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The fortnightly meeting of the Auckland City Council was held yesterday. Present: His Worship the Mayor, in the chair; Messrs. Waddel, Offer, Thompson, Buchanan, Crowther, Goldie, Aickin, Fleming, and Nathan. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, and the m'nutes of the several committees, held subsequently, were read and laid on the table. Headings of correspondence sent by order of the Council since its last regular meeting were also read. City Urinals. — A letter with circular was received from George Jennings, sauifeary engineer, Stangate, S.E., enclosihg a copy of the Sydney Morning Herald, in which appeared a repot t that the City Council of Syduey had approved of the urinals manufactured by li s firm for street purposes. The letter stated that, should the corporation be inclined to ercct any such conveniences, he would be happy to furnish any information. Letter received. Stanley-street Drainage — The Town Clerk of the borough of Parnell wrote intimating that Messrs. Winks and Strange bad been appointed delegates to attend the meeting re Stanley-street dr.vuage. A letter was aleo received from the secretary of the Domain Board intimating that Mr. T. Maeffarlane acd Mr. G. M. Mitford had been appointed delegates to attend the conference on behalf of the board. The letters were received. The Mayoral Election.—The Colonial Secretary acknowledged the receipt of a letter from the Town Clerk notifying the re-election of Thomas Peacock as Mayor of the city of Auckland. Receive.!. Reclamation Drainage. — Messrs. J. Griffiths and Co., occupants of buildings on Queen-street Wharf, requested the Council to at onca arrange for the outlet of sewage from their premises. The City Surveyor, in a memo., called attention to his report, recommending a pipe drain to be laid down at the west side. Mr. John Bather also wrote, requesting that a G2-ineli drainpipe might be laid, to connect with two houses erected ou tbe reclamation.—The letters were received, and referred to the "Works Committee. Waterloo Quadrant.—Mr. D. Nathan wrote to the City Surveyor, in reply to his memo, respecting his cellar under the footway in front of hia premises, stating that when building there he obtained from the Council the permanent level, and, as it had been altered siuco, he considered the Council should be at the expense of making any necessary alterations. The City Surveyor reported that it was very awkward to have the path as it was at present. The matter had already been dealt with in committee, and could be dealt with when tho report of the Works Committee was brought up.—Tho letter was received. Union-street. —Mr. John Buchanan wrote to state than an error appeared to have been made in laying off Union-street, as some one had encroached on tho foothpath. As he was about to build in thi-s street, he asked to have the permanent level and the line of street pointed out to him.—Referred to the Works Committee, and that the surveyor in the meantime report on it. Collingwood-street.—Mr. T. A. Watt wrote, requesting that instructions might be given to the men working in Collingwood-street to give him a right-of-way to his house, and claimed some recompense from the Council, to enable him to pay his rent. It appeared that the house had been raised, and he could not, while the wsll was being built, reach it without a ladder. Mr. Auderson was called to explain what means of access could bo afforded. It would require a wooden platform, at a cost of 30s, to afford access. In the meantime lie was not living iu the house. It was agreed that the necessary platform should be at once constructed. Customhouse-street. —Mr. G. G.-aham wrote, requesting the Council to remove the bank of earth on the western end of his property, corner of Hobson and Cus-tom-liouse-streets, as lie was about to build; also requesting that the levels of Moore-street might be fixed, so that in building he could utilise such street to the best advantage. —Referred to the Works Committee. Water SurPLY.—Mr. Buchanan presented a petition from residents in Custom-house-street West, requesting that the watermains might bo laid down to Nelson-street from^ Albert street.—lt was referred to the Works Committee. The Unemployed. — A petition wa3 received from theunemployedin Auckland, stating that there were at present some 200 out of employment, and asking the council to open some works at once to afford them temporary relief, also to inform tho Government of their need.—Tho Mayor said he had already callcd tho attention of the Government to thematter.—Mr. Crowther suggested that the Mayor might endeavour to get free passes for tliosemen whorequiredemployment to enable them to find it.—The Mayor said if the council wished they could suspend the Standing Orders to consider it; if not, it would, of course, be deferred for consideration till next meeting. Jn answer to Mr. Waddel, he said he could not say that the urgency of tho case was such as to require this course.—The petition was then referred to the Works Committee. City Mauicki.—A petition was sent by stall-holders in the City Market, requesting that the market might be kept open until 7 o'clock in tho evening during the summer months. It was agreed, as the less<e was willing that authority be given to keep the market open as required, and the petition was formally referred to the Works Committee. Public Works Committee.