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Houses and Land. ___ H A S. ILUJLAiiaON, 110USB. I.AND, AND ESTATE AGENT, 3, Vulcan Lane, A t :crlaND. RKNTH a-d INTEREST Collected. MONEY invested for Capitalists on flrst-claM Securities, jVirnouT chavoe. Seven per cent, allowed on rieoosits until invented. • MORTGAGES and.LOANS Negotiated. S!1 AUKS Bougot or Sold to order. ESTATES managed (or Absentees. , BUILDING ALLOTMENTS for Sale at per foot Home street 12/ John-street, 15/ Harbour-street. £1 Weststreet. 21/ vMwin.atreot. 21/ Parn«U lase, 80/ 1 Kine-itrcet 20/ Kichraond Road, Gp"r R e streit, £1 <;rattan-,treet 12, Victoria-street, £10 ?° n3 ° u , I K , oad ; "® , Kvher I'a'-s. 80/ Kaniiol|fc-street, ll " | rjraftoo lioad, 70/ Wvndham-street, £10 10/ , -t,ire-ford«<*tr«»et 50/ Wdlinm-atreet, 60/ Nelson-street, 401 Short-atreet, £9 F.nslaml-atreet, 40/ Nupier-alrect, 20/ Union-street, 20/ Curran-street, 2i>/ D iv-street. 50/ Franklin IUad,CO/ Vlie-struct. 10/ Ireland-street, .}O/ 3<ielly Bench I'oad, 30/ Dublin-street. 30/ West Newton, 25/ Pitt-street, 45/ Uverpuol-street. 401 Anflesevstreot, 30/ n.ikrt-street 2S/ Haekett-strecl, 2a/ pX«l° trc«: 16/ Upper Queen-street, 70/ Norlolk-stveot 25/ Conquest Plao, 30/ Also, in various other streets at low rates.

to LEND, In sums of £10 ai>d opwsrds, pn good security. T GroceOj Shop For Sale; centre of city; tnmll sum required. Excellent stand for busli? o Kf\ -Five-roomed House in Newton Fcr sale. Ov. Garden, &c. __ Pirn — Soven-ioomad Jlotuo in Ponsonby For ct'JiDU. Sale and seven allotments ; stable, wasbE bni rlo\i'F.isrht and a half acroa Volcanic Land For Sale. £55 per »crc „ r>U>*i>RY's PADDOCK. ICewton — Vive roomed T House; scullery and workshop, For Sale on vi^wTON".—Seven-roomed House, on weekly paynient system ; small p- p.v —Kivc roomed House in Newton. Gooa

l&lOw, aiioimpnt. _ k .. KFMUh U•* - Six-roomed House, near St. Marks Cluirch. for sale; quartor of an acre. Splendid roomed Brick House for sale, ten minutes from the Union Bank ; t,-as, and four Allotments on Shelly .t A 3 U. linnet, Itoad for sule : beautiful view of the harbour Largo carden planted. THUGHTON, PAIINKLL— New six roomed noute, J > w j t ], s.-R frontage, m»*tinjfieeot view, ami near.y an acre ol ground. Also, several acics of ground for jale adinitiine the atove. IviM M'KEl' cakHKNEUS —Small Farm to let. L anil ECivn roomed House ; within 4 miles of the C 5 VMONDS - TUV.KT.—Fiuo Allotments For Sale at o iur.etimi witli Citv Uoiul : siilen<li.l vi«w of harbour. lso, large House, iiC.'O ; i.nd eight roomed Hoh?<\ Jz7i>o. . £} <O Z. —Four roomed Houae »nd uoar.y lour a.'JJajO. lleres of grasi land for Sale at Pousonby ; 16 acres of land For Sale, opposite tho racecouraH; splendid view; excellent soil. Torms cm lie atnrtcd. .. a - i ft New Honso For ?ale on Fonaonhy tu-iJU. Road, Allotments 100 x 161. Sfleodid P U °AKN ELL.—Seven-roomed Rousti For Sale; just built; c<»rm*r allotment. Pnco £350. Also, 5roeuifi«Ul.m*ft, £320. O i KAKM in the Walkato tor Sale ; near O-i-5 » Hilwav ; ne-irly all plouvhable land, rich loam. Good House, garden. tarj;e orchard. Fine run for caUlc. rhvty of timber and water pow-r. Prico nnd terms ea*.v. M'KKS L\N|) at on anle. for £300; 2 "fenced, suli-soilcd. drained, aud planted. Fine view of harbour; 3 nens feind, planted, and tn £700 ; cornf-r allotment, vi-w of the harbour. Albert Park—The Lease of several shoico lluilding Alloimt-nts For sale. 4lso. thren Villa Ue-id«»n<:es. C' x NJ lilill>uK AN O "\Vaikavo, Town and Gonntrv Sections For Sale. STOKES'S POINT.— Small farms, partly Improved and uniuiproN ed. For Salo, on easy tortus. FARMS For Salt! at Hujiuh, Mount Kden, Waikoiniti. Richmond, Koiuokoriki, Mangere, . Parenioromo, East Tamaki, Stokes's Point, Waitakerei, Hoiidorsou'a Creek, Papatoitoi, ljcmn«ra, Cambridge, Little and Bis Omaha, Hanoi, Overhead Morninpsldo, Mahnraogi, Wninni, Oamarn, Ararimu, CoromnnJel, Mercury Uay, Okaihu. North Shore, Owhiwha, Hatorback. Papakuri, Ltc. Also, see list in V'ekkiy News.

