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* AUCKLAND UNITED V. NORTH SHOUE. A match w.13 played in the Domain on Saturday betwo3n the Auckland United an 1 tha North Cricket Clubs, which resulted in a victory to the latter. The Unit :A played three men short, which, no doubt, accounted for the easy victory of their opponents. For the North .Shore .Swanson batted very well, indeed, His 39 in the first inniDgi and 19 in the second were obtained by soma splendid play. The scores are as follows : NORTH SHORE.

__ THE NEW ZEALAND HEJRALD, TUESDA AUSTRALIAN NEWS. PARLIAMENTARY GOSSIP. PARNELL BOROUGH COUNCIL. NORTH SHORE JUVENILE AT1L • , r * LET 10 CLUB SPORTS. .,-BR ■ARAWATA, AT TUE BLUFF.] [BY TBL-ORAPH, FROM Ot/R SPECIAL CORRH3- T|!E fortnightIy moetin g of tha Parnel , + Melbourne, December r . rosDENT.j Borough Council was held at the office, Tiie opening meeting of the above club took Shaking at Lancelield, Mr. Berry declined Wellington, Monday. yesterday evening,-ex Mayor Coleman pre- place on Saturday, the Cth inst. The entries t0 abandon any leading principle of the Ke- KEWI AND THE GOVERNMENT. siding Present: Councillors Strange, were good, and the events well contested, form Bill, as the Age insist no should. Although the Government deny anv know- Forgic, Winks, Robinson, MoKenzie, Mr. T. dibbin acted as starter and handiTh ere was a herce scene m the Assembly ° e maenyanyknow MoUon d Wood . The minutes of last capper, and Mr. J. Bayley as judge. Sub over SirB O'Loughl.n's giving public We- iedge ot dmtlection on Ilo«i s part, they are mooti aIso of a 8pecia , meetiug Ueld oa joi k / ed ' are the results :-l60 yards : Som-r-crams to the Ministerial Press only, fair B. evidently uneasy on the subject, and the December 1, were read and approved. field, 1 ; W. Wynyard, 2. 100yards (under OLoughliu attempted a justification, and opinion of Maori cxj erts is that Mr. Bryce, Accounts.—The accounts were submitted 11) : A. Bailey, 1; D. McBougall, 2 lo<a a .-serte.l that he would repeat this conduct a3 Native Minister, has not sufficiently and passed, with the exception of the audi- yards : J. Buchanan, 1; A. Bartley, 2. 100 while the Opposition journals were un- humoured iiie 0 l d chief, but, instead, has tors' bill for £4 4s, on which there was yards, hurdles: A. Gorman, 1; J. Uastie patriotic. The Opposition contended that tr ; ed to bim , nim doWQ to definite and pre . considerable discussion. The fees for audit- 2. One mile : K. Bailey, 1 ; \V. Swinnertou, such conduct amouutcd to naked bribery c ; 8e p r0 p 03a (3 a3 what ne wanted. iu g the borough accouuts had been tixed by 2. Ualf-mile : W. Wynyard, 1 ; H. Wiland cross political corruptim. Mr. Berry PiiRTTr IvnsTrc the council, as by the minutes which were Ham?, 2. Quarter-mile: A. Gorman, 1 • J asserted that Sir James McCullough did the ruuLii; husas. produced and r. ad, at £2 2s .arli per annum, Buchanan, 2. High jump : W. Wynyard l' same ; Lut this was denied. Ministers were m Cabinet late on Satur- whereas the auditors had in some way Long jump: A. Gorman, 1. 100 yards Th" estate of the member for v libers and day and nearly a'l day yesterday The understood it tint their fees were £2 2s each (under 11)T II. Gratian, 1;G Smith ■> Tj>\tisbary (Mr. Dwyer) has been com- Publici \\ orks statement was to have been time the account wai audited-tliat is, half- High jump (under 11) : A. Bailey, 1. jjop" milsorily sequestered. . . . , . tl ™ & flf to-n.ght, but the favourable news as yenrIy maUing them £4 4s p.