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c H ° R l]PrnMrs. REvrrrsEVEnsß con- CErt ' THURSDAY. DECEMBKIt i G VOCALISTS - Mrs Mitchell M r »„.,,„ Miißui's,,.,, M..S.S McliwA, Mn Kdjii^ Mrs Rkvitt m»p-Solo-Pianoforte Pkoxksioi.. Sw u ,, Clarionet- Mk. O'B, ekxe _ ' '' W ' AccompanUt-M,.. Si.. lTE1 ! First seaU, 2s fid; Back. One Shilli Tickets to be had n Mr Mears's in I , _fl£iisic the AlJ cWtni ST. PATRICK'S CATIIEi,,; u willoe held on MONDAY, lieceml,.r'•» Three Following I)-,"" aa,l '« Donations will be tliankfullr i-.. c ,.iv..,i i followin? ladies:- ' nt,l ''? w 4 ti . MKSI.AMF.S l>. |)],; Na ., J. T. RKVI.AN M. HA.V.MiKk ~ J. ANSK.VNE .» R. <■• <:reknwiwi|, >r t:. n'.sin.LivA.N. I'eiruhuient .Suill_ mesuamus i-. nRoiMiY and I'. LANIUAX And at thePreaujtery, Wyndhim-str,,,. HOPE TKMPERANCK SERVIfK OK .-,.,s Entitled, ' ' " "« A R T'.s j „ . On Uednksdav Next. Dwkm.v- s • In the Newton West School '" Admission, Is; family ticket, is «d. (Jonim« w a * A CHRISTMAS TRljirTiJlTsTliT in aid of improvements to :<t Ink' i. '• era, will be held in the Newmarket flail™ I-Vri?"" andSATURD-.Y, the 17th and 13:1. l" ™ n '•"':, contributions to the aliove to be rom-a.-do.ij;« Mouro, Remuera, belore Tuesday, tbe 1 It'll i'n<t. ' n ' CHURCH OF EXCLAXD AND BYTEKIANGHL'UCH. I'ANMUKE._AnEnt tainment in connection with the alwve chu**'." will be held in the Panniure District Schwlrwn, „ FRIDAY, December 17. ISSO. Doors oi«n .it '-•» Concert coniniencus at S p.m. Dancin- :it coni-ln'-i of the Concert, l'ickets. is (id each. ' u °'- llfa "" Sport-ins. JOCKEY CLUB. Nl'MMKli MECTINC, lggi. \VEDNESI>AY AND THURSDAY JANUARY 12 AND 13, ISSI. Maclean, Ksq. .Messrs. K. H. l>. rVrgusaoa ' ' liotwrt VtAn A. Ray nes 11. W. Tinne .laretl'AllwUl A. Isaacs John A. DougUs Edw. Hewitt H. Asher W. L. Msrtyi Robert Kirkwood Doctor Waildingtoi. Handiuapfkr : air. W. Perdral. JunuK: Ueut-Col. Lyon. CI.KS.KS OF COL'IWH : Messrs. F. K. Smale and F. PilliDg. STAItTKK-S : R. H. D. Fergusson and 11. I'arr. Clkrk ok Scalim : Mr. H. W. Moore. FIRST DAY. Handicap Hurolk Hack, of 40sovi; 2 niilci. ora ? Qighta or hurdles, ;)ft Bin blßli. Noiuinatioa, lJsovs. Acceptance, 21»ovs. Maiden- Plate, of :iOsoys ;"li miles. Wek-lit foraf For horses that have never wun ,ia tHliurtise,! n« exceeding losovs. Entrance. lJsovs. Cambkiiwik Cur Handicap, of 100 sov.s; i milt;. NominatliHi, 2sovs. Acceptance, s*>vs. Flying Stakes, of 20sovs; 3of a mile. Weisht for age. Entrance, '1 sovs. Maikkn Stekplei-hase, of -20«>vs: omv rounJ Steeplechase course : about H miles. For horees that havu never won an advertised Mvcnlechast exceeding lOsovs. Welter weight for a?e. Entrance, 'isovs. Hack Sei.lino I?ai-e, of lOsovs; once round course" weight. 10 stone. Winner to be sold immediately after race, for ISsovs ; sur]>lus. if anv. to go to the funds. Post entries. Entrance, 'los. Strand horse to save his stake. SECOND DAY. M.mpkn Hi'RDi.E Rack. A Silver Cup. value £10. presented bv Mr. Lewision, of Auckland, witk 1550v3 added : I. 1 , miles, over 6 (Uglite of himllra. lift ein high. Gentlemen riders. For horses thit ikivc never won ;m advertised Hunllerncc lOsovs. Welter weight for sge. Entrance, iwvs PuiiMCANs' Vuiuir. ll.\>-i>ii;.v|.. of 75»ovs ; lj mite. Nomination. Sniva. Acceptance. :bovs. llaiilicip to l>o declared at Slim., night of lirst iby's Waikato Stehplei-iiase. a handicip of SOsovs: almit :i miles, over fair limiting country. Xoniinali-in, Gkasd Stand Jlaniui-ai , , ofi r .sovs; lj miles Kdtrance, isovs Mjuri lt.