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11 II HI uK 81 b; ill i \i '" .OS i IHJ (■> QUEEN'STREEr JJi .) j;\ '!>„■-, ' ImPROVED^PEOPEBTIES. " "' ".'".,'.( large House and Out-houses, fdrmßrly the residence \ '■ ''- i : of Col. De.Quincey.and adjoining the property/off r ; ...:-Lpy..-aCrieS.. ,-j. ,the lale.Col; Kacoclce, at Hbwich;'very cheap; , f */-"" I wonld be sold in two cr three lots. J • ' -': •'i -'if 20-roomedFamilyEesldence, with every adjunct to.'y/ ' ' OK nnroo J make a pleasant country residence, seaside, close to' [ fHH 00 . duBS ~.i .Auckland, good road, large orchard, extensive f . *<00\)\J . :-■: f.- : '. :. ... '■.:>■■ plantations,rich land; cheap. '.'"') '"■"■ TO nr»rpra • S Allingrass, close to Railway Station. Stores,"School,' ) . -Piflft ' ' ;...; 1U , a S r - S -,. 1 '.Mid Churches; first-classland. • :. / * iuu • _._ f ■■■'"■■■'■ : f\ : 12acres in grass, Bin bush; 2-roome'd Cottage ; rich ) -«r»Krt 20 ' acres 'K '. land; close to "iallway Station; Stores, School, and I £,2iOo ' : .'■..', • : ; : . : '.■■•■'•(. : Churches. ■ <*"'•'"*' ■'"' ■> - ' ' - l^o'acres' V:f.■ p^fep^S^wwd,6lß!to *- b?eood ' !i,^' } £180 :.'■• :; ■■;:..:.- . ;'.: :.::. .. ;, .Rich! limeston*land,"VTeat Coast,' half bush, hall fern "\ <:. ! ,' _./. ■: : 1 •■: takes grass readily by surface sowiag; 60 acres in I ni"nAA - 500 aCl'eS :•{■; gTass;aUringfonced,anddiTidedintoseTeralp3d- }■ AISUU :,'::', ■ :,■■ . .:•-,. .:!.': docks; nevr two-storied 7-roomed honse, and all I ■ .'..'■ A. .: necessary outbuildings, withgood orchard. ' - •■; : ;■ ,'•;<•■. ' Not farfrom Auckland 100 acres in grass; 4 acres \,- - : .•/; i - !-.«/-> I orchardinfullbearing.princlpallyapplesandpears;. 1, , .-,•■ nrinn 200 aCreS '■{■ ■ balance, bush; 8 paddocks fenced; good frentage. V = ±8Ul) ..•■: :j itodeepwater; β-roomed house, dairy, store-room, I : . _._ V.__ cowrshed, and barns. .;:. ...-.■: . ; -»-":*■* .■--..-"■■ i , 133 acres in grass, 15 in fern, all fenced and snbdi- .. . :". \ *■£'' '•' >'\ vidcd in 9 paddocks. 6-roomed house and out- ). />in/Ir\ 153 -"aCreS buUdings, and close to railway station, line passing )■ iJLUUU-. I through farm. Stock and implements may be I . . . ;:• r ; i '-<■• .".:;.'.'! T:' , v :taken at valuation. . ' ; '.. .;-:■-' /...■' ..'■. .■ - Good dwelling-house and out-buildings; landmostly % - - 1 fenced and in grass; ornamental plantations and I „„,.„ luO'SCreS: H romantic scenery ;road and river frontage; adjacent . i>OUU I to railway station; 10,000 acre run adjoining near I ' i '""... :- > Huntly Coal Mines. . ■'. •...•>.■ '. ' ■•■.:■.. '. ,' r| ,' . Really ftrst-class land: 250 acres in rich pasture, 60 ■* '■'•■- ': i . f 'in bush, useful .and ornamental; never-failing 1 ' qob »™ D |, ■]■■ water supply; 2 acres, orchard; completely fenced I ftyRW 666 acres < and divided into paddocks; 10-roomed.honse asd f, *ZOOU . . I - out-buildings; : 4 miles from Tailway station by' I .. . ■ ; ' : ■''■■-'-. ■: . good road.. ' : . ' .." ~' , •*■■, '•■■•..,'-■ ■■'■"/■ Ono of tha best farms and best finished houses in a . -■ • .. I rich and floorishing district: Farm is in 7 pad- J ' r>l on r> ,151 aCl'eS. v docks, solldlyfonced; β-roomed house with tanks,,}- . ±»lOlli '.