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Qiuh \T \t-r to-diy.—Auckland: 2.2S- -•■J^ Son.—K.-m. 4.27*; sets. 7.1. Minj>\ — Sr», lo:u, lOii. '•Uμ. A K K I V A L 5. Taiaica. s.s.. Holmes, from Xe* Plymouth and :he South, (in the Manukau). Passen;ers : Mesdames Kir by and Rayuer, Misses Clarkson, and Hassett. Messrs. Tregear, Kiven, Grange, Demp ey. Hughes, Dal s lish. Smith. Senior, Berry, Riyner, Bcrkler, Adelaar, an.l Judge Gillies.—Union Steamship Co., agents. Albatross, schooner, Bell, from Russell. —C. A. Harris, agent. KriemVild, schooner, Bathurst, from Whangaroa. —Auckland Timber Co., asrents. Mariner, schooner, Qaeen, from Russell.— Master, 3gent. • Coronet, schooner, Sopwith, from the illice and Kingsmile Islands.—Henderson and M&cfarlane, agents. Ada C. Owen, brigantine, McLeod, from Dunedin.—G. W. Owen and Co., agents. Rona, schooner, McKenzie, from Lyttelton.— McEenzie and Koss, agents. D E r A K To K E S. Transit, schooners Hooper, for Wellington. — Master, agent. Argyle, s.s., Crawford, for Whaugarei and Mansrapai.—A. McGregor, agent. City of New York, P.M. s.s., (Jobb, for Honolulu and San Francisco. Passengers from Auckland :—Saloon : Dr. and Mrs. Britten, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sinclair, Mrs. Kirby and child. Messrs. Charles Cay, Charles Miers, R. Watney, William Parker, K. Senior. Steerage: Sir. and Mrs. Hnrgrcaves, Messrs. Charles Wolff, "W. "Wright. In transit from Sydney : 12 saloon and 23 steerage.—S. A. Beardsley, a«ent. Tararua, s.s., Muir, for Sydney. Passengers: Messrs. Graham, Hyman, Weston, S. L. Hirst, Leves, C. F. Griffiths, Newberry, Boon, R. Walker, Flaxman (2), Lucy, G. D. Lane, P. C. Hensen, K. Sterling. W. Hart, J. Maloney, W . Thomas, Gibbons, Hickson, Martin, C. Hill, Mrs. Murrav and infant, Miss Starr, Miss Powell and'child, Master Amphlett.-Union Steamship Co., agents. Reliance, ketch, Kioller, for Russell.—O. A. Harris, agent. ENTERED INWARDS. City of Xew York, P.M. S.S., 3020 tons, Cobb, from Svdnev. Tararua, s.s., 563 tons, Malcolm Muir, from the South. Kriemhilda, schooner, o<s tons, Bathurst, from Wbangaroa, with 25,900 feet timber. Albatross, schooner, 77 tons. Bell, from Russell, with 120 tons coal. Mariner, schooner, 63 tons, Queen, from Russell, with 100 tons coal. TiUroa. S.S., 22S tons, F. Holmes, from the South (in the Manukau). CLEARED OUTWARDS. Ciryof New York, P.M. s.s., 3020 tons, Cobb, for Honolulu and San Francisco. Reliance, ketch, 09 tons, Kioller, for Russell. Rover, schooner, So tons, Armstrong, for Whangarei. Taratua, 5.5., 503 tons, 5L Muir, for Kussell and Sydney. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LOXDON". —Ship Waikato, 15tb. Chili.—Barque Lebu, early; Amelia Ross, to-dav. Sydsev.—Briganiine Active, to-day. Samoa.—Schooner Ovalau, S-iturday. TOSGA. -Brigantine Myrtle, 17th. Norfolk Island.—Schooner Marion, Friday. Chatham Islands.—Schooner Colonist, to-day. GisBORSE, Naples, axd South.—S.s. Southern Cross, early. New Plymouth and SoCth. — S.s. Taiaroa, to-day ; s.s. Rangatira, to-morrow. WaitaßA. —P.s. Conierang. early. Taokasga, Gisbohse, and Southekx Ponrs.— S.s. Rotorua, Friday ; s.s. Penguin, Monday. WaXGASCI.-S.s. Wallabi, early. Tausaxga.—S.s. Glenelg, Friday. GISBORSE. —S.s. Rowena, early. Raglan - .—S.s. La'.la Kookh, from Manukau, every Thursday. Russell.—S.s. lona, every Monday ; Penguin, Friday. Whasgabei asd Masgapai. — S.s. Argyie, Tuesdays and Fridays ; p.s. Anne Milbank, Monday and Thursday. Maxgawai a>*d Waipc— S.s. Kina, early. VESSELS EXPECTED. Citv of Svdney, P. H. s.s., from San Francisco: l"7th. Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney, Friday. Hero, s.s.,from Sydney and Melbourne, 23th. Adamant, ship, >*jfs, from saiied August 27. Inglewoo.l, barque, PFvvs, from London, sailed September 26. Loch Urr, barque, WQLS, from London, to sail middle of October. British Empire, ship, from London, to sail in October. Margaret Galbraitb, ship, from London, to sail in October. Elinor Vernoo, barque, from Sew York and Wellington, to sail November 1. Ben Nevis, ship, from London, sailed October 2. Trevelyan, ship, from London, to sail mid Oct. Agate, barque, from New York, cleared September 22. Syren, brig, from Sydney, early. Roderick Dtm, brigantine, from Melbourne, early. James A. Stewart, brigantine, from Newcastle, early. Look-out, brigantine, from Sydney, early. Mary Anderson, schooner, from Islands, early. Agnes Donald, schooner, from labour cruise. Gael, schooner, SBGB, from Tonga and Samoa, early. Falcon, scb.oor.ei, from the Islands, early. Telegraph, schooner, from Sydney. Energy, schooner, from the Islands, early. Tubal Cain, schooner, from Levuka, early. Minnebaha, schooner, from Rarotocga, early. Island Lily, schooner, from Chatham Islands, early. Southern Cross, Misssion schooner, wlh, from Islands, end of December. Helena, schooner, from Levuka, end of month. Waiwera, schooner, from Austral Group, early. Meg MerrihcK, schooner, from Levuka, early. Midge, schooner, from the Islands, early. Caledonia, schooner, from the Islands, early. Pearl, ketch, fioni the Islands, early. IMPORTS. Per P.M. s.s. City of New York, from Sydney: 1 tin oil, 1 package books, 1 package bills, ISI cases fruit, 1 package. Per s.s. Tararua :—From Melbourne : G cases, 2 boxes. From Hobart Town : 3 bales hops. From Dunedin : 3 c»ses jewellery, 1 truss, lc cases, 1 truss, 27 packages. From Lyttelton 10 cases cheese, 3 sacks seed, S cases, 1 box. From Wellington : 3 packages, 1 case, 1 case books. Per schooner Coronet, from the Inlands : S( tons copra. Per s.s. Taiaroa : From Dunedin : 1 case, From Lyttelton : 1 package. From Nelson : ] package amalgam, 7 cases oil, 2 bales hops, 5( bass malt, 13 cases fruit. From New Plymouth ll"cises, 6 cases bacon, 1 chest. Per brigantine Ada C. Owen, from Lytteltou SO sacks oatmeal, 20 sacks bran, 5 sacks pear barley, 1210 sacks oats, 200 bags (lOO's), am 440 bags (50's) flour. Per schooner Kona, from Lyttelton: 50( sacks oats, 20 sacks oatmeal, 50 tons su s ar, ant a qoantity of flour. EXPORTS. Per 5.5. Tararua, for .Sydney : 4 boxes sold 100 sacks bran, G cases wool, 12 sacks potatoes 1 bale tlax. Per P.M. s.s. City of New York, for Sai Francisco : 24 cases gum, 22 bales flar, 9 pack ages, 1 box, 2 cases, 2 oases stationery, 5 pack agea collars, and H95 packages in transit from Sydney. Ixtvard Coastwise.— cutter, from Cabbage Bay, with 49 tons firewood; South Carolina, cutter, from Great Barrier, with 50 tons firewood. Outwabd - Morning Light, cutter, for the Thames, with 10 head cattle and 50 sheep; South Carolina, cutter, for Great Barrier. The brigantine AraUpu, on her way from Dunedin to this port, has on board the follow-

