-hcuseo, al-o Vr.own aa the Stone Ju; Yards, ever-.- Wtdnesdav at ;2 30. First Sile to tike place on WEDNESDAY, the Hth instant, at 12.30- Phipps' Omnibus will leave the National Bank »t 11.45, and will piss the Yards on its way to the Waau ir. time /or the sale. Paddocks free' for Cattle and Horses entered for sale unreserved. And all kinds <■( ;ood3 we are prepared to sell that may be consigned to us there for that purpose. J. K. LAMBERT & CO., Auctioneers, W yndhaui-strtet. Hotels. mO TOURISTS AND OTHERS. WAIWERA HOTEL, HOT SPRINGS (Neap. Ap.;, Ha*b'''iD recrntlv renovated, and also newly-appointed comiirisioi-. ainoaijst other SrECiiLITJEa, Bali Salon. Drawinsr. Dining, and rooms en mitt. .splendidly-fitted Mtdicinil and other Baths, Lavm Tennis, Archery, Cricket, and Quoit Grounds. Strawberries and other Fruits in Season. Billiards, boating, Shooting, ic. LAKE HOUSE, ROTORCA. Systematized in the same admirable principle as the in'.ercal advantages and attractions, while the surpare, and of world-wide fame, requiring no comment. 7* TAHURANGI TTEADS TTOTEL. J. W. DAP.ItOCEI, Proprietor. Pleasant Sea-side Residenes ; Bath'ng, Fi-hing, Shooting, ic., ic. ■pONSONBY HLUB TT OTFL, Corner or College-street a>d Ponsonby Road. This House, the only Hotel in the wide district of Foueonby, F.ichmond, and Dedwood, is situated at the junction of several roads, and faces the threefold ilunicipal Lamps. Omnibuses pass to ?cd from the City every quarter hour, thus allowing gentleman to select their own time for inhaling the fresh breeze and invigorating their system by a short so'ourn in that healthv and beautiful spot. There are both private and public bar 3, and public and private sitting rooms provided with everj- conTemeOCe ' THE BILLIARD ROOM is the moit commodiou beat lighted, and best ventilated in the Province of Auckland, and contains one of Tbarston'B best tables, with every other requisite. The Liquors of the very finest brands, attendance good, and room cheerful, as can be attested by the multitudes who have patronized the Hotel and always return to it. A good Quoit ground has been recently made and lovers of this good old game will have ample opportunity of indulging in their favourite pastime. WILLIAM STANFORD, Proprietor. Donald McGregor (Late of the Auckland Hotel) Has very great pleasure in announcing to hi 3 friends and the public that he has taken that well-known, favourite, and conveniently situated Hostlery the Waitemata Hotel, which he has, at considerable expense, entirely renovated and refurnished, making the house second to none for comfort and convenience in the colonies and where, by civility and attention he hopes to receive a fair share of public patronage a first-class P.eEtaurant has been added to the Hotel where gentlemen who lunch in the city will find every delicacy of the season, and attention paid to their comfort. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, and every convenience for travellers and families, have been added to the Hotel. Wines, Spirits, und P.eers, tc, i-c, only of the best brands kept. Charges moderate. Note the address : D. McGp.Enon, Waitemata Hotel, corner of Queen and Customhouse streets, Auckland. Xew Zealand. WINTER SANATORIUM AND HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT. THE MATLOCK OF AUSTRALASIA ! ! THE WONDERLAND OF TIIE WORLD ! ! ! JuAKE JtLouSE XXoTEL, OHINEMUTU (LAKE ROTORUA), New Zealand. This magnificent Hotel will be found replete with every modem luxury and convenience appertaining to a really well-appointed First-class Establishment. Tourists will now Und the internal arrangements complete in every detail. Apartments en suite for Ladies. Families, and Invalids. The Proprietor has also just completed a HYDROPATHIC DEPAKTXIENT in connection with Lake House Hotel, which will be conducted on the system of the well-known Hydropathist, the late Mr. Smedley, of Matlock, England. He has secured the serTiccs of n Lady who for liidny years rmiDftScdfl similar establishment at Matlock, and being conversant with the Smedley System, and an expert generally in Hydropathic matters, is Mow prepared to treat any disease requiring the Mild System or lliDiioPiTBV, LAKE HOUSE HOTEL stands unrivalled In the world for the Invalid or Pleasure-seeker, with it 3 Kenowned Baths and Hot Springs, containing various curative properties sufficient to treat all the ills flesh is heir to—the enchanting scenery and wonder-spots of the Hot Lakes District, and its irreproachablo climate—mild but bracing even in the depths of winter. Full information will bo immediately supplied on application, by letter, to "The Manager," Lake Hotel, Obinenratn, Lake Kotoruft,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 8