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'-■'■:■■■■■- '■•■■•■ , AnnMomantßyjiftewy,,Proprietor.'..:;..jvV.^. le. J^BtjUat. Fifth Week and Increaslng'popnliirltT' of thK accont ' ;'■ •; : ■'■■-[ k-.7r - ',:■■,■ Y. iJm;:JAiffiS-''CAl|l)]fiN/:>j ; ■ ■ MISS•'M.AES.T.-OSfjLffE'lCrfi:, AUSTRALIAN SPECIAiIIy . : ■ THI3 (Saturday) EVENriirO, Jnly 30, I DOUBLE BILL! t Dion Bouclcault'sSensation and lltoioantlc Dram*,* THE COLLEEN BATS-Nlrr MriKa Nx Coppaukn ........M|-. : jAMEs'GAnDKS , Hardnss Cregan. Mr. Arthur Elliott Kyrle Daly ......;.'.;...'... Mr. Jamts'O'Bricn Father T0m......; ■......,. Mr. J.J. Welsh DanayJlafln Jfr. J. P. West Mr.Cirrigah....... ......'....Mr. H. B«fton tSx. 0M00re.... Mr. 3eraldUlllou Sargeant ...........Mr. W.L.Coombes EH.Y O'Connor -. .v Misii Marstox L»io a With Songs—" The Cruiskccn Lt.wn" " The Pretty GirUMlklnglior Cow" Ann Chute .............:.. Miss Jenny Watt Tanner Mrs. Cregan Mrs. Uclil.m McGowan Sliccla.. Hiss Mngffie Knight Kathleen.... .Miss Itthel Adelle Soldiers, Guests, &K. . To conclude with tho I,augh(ible Comedy THE YOUNG WIDOW.''; . Captain Mandcvillii .:............;iir. JanWO'Brion Splash (his Valet) ............. Mr It-achlan McGowaa AumUr (a Yonng Widow) ■:. lliss Jimny Watt Tanner .Lucy(hot- Maid) _ ........'..Mias Maggie Knight ■WithSong-"Little Widiir Duan." • : ■ -•-•.%■;:: ::■-, ON MONDAY NKICT ■ •.. r Will be presented (for the First Tfrai) in New Zealand) a Dramatised Version of Wllkie Oolllns' Work, •-■; THE FKOZJEN DEEP, -I. With entirely new and sppropj-iate scenery. WEDNESDAY NEXT, "'..'.' r Grand Benefit Night, tendered to llio Auckland Engf. ncor Company of Toluntiers und the Auckland ScottishCoiapanyof.Voln.nteeile. ■-■' . Prices of Admission—Dress Circlo, 4s; Stalls, 2e Ci 1 Pit, Is. Reserved Seats at Upton 4t Co.'e.: ; ■jyrASONIC HALL, ONEHUNGA. THtTRSDAY NHXT, BY SE^UEST. Professor and Madame Westen villi give one of their Drawlngroom Entortalntnents at 8 p.m. . Alter the entertainment, a select quadrille iiisscmbly. . Million prices. . . - ~ A UCKLAND BAND OF HOPE union. ; . ; THE TEMPEEANCE SEEViICE OF SONG, ■ , Intltled ■ "John tregenoweth:, his mark," Byttießev.Maik GtiyPearse- : OH UOUDJOr, A.TJGTOOT I,IBSO, In the ' 1 ST. JAiIBSSSALL, WELUNOTON-STBEXT.

