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Prospectus. j> R O Si» K~C~T~U~~r FISHER AND COMPANY (LIMITKD.) Capital, £50,000, :.s- 50,000 Sharks Twenty Each. It is proposed to <M -:v ?.-. on application, 6, allotment, and the BaJa.--..-» Iα Call* of &, O J, , y * months' notice. '"* PROTIriION.iZ. DIUS.TORa • Me.srs. William Aitkea Megsn. P. Comity IBa.n.ikiu: Bank of >'ew Zealand. Solicitors : Whitaker, Russell, and Buddie l Beokees: A. Saunders and Chvlea Alexander. IIAMAOivo DiKHcrea o;- thk Ti!»s ttY ~..„ Fbllmonoery : ' Joseph Banks. MiSioi.w Dir.ECTOK or Pl-rveviso . John Fisher. ' ' This CoiEpanv proposes to t!i;» ht...Messrs. Fisher and Co.. of Auck™ id, aad \o£™ of the wholesale and retail Butchering Men ).• cc gad Preserving trade, together wtlh iauning, and other branches of the busin- ' *£% fill CoSan tons measurement, and minufacturin? two t m .;,- daily. It is manifest that in a wa?m climit. w IM ours, this process wiU enable the Comply to cir.' on operations with economy and «uccnt- \« property fltted-np chUlin? chamber" tl er7\rill y * necessity to feed a heavy stock of cattle i "? poultry, as the supply can be regulated etVctiJt, the requ rementa of the trade ; the msit beinir " n i chilled, not frozen, will keep fully fortM™ • h longer than meat killed under the most (kin Vu , coDditionn. It will also offer great faciiiti», , storing butter, gamo, and other perishabl* - °J enable the North of New Zealand to fully with any other part of the Coloaie.i, feZ* facture of bacon, curing haiks, ajid producw r preserved rueate. Cli ot TA.XNEKY; A.VD i'ELLMONGEEY—The ui u has '.Men carried on by Meyrs Fisher and Co. durfS the last twelve months, aad with a view of eiUndi the business to tanning and Hrool«courin» 1 dam w» erected, capable of holding half-a-million eallomM water, and a 4 inch pipe laid a distance 0 ? S ' ? to the first building erected on tha site; and ui' Aickin, C.E., has surveyed and made plans' for x Him to hold three million i.aUo=i of water. The ram£ of water is admitted by experts to Iμ prattteffij unlimited, and good judges, who have inspecwd thi Otahuhu preperty, agree that great foresight and judgment haye been shewn in laying out the wotkf or a larce and increasing businessMr. Thomas Russell has very kindly sent out. aeon, plete plan and specification for a Midel Tannery and Fellmongery, using tramwajs and every aptliancc of the most modern construction. This will" boot iinmensi adv.ntigeto the proposed Compinr, enabling them to make a large outturn of .1 very su»->rio.- i-iide -nd having the beneKt of the very latest sciiaMaciinproT. Arrangement' havo been with th: Govtrument to have a station on the site of th-; works, tin. enabling th-* Company to cirrv on a larje shipping and carrying business, with every facility and U««. patch. It is also proposed to utilise all refu?.; i n the mann facture or a superior manure. These w,>rks lave been in operation six months, and -.he article produced h*> S ven the greatest satisfaction. Mr William Aitken and a Committee selected iron tlie Provisional Directors have inspected ill the freehold properties of Messrs. Fisher and C>.. am! listt arranged the valuations on a most satisf ictnry bisis The live stock, cart;, and general st'ick-in-irnit will be value! by Mr. Jas. Wallace and .Mr. Robt Hall, and the business taken over on l\\o W <!iv r.{ Ja. uary, ISSi Messrs. Fisher and L'.i. accept 25.000 paiil-nn shircf in th 3 C >mj):iny. in full payment for all the freehold properties, furiiitiir-.