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Medical. -jyj ORE LOCAL "eTFd'kx,. CURATIVE FROPERTIEs " '' pfiOFESSOK r QU.SSCOTi, HERBAL TREATMENT MAY NOW UK C'JNSOLTEU AT His «„. Shuktlanl>-stueet. "■'•'■>. To Professor Oysscott, Shortland.street t —It is with nr.-at (.leisure that X add ti, "•■'.» -*■, of your valuable to.-tiii.i'iiiaU for tho mir.,'..*.,*■!> your modiiiue has porio med oa inc. ] ( ' 'o, troubled with what some me :i,;al n.en tion. others (hspepsia, but when I >-x:n- i'.' '' : n tbe loth of Septeui... r. vuu told men :a t I i .:/■ I the palpitatit.ii of tht; heart, tht, wind i'n t j "''"""*"'* cold h-.nd, anil feet, the .-oi.rn. ss ~f the „■■'. .'/,-~'-\ I used to beich, cold chills runnin,. d.. wa and, in taut, you rii-.-erib-d my ft clings s, £.'*■-. that I was iiuitu that you md..,"'""-'-!-. complaint, ami I am hippy t;> say that th-r- ■ + "■< herbal treatment you have eilectid ap. r:..." •■! Yours ever grateful, Mrs,. .M. Liule, 11., vV"'■■ Auckland. ~'' : -- To Professor Gll3 tt, Sh..rtlaud-str—' -. have been troubled wit-i rheum aism i'. : .'r '■ three years. As 1 explained to you win n 1 <•', ■'' '• the 25:h of Oc.obcrtliat I had been as--af.i,i-._:V-:'"> nimv yiais. 1»m well known in Au.-w^.V"' , : sumc years I have a pe feet ii:am r -'< '' months before 1 consulted you 1 i .'.: - crutches; ami I am hippy to s.iy that i;uw I ■"'■ free from lainase-cr 1 ui.l in my HIV, ih- ~"' has aU di-apj«_-ar t il. an lam a'new m ,i. •■..'■■. your troainieu ; and I should rccomm.-n.l ":>■ troubled wi:i: rlwura.itiaiu to apply tu yn;i ILi I .-.' from uxperien. e— 1 am. ;.ours ever g at-jfi:;, J Hunter, Sjmonils-striet "' To l-ioli-os .r «.U33.;utt, shortland-struci ;,.,,. —I am happy to liitorm von that thr..u,-h >..- r v' r : treatment 1 ran safely s.y tint 1 hive reiMv.-.i"." , bunedt thioUjjh >uur h, rial treatment ti-1— i"' mi*mc that I "have tv« taken I lu'vl'"'' troubled with asUmia for this List live y.'.irs. 17, obliged to give up my business and coint- to Atickl ' for medical titaiini-nt, and seeim: voiir and the many cures y,.u had etlcctlil. and a!s."j you required no information and that you ccnld ;. to mo so correct!.., and that is more than aiiy nuii'.J placo myself under your trta meut. lam well kn» in Cambriiiiv. 1 sli .11 return home on WeiineE..' and you may rel> y,,u «ili have m.ny applic-ui, from that district—Yours truly, John bargrca-, Queon-stroet, .vuckiind. To riylesjor G.isscott. Shortland-street. Sir,- ; vou aro aware that 1 explain d to you, wli.: ap|.lied toyou. that I have been trouble*! with bl.-i-.., inks tor tlie last rtvc or six jears, as I told y.; cures, never Inul a perfect c;ue until I applii-fj vou, ttbk'Ut six weeks agt). '1 hey used to come iu»i and bleed for an hour at a so that I should to change my c.otlus. but when you told mf -, would m-vke me woistf before I should be beta to give up bu.iii.-s-, if I'sho-.ilil be *■' but, in f.mnUjs you convinced me thai I could . you this testimonial wrl, conrlt.-nce. 'Ihat in . weeks ywu have t-ifecti-d a porfi-c. cure on in.s!.all ever be a buli. v. r in h«:ii,s after tbe won.!, cure vou have pcifoim"d on me — Your* .-' grateful, Ui-nrj Mar.-11, AllKlt-stleet. October l'l To l'rofes>, Mioitlmd street, sir. -1,, happy to inform you of thupoifc.-t cure I liav■■• ceivwl tlir,,u s li ;.Kii- ire-.tniL-nt. I 1; .:.,.', you on the -27th in' .S-ptemLer l:;si. at that tin;..-, leg was pionoiince.l inrurablo; but when 1 c.i, r .'. you you told me that you wouM convince r,..'.' furtnig! t. and 1 am ha]py to say r.-n have your promise, although 1 was rather doubtful ; ir' was t .1.1 by a friend of mire that, it I s»id ■■ •". »..iil.l not" treat me. My friend's name i< 'is Walker, who knew you i;, (JhrUmhnreh M... ,'. al»o a jiatieM of v.uiis which you iur..,i i,l" the ■'.:„■' 1 am lianpy to say tuat I have di,).eiised «■••.!.■"., crut.-IHS, a d al.le to attend to my iloii:,stic,iu-'; I civoyou this lor the benelu of olh* is wha art .•»? ii.gas i have l«n f,,rvi«s.-Vi.iii-s, t-ver th.,:./ I°r.jl«sorvlu.4,.lt. .South Tiivm K,-lt. Vlear .=;.•_• l.ave been troubled with nervous debility for t!.