■.-.. I cowsheds, stables, &c; only needs to be seen to be; ) . ; I ..- » appreciated; really good value. ; . .'■"'■ . f , Rich: volcanio land: 6 acres bush, rest in rich pasture; V ' : 'ncinnA-' iBl aCreS •{ dose to railway station, schools; churches, and >• i 2004 , .'.' . .■'., ( stores; well fenced and watered; 4-roomed cottage. / : ' ; '■'( Only partially improved: IB acres new grass; i bush \ ••'■ ■ \ ■ k.-r» ■ I 4 fern; well watered; 25 chains fencing up; puriri I __ „-. '■''<■ T2. aCl'eS ■{ ' bosh; 3i miles from railway., station, by V- ■''■"' good roatl; close to school; land of very richest I V. description, and surrounded by, valuablo farms, i ■ A (140 grass, 20 good bush, iDalanee. teatreo and fern; V - warm, sheltered aspect, good neighbourhood; 7- nnnn roomed cottage close to Church, stores, school, and V JzAJUi) post-office; weU watered. Seven miles from railway station by good road. ;......- / / Well cultivated farm at EastTamnlii, best land in the S ■■ : ■■■' I country; deop water frontage, reaiy market for all nnenn 234) acres ■< produce,-house, orchard, and. outbuildings. 17 >• i,J.O\)\J auj it.vji.vj J m ii os from Auckland by good metal read. Stock..] ■ ■■ \ and implements at valuation.; J ( 120 acres in posture of the richest natnre, 8 paddocks, ' I 300 chains fencing, C-roomed house and outbuild- I.- „. n ~r\ JSO aCl*eS •< ings, I acre fruit and ornamental treos, 12 acres > iIDOO ■ •■ I under plough; prettily situated property, 3 miles I .'■■- ■ \ from railway station. ■ ■■.'■■■. J qc 0/-.-I.QO S Four-roomed house -J, 2 acre 3 bush, well watered, 24 ) -PAOl\ OD aCieS \ acres rich pasture; 3 miles from railway station. J. . . *<*^U AK nnvac. 5 Mount Albert— cutting up [for DuUdlng 1 f?nAoK *t> dtlca •J sites ; good aspect. ' i ' 3^iiXJ * i <' ( All fenced—6 paddocks, 7 acres bush, 25 grass, 25 \ H"7a or PtJ 1 under ploasl1; > Tatcre f -, and , close " t0 railway ( £JA K A Ol 1 station β-roomcdhouse. dairy, piggery, and cow- ( <*j*.\jv\j I shed. ' j ' • ■ "5 Well-built G-roomcd house, wash-house, cook-houso, [■■■ dairj". largo barn, cart-shed for six carts, implo- 1 aC\ <,™./-.c J ment shed, largo stable and loose-boxes, cow-shed ' £OC\C\f\ OU aCieS < au a yard, slaughter-house and yard; 11 paddocks f X,£\J\)K) I rich pasture; 1 k miles from railway station by 1 •,..-. ■ > goodroad. - ' ; / 120 acres grass, fenced in tliree paddocks wire fence; 'N good eight-roomed honso (new), insured for £250 ; , . acre of orchard, good barn, stables, and cattle-shed ; liruestono land. Stock, implements, and furniture : maybe taken at valuation, or not; stock consists 91(1 onvoo < of 42 head cattle, including 15 dairy cows, 50 sheep, V ' £f\KO £il\J AVICS and 5 hones: Furniture includes piano, &c; dairy * U "V utensils, implements of every description. Owner , leaving for England; must be sold linme- - diately; good market ;for everything tho farm can , ■ 'V. produce .... / *nn ( Partially improved ; 7-roomcd"house nnd orchard, 1 n j nr\ 236 ad'eS 1 