-, ic. It is proposci tha; M/ Fisher should act ns Man .ffing Director of t':» me-.: purveying deuirtment, aud Mr. Hanks of the tir.n.Tj and fellruongery, .tc. " 1 Intending subscribers should send in their tions at onoe to Messrs. ». SmndeHanil Chwle. Alexander, Brokers for the Company, as already ibcre The share list will close on Wednesday, the 7ih r>acember. Confectioners. CJTEAM COXFEOTIONERY WORKS k3 DURHAM-STREET, AUCKLAXD. EDWARD WATERS In thanking the public for the liberal suppor; « tended to him in his efforts to establish on 1 Lrm basis a Sew Locxl Industry, begs to announce for the information of Merchants" and Storekeepers that he CUIS now completed all arrangements for the manufacture of every description of Confectionery. The sum of money that i 3 annually sent out ui the colony for importations of impure and deleterioni sweutmeats is enormous, and the advertiser would respectfully caution purchasers of the noiious coapou;ids which are now being extensively introduced here from Australia, and which are exceedingly injurious to children's health. His own Confectionery is maue of the purest miterials, and no poisonous colouring matter is iotrc. dtieed in its manufacture. Storekeepers will it — .-a:ly to their advantage to purchase their goods of *r.:m, as the price u considerably below ths; a: which t'-» Esjlish confection! are scld, whila the '-.-■'■7 of ii« Icaily raaae inki« ha- bten pronoorcevi iiii= ty :^~~.- : il*- t rs and the public xc be emi:e--Jy superZcr :c ihia M the BriUsh niinulictnrti. His renowced COh"~rE£SATI.">X LOZXN'GES teed oiade-t his Fic:ory are fsily equi! :o thjje in quilitr and Tii'n Chemisfj Proprietary tail; »ad CArefntr stamped ind r-rei>ared. Always on loordsr; Lozenges, Comfits. Jujubes, Pisu es. Mediaiteii I Lozenjes, Genuine BUck Currant Loienges, Congh I Lozenges (equal to Keating's), Conversat oa Loeenges, Peppermints, Double Extra Strong Mima, Powdered, Icing, and Boiled iagars of everv description, Sugar Candy etc.' All Goods Manufactured on the Premises, and of lb« Medicated Lozenges of every description aiwayt o» hard. Waters' Chocolate, ?0s per dozen. Just Arrived, Weddixo Case OrxAMaNTs. BOSBOSJ. SOMEEODV'S LCGOAOIS, &c, kc, &c. TE.-iTIMO^^A^.. Provincisl .Laboratory, Auckland. October 2(3, lili. Mr. E. Waters : Sir,—l have much pleasure is informing you, that after having made a very rart'al analysis of various samples of sweetmeats mAntr/M----tured by you, I find that they are free from »U adulteration, and that the colouring matters are qaiti nnocuous. With regard to the Chocolate. I find ft»t it is quite equal to the "jest English or French preparations, and, being entirely free from husk, it "»iB form an excellent article of d'iet forinvalids, especiali? those suffering from an impaired digestion.—l &"« the honour to be, sir, yonr obedient servant, James M. Tus.fv, Provincial Analyst: Orders, accompanied by draft or good referent*, will receive prompt attention. The above goods may be had through any respe«.tabie wholesale house. N.R—Empty packages only allowed for wh.:c k turned in good cooditiou. EDWAED WATERS, WHOLESALE COX F ECT lOSE E. Durham jlSd Queen-streets. Auckland. JW. KNIGHT • Late of the City Market), POULTERER. FRUITERER ;\_XD GREENGROCER, CORNER OF DARBY ASD QUEE.N'-sTKEKT* ■Wholesale and Retail.) [Established 1560.] SHIPPING SUPPLIED POULTRY DRESSED FOR TABLE (Always Ready) LITE PIUEOSS, RABBITS, FANCY BIKES, DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS AXD FOWLS Kept on Stock. GAME FOWLS, SPANISH BRAHMAS BANTAMS (PURE 73KKD), TKESH BUTTER A>"D EGGS ALWAYS OK a*> DKNIGHT'S CENTRAL MaRKET, Two Doors above Arthur's Auction Mart.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 6