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|i; and Em& /'■'( ) ' m-HE J W'£e at;', een a liß .^gb^T, OP ' J)ESCRIPTIbN v |fOB, gALEHOUSE, BUILDING, -MORTGAGE, INSURANCE, AND SURVEY AGENCY. MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES ON TOWN SECURITIES. MOIfET WANTED FOE FIRST CLASS COUNTRY SECURITIES. ■ Properties Brought'-U.vdeb Tklicsfeb Act, and Traksfebs Effected. m ~\%T TTICKSON, Proprietor (Late Inape tor in, and holding high testimonials from Survey Department), AUTHORISED SURVEYOR AND LAND BROKER (Licensed Usdek the Land Traksteb Act . Catalogues post free to anr addrese. -

J. M. L EN * ox - ESTATE AGENT AND VALUATOR, QITEKS-STBEET, AVCKI<AST>. THREE ALLOTMENTS in West Newton. Price, L 45 the lot.— J. M. Lennox, >Ertate:Agent, Auckland. BERESFORD-STREET—A beautiful sixroomed Residence, all In good order; water and gas laid on. Allotment freehold. Price, LtlO. — J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. TO FARMERS—A great bargain—A firatclass firm In one of the richest farming districts In the country. There are 157 acres, with oomforUble dwelline Tbo land is rnoeUy In grasn and «nbdirldcd. This Farm is offered a great bargain, as the owner has left the district. The farm is near to a church and railway station.— J." . M.' Lenaoxj Estate Agent, Auckland. V ■ SUBURBAN RESIDENCE of six 'rooms, with upwards of 4 acres of rich rolcanic soil; boo* stabling, cowshed, etc.; also, an orchard. The land has frontages to three streets. Price, L47S. — J. M. Lennox, Eatato Agent, Auckland. PARNELL—Two Houses with large Freehold Allotment, commanding a beautiful Tiew. Price, £SBO. Tenns can bo arranged.— J. M, Lennox, Estate Aitont, Auckland. TO FARMERS.—For Sale—A Farm of 137 acres at Eamarama, with good eight-roomed Residence, Dairy, etc. The Karmis subdWided, »nd mostly in good English grasses.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland - TO FARMERS.—A compact Homestead, comprising 37 acres of first-class Land, all subdivided and in grass, with commodious Residence; - only 4i miles from a railway station. -J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland TO FARMEKS.—For Sale—Farnv of 70

TTT ISHTOK .& S° N ' HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, 8, NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE BUILDINGS,. QTJEES-STBEET, AUCKLAND. Money to Lend on first-class security - ■- - Properties Talued Estates Manased for absentees Bents and Debts Collected FOR SALE. S. NEW- ui"x-roomed Verandah Cottage in Seafleld Road, wcU" built, good situation, freehold. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY—Largo Allotment, Victoria Quadrant and Chancery Lane, immediately below tlie Northern Club, containing over half-an-acre; Urge frontages on three sides. TWO good Building Allotments at Stokes Point adjoining Mr. Hilditch's; fenced. A COMFORTABLE 8-roomod House, with large freehold allotment, situated In tie best part of Symonds-street; good Tiew. ■ A GOOD Four-roomed Verandah Cottage Seaßeld View. Freehold prlcn, £175. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS at Stokes's Point, near 'Wharf A nice little Farm of about 2o acres at Stokes" Point, partly fenced and improved, with good bush; north east aspect 21 acree, with Cottage, Outbuildings, and ImproTemente, fenced, parti} in gras and crops splendid site for orchard or Tinery. . . PONSONBY—WeII-built House, containing 6 rooms, scullery,. pantry, etc.; stable and outbuildings ; good well; pump in kitchen, with large Freehold Allotment, 134 feet fiontagc; weU drained and planted with fruit trees. All in good order. AN excellent Farm of about 450 acres, with large dwelling-house, wool-shed, storehouse, and other outbuildings, all complete; land partly under cultivation. The property ts well-situated on a deep water river. Stock, Btoreir, implements, tools, ancf fnmiture go with the property. This is a flrstcl»«J investment. A GOOD three-roomed Cottage and Allot ment at Newmarket. - THREE-ROOMED COTTAGE in EnglandNAPIErVtREET—Large Freehold AllotFARM of 372 acres at North Shore, plenty of bush/ and largo frontage to Bait water creek. ■■■-■- SHOP with large Dwelling-house attached six-stall stable, etc.; freehold allotment 68 feet by 132 feet, in a rapidly rising locality; a good business may be done here. A SEVEN-ROOMED Family Residence, verandah ard balcony, well built and very convenient • a qnarter of an acre of land in garden, etc. SEVERAL very desirable Properties for sale at tho North Shore ; Houses, Land, etc A GOOD FARM at Albertlanol, 248 acres, pp.rt busli and part forn. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS at Devonport. 