ing cargo :—I7OO sacks flanr, 300 sacks oits, SO sacks t.ol-ard, 250 sacka bran, and 00 p.ckages. The schooners Albatross and Manner arrived yestenlaT from Russell. with coal. The s*3. Argyle arrived in harbour early yesterday morniug from Whangarei and M>.ngaj'ai with pa«ongers an i the fol'.owine o \t:o : — 22 bales ami 6 lags «col, 34 sa-.fcs kauri -.-urn. 2 hides, 1 sack lemons. 1 CA.-f fruit, and 'J tuns sundries. She returned to :he same I'orts in the aft-err.oon. The s-chooner Mario-, is advertised to s.ul for Norfolk Island, on Friday next. The biig.mtine Active is announced to sail for Svdnev, to-niorr./w. with a cargo or rcpr.i. The bijautine Myrtle is announced to sail for the Friendly Islands, on or about the 17th instant* The well known Island schooner, Ov.ilau, Captain Scott, will siil for Samoa, on or about Saturday. The Union Company's s.s. Tararua, from the South, arrived in harbour yesterday morning, just as we were going to press. Wβ are indebted co Mr. Taylor, the purser, for the following report ami also, for files of Southern and other papers. The steamer sailed from Queen's 'Wharf, Melbourne, at 10 a.m, and Sandridae Pier at 7.20 p.m. on the 25th ult. Cleared "Port Philip Heads at 10.30 same nisht; passed Swan Island at 7.40 p.m on the 20th, and arrived at Hobartoo at 3.40 p.m. on the 27th ; sailed again at 7.30 p.m. same day ; pissed the Solander at 1 p.m., and arrived at Bluff at 7.40 p.m. on the first instant, having experienced light S.E. winds and head sea iu the run across. Left Bluff at 3.30 p.m. on the 2nd ; arrived at Port Chalmers at 5 a.m. on the 3rd ; left at 5.15 a.ns. and arrived at Lyttleton at 12.45 p.m. on the 4th ; left at 0.15 p.m., and arrived at Wellington at 7.45 p.m. on the sth; left at 10.35 p.m. en the 6th, and arrived in Hawke's Bay at 7 a.m. on the 7lh ; left at 11 a.m., and arrived at G isborne at S the same evening : left at 11 p.m., and arrived alongside Queen-street Wharf at 4..30 yesterday morning. Passengers :—Messrs. Wellington, McFarlane, Lambert, Haast, Boyle, and Captain Murdcck. steerage : Mr. Cares and family (4), Miss Piper, Messrs. Flowers and Monte, Master Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. The steamer resumed her passage to Sydney at 4 p.m. yesterday, and will call in at Russell. The Union Company's s.s. Kotorna left Sydnev at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 6th inst., and will arrive at Russell on Thursday, and this port on Fridav morning. The Union Company's s.s. Taiaroa arrired in the Manakau early yesterday from Wellington and Xew Plymouth, with the late portion of the southern"mails. The steamer is advertised to leave Onehunga for the same porta at 3 p.m. to-day, and intending passengers will have to leave Auckland by the 2 o'clock train. The s.s. Rangatira may be expected to arrive in the Manakau early this morning. She is advertised to sail for Xew Plymouth, Wanganui, and Wellington at 3 p.m. to-morrow. The well-known Island trading schooner Coronet arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon, after a 4h months' cruise among the Kiogsmill and EUice Groups. The vessel comes into port with a full cargo of copra. The first port she touched at after leaving here was Apia, Samoa, and since then has sishted no vessel belonging to this colony. From Samoa she proceeded to Kiugsmill Group, and weighed anchor for home at Xanomea, EUice Group, on the 17th ultimo, passing Eotumah on the 22nd. Since then light easterly breezes up to the 20th, in lat. 25' S., long. 170' E-, when strong southed* winds set in and continued until last Sunday, at midday. Then light and X.E. airs till making the Poor Knights at 4 a.m. on Monday, when a calm pre- : vailed, but at night a fresh north-easter sprung | up. and carried the vessel to port. The schooner Rona arrived in harbour from Lvttelton shortly after dusk Ust