-r annum. Sorao step, and jump : W. Wynyard Consolal 1 The motion declaring it cnm n»l in the to the prosp.ct. ..f the loan h:is induced the of the councillors were for paying the bill, tion, 100 yards : S. Somerfield, 1- A GorMinistry to use their powers of oihee to m- Government to«(-cast the whole of the a? rendered, and letting the auditor under man, 2. Tug of war : R. Lusk, E. Bailey fluence the ckctioin. was negatived after a Public a\ orks r,st:ma„es m a more liberal stand that in the future the fees would be H. Wood, H. Williams, G. Smith. The warm debate, in which the Government spirit than at inteude I, and the Stat- oa i y £2 2s pL . r annunl each . bnt on thc pri oon8i8ting of 0 ups, &c, were distri were freely aeemed of abusing their powers ment is therefore delayed until to-morrow, motiou of Mr . MacUcy it was at last resolved butel at the Flagstaff Hotel, in the evenine durir" the l,t- election contest, when also Mr. Hal w,ll state busings that the matter stand over for the present, by Miss Lawrence ; and as each successful The Government vigorously opposed Mr. mnst be got through this session and what is aad that the auditors should be fu.-uished by competitor received his prize, a few kindly Gillis's rr-i-o-al to refer the Council s to be dropped. \.cry few members seem the clerk with a copy of the minute, so that words from that amiable young lady no Miiing on iVivatc Property Bill to a select remain herei after this| t , mi „ U t understand whot tha fixed foe doubt enhanced the value of the trophy.' It commnt'e aid the Opposition taunted them MK- MiL,LllA.> A.N1J lllLiUl.MSliil. really was. bpon a motion it was resolved to is to be hoped that all future meetings of with not Kin- sincere in their d. sire to There arc _ rumours current about Mr pay Mr. McClellau £10 On account, leaving a the club will be carried out as agreeably and settle the allcAl-ri-vaii'-C with Uio Couu- Micebau joining the present Ministry .if balance of £3 9s 4d. successfully as their first. seiticiacaus. 0 necessary to conciliate the na'ives, but Fencing a ISoad.- Mr. Winks. tatc.lthat Moonlight conceived t'.e idea of organising there is no truth or probability in it. he had been informed by Mr. Strange that . = a gang toltiek-up the mail steamers sailing Mr Huchauau had fenced in a piece of land J)EDIC VTIOX OF THE NEWTON from \dela'dc as •• pas=eugeis. Ihe ,.,,. r ,--- be.ougmg to tr.e borough in St. Georgo's UJ J.1M IV&WIUIY nlan Vas to iiihi.c the La«cir crew to THE GO Li) 11£LD-\ Bay, and may mean to claim it. Thc land MASONIC HALL TO ODDFELLOWmutiny and *ei/.e the ollietrs of tho vessel. -♦ was dedicated as a road.—The To vn Clerk SHIP Moonfigbt sb'ouM then force tho bullion . Nr „ AXAT - AIAi;I . _ Tlie following is the was instructed to write to Mr. l!u,haoan, " . room, ar.d compel the Users to take the r of m|n ma " _ and to gi VJ him notice that he had fenced-m TllE ceremony of dedicting the newlvgang ar,l ,. m:.ler =sbore Tumle J j Cr^.ovt South , la , beon ext fe e nded Un . d ""lcngmg to the Parnell Borough. orected Maaon f 0 Ha]] to the purOctober !, deunueiy nxed tlie 9 foat dnrj the t wefik h h Lvsl-HeTou of ton.