\<-K. or lOsovs: twice round roursp Caleb weights. Horses to lw owned and ridden b; natives. Throe to .-tart or no nice. Eiitrantt, Consolation Haniik-ap. of 20sots : for lx-at«n lu.r>«> during the .neeting. Once round ciinrw Kn trance. Isov. CONDITIONS. Entranw fee to 1« forwarded with nomination ati'l colours, ai;e and pedigree of horse, addressed to the Secretary. I'ost Office. Cambriilge. or Mr. Milium Pen-ival'. Auckland, not later than FRIDAY, Ills: December. ISsSO. Weights will -ippoar in Auckland and Waikatt papers mi TIIVUSIiAY .lanuary fith lsSl. »itli lt« exception of the Publicans' Puiio, which will 1« il<-clart-d at s p m . niglit of lirst ilay's nires Acceptance ninji.;y payable to t'he Secretary. «r .Mr. I'en.-ival, by SATlf:i>.\Y. sth .l.inuary. ltv-l. l*'i" Acceptance im Publicans' Purse will Ik- received o> to 12 oYln.-k noon of second day's rices. No .-ntry will l,e received except n|wu the coniUtisms that'all claims, disiiut&s. and objection-i arisin; shall l« .iicidi-d by tht- Stewards or whom they nov appoint, ami their" decision shall l>e linal. All i>rotests must be accompanied with a deposit of Ssovs, whk-li will Ik- forfeited to the funds of thi CI *. should the Steward* ccnsMer the protest frivo'WJ r The Kul..-.-. i.f the Auckland lUcins Oub will 1« strii.-tlv aillicred ti» Tea "per <vnt frnm prizes in each event will be >Ie ducted for H-cond h..rse. WAI.TV.K SCOTT. Hon. Sec. A \ C U {.» It H O T KIA DERBY SWi.'KP .„, the AI.VKI.AXD CI"P. Ifti» charged. JOHN' ALiAHS. fiO\sUL T A T I 0 X V/ , "X THE AI'CKI.ANI) <.i;i'. (T.i Ik' run at Kllmlie mi i?th I)ercni!»;r. Ims». £io()0"" is WK MKM,!Ki: - s AT - 1 KA '"- H. <;il.l.rnr bi-gs k> announce his First I'onsutatiou Sweep on the Ai:<-ki.axd Clip, and to inform the I'llblic that the Prizes will be drawn bv a Coiamitte appointed by the SnlKcriiiiTs. First Horse. tiOO: Second, • Tliinl. tK-: , : Starters (divided), £150 : Non-«tart«ra (lUvided). tir.O. Intending subscribers will please remit by Post Office order if possible ; country cheques murt contain Is for exchange and two postage stamns Itrtiilt " f drawing wilfbu imtii'.nl by circular and winners »f horses by telu-.-rom. Address: 11. CH.I.KTT. H..U-1. I'arnell. Auckland. In the event of the Sweep not Iwiiig «I!td. I'tto' v.-ill be distributed !>ro nita. Tile u, will lw di.-iui:t-.-d f,»r e\i>»nsfs. AUCKUA.NO GUI' CONSUI/I'ATIOK. TO liE Ri:N ON BOXIXi; PAY. irnlimited mimlwr of Subscrilxrs a! li* eaf liNow open at the r-Lmricarde Hotel. Auckland. A. LYNCH. Dress and Fasiiioii. ■YJtriXTKR — K.v ' British E"i|»re.- ,u,j >V •' WIXTKI!- -Vew Direct '""r'^t'", i->, ,H to 40s WINI-KK-Xew CasluiMW Corded Silks. Us, Us iwryd. WIN'TKK —" WnrrHiited to wear," Pa to Ms per yard WINTEIi-.Vew Welsh and Saxony Flannels WI.N.TKK—New Printed Cashmeres for Dressin? Gowns, reduced WINTER—New Embroidered C-ishmere Hose Is 5s WINTER-New Black Silk and erino Hose, 2s Tstid WINTER -New Beaver and Satin Hats, all prices WINTER—New Dressing-gowns for Ladies, 20s, 40s WINTER—New Dressing-gowns for Gentlemen WISTER-Sew Ulsters and Ovcrcoals ->5i to 45s WINTER—New lambswool Shirts I>rawer3 A Hose WINTER—New Trousers, Vests and Coats 15s to *'-s WINTER -New Matting). Carpets, and i.Hklotlii J. M. iicLACHLAN, OrrosiTE MoAkthuk's Ti.vr.nE W.vbkiiousk.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5944, 4 December 1880, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5944, 4 December 1880, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5944, 4 December 1880, Page 8