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The fortnightly m»etin.; of tho Council was held last night in their offices. High-street. Present : Messrs. Wadde! (in the chiir), Offer, (Jrowther, Fleming, Montague, Thompson. Aickm, ami Hemus, Corresponds »-cz«—A letter from E. H. Menzies offering a loan from £00,000 upwards, was laid oa the table. —From J. \V. Maunder, relitive to «-k in Napier-street. Ruferrud to the jVorks C..mniittce.-From K. IV.ce, relatire to work iK-i'reil i n Tho work was *u;horised.—From D. A. Tole, enclosing Crown grant. Latter reeeivad. £ Rom E. relative to work in The Surrejor reported upoa the sub, i, it waß agrtei j tliafe the wor* be uono according to tho memo, of the Surveyor.— From T. Faultier, complaining of the da ting e to his property byceitain works. Is was xe&aJved th.vt the request be compile.l with, according to the Surveyor** recommendation. — answer to a letter Mr. Slater, with reference to frosting windowglass in the Maiket building. Referred to the Surveyor to report, ami to the Works Coiamittee with power to act. —From Mr. O'Mean, asking for remission of rate."?. Keqp.est referred to the Hn «nce and L?ener;>l Purposes Committee, the valuer in the meantime to report;. — From Messrs. T. and S. Moriitr, relative to purchase of ftuiplus pipes. Scq. t and offering a reduction of £3 per ton. It was resolved the amount be puid. — From Mr. T. Cottar, enclosing a letter from the bank, relative to the charges for converting and consolidating loan. Deferred uutil next meeting of Council.

Petitions.—From ratvp.iyers(99) in Hobsenstreet, praying for th* cutting-down of this street. Presented by Mr. Thompson. Petition received ami referred to the f'ubiic Works Committee.—Public Works Committee: The com' mitteerccoinmendedihat thepetitto.: of residents in Franklin-road, re grade frona Union to Xapier-sti eet, be referred to Couucil and btieets Committee. Tho committee recommeuded that the letter of Mr. J. Heath should be dealt with by the Couucil.— The Purveyor was examined at great leusth as to the difficulties alleged by the contractor in Carrying out the work. _ He said ther* *t?rt? greater difficulties than in other c:ises, in consequence of the street being very narrow, being obliged to under - pin the adjoining properties; the weather being also bad, and skilled labour not being eiay to get.—lt i\ms inured that the penalties hs remitted ldS3 ono-h<lf; less onequarter; less £10 j but these resolutions were lost. The penalties amounted to £90. Ic was resolved at length that £70 of the penalties be remitted.

Finance A:tr> General Purposes. road : The committee enclosed a report of Mr. Macdonald, stating that until the permanent levels of the adjoin; streets were lixed the works on lie.ich-: cmld not bo commenced. — t^aay-streer: The (J'laii man explained tho report of the Joint (Committee upou the maintenance of Q My-street, and the three feet reserved as wharves from the e.i'la of Hobson-sfcreet and Neison-striiet.— It was recommended that the Harbour Board should pay one-third the cost of maintenance.—Mr. Thompson s lid ho .' opposed the reservation at the ends of the streets which ought to be kept il-;ar for tils public.' lie thought one-third was too little for the Harbour Board to p.iy. They should pay one half. lie moved an amendment accordingly. — Mr. Offer spoke to the like effect. —Mr. Aickii: said Qny-street was <S5 feet wide. One 25 feet was conceded to tile llaibour lJ.jaid. That was notquiteonothird. lie thou n -t one-third the coat was about the fait* tiling to a?k. — M>. Hernus agreed with the joint committee ; their recommendations had been a'te .<!y published.— -Jr. Thompson's amendment was ioat. —Mr. Thompson mured a further amendment, "That the three feet at the end of the streets be conceded, and that the Harbour Board pay half the cj„t of Quaystreet."—Agreed to.

Streets Committee.—Mr. Thompson said the committee thought the woik required at Waterloo-quadrant would be too heavy a work to begin. It would cost nearly £1000. The committee was content to recommend the •asphalt from Government-house gate (I'rincesstieet) to the Choral-hall.—The report was adopted. Accounts.—The ordinary accounts as passed by the sub-finance committee were authorised to be paid. Town-hall. — Mr. Hemua asked whether there was any prosp. ct of getting a report from the committee.—The Chairman yaid the solicitor to the Council was Returning Ollieer, and at present very much engaged. There was some slight delay on that account, hut it would be sion laid before tire Council. Watek SurrLY.—The Chairman said that fourteen million gallons had been pumped during the last month. The Lunatic Asylnm was a splendid customer, taking one million gallons.—The Town Clerk said the account for the quarter's supply ivas £Ll'J. Upper Union-street.—Tenders were received for this work \V. Kirby, £193 (with schedule price for pipes) ; Thomas Kelly, £197 (also with schedule prices); Hanks, £245. The Surveyor's cost was £250.—Kirby and Co.'s tender was accepted. Alexandra-street. — A. Maquire, £050; Thomas Kelly, £575; Robinson and Gordon, CT!)S. The Surveyor's estimate was £Soo.—Mr. Kelly's estimate was accepted. Lamp-heads (25). —Tenders were opened for this service. R. Tudehope, £35 ; Fowler and Co., £35 12s fid; Paul and Schenk, £31. Lowest tender accepted. Albert Park. —A. Watson, ,fMS7I; D. Fallon, £4900 ; M. Danagher, £5000; A: Sutherland, £-1369; A. Maguire, £1900; W. Blesrdeu, £3977. Lowest tender accepted. Abattoirs.—A memo, vras read from the Inspector of Abattoirs to the effect that there was an offer for the manure. —After some discussion the offer was accepted. Annual Tenders.—Upon a memo, by the Town Clerk it vvaa agreed that the specifications for printing should ho submitted annually. COFfEB Palace. —The plans of this new building were laid on the table. Sir. Anderson reported that there were certain 41 bay windows that projected over the pavement more than the building regulations allowed."—lt wa9 resolved to defer the consideration of the subject until the next rneetinq. Upper Queen-street.—Mr. Hernus moved, "That the Surveyor be instructed when forming the footpath in Upper Queen-street, to have the same fixed at tho permanent level, and when sufficiently settled, to be kerbed, channelled, and asphalted."—lt was stated that in the present position of the ground, the object of the motion was impracticable.—After considerable discussion, Mr. Hernus withdrew his resolution. This concluded the business.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6254, 2 December 1881, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6254, 2 December 1881, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6254, 2 December 1881, Page 3