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WAIKATO TURF CLUB RACES. [by telegraph.—owx correspondent.] HAMILTON, Wednesday. THE day was fine for the Waikato Turf Club Spring Meeting at Ohaupo, and a large attendance from all parta of the Waikato was on the ground. The special_ train from Auckland brought up a large contingent who were met by omnibusei at Kukuhia station. The Te Awarautu band was present, and, under the able leadership of Mr. Sibley, rendered the proceedings animate). The grand stand was crowded with ladies, and there was a noticeable absence of all rowdyism. The only game of chance on the ground was the totalisator, which did a good business. Great credit is due to the stewards, and the committee, and the iqdefatigT.bla secretary, M"j Bradley, for the excellent arrangements. Throughout no accidents occurred to mar the pleasure of the day. At 1 p.m. the races began with the Handicap Hurdle Race, of 3030v5.; second horee to receive siovs. from stuko. Two miles: over eight flights of hurdles, 3ft. Gin. high. The Lark, 1 Sportsman, list. 41b 2 Doric ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Three started—Sportman, The Lnrlr, and Doric. Sportsman started off with the lead, which he held for the first time round. The Lark got away to a, bad start. At the fifth hurdle all were together, when Doric baulked, and was out of the race. The Lark then challenged Sportsman, taking a slight lead, which he maintained to the finish, winning by about a length. Spring Handicap, of lOOsovs., with a sweepstake of Siova. each added; second horse, IO3OVS. ; third horse, oiovs. out of stakes. Distance, 2 miles. Lennard's Dflwdrop, 6st. 1 White's Maori, B*t. 31b9. 2 Horsfall'e King Quail, Bst. 51b'ai '..'. ' ",\ 3 Eight entered, and all started after several attempts, Lara and Rocket being well to the front, King Quail (the favourite) being the ißst to get away. The second time round, the Quail crept up to third place, but could not reach Dewdrop and Maori. Dewdrop reached the post by half-a-length ia J front of Maori, King.Quail making a good! third. Yatapa, Lara, Kook>st, Vampire and ' Saunterer also ran. iS.AT.DW FiATE, of 20sovs. t for ag,-. 'it three vear-olds and Vijjw&nik -.'ifti luv» aever *w a stake Exceeding lGdovu. Distance, lj tuiles. Only two started, Othello and f.Sisa r/cmais, ti-:s former taking the After the first mile the running was neck anii ', A .parisr oi a mile f :ora home, Otheiio weut to the front, uaa won finily by some four lengths. Joe Bennett and Strathearn wero scratched. I 'Sellixg Hack Race, of lOaovs. 1 -nile Weight, lOdt. Winner to be sold for 20sovs. Surphiß to race fund. Ben Nevis 1 Bravo 2 Peep o'Day , 3 Seven entered, Peep o'Day, Hilda, Minnie, Egeria, Bravo, Swefctbriar, and Ben Neris. The winner was put up by Mr. Kennedy Hill, and knocked down to hia owner, Mr. Norgrove, for £25. Railway Handicap, of 30.50v3. Distance, 1£ miles. White's Maori 1 Lennard's Dewdrop ... ... ... ... 2 Taylor's Vampire \\\ 3 Out of the eleven that entered five came to the scratch. This was one of the best races of the day. The first time past the stand a pocket handkerchief would have covered the five. Half a mile from home Maori took the lead, and kept it, winning by a bare three leDgths. Rocket nud Saunterer also ran. j Consolation Handicap of 15jovs., for btsf-.n i horses during the meeting. Distance, 1 ivi?. For this race only two ran, Yatapa and alias Domett, the latter winning easily. Y.tapa, who was out of condition, made bad running. WELLINGTON , RACES. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Wellington, Wednesday. The Spring Meeting took place to-day on the rlutt-courss which was in splendid order. The weather fine, the heat being tempered by a. good breeze. Excellent fields contested the various events, and the racing was fairly interesting, although it was apparent that one or two candidates were only out for an ailing. The attendance numbered about 1000, many being prevented going by the mayoral election in town. No games of chance were permitted on the course, and the intervals between the racing, consequently, were very slow, but the drinking booths did a good business. It being reported that the police intendod to put a stop to all sweeps, much interest was evinced. The people were not long in suspense, for Detective Crystal took the names of seven taking part in a five shilling sweep on the fir«t race, and expressed the intention to do the same in all cases. Some gautlemen were very indignant at the detectives looking over their shoulders at what they were writing in their memo, books, and one officer was threatened with a slap in the face if he repeated his oonduot. The public made a determined stand against police interference with the sweeps, while the totaliaators and bookmakers were not interfered with. To afford a test case, &he stewards, including Sir W. Fitzherbort, and a son of Mr. H. D. Bell, barrister, and a son of Mr. John Martin drew a hat sweep in the presence of the detectives, who were invited to witness it. All the names wore taken, but after this sweeps were not interfered with. Altogether about forty names were taken. The following are the details :— Kailwat Stakes. HiUa (Newman) 1 Grand Duchess (Taylor) 2 Danebury ... ... ... 