—This committee's report was read. In regard to the petition from the residents in Grafton Road, they recommends that the petitioners be informed that the Council had no funds a tits disposal for the work referred to, but ivere willing to do it in its turn with other works when funds were available. In reference to Mr. Coleman's letter re damages to the late Mr. Outhwaite's property in Waterloo Quadrant, through cutting down the footpath, thoy recommended that, with a view o£ improving the footpath, the work was necessary and unavoidable. They recommended that the surveyor arrange with petitioners as to the best site for a lamp at Drake nnd Graham streets; also, that a lamp be affixed at the corner of liokoby and Upper Queen Btreets, in terms of the surveyor's recommendation; that the ivater supply maiu be laid down iu Dock-street; that with reference to the dust contract, the finding of a depot rested with the contractor. He memorandum from city surveyor in reference to Mr. Nathan's property, the committee were of opinion that Mr. Nathan should do what was required at his own expense. They approved of closing the city enclosures (breathing spaces) for the present. In reply to Mr. Watts's petition re drainage of Wellington Lane, they recommended that a reply be sent that the Council would endeavour to briug the provisions of the Public Health Act into operation in that locality. Re the sanitary inspector's report on drainage, the recommendation was that a sub committee be appointed to consider the report, and the whole question of drainage, upon some uniform system. The report wa3 adopted as a wliolo, except that, in reference to Mr. Nathan's plaint, which I was discussed. It appeared that the cellar

I arches were above the level of the footpath at its present level.—Mr. Buchanan pointed oat that Mr. Nathan had the use of the footpath for 17 years, and the city derived no benefit from him.—Mr. Thompson also considered that, under the circumstances, Mr. Nathan had no claim. The alteration to the footpath was for the public as well as Mr. Nathan. He moved the adoption of the clause. — Mr. Waddel seconded the motion, and it was carried. Finance and General Purposes Committer.—The report of this committee refused to recommend Mr. Kirkland's claim for allowance, and considered it necessary that steps should be taken to obtain legal right to recover rates. They recommended that tha surveyor's plan in report dated 2Gth. November, re baths, be adopted, but as the season was now advanced, the work be done in August next, and that money out of the loan fund be set aside for the purpose. In regard to Mr. Baldwiek's plaint, in reference to solicitor's charge for perusal o£ lease, the committee considered the charge fair and reasonable. In respect of a memo, from the Town Clerk, rc levels of proposed street from Hepburn to Picton street, and plin of allotments to be sold, tlio committed recommended that the plan be approved, and steps be take to cut out the roadway, and ncoria ash the same, and peg off allotments for sale during the summer.—The report was adopted. Western Park.—The report of the committee appointed to consider the forming o£ foot-paths in the Western Park, stated that it was desirable that foot-paths should be formed, and that in the meantime in addition to the broad path in the entrance from Ponsonby Road, a foot path, four feet wide, should be made for the most part between, the trees skirting the park fo as to secure shade. The cost would be about £25. The report was adopted.—Mr. Crowther pointed out the want of variety in tlio trees in the park, and the entire absence of native shrubs or trees. They were mostly a lot of scaubby pines. lie was desirous of making it known, in order to bring it uuder the notice of these who might have the expenditure of money on the park in future.—Mr. Aickin confirmed the statement made by Mr. Crowther, and further added that he did not tkiuk the money spent ou the park had been judiciously expended. Sanitary Committee.—The Panitary Committee reported that they resolved to remove the urinal at the foot of Grey-street to a site near the market-place, recently occupied by a wood closet, and that the urinal in Yictoria-strect be removed to the lane near the theatre.—The report was adopted. Turner-street.—Mr. Goldie presented a petition from residents in Turner-street, requesting that a lamp might be erected at the corner of the street.—lt was referred to the Works Committee. Finance.—The report of the Sub-Finance i Committee was read and adopted, and accounts passed for payment. Dog Nuisance.—An account was received from George Garrett for £23 G?, expended by the butchers in destroying I dogs at the abattoirs. The account was referred to the Finance Committee. Ciiapel-strket.—Tenders for works in Chapel-streot were received as follows:— A. Woolley and P. lire win, £403 ; A. McGuire, £503. The surveyor's estimate was £500. — Mr. Goldie moved, "That the lowest tender be accepted."—The surveyor said these men had Dever done any work for the Council. He did not know them.—Mr. Crowther moved, "That the tender be accepted, subject to the engineer's report." Ho would like, while getting the work done as cheap as possible, that the council at the same time should guard Against letting contracts to incompetent men. Mr. Crowther pressed his motion, which was seconded byMr. Fleming, and referred to the bungles which had taken place already through accepting cheap contracts.—The amendment was lost and the motion carried that the lowest tender be accepted. Anglesea-street.—The following tenders for works in Anglesea-street were received : —John Moore, £15G 7s ; A. McGuire, £153 ; M. Lardner, £173 12s ; Trayef and Sheridan, £19S 15s. The tender of Mr. McGuire was accented. Annual Reports.—The reports from the various departments were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. Leaseholds.—TheTown Clerk reported on. certain endowments and allotments, the leases of which would shortly espire. It was agreed to refer the question to the Fnaucc Committee. The rough minutes were then read, and the meeting rose.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 3