and S^* s paddocks. .111-health obliges the owner to } , i4UO • ( sol); North of Auckland. ) '' v'~ ' '( All fenced and in grass, • near a township and Rail- } ■ nr-nn ' 50 aCreS -j way Station—Four-rocmed House and outhouses, ■> . . j^oUU (. garden and orchard, snug property. ... . ) FARMS TO LET.. ,' . . i ; • Splendid Farm for an industrious man with small s capital, very productive, in good condition, 200 ] acres in clean fallow, ready for sowing, closo to I O(\a nn anvfl town, with every convenience for conveyance of f • dUS aa aol ° produce, and ready market. Would be let in ono I ; or moro lots; ;.--.,. , 10 acreS { Onehunga-Rlch Volcanic Land, under plough. } £30 a yeai* 6 aCreS { Onelmnga-Eich Volcanic Land, under plough. J £4 ail aCl'e '■■■■•-• .-:.•■ MINING PROPERTIES. ■ (■ 4000 acres—To Wind up an Estate—Costly plant, in \ .■ .• : . Orvni TV/Tinn J full working order, ready for turning to immediate ■ ( f fiHOO UOal lYlllie \ profl t. iron, limestone, fireclay, in abundance, f XfOVVK) ■:■•■' ■■■■ ( Coal seam one of largest known. A Bargain. ; Monwonoco i 100 acres. Eveir facility for turning to immediate"•■") -C'OKA IVianganeSe \ account. .Terms easy. Closo to Auckland f SiOOU

.'.'..■ UNIMPROVED LANDS TOWN AND OTHER SMALL LOTS. 150 acres, Tβ Rahu, near To Awainutu,-£5 an acre Otahuhu—Villa Sites, near Railway Station, in lots 224 acres, Tuakan, £5 an acre '". choice selections, 114 acres, East Tamaki, flat bush, £5 acre - 18s a foot m . . , „.„„„ Hangonui Township, 3 lots 300 acres,-WaipipJ, eiOOO Queon-street, Auckland, 330 feet, at £20 423 acres Munurcwa, £5 nn acre Albert-street, Auckland, valuable Building Sito, 80 20Oacre 3 Maukau £ 2a n acre • : -.: West Auckland. 17ft x3O 207 acres, Mangawai, £100 . : ■. ■ Wellington-street, Auckland, I lota . 100 acros, "Waitakcrei, £150 "William-street, Auckland, 3 lots 128 acres 'Waitakorel, Anawata Kiver Aborcrombio-streot, Auckland, allotment with 3000 acres, Pukekohe, at from 25s an acre upward* , allotment with S-rooraed ICO acres, Mangapai ; . ; .. cottage 240 acree, Oruawliaro ' Ponsonby, near Ha'l, 6 allotments 20 acres, Whaingaroa ■■■Mj^.^Ogg^ljllotmcnt. 1000 acres, Ohoura Harbour, Mangonui Eastman, 33 allotments 750 acres, Rangirirl Otahuhu, near Bridge, 1 allotmont 300 acres, Manukau, near Mauku W Ut ? , , 3 ;? 0 . t T {s c , o , . ' SSSSS^MSWoSts 40 acres, Mangonui; good bush Coromandel, Belleville, 1 allotment, 320 feet front--52 acres, Howick : age 00 acres, Waikomiti, £3 an acre Raglan Township 3 allotments] 259 acres, Dairy Flat, Takapuna fl^ai^aUota^nt 400 acres, Mauku, £2 an acre Port Albert, 2 well-situated lots 2GO acres, To Aral, £35 the lot Ngaruawahia, 2 allotments 180 acres, Oruawharo, 15s an acre : . Otahuhu.'allotment fronting main road, with large 120 acres, Takapuna, Hcllycr's Creek, £5 an acre. HelensviS'e, flSts fronting Victoria and AlexandraC 5 acres, well-situated rich Land, £6 an aero . streets £260 And numerous other properties of various descriptions. Easy Terms may be arranged for mostly all the abowo properties. -: HOUSE, BUILDING, MORTGAGE, INSURANCE, AND SURVEY' AGENCY.

MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ON TOWN SECURITIES. . ..;.'-,.. MONEY WANTED FOB, FIRST CLASS, COUNTRY SECURITIES. ; : Peoterties J3ROTJGnT Under .Land Transfer jAct, akd Transfers ■ Effected. m XXICKSON, Proprietor (Late Inspe tor in, and holding high, testimonials from Survey Department), ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . i ■■■.-•••.:. . ■ - AUTHORISED SURVEYOR AND LAND BROKER (Licensed Under the Land .-,..,. ; Transfer .Act ■■ Concerning the Land Transfer Act, Written by J. S. Williams, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-in-law. . v [Contluued from last Saturday.] Those books, with the register-book, and the various instruments presented for registration which are retained in tho office, and of which each class is kept separate and numbered consecutively, form the whole machinery. When land is first brought under the Act, an entry of the fact, referring to the volume and folium of the register-book, Is entered against the property, in the Deeds Registry office. A person, therefore, by searching there, and subsequently referring to the volume and folinm of tho register-bock to which ho is directed, will flnd out every particular. With respect to land purchased sinco the Act came into operation, a reference to the name of the original grantee is. the Index will give the volume and folium of the register-book where tho grant is to be found, and from thence a person searching can discover in whom the land or any part of it has become vested. Tho forogoing remarks form a slight, and necessarily imperfect, sketcbrof the objects and machinery of tho Land Transfer Act. They are Intended merely as a abort introduction to its principles, suited to the comprehension of ordlnary.readors, and they illustrate its operations with respect to the simplo transactions of every-day life. ■ . ' • i ■ It must not, however, be supposed that tho Land Transfer Act prevents dealings of a complex nature. A person seized in fee-simple can sottle his land on his children in strict settlements, if he chooses, with as great facility as under the old law. . . A dissertation on this and kindred subjects would stretch to an inordinato length, and be interesting to few; moreover, tho information it would afford could be obtained more satisfactorily by a study of tho Acts. Those who desire to avail themselve of tho provisions of the Act should peruse carefully the detailed instructions in this pamphlet; while to legal practitioners and brokers, an accurate knowledge of the Acts themselves is of course indispensable. Except in tho case of mortgages to Building Societies, and of Crown grants of publio reserves, no notice of trusts can be entered on the register, nor can any instrument declaring trusts be registered. Instruments declaring trusts may, however, bo deposited with the Registrar for safe custody; but these deeds, although of course binding betweon the parties to themiln no way affect persons dealing with tmstees who are registered proprietors; and every person who is registered as the proprietor of any estate or interest is permitted to deal with such estate or interest as ho pleases, and to give an absolutely indefeasible title to the persons with whom he deals, notwithstanding he may be in fact a mere trustee. The risk of fraud is, however, narrowed to the utmost by section 74 of the Act, which provides that In ahv case whero two or more persons who aro trustees aro registered as joint proprietors, tho words "no survivorship" may be written on their instrument of title, and that thereafter the interest in respect of which they are registered cannot be dealt with by any less number of persons than the number originally registered, without tho sanction of tho Supreme Court. If, for instance, three persons were appointed trustees, and tho words "no survivorship" were endorsed oh thoir certificate, the three must unite to commit a breach of truet Moreover, any person who is interested in trust proporty may, so long as it remains en the register in tho names of tho trustees, lodge a caveat, and : thus effectually prevent any dealing with tho property by them i contrary to the Intent of tho instrument creating the trust; and the Registrar Is empowered to lodge -caveatsin- cases -where he deems it necessary tor-the protection of persons beneficially Interested. Tho principle of non-recognition of trusts obtains with respect to the entire funded debt of Great Britain amounting to nearly eight hundred millions of money; to the shares of every private company fn tho British Dominions, amounting to at least as much more; and to the whole shipping interest of the emplro. In each of theso cases a system of registration of title prevails; kvnone are trusts recognized; and th'e, modes of preventing breaches of trust are by no means so simple or effective as those provided by tho Land Transfer . Act. The justice of the principle has been practically admitted by the legal profession of the colony, for in nearly overy case whero land is vested in trustees under tho old law, a discretionary powor of sale is given to ' them; and, if they are fraudulently inclined, they can sell, and appropriate tho money., as their receipts dis- , charge the purchaser. _ I &3T ODT THIS OUT. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE—MORE NEXT ATEEK,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6147, 30 July 1881, Page 2