-Ia poses of Oddfellowship, was celebrated last „ tl oa o the hleu,: U tou rcef !atvl °, nt:r^cted th(J hang £ „ Lh report which was read, the inspector llight with t . Vo me time t4 a is probable t»at a r. .num o oOfcj nea« feet thick) j aU carbonate of Time, of d l'fai-3 of manure branch of the" Loyal Auckland Lodge, hold will be offered for «" r , k ' »"h"ic-t mBaicVi '" th » ™«ture of quartz, and the™ is . was being kept oy some parties for the pur- in uuder the American Con.titation of cantata, and IdO ,u .ua. t-r .he bet musical b _ Uyuea aml the z roc pose oi carrying out illegal practice,, and Oddfellowship, was found to b, necewary in compassion. which is now cut into 4 feet; the lodd has that the dust contractors refused to consequence of the rapid spread of member"V r - Y\i t„ P munictoil bodies bcyoml ever y appearance of being large an 1 strong, remove to the depot rcr„,e mat er so, and .hip in Newton audits neighbourhood, and endowment, the. nun °'^ 1 and is, 1 think, known as 'the Waiotahi of gardens if they th„ught toe heaps a i odgo was formed with | ro . her En , ns Dex t >eptemo,r ca i.u, the new larliamcnt bi e<;f> or c „ Iltinuatioil of the CaledoljUll wore.too large -Mr. Melton wished to know nob!o gran d. The accommodation then to express ts . cK=s ; fvi , li: reef. Where intersected there is over 500 wI, . at fc!le '» S P- C : tor »" a "J h Y >»>'g»l practme*, available was not commensurate with the. rell,e > ..»>t. r of In. - t ™ c *^ 1 clfu feet of perpenlical ,r bicks. Daring the a ' he conld no f, s f e whatpurpo-cs the heaps quiromonlg of , ne lol , ea or the dignity 0 f the the t-:aoh. ; r S „ ord r o promotion ,0 that B , of manure could be possibly turncJto. The 0 rder, but the project of erecting the they i«nj in fntuic proceed to by uitri. u appearanoe tor goW coat J lhu , io«n Cle.k was .UHt-ucte.i to wnte to the Masooic Hall was then under considc-ation seniority. December 1 blotches of c..pp,r and well disseminated m3 Pe?tor for some more expl.cit information Overtures were to the Lodce Kden. M M .111,-0 acniseda'ii embe of the with mnndic. The stuffis now being stacked, O" th.s subject. As to the compln.ot against E.G., the proprietors of the late?, audit Mr. Mwll -e ao-»»«l'» ™ «• r< 'p™ and will shortly be tested at the battery. *"«> contractor, Mr. McClcllao, who was pre- was arranged that the hall, when erected, ?>" ,,U V in th "i!.reres"'s of a con- The ™«" h "''. «"»•! containing a large s , "*• »» ,d hc uul!: ° . ° ! >J<«" -o 'f«"». but did should be at the service of tin < 1.1 Ifelows on ""? -t ,i mononolv o' Government q»antity of water, 1 expect we shall be ? b J ect to f "-'"'ovrng bags of garden sod and terms fixed. f.H.t week the hall was comtractor. that a monopoly o. Government aotbc / WOck cuttl ' ng through it. Arise rf-H" of oyster shot's, jam tins, and suoh pleted and dedicat.d to F.eem.-onry. Th, , - h« I . a Lnedto-heGunHirai has been started at the tunneflevel on No. 2 }'««■-*•'• Uobinsoii suggested that doubt- Oddfellows had their celebration last night Loumc .hnKita. Yedto-heUunlaga. reef . ast of , h „ miin sU| , p TllU rce! Wft , less the parties were ceanng up for Christ- it was carried out with great edal ft ha 1 IblXwirdS formerly driven on 40 fe,t from the south " iaa - After considerable discussion it avas a great advantage in this respect in the fact 'V' hJL H ard.ana 8ille of J he tni!neI vld 8howed d indiea . the opinion of the council that the con- thatit avas not exelusive. I.vlt.ti.,,. w«r, "5 1 ";',, ° ;,S" t .ccu-rcd near Mait- tif '" s HO- 1" the rise thc reef now looks !' lot0; ' WM «>.'t expect-.