3 Raidwick, Sir George, So ikar, and Rore, also started. The betting was t> to 4 against Randwick. Very little betting. After two or three attempts the fiig fu.l to a very bad start. Sir George getting the b-iat and Duchess the worst. Kore rsjed U[> to the leader in the first 100 yards, and the two led tbe field at a good pice to the road. Here Hilda and Grand Duchesß improved positions and Danebury also coming up at the turn, the lot came into the straight well together. At a distance Sir George and Rore retired, and Newman brought up Hilda, Grand Duchess at the same time coming up fast. Bates, mare held the lead to the finish, winning easily by two lengths. The judge did not plaoe the third, but Danebury occupied that position, Sir George fourth. The favourite was nerer formidable. In the paddock totalisator there was £178 invested, and £24 on the winner. The dividend was £6 13s. The protest against Hilda for crobsing Danebury was overruled. HuiiDi.B Race. Angler (Murtagh) 1 Olarenoe 2 Shamrook ... ... ... ... ... 3 Grey Momus and Hero also started. The betting was even on Clarence, 3 to 1 bar 1. The field was sent away to a fair start, Clarence taking the lead, and Homua lying second. All got safely over the first hurdle, but at the second Hero and Momus oame to grief, the former's rider being stunned by a fall, but ultimately reoovoring. Shamrook now went to the front, but was soon dispossessed of the lead by Angler, who feuced beautifully, shamrock fell back last at the road the second time round, and Clarence, joining Augler at the turn into the straight, loud cries proclaimed the victory for the top weight. Anglor, however, answered Murtagh'e calls splendidly, and, forgini; ahead again, won a magnificent race by a quarter of a length. Time, Suiin. 635e09. There wis £144 in the totalis itor, and £25 on the winner. The dividend was £5 3d. Hack Hurdles. Orosbie'd Sunray beat three others. Hctt Spbino Handicap. Grand Duohess (Tuylor) 1 Hilda (Newman) 2 Randwiok (Wattie) 3 Sir George, Senorita, and Bore also started. The bettinj wn» 6 to 4 against Kaadwick, 5 to

2 against the Dachesf, and 3 to 1 against Hilda and Sir George. Another poor start took place, Randwick getting well away, but Hilda hanging at the post and losing five or six lengths. On settling into the stride the order became Randwick and Rore, clear of everything, side by side, Hi!f!» third, followed by Sir George, Senorita, t and Duchess. This order was continued tlil the turn pnst the stand, when Randwick ran , wide and let up Hilda. Under the hill Rose I and Senorita foil back last, ami Grand Duchess took the third plice on the far side. Itandwick again took the first place and inside running. Hilda, however, sticking to him, and Rore, resuming the lead, but never getting clear. On turning into the straight. Grand Duchess at once went up to the leader, and having the whip at the distance, went on and won comfortably by a length and a-half, tUndwick half a length behind Hilda. Time, 3min. 2o3ecs. There were £274 in the totAliimar, £63 on the winner. The dividend was £3 lls. Hack Race. Taratabi beat Chief and fi>« others. Consolation Stakes. Ranrlwick, Bst. lOlbs. (Wattie) ... ... 1 SnulciT. 7*t 2 Hero, 6at 3 Only three started. Batting wis 6 to 4 on Randwick. Soukar got awiy with the lead of half a length of Rindwick, Hero rapidly dropping a long wiy astern. Wattie iilifiwed Souknr to retain the lead until re».ahii>4 Che Straight, when lie went up, and witbuu; being touched by the whip or spur, won haid held by a neck. Time, for one milo.and a quarter, 2min. 3(Hecs. There £S3 in the totalis*tor, ani?. £53 on the winner. Tlie total ia the paddock totalisator during the day was 863 at £1; outside machine, 49G at 10.4. DUNEDItf RACKS. DUKEiiiK, Wednesday. The second day of the Spring Meeting was very sucoeaaful. There was a large attendance of the public. The weather was again very 6ne. Though the fields were small, the races were really contested. There was Tery little betting, but the totalisatore did a good bueinesa. None of the nsaal games of chance were allowed by the police, consequently it was dull for the public during the intervals. The course is being greatly improved, the running track having i been levelled and raised, and the stewards hope I by next year to have one of the fastest courses in the colony. The tan gallop has also been improved. It is intended to build a peoples' Istoud close to the ptesent one. On the lirst ir*=« the outside totalisator went n,U wrong; j iiiitriid of payioi; Xs> dividend, £Z '.'i waa paid I , So e. nnir.'.i.i .:; Ucir All this nrnusjco- ( nisnts ».».■» .v-.d the r.f -,V.i.. j club deserve credit loc ihe way wai I carried cui. !' HCNTEKS' V'LATE o' 40sova. Two mileij ;\ -■■. a. distance, Butler's Agoiit. 12jr. 121 be. 'T, 7) i-oi.Tj ... 1 Proudfool* .'saaca, 9at. 101K' <Q. M :C.;j) ... 2 Zurbano'e Trovatore, Bst. (D. Cotton) ... 3 Katerloltt. also started , . Of the £377 in the totalis;: tor, £231 waa on the winner. All got away Katerfelto clearnd the first hurdle f- length clear of Agent. Agent was then pulled back, and paesed by Trovatore and Isaacs. All four passed fi-.idy. No change took place till a mile and a half had been cleared, when Trovatore took the lead, and Agent closed on his horses. A quarter of a mile further, the horses were- in a cluster. Katerfelto made an effort to get first, but he died away. The Agent then took the clear lead, being torse lengths ahead, coming into the straight, and won with ease, hands down. A good race took place between Ixaace and Trovatore lot second place, the former winning by a head. Tirau, 4tnina. 36ae03.