C H A S. WILLIAMSON, 3, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. STmTIL b * * ° ESTATK ASKNT AND VALUATOR. QtJ**N-fiTRBCT, AUCX3IAND "YfOXKYT/FXT OUT for Capitalists on First-ela?.s , JIVL Securities, or invested in Dank, Insurance, or other Sharps. No charge n>ad* to lender or investor T INCOLN STREET —A. substantial vr<*?l finished -Lj *Cotta"-e of three to-ius fin! large skiHion. with wattrla'don; freehold allotment; pleasantly situated. Pricp, £IGO. FOII SALE, a bargain—A Farm of 4<t>, acres, -00 i.eres of which are in pr«ss. Th*re is a good farailv residence elected upon the property, containing ten apartments. This farm is only fcur miles from Te Aw*inutu Railway Station.—J. M. X.KSKojI, Fstato gent, Auckland. K KMUERA— FamiIy Rf»sidesce and 1* acres of J freehold, near the Railway Station. 1 rice, £SSO. I. M. LEN>vx. Agent. Auckland. Pi i Cottage and freehold Allotment, 33 x 6G, ' | n the Kyber Pass Road. Price, £140. — J M". Lennox, Ki-tate Ager,t f -Auckland. # /SITY—A * ew minutes' wa'k frcm tno Union Bank—A six roomed Residence, in good and fitted up with every convenience. Price, £400. i j jvi Lknvox, Estate Asrent. Auckland. rro DAIRYMEN AND OTHERS—For Sale—A first--1 -A- class DAIRY FABM, only two miles from the I cily. The land is S'.mo of the finest in the country, i T) ere is a paiden, smalt orcf.ard, and dwelling house. ! This fine little Farm contains about 40 acres, sub- ! divided iDto G paddocks, und all in the best English erases It in on'y t«o mihs from the nty, and is well watered .1. M. I.bnn'»x, Estate Agent. Auckland. r"PO FAKMKI'S. — For Sale—A Farm < f 1-0 acr« B, all -*• subdivided and mostly in grass, within I*2 miles of the city. Price £1880.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. Auckland. , . "\7INCENT-S1 REKT. — A 6«roomed Cot»agf with * freehold allotment, in the best part of this beautiful street. Price. £4C0.-J. M. Lknsox, Estate *OCo-\0 C o-\a U in Lincoln street, PomonbvThere are 7 rooms in the hou«e, and larga Freehold Allotment; beautifully situated. Price £230.— J. "M. Lrnnox, Estate Agent, Auckland. T7INE SUR«'KRAX SITE, confining t-f 2 acres, •E with 200 feet frontage to Kyber Pass Road, opposite Se.ccombh'a Brewery ; land rich rolc.inic. Pi ice £150 — M. Lknkox. KeUte Auckland. of £-00 acres in the fine crazing district of