-u to take away more i 8g „ed to leading citizens, and member* »f 2J ftfl . t Wck- aml containillg , than a reasonable amount of garden refuse the oreler were privileged to bring th-i-lacu. J-.-e « • , c .: . ' • 'i J large quantity ef mineral, iiicluding ani wives sisters, or sweethearts to w tne-s tV- ' h °""M lv «;- fc. 1 "eve" others were ; V re\ioi» erii.hings from here t-J>«'N«B» s K«^«t.-U.o. cng-ncer. John ceremony. The conscience was that .hyo=ng a.b wa k lUa . , e ; otners were per ton. Intermediate Uvet : Boy an, reported thati he had taken the had was filled almost to suffocation, am wnouslj injiriJ Xn _ „ wjnz m _ the leveis ot that portion of G.braltar numbers .tood around th-. doorway. At a ., KU! ' h r ft |, c r - Vo - » r « f - >>« l "'" l "» through to the SO- »Jj'»n'n S the property ot_ -Mr and Un. rough estimate there were about 350 inside, .tisexiKcte affect thveroo, feet level, and is betwen the c 6 ro,s-cut and "«} "«} ascertain,.! tnat »o far of whom a third at least were women, who, A large at G ceLt.el ll^> the clrivo oll So , o re ,. f . s0 feet Lsvel . fr-m the Idling shown on the plan, of tha by their prerence, manifested their go d property uonh 10,000. lie . f has been met with in th» north s having been exceeded to th, extent of feeling toward benefit B03,eties in general, was saved »ith;.. iwehc horses cross . 0 - an(l abljut 23 feet more driving feet or tmrcab.m.s as state 1 the result and the I.O.O. R, American Constitution, in e , " rUt ' . 1 el „ ,1- tvali-afn- on "'ill, 1 think, interact the main slide. AU »' examination shoaved that the crown of particular. The ceremony, we may remark, A lull to 'c n -.ili»e! the iactota.w.O, on the sto the roa-.lway at ppg o imm.,l,at,ly ,„ fro-.t was carried through with a full choral serricecourses has been introduce .. andduriu- th- past fortnight we have of tnc p-opertv named, had been raised to vice, in which several ladies and a numb r The sale ot exhibits a. Garden lalace is eludi w t. of picked . ne , exce "' ° f lc=s tllan of one of gentlemen not members of the oreler took strictly prolnbue-.! m^0 -iiion to stoile . e yiel.l from which is 113 ,zs. of ™ h -™ A between pegs o and I, there was part. These inelnd.-d some rea'ly excellent 'Ihetatnoncss agna ion in opinion to M- _ HoB / KT c even less tiling up. lie measurements vie. s. Mr. T. Burnham presided as the Loucatiou Bill i= imilutc.t. , . _ . ° , n referred to the amended level ; and as organist. The instrument on which he nerMr. AlesanK-r Scw.ait. memoer tor East [uy TELKcr.Ai-ii, own" coRRESPOyDEST.] compared with the oiiginal lea-1, there was formed was a splendid one lent for tho oc Sydney, has accepted the Agcmt-Gencral- Thames, Monday. 1 , ioat 3 3 inches less tilling than contom- casion by Mr. J. Hughes.' It is a double ship. Gold Ketl'kn-.*.— Tookey tribute, Ashe, P la ' e 'l at peg e>. Mr. and Mrs. Kilfoyle action instrument of rare power and sw.etr T —T77~ 77T77,:,. .. ™, Sozs. 4dwts.; Golelen Calf tribute, McCrae, had CKiimed tlOO damages for the excess ..f „oss of tone, and the oecompaniments VALEDIC J OR 1 ADDIikt.S 10 Sozs. IS d*-ts. ; C.I-douiaa. tribute, Roaa-e libmg as stated by them.