President's Handicap, of eOsovs. 1J miles. O'Brien's T.isman, 6at. 12lbs. (J. Williams) 1 M;ison and Vallance's Volunteer, Bst. 51ba. (Webster) 2 Qoodruaa's Chancellor, 9st. lib. (H. Thompson) ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 [ Adnnmnt also started. There was £SS*S in the I fc-Uliaator, and £100 on the wiiin?:. A t;oo-l i stirs wi. • ejected, Tasman slightiy )o Iron'... On reaching the stand, the favourito (Csjl.t----cellor) had run up abreast of Tastnan, the pair leading Volunteer by a length, Adamant fully three lengths behind the latter. All the way round the back of the course O'Brien'e colt had half a length advantage of Chancellor , till at a quarter of a a milo from tho tirr'sh, Volunteer came with a great run, and Adamant alao closing up, the lot were all in «. cluater. At the entrance to the straight, Volunteer and Tasman were in the van, and as Adamant and Chancellor both shortly afterwards cried a-go, the finish was left to the leading pair. Half-way up the straight, Webster, by a strenuous effect, got Volunteer's head in front of Tasman, but Williams rode a magnificent finish on the latter, fairly driving him along, and two or three strides from the post the colt got his nose in front of the other horse acd just managed to pass the post a winuer by a short half-head. Chancellor eased up wher the pursnit was hopeless, and was third ; Adamant last. Time from the fall of the. fkg, 2min. 55aecs.; from the proper starting point, 2min. 443ecs. O'Brien'e victory was loudly cheered, and the good riding of Williams, who io a Victorian jockey, received special recognition. Selling Kac-2, 30aovs. A mile and a distance. Stephenson'a Eugene, £40 (D. Whybrow) ... 1 O'Brien's Cardhurst, £30 (Irving) 2 James's Chief, £30 (Gough) 3 Emerald, Blue Bell, and Flossy also started. Eugene was the first to show in the van, followed by Emerald. At the back of the course Cardhurat got into second place, but Eugene had the foot, winning comfortably, Curdhurst second, and Chief third. Time, 2mins. lOaecs. Grand Stand Handicap, 50aovs. 1J mile. Cutts' Nautilus, 7st. lOlbs. (Thompson) ... 1 Williams' Talent, 7at. 12lbj. (Derritt) ... 2 MuLeau's Legerdemain, Cat. ... ... .., 3 In the two totsklisators there w,\s £H2, of which £24 was on the winner. Chancellor was scratched. Mameluke and Nautilus got away first. Legerdemain coming next. At the back of the course Nautilus rushed to the front, taking second, and Legerdemain coding up fast. A little further on Legerdemain took eecoud place, Mamaluke fulling. Talent made his effort in the straight, but never got on terms with Nautilus, who won comfortably by three lengths. Hack Rac". Cardhurst 1 Sivagman 2 Emerald 3 This wae ono of the best races of the day. Old Swagman got off badly, and fell behind, but coming into the straight shovred wonderful foot for so old a horse. He came in -">- good seood amidst cheors. Consolation Handicap, 20aovs. Volunteer, Bat. 121bs 1 Talent, 7st. Blbs 2 Adamant, 7sfc. 81ba 3 Qitann, sst. 71bs., also started. It w&s won after a good race by a length. THE WANGANUI RACES. Wanoanui, Wednesday. The nominations for the Wanganui Autumn Races close tonight at nine o'clock.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 5

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 5

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6253, 1 December 1881, Page 5