- v ei-:ht, brought mi, as you have explained in-', Cantc'ibury Tinas, bv llie i"i.dist.retioii if .■arlyy.--1 !ia\e spent .«,'o:t-. of pounds rirst with one a'r.d Kith another, but never reiviveil any penu;rbeticlit. Some said that I had heart <.;' that 1 was consumptive, but when I wrote t) yen ;■- the liakaiii you exi'iained n:y symptoms *.", tii.-it I was induced t,> ome to town at once, ti. ■; van tr.ld in.-.M.u.-i.u1.l treat n!e e.,ua!ly as well j stopping and attendiKj to my work in in liviul' :-'. by coming to town. I was until for work, so ,L,-; ; J to come to town for a spell, as 1 could neither tatsleep. My mind wandered ; 1 had a desire to bo at., from company, and yet when alone my own com-. wiishatetul to me. I «as truutik"! with tile u;. hideous dreams, and was in that low. nervous .-.-.•, which nsado me smiielimes fuei a.-, if .le.-ith wc.tild :-, h.iiii>v release. My-head ached, my heart palpit.--violently, 1 w,.,uld .siarl aim s' at mv own shadow. :> min,!. in fiict, was not my oivn 1 "saw you on iny.-! rival in town, wh.n y.m were in Mam-h-ster-striivt".-' you then told me that it would take three mo;:th i "the very leiL.-,t tuclfect a perfect cure, and that I n.-j coiujdy cxactlv with your instructions; i: n..t -■■ would"not miarantee a cure. lam now ham r i.,'.', that I did as you told me to the very rr-u1,,-:-. • •'; hours and habits, and that now, aft-jr the'liij.-,.- ii-j. my'mind lliia cJWd to w:i: ; ■! ;': Ciin eiijoy company, an,!, in short. Hichard's him.. , a-_-.-.iii. I should mil m> to the trouble ~' d-.-ii-ri.iij,:,-iui:ml"lv my sunVri!—-. but that 1 ki;-.wi,f< 3 r t , youiiL: men who are living seclude,! lives wh,,-e -.a's. in-s are precisely what mv own were before I cur.e: yen, and who, although in health, w.i:ild be r.'-iil; amiable and estimable persons, are l'.'Ae'l u|.i;nii gloomy, morose, and unsociable men simply becaa of that phase of the di.-ea«e which I have nameci hiitr, .1 for romiiany. If this should be read by a:.- i tli.v.e persons, iullerina iis 1 did. ami thev are"in.|ii's t<. apply to you for relief, 1 will guarantee that !:> will .<ay after ii few weeks tint they never laid ovi more proUtahlo sum of money thai when they c.c to I'rofessor (Juscott.—Believe me, yours laiiliiuj, Kichard Dobson. l'.S.—l return to hit work tn-iaV row, and I know my frie d< there will bo airco.-.} astoniihed at my present appearance. Yictoriu-tttti Christ church, .'an. 2'<, ISSO. To Professor Ciu-scott, Shortland.street. Sir-i have l«en troubled with in both my lies! and face, and he.-n deprived fr, m nianv jii-hls'" site: :uid when I .sat down to my food m.-iiiy tiines 1 hw had to set up from the table and walkabout i-ilho; ever tastiua food. As 1 told you, when 1 you. 1 had Hied iill 'he c-"liuinis:s in town, and: only K ..t temporary relief. When yon told me vr would cure me in a" minute I w*s vefy doubtful, biV: am liappv tiisiy you did so. 1 should" recommend :- lady suiiciini.- ffo'm the same to zive you a trial, as vi told me. if no cure, nn pay.-lleli-ve me tobe,y.",j ever thankful, Ci.usvin, Victoria-s"trf-Xovemlier -J4. To l'rofcsMir Gusscott. street. It is ivi great pleasure that 1 acknowledge a perfect cur.: have re.jcive.l through your herbal treatment, I hci b en troubled with scurvy f,,r throe years and nb months, which 1 explained to you when I calierl .: you. I told you 1 could form n . other cause unless: was through sleeping in a bed wh re someone U been sk-epinj who had the scurvy I have al-.v.ii y-ry ~nrticul;ir win n staying" :it the ii'i.'-n oii'iny route who "have" soYth'c samo'compht; through sluepiiij,' in dirty bed, tho same as 1 did. i also (~ld you when I applied that 1 had taken a jr.s iiuautity of msiicine until my bar l>. S an to fall" , :: but I h ipi-enod to see your advertisement statinr; Ihi your treatment was solclv herbs. I have kn'.n wr-ndcrf'Jl cures ctrecied tlirou-h the herhal tr«v mint when minerals have failed : and bcin? a belief in herbs, I was very happy to place niysilf under yr.treatment as s«on as you came to Auckland, and i -• glad to say you have etiei ted a cure on me and liiri me a clean, strung, hciilthy man. —Helieve me to k your-i ever thankful, Alfred Hopkins. New .NorKid, December sth. Tn Professor (jnsscott, South Town llelt. Sir.