-Mr. W ood moved, showed to some extent ita power of modu1/7?* JI-MDIXOE DIUTTEX. 13ozs. lodwts. " Ihot a copy o. the report b- f.-rwarded to hUion. Albubnia.—Th= general crushing for this Jlr- and Mrs. Kiltoyle for their information, The Loyal Lodge of Newton was constituv T-mviII-vi.ini- Bri'TFV who is company cm.tin.ies to show up very ave'l. to s! u . w them that oheir claim w .s utterly tued, with the N.G. Brother Kills presiding. ? li; v i:->„■„:"■., b""them -ils'-am r to During the past aveek nearly lOOOozs. of witoont- foundation. 1 his motion was put After which the Grand L'.dge entered. The f"!; ' '.,""t\Vn 11a ■ number hard-sque.ze.l amalgam has been accunui- and carried. rhe report, as a whole, was Oand Lodge avas constituted as follows : - %■ *?- r 'lu I an I a'mirera Te"a° o latod from the general stiff alone. T.n, read and .vlopted Brother J. Hughes, D.D.G.M., offioiatin« as ! V,- V ; l n„fn.rV; ■'[■ ° uiliMriliut mine is stiU locking avell, and there are oi- letter M.W.G M.; Brother Dr. Lee, D.V.G.,otli- : 1 .- ir abont lOewt. of picked stone on hand. r.,,1 from Mr Card,,,, rotating that he ci.atiog as W.V.G.; Brother Pigott, G. ; l 'w'-- n-ovt. MoanataIAIU.—Ttic near !o le is im- had. accarding to instructi..ns, inspected Marshall; Brother Patterson, G. Herald ; „,!; and h,d aiaulie.l Paving in appearance as the drive goes Jutland-street, and suggested two places for Brother S. Matthews, G. Chaplain ; Brother ? r -iiX'e ?,u'owhi/'u the i mited iccon -'■rough it, ana the mineral indications are , one of a permanent nature, the Butler. G. Treasurer; Brother Pennal. G. modv= M'-'ie°r"e- re to 1 n t muuh ,uore eucouracing. A trial parcel of «"Bt or h, eouid not state accurately, Secretary ; Brother R. J. Davidson, P.G.; or';-; i Aft r tea many mies ins the quartz from it will be put through the but estimated at Uo Ihe cost of the Brothers Morrison, Faulkner, Power, and wer- ask'd of M« Britten* b. «h eh mill shortly. temporal plan was no giveu-Ou the Kitt as Heralds for the north, south, east, and "'"eneral conVersa' on TooKKV.-A*ho au I party, who "H'tion of Mr. \\ inks, Mr. Gardiner was and west, respectively. After prayer by the took i ce on inatSTrs connected w?h tributing in this mine, have crushed four lu.trueted to ascertain the cost of the tern- Grand Chaplain, "Direct us, O Lord," the ;„?ri.,.i.i" cassation and loads of genial stuff, for the return of Sozs. porary plan, and rf-p er t at thc next meet- Grand Marshal announced the purpose of the fLolV-v On ii. bei"' sB""ested th-t an of melted gold. lu =- .. „, , t . assembly, and the N.G. of the Newton tori" "ion shoud ha'e° been sent to the GuLDE}I Calf.-McCrae and party, who As.N-UAt.MBETixo.-The annual meeting L „ lg0 1)laced t he keys of the hall in the R : A \V \V,-hb to b» rres"nt Mrs have a portion of this mine on tribute, have wdl take place on Wednesday, December 17, hands of the M.W.G.M., who accepted in Kri-'-ca'rema'r'-cd tt.t his" prt woul 1 crusbet two loads of general stuff, for the at » 00n - „ „ „.. , form thc duty of dedica'iug the h.all The return of Sozs. 13 iwts. of nielted gold s„g.^ed C °to;"\t C ;he MU •S» n f » P™*?. disturb,,! the harmony and good feeling « ALEDosiAS.-Kowe's tribute party have ™g^T' of *,'„"' Co U ne,l Chamber be : a selection from the Psalms was tv- Vha'-a.