95 ACRES good Bush Land, near Helleyer's ELLERSLIE —A nice little section of about 0 acres, rood building site, with a frontage to the railway; volcanic soil. STOKES' POINT —20 acres, with northcast aspect; suitable for strawberry gardens. SEVERAL Beautiful Building Sites on the Komuera lJoad at thn foot of Mount Hobson, are now offered for lease, in lots suitable for suburban villa residences; the ■position is unsurpassed both for view and aspect; it is rich volcanic soil, and easy of access both by rail and Tjus 100 ACRES of Very Rich Land at Te Awamutu, well watered and easy of access; short distanco from railway station BUILDING Sites, in Stanley-street, City to be sold in lots to suit purchasers, on easy term TO BE LET. NICE Verandah Cottage, with large garden in Carleton Road, next to hlr. Palmer's residence. SIX-ROOMED Cottage, Seafield Road. FOUR-ROOMED Cottage, Seafield Road. SEVEN-ROOMED COTTAGE at Ponsonby, with lawn, large garden, etc.; nicely laid out. NICE SIX-ROOMED COTTAGE, at Devonport, North Shore. COMMODIOUS . STORE in Fort-street; good business stand. - A seven-roomed House, with garden, Ac, in Carleton ltoad; now in the occupation of Mr. Shirley Hill. A BEAUTIFULLY-SITUATED Residence of eleven rooms, with two acres of land at Mount St John. A SHOP, with Dwelling-house attached, in Eden Crescent. LARGE WAREHOUSE. Custom-house-street, next the Thames Hotel. H. ASHTON & SON, 8. New Zealand Insurance Buildings. "VVr H. M E T C A L F E, ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. NO. 29, IIfSUKAXCE BUILDISOS.

acres at Papatoitol, about two miles irom the Scotch V Church. Tho Farm Is all in good English grasses, and has erected upon it an eight-roomed Heme in good order, four-stalled Stable, Cow-sheds/ Coachhouse, etc. There is a good orchard aud garden upon tho farm. Price, £900.- J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. ALEXANDRA-STREET—Allotment 80 x 143, fronting two streets, with two houses built upon it. Price, £400. Terms can be arranged.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. SOMERS-STREET, Eden Terrace—Allotment 33 I 99. Price, £40.— J. 11. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland HEPBURN and NAPIER-STREETS—A Corner Allotment, 132 x 119. Offered a bargain, and on eagy terms. — J. M. Lennox. REMUERA.—VTLLA SITES. — RARE CHANCE FOR SMALL CAPITALISTS DESIRING A HOME.—AII that property adjoining the residence of Samuel Morrin, Esq., in lots of 90 feet and upwards. Tkis fine property is near to a railway station, frontl the main rwl, and commands one of the most beautiful views in Remnera. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance can remain at 7 per cent.— J. 1L Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland.. WEST PUKEKOHE.—First-class Farm of 153 acres, all subdivided and in grass. This is a first-class Homestead, and is only two miles from a railway station. The land is good.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. MOUNT ST. MARY—a bargain—Two four-roomed Houses, with large allotment; good well, outhouses, freehold allotment 33 x 100.—Price, M. Lennox TO FARMERS—First-class Farm of 216 acres, all subdivided in convenient paddocks »ome in grass, others under cultivation; good orchard, six-roomed House, and all convenient ontbuildings. —Price £1000.— J M. Lennox, Estate Agent, AuckSUBURBAN ALLOTMENTS. — A rare opportunity—A beautiful Villa Site, near the Parnell Grammar School. The allotments are each 40 x 250, and can be bought in one or more lots. They command a magnlflcentviowof the harbour. — J. SL Lennox, Estate Agent. Auckland 89l COUNTRY HOTEL, with 14 acres of freehold. Price, £700 J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland 85i TO FARMERS. —A rare opportunity ot purchasing at a small price one of the finest Farms in the country.—A really first-class Farm of 303 acres, a few minutes" walk from the Railway Station. This fine property is sitnated in the heart of one of the most prosperous districts in the Waikato, is most fenced, and in grass, and has a commodious eight-roomed residence upon it. Price, £2500.. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. 62ii TO FARMERS.—For sale—a bargain—A fine compact little Farm of 100 acres in one of the ' best fanning districts of tho Waikato. The Farm . is all fenced and in gra-s, and has a Dwelling-house upon it. It is offered at a very low price, owing to the owner leaving the district. Price, £400; £150 cash, balance can remain upon the property.— J. If. Lennox, Esteto Agent, Auckland. 12r, For Houses, Farias, and * llotments, see large two column advertisement in tho Weekly News J. M. LENNOX. Estate Agent.