-F Waipipl, adjoining Messw. I3arr Brown and Bent's ; all surface sown, and mostly fenced.— J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. r»Qr r — Five roomed Cottege, with seulle/y and &/DO. wuß h house, and large freehold corner allotment.—J- M. l.knnox, Kstate Agent, Auckland. non CASH—Three roomed House and Freeehold &O\J Allotment in Alexandra street Prico £1?0. £30 cash; balancc can remain on the pr perty.—J. M. Lknkox, Estate Agent, Auckland. C NQUFST PLACE.—A Four roomed Cottage, with Freehold Allotment. Trice £150.— J. M. Lesnox, Katate Agent, Auckland. , rpo Farmers and Others.—One of the choicest J- Farms in the Province There are 217 aeros, withfn sight mites of this city; quality of soil cannot be excelled ; and nine-roemed residence.—Apply to J. M. Lennox, Erato Agent, Anckland. FAKM For Sale In **a«t Pukekob«—A Form of 01 seres, 70 acres of which ate in grass, and fenced aheep proof. There la a comfortable four roomed Cottage quite new. The land ia Awt-claw*. and is only H miles from a Railway Station. Price £Sso.— J M. Lknnox, Kstate Agent, Auckland. MANGEHE— A First-class Littfc farm of 20 acres ; one of the finest farms in Mangere. Price, £750.—. T. M. ' knnox, Estate Agent, Anckland. SEAFIELD VIEW —AG-roomed verandah Cottage in this tavcurito locality, with large freehold ' allotment. This is in beautiful order.—J. M Lknnox, Estate Agent, Auckland. NELSON-STRKKT.— A compact and comfortable 5-xoomed Residences Ibi minute*' walk from

the Union Rank; colonial oven in the kitchen. Fowl-house and wood-shed outside \ allotment freehold. Price, £350. Terms can be arranged.-J M. Lknnox. Estate Agent. Auckland. TTOR BALB—A fiist-clas* Farm ot 250 acres on the Waikato, with orchard, etc. Price, £050. —J. M. Lennox, Kstate Agent, Auckland. TTOrt SALE—A first-class Farm of COO acres ia the -P Waikato, with river frontage. The land is good.. Price. £1900.—Apply to J. M. Lknnox, hstate Agent, Auckland. wAitM-ot 215 Acreij, 66 miles fioulb of Auckland, " About 6 miles from the railway; orchard, gardes, and about 100 acres in grass. Price. £5 per acre> —j. il. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. r* -i -Four-roomed Cottage and Freehold £/10U. Allotment in Parnell. Terms oasy.~ J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auckland. « . - p. —Three Cottsges, with large Freehold Al£/*k*ib)B lotmcDt and good well; in the heart of the city.—J. M. Lennox, Eatate Agent, Auckland, rrio FARMERS AND OTIIECtH. — For bale, in the choice and popular village of Te Awamutu, ono of the finest Farms in the Waikato. There are 354 acres all subdivided and mostly improved. The residence Js comfortable and commodious.—Apply to J. H. Lennox. Estate Agent, Auckland.

For Douses, Farms, and Allotments, see large two column advertisement in tlio WKKKLY fIKWS. OB SALE. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN 'WAIROA. SOUTH, Containing abont 960 acres, situsta'l on the east bank ol the Wairoa Itiver, two miles below the landing, having a large rich alluvial Hat ot neariy 500 acres, never flooded, with over lour miles water frontage, requiring no fencing, and having a good shipping wharf, with 10 fei.t of water, where the steamer ; passes daily. A gr»»at portion of tho flat cleared, drained, ploughed, laid down in grass, and subdivided with all new f»?ncfs (puriri po*ts)and ditches. "Well watered by a large sorcum or fresh water creek (well stocked whli salmon by the Acclimatisation Society) running through the middle of it, suitable for a boat drawing six feet of water, to come within 200 yards of the house. Ducks and Pheaiants plentiful. Plenty of bush and abundance of firewood. Two Houses, one of sis rooms, dairy, toolhouse, and woodshed attached; and ono of lour rooms, for workmen, with verandah, double chimney, and two front rooms lined. Outbuildings, all new, consisting of large bam, stable, harness room, e<irt&htd, weatherboarded, floored, and iron roofed. Largo dairy yard (the milking shed laid wi'h brick and concrete), calves' bouse, bull house, root nouse, and a hay fched 30 feet by 14 feet, all of them flooreJ, weatherboarded, and iron roofed. Two large stockyards, in suitable positions on the farm, for drafting sheep and cattle. A fine pool for sheep washing, with shefp pens. The Farm is situated at equal distance from two Government Schools, two Preabyterian Churches, and one Church of England; within two miles of two stores, post oliice, public hall v and hotel; and also within 10 miles (good road} of Papakura Station, and 25 miles by steamer frotu Auckland. Taken altogether, it is seldom- such a desirable Farm is offered for sale. . _ Terms as may bo agreed on. A portion of the money may remain for two, three, or Jive years, at 8 per cent.' further apply to TiiOMAS CRAIG,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5651, 27 December 1879, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5651, 27 December 1879, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5651, 27 December 1879, Page 8