--(>-i5e.l t'-e me-tin" but she crushe.l a large parcel ot geueral stuff, tor »»ojec- ot a new Counc. Chamber be g, vcn , the choir intoning the responses, reiurn of 13 «. l,iwt, of «* t^X^Z n e 3 THE SHAKEMAnKBT. "one for £.00. That sum cou.d easily be Oddi K" .■"v.iwiTtc, thTrrofo ndert rftv of There has been more bnsine-s done in the raised, he thought, and would be better than fellowship, and to disseminate friendship, and benevolent people Y At »haremarhet to-day, a- d ler.di,g stocks have W ret where they were. | ove , au d truth and the diffusion of charity. the exclusion of the qa»tions, the Rev. e ™ deman i, but c!„-c 1 a easier. The Heralds, by coinm.nd of the Grand «; r:..r .... bf..->lf of a fe*- eentlemen ha!es: Alburnia, oSs Od, o,s 61; Moana- VT P F AT TIP 1 Tt" I '/ TTTIT Marshal, then proclaimed the lodge dediwho"£u.l subscrib d toward thf oh££ taiari50 s 52s 61, 50,i Queen of Beauty 5. FIRE AT J A Alt A,l 010. eated-north, in the name Friendship ; „„.„„-,! \irs B.itten with a Ian-eand 31 ; Devon's, Is 9d. .Sellers : Alburnia, GOs ; * sou ta. in the name of Love ; east, in the u. ,;:'u-L „A,l ,. n inr.» of X»» 7o„ Moanataiari, 52s til. Buyers: Moauataiari, Ox the night of Tu-sday, the 2nd instant, name of Truth; aud west, in the name of Unl fern- accomoacLT i y -m Address 49s - about 11 p.m., a lire broke out in an attic Faith, H„pe, and Charity. Tho Grand '",,.. •!,°! be 're--L th-ir anor Cokomandel, Monday. over tlie furniture shop of Mr. C. T. Ki kttt, Marshal, then announced that the proclamaciation V the 1-ctures w-liich she l has Royal Oak.-The manager reports a great cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Tc A wannito. tion had gone forth to the four quarters of deUwed in this city, and wishing her God- improvement in the low-lcv.l; OOlbs. of a at tler m HoUeu was passing the globe. Several odes were sung, and ro-.i and health haiao ne=s and Iodk life sp cimens are to hand. No. 1 leader: at the time when the dames burst through Lho aftor prayer by the Grand Chaplain, the EmafcYr. • f" M• Edger Country is m.ich easier. roof, and us cnes or "Fire " w-.e grand lodge retired and Brother KM. reB,itten's excellence as Toeatea.-Xo. 2 rcf shews patches of f,"" by the appearance of suined tho ehsir of the L-.yal Lodge of alec-u-r -rd related the a«ertum mada gold every few feet. The manager expects Constable Gillies and a blacksmith named iSewton. lie expressed his gratification and DV hm a - -he^ P Tcmnoran- Hall something good in about GO feet." Wilson upon the scene The constable, aval, pleasure on behalf ot the lodg* at seeing so tho- h- k-ew he d.ff-red from her The New Pah struck a nice-looking pres.nce of mind, first ran t 3 get out many present, and their gratitude to the in£r views the Bible vet leader in the cross-cut seaward. the apprentice, \\ iliam Craavshaw, wtio was members of the grand lodge, and the memln Xaei \ic«s l-egaraiug tue. oiuie, ve. known to sleep in the burning portion of the hers of the choir, for their valuable services in th- s ven lecture he had Ustenea ' building. Ho found the boy stupitied and He then, for the information of non-mem! bom thiX "a'te'rYarefuiThouMat he co°ld CARAXDINI CONCERTS. unconscious of danger, his bed being sur- bcrs, quoted statistic* regarding the order. nom u-ai.n a.ter careiui ne coai.i rounded by burning niat-ns s. O.vieg The laroceedmgs were brought to a close bv diss,at. air Br, tten responded m a mo-t —•— to the J UiUitWa %xperi„.ce in the-S singing the o.le, to the tune of "Aul La « elo.iuentad.ircss, and after giving a sketch There was a good attendance at the Lornc- macte rs, and to a plentiful supply of Syr?.