DP. B V A ■ JN , S o (Lat« Taxner & Evaus), ESTATE AN"D INVESTMENT AGENT. FARMS AND LAND FOR SALE. PUKEKOHE—2OO acres jrod land, partly cultivated; small piece of bush, plenty of water power, railway through it; very desirable. Price, £5 por acre ; half cash, half at 5 per cent—7s ItAZOIt BACK—Splendid little farm, 72 acres good volcanic land, large homestead and every convenienco, capital orchard and garden ; altogether a compact little farm and very desirable—l4S PAEUA BAY, Whangarei—Farm 120 acres, cottage, and outbuildings, land partly cultivated; near landing place— 25S HANUTAHI, New Plymouth—Compact little farm, 50 acres real good land, well watered; capital homestead and necessary conveniences, garden, orchard, etc—23o MANGAPAI, Whangarci—Nice little farm, 32 acres; good house, stable, barn, etc. Price, ODly £280 —115 HAMILTON-Comfortablo little farm, 21 acres in grass, markot garden, etc; well watered. Only £240—231 PAPAKUBA VALLEY—Farm of 164 acres, fenced and subdivided; nice piece bush, plenty of water, homestead, etc TAUPIRI—OO acres, at £3—177 PATCIRF, Marsdcn County—SO acres— 224 TAURAROA, Whangarei—lo2 acres, at 20s—!S5 - '.. PUKEATUA, Waitemata- 40 acres-227 HENDERSON'S MILL—O7 acres, on terms-129 NORTHCOTE—SO acres, at £12 per acre WHANGASIIRIKO—IOO acres, at 30s ■\VAITAKIRI—IO7 acres, for £75 KIRIKIRIROA—SO acres, at 20s KOMOKORIKI— I7S acres, at 105—256 OMARU—SO acres, for £50—170 MATAKOHE—39 acres, at 105—252 WaIUKU EAST—2<9 asre3, very desirable, at SOs —255 PAPAKURA—3SO acres, very desirable, at 603—817 OPOTIKI—SO acres, at 40s—181 TAURAKOA—276 aores, at 203—157 MAHURANGI—4GO acres, part bush, at 155—202 Several other properties, largo and small, situated at Mount Albort, Onohunga, Pukekoho, Papakura, Tamakl, Kaipara, "Whangarei, Northcoto, Hamilton, (tc.,&c. -•■■■.■' ' . .: Foil information on application to ; l>. F. EVANS, ."■'.'■'■ ESTATE AGENT, 74, Queen-street (opposite Bank of New Zealand). "ITJOR SALE—A Valuable Totara Bush on Jj the East Coast, available to- a' shipping port by deep swift flowing river. The property consists of 15,300 acres, 10,000 of which are covered with heavy forest. The whole -being admirably adapted for - a cattle* run."" Price exceedingly low, and terms easy."" Apply to ! :; ; - ■ W.AITKEN. 1 .:-'/'?."' : ,Or, . B. C. GKEENWOOD;. T MP R O V E D F A R M. For Sale, withia 12 miles of Auckland, 103 acres of choice land, fenced and subdivided into 6 paddocks, with dwelling-house (6 rooms'), stable, coach-house and other buildings, for conducting farming operations, also near the improved land; 20 acres available bush.' - Price, £1000, on easy terms.—Apply to - WILLIAM ATTKEIT, . -_ - - Land Agent.:* FOR SALE, at Mount EderA-50 Building Allotments,': 66 feet* by 400 feet. Price, £100 each, on easy terms. :; " *' , Apply to ..,',/ ' ■.".- "W". ArrKEli, ■. ■•".; •" .-> .: ••," '".'"-.:' ", ■ ■ tend Ajent.;