-; think it my duty to give you my testimonial in tt respect of thecurative trcatment'of your Herbal Ton.; I have been suffering from liver complaint for «cven! years ; in fact, I was so had that 1 was not able to * 1 could not cat— not sutficient for a child Whe-i: did. it lay :n a hind substance in mv stomach IvJ continually rifting wind and tss. always constipat-: palpitation of the heart, with a continually burnt! pain. I had cold chills running down my back, t coiui not sleep on my left side. It is quite unnccessarv :: me to tell you that I have tried several things ia tii chemists' shops, but I found it was only money thr,,«: away ; but hearing of so many who havo been un.Js your treatment, and all of them speaking sr, high!'.'.: you. I thnusht it better to give you a trial, and I'.vi lappy to -ay that after two months i:f your t.'<utn:e:: lam a new man. t c;in now eat hearrv, .ind ever/thing agrees with me. With many thank's. lam y..cs respectfully, William Jenkins, !-w ruary 21, ISSI. To Professor Gusscott. Sir,- Raring hoe.-i :r .it , .]-.! with asthma (or the hist seven years, on fovcr.i! sions I have been propped up in bod. aiiii inarij t.vii-J 1 had to get up and walk to get a breath of air. .mi had become so bad that I was not aMe to atv-.i'l '■• my business ; in fact, 1 had become- a burden t-i n:;self and tho people with whom I w:i? ft.<;■l-::--When I cine to you, you told me all my .«y:.i;.t--m. ! . which gave me confidence to place mvseii imdorj-cs treatment, and being a believer of herbs, ar.rt sees; iii looking back to th■•' tiiue of my sutfori::.- s> '!-V benetit from" the treatment "until I applied to >■:- I remain, vours ever thankful. Donald .-Smith, 0:4-King-str, et. Dun-din. May JOth. To South Town Belt, Chn-:-forward vou'wit'h c'reat pie-is'uro. my testimony a< to» successful ere "f a skin wiiKh cause.l me "rial w.isto if strength and annnyaace to. mam- vel r° Mv ca<e i= well known, ; i= I nrnrurpj the bes't advice iii Tiniaru and Dunedin. which proveunsuccessful and baffled evciy treatment but vo~ valuable Herbal treatment, si M other profes-inr* men recommended lotions and ointments butyimuJ me that yours was interml treatment only. wr.Kli . -c. only cured me of the above comp'.aiut, but give ofreah energy and vigour to my whole system.-W'JJ • ver grateful. Thomas II iggins. Timaru. _ Professor Gusscott. South I«>™ '~. e ' L -,-~' r,- A-|rt happy to present to you W-™™^£T™ ')„! a your ability to cure m-j in ', IKII »U0t,..:1« been treated by many of the n» u " '^'~,1 , i :no thiirT' but none ever effected a cure. i was u:oa would charge me £1 for a euro, %, \-.. ooiniyonj , UK? v'™ , . V£ ! %. again if vou did ntf do so in preser.w and .Mrs. Adams, brft i am I: ap,/ v - t0 , uv presenting you with the i n V rhws.<f*l- rr t money. 1 have shown this w maor of m,. i?'v "i« in this neighbourhood.—l remain, you- , •'■"• / -X. Eliza Tiiornton, Vlctotia.=:r«t- , Professor Gusscott woi'.U >''>f r , c ? s >"'7.fe'nt'«' may do him the honour to h " n '''" p- V*i >\t secrecy can be relied upoa: '^"^^ijst-:'^ he !^ecidTa,n- I S^il^,^^'^ 3 -ii:: " case, thereby relieving the- aU ' . I nervousness and hesitation. ~,,..f(6 :e Professor CJusscott invites !!'* rc " "" sax sufTiTing from <K'-» n^r torrhiuii, eihaustinc dreams \c. 1,1 i"t<->- tt Professor Gusscott h M nerrou* •„ cIU , 0 loss of power his special sttulv. !:<M» " n .im; wft" arising. He would earnestlv irapre« U« B do sntfer to seek iiumediite advirt » n ,' l ~ t ,.. u( they desire "an old a-e serene and 1-ns-- 1 - falie dellcicv deter siilf'erinff victims fi ,, '.'- 1 r ' ; , :.." ia * the cause of this bli s hl to manhood- ' 1 - ;e = " -outidcuce may be relied upon. CO-VSULTATION* GKAITS. AST Can be consulted bv letter. . „- Public inspection invited to tho large assortment ui BRITISH AISD AMERICAN HEKBS. Xote the Addross : DROFESSOK /GUSSCOTT,, SKIT DOOR TO MESSRS. WIXIS ASP HAtL'B , | SHOETLANU-STiUiUJT, AUCJCLAND |1 Hodb3—From 9 «.oj. to S p.m. II

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2