-," of " Good night ! a truthful kind ot n-r.Austr.lasian mission, oi w-h.chA.ick- street UaU last night bt-ing the last of the water at hand the { iro wag 8 , 0 T;/ Xtill . a ,H 0U .» Subsequently, a number of those Und :orm,d th= starting po.n. and tormina- short season over which these concerts nave Kuishod the damage to property b;;ng present got up an impromptu dance ill the tion. sue closed by saying that she should extended. The programme was very at- % tritliug. There is no doubt that the hoy? hall, ami the necessary music avas provided ever cliensi. the most kindly Itelings to- tractive, including several operatic selec- Crawshaw, bada narrowe E eai.c from -.terrible by members of the Engineer Band. ward* to i-- wno ha-, by their presence an 1 tions, choruses, trios, duets, and charming deathi aa f r()m his unconscious condition, sjmpiathy, strengthened ner hands in the ballads. The concert openeel with a piano- and tbe f ur ,. u iih which the tire w:.3 spread- ■ pa-.v.ork to which she firmly believed she forte performance, the music being taken ; -t would have been impossible to enter nnrni'rPT hid teen called by the Divine will. Dr. from " Don Giovanni." ±his was followed the attic a few minutes later to re-cue him. GAVGAVii. Britte ; endors-d his wife s remarks, and ex- by a sceua from the " Bride ot Lammer- It setmH that tho tire originated the • pres=»l his cordial thanks for the manner moor" (Domztti); the romance, "Didst carelessness of the b..y He had AUCKLAND UNITED V. NORTH ua w.-.:ch the friends of progress and liberty thon but know," by Miss Marie Carandini; „„ nB to sleep, leavin" his can Me burniii" SHOUE. in Auckland had received them. A very the fine descriptive aonj, "The Plying <.„'.,«.„rlml hv'i qtrinir° rl... r-ilin . irll a ,,-",,„ pleasint social meeting was terminated at a Dutchman," also "Tha Friends of Other ,Z P c ? a „ dl : same ba s of o i . MA ; rcH , ™ in the Domain on qput-rto 12 a mutual exchange Days," sung by Mr. Gordon Gooch ; "Why ft tie bed, Ign ied he '& lZT ot so-vJ-by,, and gooJ wishes. do I aveep for thee," by Madame Carandm. ; Mr . Ki , tct - a establishment is in clo,e £ vi rt?rv to ■ " O, Alio Ferrando," from " La Favonta," to the dwelliu.-hoiise and store ? v, "' >r y t0 tn0 la ''. er - ihe Unit.'d played Th- v7~- i iTn, initiated by MUs Maria Carandini, and " The 0 th'™ ™» which, no donbt, accoanfcd toe u-ir p.c.s. system now being initiated •» . , n , ,, ,. . ' „.,,„,, ...„ OI ' wr - ■ i-esuaie , aiso no ano aweiung-no.iso for the easy victory of their ODnonents For by C. an. 1 C. will Jrtainly prove a benefit to b.J».es Chorus, »luch excluded the d s ithy 0 f Mr. Wilson ; and ,f the. fire the North y shoro . s y van30n bat P t UT e ry we the puMic, it has been i great success in Sydney hrst part, ine interval uecween me nrsc had not been discovered before it had gained ; ude ed His SO in tha first innintr., ,„,i 10 ana Melbourne, and when strictly carried out and second parts avas occupied in a hold upon the inflammable materials in tho ;.. tl ' se „ n 'i we „ h"|T g h „ 1 the cmtouwr who buys at an establishment a manner which was very pleasant for furnituro 8hop , it would have been impos- D 1enMX Tto boo?..Z m fSnJT^ where the soods are marked low to ensure a those immediately interested, Mrs. J. E. sio!e tu stay its pro ress or prevent th- 3 P len '. lul P la y- Ibe scores are as follows :— rapid sale aius: be a great gainer. G- and C. Macdonald presenting the prizos to the de , t r,,cti m of the adjoining buildings,which, , rn „ T .