a33—For Immediate Sale—so acres of good Land, with cood House, cloim to a Church and Post-office, Steamers pass the door.—£l3o. a 29 —Partially-improved Farm of SB9 acres for sale or to leaso, with puT.iasing clause; good six-roomed House. Price, £2 per acre. A3—HOTEL and 330 acres, all fenced ; landing-place for three extensive settlements. Government wharf on property close to hotel; £1250. A4—loo ACRES, fenced and improved; first-class House and complete outbuildings; 15 acres of orchard in full bearing, and large nursery grounds fully stocked. £2000. A 5—781 ACRES First-class Land (black loam on limestone), improved, on the banks of navigablo river. £2000. a 9—079 ACRES Prime Level Land, close to railway station; 22s per acre. AIO—STORE and Accommodation House on main line of road, with 222 acres of good land; several good paddocks. £1500. A 11—243 ACRES Unimproved Land of first-rate quality, close to railway station ; 30s per acre. Al2 Farms of 43 acres, with first-class House; perfectly level; close to two lame mills. £250. A 13—113 ACRES of Good Land, 1J miles from railway station; 30s per acre. •AIB—FARM of 900 acres, in good district; no better land in the province; thoroughly improved. Terms, easv. A 19—"160 ACRES of good limestone land, Northern Walroa: easy distance from the mills ; 30 acres grass: cow shed and stockyard ; ono boundary fenced ; all ploughable land. 35s per acre. A 2—400 ACRES in one or three lots, a quantity of available kauri A"4—EXCELLENT Dairy Farm of 40 acres, adjoining large saw-mill, all level; the cattle (30 head) can be taken at a valuation. Two-thirds of the purchase money can remain on mortgage for seven , years. A splendid chance for a practical man with ■' small capital. ' ■ : A 23—1900 ACRES Wairoa Sonth; good undulating country; unimproved. Sss per acre. A2S—FARM of 325 acres of splendid land; thoroughly - improved. Good twelve-roomed bouse and outofflccs. Three-quarters of a mile fence encloses this property. £2200. ' A26—FAKM of 212 acres limestone land; 135 acres fenced and subdivided and in good, well-sheltfired grass; well watered. Fellmongery plant and busi- - ness can bs taken if desired. £900. 27-825 ACRES on . Northern AVairoa; excellent . quality. Two miles water frontage. Steam communication four times a week. £1 por acre; easy A2B—FAKM of 300 acres; all fenced and thorougUy Improyed.' £1100. This farm is wonderfully cheap. Wanted—Unimproved Farm of 10 to 20 acres; within • 12 miles of Auckland : . CAPTAIN COLBECK, M.H.R., having appointed me Sole "Agent- for the Sale of his Kaipara property, consisting of 18,000 acres of first-class Land, principally black loam on limestone, I am prepared to give the fullest information in reference to Its capabilities, having used it as a cattle run for several years prior to its purchase. Intending settlers'are advised to make early application, as there are several very choice farms still open for selection. Easy terms will bo given by'proprietor if desired.- Plans can be seen at my office ';-.'.•'. ..','... '. • ; . ."'"■ The advertiser, taving had 17 yean" experience in New Zealand: farming, and being intimately acquainted with all properties how in his hands: for sale, can advise Intending settlers in their choice of lancL of every description executed fo? country tatUara at low, rates. >'* ' )

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6149, 2 August 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6149, 2 August 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6149, 2 August 1881, Page 2