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L. PRIME,, House'* tuib "Lstnd "Argent JU o Officer Vα.' 28,' Insurance Company's Sulldlngs, Queen-street..:: i '■■;' ~tXTI LLI A M =E R R'l N/ TTi . CONStn-TINajENaiKEEB. j ; r :; ' IKSTTIIAKCB BUILPIKOeiQITKBK-STBMJr. f ,\ . E N J>.A M ■I:N.vT:;A-.N:N E.R, . -PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. .. \ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■-■ - - AUDITOR, ■■" '" ' i :„,' ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, ■ 70, Queen-street.; ■' "' £\ HA R LBS 8L.0.M FIE LD, \j HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, :; '' TTPPEB QOBFJf-aiKIET. AVOKLASD.,- . ■ ■ Estimates Given for Every Description of Decorative Painting, Aα I Societies and Sunday r schs»lßanners painted to order. p E A'EX B 8 • TO T H I L; L, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, ■■ .. . : WHAIf OARBI. • ■ ■ . '.'* ' " ■■ 1 '[A CARD.] .'.'.: , . ; : HW. B AK. E R, o ■ .. . ■. ..-.. - t . . ...-■.. tICENSED INTEEPBr.TEK : XTnder "MaUre Land Court: Act, 1880," SCAKBOBOUOH TBBEACB, -: PASNELL. ■pi D M U N D BELL, AECHITECT. ' - Ofico; Nβ. 10, Sontb British Insurance Buildings. J HE N D Ei. : Ei S6 N, a '■ ■ ■■■■•■■ - ■', ■■' - ■■•,-. HOUSE SHIP, SIGN, AKD GENERAL DECOBATIVE PAINTEE, 8, Wyndham-rtreet. ! . . [A OXRD.y ■'.':: ■jyrESSES. e. cox' & .son, DENTAL SUKGEONS, "; : Obborse House,' Honaos-STREDT. : [A CARD]. ■ : . Am E U T E N B E -R G, o JL MANUFACTURING JEWELLEB ENQJIATBR, . ■e McAbthor and Co.'s Bdtldinos, Qaeon-street, Auckland. terrace post office, f. mTmorley, TEA DEALER AND FAMILY GROCER, Edkk Tbrraoe. Families waited upon for orders.' Goods delivered to any part of the Town and Suburbs. TjIBWAED'Bi R T LEY, AECHITECT, : STICHBTTKY'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET. JE D W A R D S, e COAL MERCHANT, SHIP AQENI, Bay ef Islands, Newcastle and Watkato Coal In any '*" *Vowffi Iquantity. Office and Yard :JBreakwater, directly opposite KaUway Station. Q5 PARTRIDGE, THE -VTELL-KKOWN FEUITEEEE (late of Queen-street), Has again come to the front, and started business In VICTORIA-STREET, close to Union Bank. A flee selected Stock ot Choice Goods on Jiand. ipg-EWSON.ft.A .j'fyfELVILLE,

SHIP, YACHT, AND BOAT BUILDERS, SPAB MAKERS, ETC., WrNSAKD Pier, Auckland. Vessels Docked and Repaired on the shortest notice. New and Second-hnnd Boats for sale or to let at the Lowest Cnrrcnt Price. ALES. FIRST PRIZEJ3YDNKY EXHIBITION. I have this day appointed Mr. Nathan Barker agent for the sale of the above celebrated Al«3 and Stout for tho AucWand'and Surrounding Bistricts, tS.fifJ -'-mnfi- J- T - MARTIN - , PSP?? M H ," »»»Black Eagle Brewery. InveroargiU, Jnly2r, 1881. . : ; TCT EN NELLY'S BAZAAE, W. M. >\ GARLING, PROPRIETOR. 208, Pitt-street, and 149, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. Sales of all stock by auction at the Bazaar or effected privately. Business connection with owners of best thoroughbred and heavy draught Studs, and opportunties for transactions always open. Inquiries for animals of cither class promptly answered, and all information as to breeding, &c, supplied. first-class loose Boxes and roomy Stalls. Stook shipped and delivery takon with care. CHARLES PALMER, DEUGHTSMAN, &c. Drawings, Maps and Plans compiled, Drawn to Scale from Bough Sketches or Traced. Addresses, etc., Illuminated