„„ ..„^ 0RTI1 „ „ van- '•" 7f"" c T fft'f ;j, a pHr.VT™tfvP recent contest of the Amat.ur Auckland house or furniture of Mr. Uicket. We are MeOochle, run out .. .. 0 b Palmer.. ..0 J* r 'V-» « 'i sbareholder in a co-operative At hletic Club. The names of the prize- ; ua tly nroud of our useful ac'ive and intel- ° Wynyard, e substitute.. 7 not out .. .. 2 ™rs have a.ready been pnblUhed, and jg£ bZS&SftSS " o bBB * h - " 3 busiDe=s ], unsatisfactory. G. and C. will they avere severally complimented by the on which Iib has rendered invaluable services Webster, b liuckland .. 3 bBuckland .. 0 I aim to ret: in that confidence which the public lady upon their success. J he second part of here at a lire. He seems to be ubiquit .us, B , , "ff s »\ h „ p ' , l, ft9r ," •• 6 hhuck'anl .. o have l,i:u.,rto shown them, and are determined the concert comprised selections from The aud always in the right place at the right ..fdirVon bPilmfr" " n to giv e the pure cash system a fair trial; Bohemian Girl," "The Harp that once mom ent.—[' iccasional Correspondent.! H. Wynylnl, b Buckland'.: 0 WDetL-r -.Ley g.dn or lose the first year. Coun- through Tara's Halls," sung oy Madame Wynn, not out .. .. 0 runout . .. 1 try b-ie-T- on remitting cash with order will be Carandini; "When yc gang awa, Jamie" - Enras a Extras.." '.'. 18 »npi--lied with goods at co-operative prices, just ( due t) by Mr Walter Kherwin and Miss The following visitors were staying at the — — the si:,!., as though they made a personal selec- \l ar i e " Carandini; " The Slave's Dream," Hot Springs Hotel, Waiweia, on December Total .. .. 05 Total.. .. « "on. rurnishing goods, such as carpets, floor , ., r . or ,i' n fi 0 och •" Nevermore " G -— Mr - Jilmeil Cunningham, Mr. Ogilvie, UJ.ITKD. cloths, h-.i.-teads beddin" and ceneral house fung by Air Ooriton Ooocn , r»eaermore, M TJ rj , j Mary Tole, Mis» ,, , first mkikos. f-w-iturv. the is turned l * ll f p 5 , Iarle C » r3ud " 1, f ; h th ,° Z t ?A Kita Tole Mi« Shcchan, Mr. J 7 Bueh'aanan, «»« * ffl%™ V f %?£™Hr*<*r n 3 f»t of our own factory, will be marked at the "What Pleasure," and the laughing trio M r. Motion, Master Motion, Mr. Thomas Pea- {, 5cO^S?iS r 1 liu«? Mo0o ' :lno % lowest remunerative prices, and a discount of 5 from "The Rose of Castile." Ihe concert cock, Miss Campbell, Miss Watt, Master Watt, kamford. b Wynyard !'. o " "1 P« cent, will be allowed to those who pay at was a thoroughly enjoyable one. The popu- Miss Gertrude Watt, Miss Florence Watt, Mr. B ale, b McGnshio .. 1 Total .. ..25 the time o! purchase. Having realised the Iarity of the Carandini family seems to sutler and Mrs. Harrison and child, Mrs. Cramond, Iveiu, b Wynyard ..7

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 5

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CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 5

CRICKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 5