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(J'EJI " HERALD' SPECIAL WIRE.) [l-UUSS ASSOCIATION.] LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Wednesday. A t.akge number of notices for leave of absence were withdrawn, on the understanding that the sr-ss : on was soon to end. Colonel Wmraop.E's motion to appoint Agent-Generals for a shorter term lapsed through Colonel Whitmore's absence. Dr. Meszie'h motion, "That persons taking railway seats should hold the same seats a'l the journe}'." wns carried. The Jackson and Kinross case 3 again came on for discussion, and were finally dispos?d of; the first by the commitee's report being adopted by IS to 17 votes, and the second being shelve! with a proviso that councillors or officers might appear as witnesses iu any future action against Kinross. The Tarauaki Cemetery Reserve Bill was read a first time, and the Registration of Electors Bill and Marlborough llivers District Union Bill a third time. The Council adjourned from 5 till 7.30. The Council, at the evening sitting, disposed of the following business : — SIX'OND HEADINGS. Ashburton County Council, Waterworks Bill, and Kaitaugata Waugalo Athemuum Reserves Bill. THIRD HEADINGS. The Rating Act, IS7l>, Amendment Bill; Onewhero Grant Emoowering Bill,' Land Tax Collection Hills, Debtors aud Creditors Act Amendment Bill. Tho Council adjourned at 10 p.m. HOUSE OF RE PRESENT AXIVfiS. TIIK PROPERTY TAX. On Tuesday night the clause in Property Assessment Bill, applying to the tax on shipping, was struck out. Ail amendment was maile that all property be estimated as worth what it would briug at auction if sold for cash. Powir mi given to the Governor-in-Council to suspend the operation of the Land Tax Act. Major Atkinson" promise 1 that, before the bill was read a third time, he would state the of tax proposed to be imposed. Wednesday. The House met at 2 30. TRANSLATING " HANSARD." Mr. DeLatotr brought up the report from the Reporting aud Debates Committee, to the effect that the cost of translating Hansard into the Maori language, so as to be available for the information of the native race, would be £750, and recommended the Government to make provision therefore, if it see fit to do so. TIIE ALEECiATION AGAINST MR. SUTTON'. The report of the Native Petitions Committee on the petit on of George Davey, making certain imputations upon the character and dealings of Mr. Sutton, M.H.K., in the acquisition of native lands, was brought up and The report recommended that no action be taken nil the petition. Sir G. Gijey moved that the report be referred back to the committee, a? there were members who had not heard the evidence, and who had never been present until the vote on the report wai taken. As a member of committee he had moved a resolution that these member be not allowed to record their votes on an amendment, moved by Mr. Ormond, which had the efl"e;t of burking all further discussion. Tho amendment was carried, which, under the circumstances, was most unfair, and prevented him from putting his views before those members who w-.'re not present when the evidence wa3 taken. Mr. Oumond explained tho aetion he had taken in the matter. After sitting for about a month, a determination was come to, the effect of which w.n embodiel in the report. Upon that, Sir George Grey proceeded to move a number of resolutions, embodying his particular views on the subject. Alt that lie did iv:s, to move a resolution that these vieivs of Sir George Grey, which, in his opinion, and the opinion of other members, were erroneous, and calculate 1 to mislead the House, should not bj embodied in in the report. Mr. Rolleston-, a Member of Committee, also made au explanation of the facts of the facts of the case as they transpired in the committee defending the report a3 made. Sir Gkouoe Gisey, in reply, stated that his resolution coull not have come before the House, and thereby have, as alleged, produced the erroneous opinion, unless these resolutions had been adopted by the majority of the eomm'ttee. It was monstrous that a member of the committee who attended all tho meetings, and listened closely to the eviJe.ieo, should not be allowed to bring Ilia views before the committee. The resolution was carried by the committee amidst unseemly merriment. Mr. Rolleston" denied that such was the case. The accusation being reiterated by Sir George Grey, The motion for recommittal of the report was lost by 31 to 4G. On the motion of Mr. Di:L.vroin:, it was agreed that the minutes of evidence be printed. LIXrLE OMAHA. Reolying to Mr. George, Mrl Hall said Government were unable to comply with his rcqneit that instructions be given to the Post-oflice Department to open a Money Order and Saving Bank at the Post-oiliee, Little Omaha, in Auckland provincial district. Replying to Sir George Grey, Mr. Oliver said they had uo intention of changing the route by which the ThamesWaikato Railway was not to strike the Waikato River at Hamilton, but near Taupiri or any other point. KOAU HES HIVE IN UODSEY. The adjourned debate, that the House resolve itself ints committee to consider an address to the Governor, praying that 20,000 acres of land in Rodney County be set a-i-ile for tho purpose of eoustruetiug roads in the sail couuty, wa3 returned. The motion was carried on the voices. KANVAICAWA I>CO:;rORVTION _ BILL. Mr. Tole moved the second reading of the Kawakaiva Incorporation Bill. The motion was carried after diseuss : on. OTAGO lIAKUOUU 110ARD HILL. Mr. Dick moved tho second reading of the Otaso Harbour Board Endowment Bill. Mr. Maoandkew opposed the motion as the bill now stood. He was prepared to give them tho endowment asked, but was opposed to the extension of the borrowing powers proposed. There were great differences of opinion a3 to buncficial expenditure of £'250,000 already expended by the board. Ilis own opinion was, that the money to a large ■;xtent had been 1 misapplied. They had no legal claim to the land asked for. However, to setttle disputes that had arisen, he was willing to concede the point. He hoped the bill would be withdrawn. What was asked was, 88 acres of water to bo reclaimed from the sea, and at present they had not the means for carrying on the reclamation works ; in fact, they would just bo as far forward next session as they coulil possibly be if the bill parsed this session. Practically speakine, the board consisted of one man, who was left to do pretty much as lie liked.