1 An efficient Choir »na Orchestra. Coadactor .. .. Mr. it. Tadehope Organist .. .. .. Mr. Unmpson Tickets: adalts, Is; children, 6d. • Commence «t 7.30r T ast LECTURE OP THE ffrtSSSv AJ COURSE. : !Sa£Wn ■: ■ Subject:. -■■ "the coxata man, ob capa« \fW BIMTIES OiF. OUR RACE." Tf V. On THURSDAY next, 4th, at 7,30. B In the Temperance Hall. J* ' X Admission—ln Back Stats, OS. £scli penon : on entering will w coivo grafts ono copy of Phrenological Map, published at Is. ' Residonce— Grey(street (for a iihort time only). Sporting. ■ A UCKLAND RACING CLUB SUMjfcSk. HER MEETING., 18S§. SHE AVCKLAND STUD COUPANTB SIBE3 PRODUCE STAKES; a Sweepstake of IOsoVS. each, with SOOsovs. added by the Company; Second Horse to rcoeire 2;ssovs, and Third Horse . lOeovs, oat of the Stable; for the Produce of ' Mares by their Slros for the Season, IEBI. Nominations, with Ssovn to close when year* lingo. Acceptances, with 3sors, on night ot general entry, 1585, and Ksots at the post. For then three-year-olds: coEte, 8stI0Ib; fillies. Sat 71b. Distance, !tj miles. ■ . VTM. PERCTVAL, Secretary. ]t METROPOLITAN STAKES, 1881. JONES'S CONSULTATION , . : Tho Business connected Willi the aboro important evont ia now open. Usual terms (by letter only) addressed: Prmch's Hotel. Sydney. Hotels. -'/ WINTER SANATORIUM AND HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT. THE HATLOCK OF AUSTRALASIA ! ! THE WONDERLAND Olf THE WOULD ! ! ! Ijake House Hotel, '. OKDNEMUTU (LAKE ROTORUA), New Zeaiand. ■ This magnificent Hotel will bo found replete wTili every modern luxury and convenience appertaining to a really woll-appolntod Fiist-claes: Establishment. Tourists will now find the internal arrangements complete in every detail. Apnrtaicnta en suite for Ladies, Families, and Invalid! , . .■ v ■• '■ The Proprietor has also jiijst"completed a'HYDHO. PATHIC DEPARTMENT.Iα connection With Lako House Hotel, which will bo conducted on tbo system of th« woll-known HydropalWst, the late Mr. Smcdley, of Matlock, England. Ho has secured tho ecr. vices of a Lady who for manj' yoars managed a similar establishment at Matlock, a.nd being conversant with , the Smedloy System, and an expert generally in Hydropathio matters, is no if prepared to treat any discaso requiring the Miid SxeTEJt-OF-Hvdeo-pathv. . . ; --J/AKE HOUSE HOTEL'. ' : stands unrivalled in the v'orld for the Invalid Ot Pleasure-seeker,, with its Renowned Baths - and Hot Springs, containing various curative properties sufficient to treat all the ills flesh, is heir to—the enchanting scenery. and .wondor-spota of : tho Hot Lakes District, and its.-irreproaoliablo climate—mild but bracing even in tho doptha oit winter. ;:.::: Full information will be Immediately snpplied on application, by. letter,:'.''toir,'"Tho Manager," Lako Hotel, Ohlncmutu, Lake Rolioroa. ; ~ ';, Drees and! Tashlbn. - [ "p u b. 1.. i c Tn o T:'i o e J. GILMOtTE, draper, 'et Upper Symonds-streei, wishes to inform the Public that l<o has Just, reciivea an immense stock- of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas, in black and coloniud, and is selling them at prices that ought to command the attention and giro satisfaction to every, qno wliiO patronises his shop for them, These goods liavo blien bought cheap, and as the stock of them is too lalgo to sell off in a reasonable time, they are marked tow to com&and a speedy sale. There is also a vory largo stock' Of Ladies' Corsets, varying in prices t'om Ss to 10s 6d, which hava to be sold cheap to reduce.j , . -■■•.• - Among this lot very serviceable stays can be bad it 6s Cd, strong cnd;vell nude, in dark colours, and with spoon buske. Erory one who -wants-good wearing stays should see these. at J. ..GUniour's, UppKf Symonds-street. . ;'.':', '■" ':■'.'-•>. /NO TO J. ''WILLLfAMS, ' TAILOR, , , -T" VICTORIA-STRE IST (New Shop), \ ro!a , ENGLISH TWEED, IRISH TWEE 0, SCOTCH TWIEO. FREITOH TTV^EED, GERMAN TWEED i FKOUSEHS TO ME/3UKB FECfiT "I AS pD. f JOP QtttlUTjri l

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8