in tb» Highest Style of the Art. Auctioneer's Show Flans and Lithograph!. Schedules prepared for County and Hignway Boards. OFFICE—2S, Queen-street, ever National Insutanco _. Company's Office. WILLIAM MATTHEWS, LATE OF AUCKLAND, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, LAND, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING AGENT. ■■ RENTS, ETC., COLLECTED. Office : Over Mr. King's Auctioa Mart, . Dovon-street, New Plymouth. All Commissions, etc., ontrusted to me will receive the utmost despatch. • . ■ILL IA M THOMAS, Corner of Lome and Victorla-streots, . Auckland East. MONUMENTAL, MARBLE, AND GENERAL STONEMASON, ARCHITECTURAL SCULPTOR AND CARVER. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, and every description of Stone Work at the lowest possible prices, or town and country- : , ; T OHN T> OYL AN, O. E., ASSOCIATE .MEMBER INSTITUTE OF CITIL ENGINEERS, AUTHORISED SURV EY O R Licensed Land Transfer Surveyor, colonial bank building. yiCTOE LONG UE T, FRENCH AND ENGLISH HOUSE, WELLESLEY-STREET. THE ONLY PRACTICAL LADIBS' HAIRDRESSER AND HAIRWORKEE .'•;. Df AUCKLAND. . . ' Froin tho First Houses in Franco and London. A Large Stock of Human Eair always on hand. , Ladies' Wigs made to order. : . ■ '■ Gentlemen's Wigs, Whiskers and Moustaches on hand or made to order. :!■ i :... • •-:„.■. Ladies Fronts, &c. Indies' Combings worked as required. , .. . - . SELECT ROOM FOR LADIES. ■ HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOOING & HAIRDREBSINQ, ■'. SELECT ROOM FOK GENTLEMEN, Orders for any part of Now Zealand carefully and

punctually attended to. NOTE THE ADDBE3S AS ABOVE. Nowonview.—Ufo-llke Bust of the celebrated beauty, ■ •-.■'. ... .'■ , Mrs. Langtry, "'■-..' CELEBRATED JECIRKTON J_Sk_ WINES, THE VINEYABDS, BRANXTON, N.S.W. ESTABLISHED 1830. , ■ ■ ■ ' ; TheKlrkton Wines hiring been awarded "a larger nnmber ot First Prizes at the Sydney International Exhibition, than any others in tho colonies, it has been considered expedient; to remind merchants and the public genenJly that the JCirkton -Wines havo been celobrated during many years p»st for their superior purity and oxcellence, in honour of which more than one hundred prizes have been awardod at Intercolonial, Local, and International Exhibitions. In qrCer to bring these wines.more, prominently before the public and for the convenience of retail buyers, In addition to the depet at Branxton Eailwsy Station,- hurge and- commodious cellars, offices/ &c, have been established In Sydney, where wines of the beat quality and perfectly matured can be obtained at mo3t reasonable prices. It may be well to remind buyers that the Kirkton Vineyard is the oldest in the Northern district, having been planted fifty years ago with vines brought direct from Europe and "from this vinoyard have eprunfr, it may safely be said, all the vineyards on the Hunter. Valley. , la consequence o,f tho great avantages accruing from tin age or the vinos and the many years experience of climate, soil, &c., wines hare beon produced whlci are not to-be surpassed in'tiie colonies, <u>dt]>"'e been pronounced by competent judges to bo m"'*l to the best on the Continent of • Eitrope. ; rr-|.V-• • , . i* :.,■"...:: -JAMES KHiLMAST/JWOprietcr.' ; Office and Collars: 247, Goorjra-sti^ Syahaj, '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 8