Mr. Olivek said that originally £600,000 expenditure was contemplated, and afe present not half thci amount had been spent. The work done, practically speaking, was of no use until further expenditure was made.

[ The railways ran along the line of small j bays proposed to be reclaimed, and the nooner it was d<»ne for the benefit of the j railway the better. I Mr. Stewaut ex' £ tY.t the reason ! the bill was not brought up at an earlier | period of the Jwaa the difficulty oE ! getting the committee togethor to agree as 'to the provisions of the bill. Xo grant "was require'l in resp -ct of land taken from the board for railway purposes. The position of affairs was t*iis : Ji mouey was not available for carrying out the proposed works, then would have to be provided to bring the harbour back to its original state. To stop the work at the present state would be most disastrous to the district. Gentlemen who constituted the board were all g-ntlemen Who devoted a large amount of time to the work, aud be thought it was wrong for Mr. Macaudrew to cast imputations on them. Mr. Fulton said a great deal of dissatisfaction existed, b >th in Duneiin and elsewhere, with the proccedin.s of the board. He had no objection to the endowment, but in common with many others he objected to the borrowing clause. Mr. McLean thought the bill would not be carried at this lite period of the session. Mr. Macandrew's election for Port Chalmers depended upon the opposition he gave to the It was t* be regretted he had gone the length of stating that members of the boa r d were not equal to the occasiou, and that the work was left in the hands of one man. 1 Mr. Bowbn spoke in opposition to the borrowiug powers. They had commenced operations at the wrong end. The proposed reclamation operations were judicious in respect tbat it would enable the Port Chalmers aud Dunedin Railway to be improved in a variety of ways. Mr. Dick replied, and the motion was put aod carried on the voices, and ordered to be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. VARIOUS BILLS. Married Women's Property "Rill, and the Appeals from Justices Act, 1576, Bill were withdrawn. The amendments proposed by the Legislative Council iu Minc3 Acb, 1877, Amendment Bill were not agreed to. Messrs. Reeves, Finn, and DeLautour were appointed to draw up their reasons for dissent. IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS BILL. The Aucklaud Improvement Commissioners Transf.-r of Powers Bill was reported, read a third time, and passed. CHAKL l«TO N V/ATE ft- it A r V.. The res -lufcion to be reported from the Committee of tho House on the Charleston water-race, was c-m^ideivd. Mr. McLean' moved the adjournment of the discussion. The House divided. Resul s :—Ayes, 27; noes, 34. On the motion, "That the resdution be, agreed t >," the motion was carried on the voices. PROGRESS OF MEASURES. The Slanghter-liouse Act, ISG7, Amendmeut Bill, was passed. On the motion to go into committee on tho Taranaki Iron Smelting Works Act, IS7G, Amendment Bill, awarding the com* pauy 5000 acres of land, a lengthened debate ensued. The House divided. Ayes, 35 ; noes, 25. Tho bill, as passed through committee, was reported, aud read a third tiuie, and passed. On the second reading of the Civil Act, 1575, Amendment Bill, a division was taken. A} es, 25 ; noes, 35. LANDS ARBITRATION BILL. The Lauds Claim Arbitration Bill for th? second reading was thrown out on the voices. THE ELECTIVE BILL. The adjourned debate on the second reading of the Elective Legislative Council Bill was brought in. The House divided : Ayes, 2-1 ; noes, 35. The bill was thrown out. THE CJRUI'ITION BILL. On the motion for g>iug into committee on the Prevention of Corruption Bill, a division took place : Ayes, 2S ; noes, 30. The bill was thrown out. M L T S TCI PAL COR PO It A'l lONS. The Municipal Corporations Act, IS7O, Amendment Bill was al-.o thrown out on the motion for committal.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5638, 11 December 1879, Page 5