night, with a i cargo of grain and breadstuffs. The master reports leaving Lyttelton on Saturday, the 29 :h ult., with fresh S.W. winds, which were carried as fnr as the Kidnappers. Thence to port X. and X.E. winds. The brigantine Ada C. Owen arrived in harbour at dusk yesterday, from Duuedin, with a full cargo of grain and breadstuffs, as per the import list. The master reports leaving Dunedin on Saturday, the 20th alt., with a strong S.W. wind, which carried the vessel to Hawke's Bay. Thence to port light northerly and northeast breezes. The ship Adamint. which left London for this port on August 27, is nsw 105 days out, and consequentlv mav be expected any day. Tee P.M.S.S. Co.'s s.s. City of Xβw York, from Sydney, arrived in harbour just as we were gelng to press yesterday morning, after a good passage ot 4 days 9 hours and 23 minutes. The steamer as usual came into port in excellent order, a pattern of cleanliness, and won numerous encomiums from the large number of persons who thronged the ship during the day. We are indebted to Mr. E. T. Pratt, the purser, for the prompt delivery of our files, tel*grams, aud other favours. The following is the report of the passage, with the names of the passengers to this port and San Francisco : — The P.M. s.s. City of Xew York, Wm. H. Cobb, commander, sailed from her moorinss. Lavender Bay, Sydney, at 3 5 p.m. on December 4th; discharjed pilot at 4 p.m.; Three Kings abeam at S a.m. on December Sth, North C<pe at 12.15 p.m., and Cape Brett at 0.55 p.m. of the Mine day. Experienced light easterly winds and heavy easterly swell durmg the nrs: part of the voyage, thence to port smooth sea and pleasant weather. Arrived in Auckland on December 9lh at 2.55 a.m. Time from Sydney to Auckland : 4 days, 0 hours, 23 minute?. Passengers for Auckland :—Cabin : Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mr. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Xathan, two children and nurse, Mrs. T. Morrin, Miss L. Samuel, Messrs. Holden, G. 51. Whitelaw, F. Greatheed, Frank Stringer, C. B. Stone and son, W. O. McCormick, and Wade ; Steerage : Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and child, Mr. and Mrs. Buttress, Mr. and Mrs. Costin, Miss Sheehan, Mrs. Maynard, Messrs. G. Rockwell, R. W. Sergeant, D. Redwood, Crawford and four children, J. Hodgson, E. A. Jones, W. Ruck, G. Cummings, John Keltic, John Byrne, Otto Rose. Through passengers :— Saloon : Mr. and Mr 3. Page, Misses Heine (2), Messrs. A. Robinson, J. Higginson, J. L. H. Hauckar, C. J. Flint, A. Heymanson, John Owen. Steeiage : Mrs. Egan and.three children, Mrs. Henderson and child, Mrs. D. Seine and daughter, Mrs. M. Walton, Messrs. W. H. Lockey, A. Sheahan, W. J. Floyd, David Bole, W. S. Brown, G. Howell, T." Hanson. T. Robinson, John Foley, D. Levy, Henry Brown, J. H. Morrison, A. voyage punctually at 2.30 p.m.. and passing close under the stern of a.M.S. Cormorant, the usual courtesies of dipping the Big were exchanged between the two vessels. Abreast of the Xorth Head she came to a stand still, and many people were of opinion that something had gone wrong, or else she was waiting for some in order to get the starboard anchor clear of her forefoot, where it hung when she left the wharf, and naturally would impede her speed if not removed. The brigantine Look-oat sailed from Sydney on the 29th ultimo for this port, with 153S sacks bonedust. The barque Kose M., from, arrived at Melbourne on the 29th ultimo.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4