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Sales tiv Auction.^ Til 13 DAY. UNDER WARRANT FROM R. MCOURT. POSSENISKIB Y. McLEOD. The subrcrHers will «ell. at the Boom., Vottstr^t. To-d»v(Mo:wl.O,Stliinst..»tl! odock, under Dlstie«l\V»i"i>lfrcinß.M. Court, 1* r\ SIJ4KES J>" THE COROMAN'ISO D-L STKAMBOAT COMPANY (LIMITED; US Shares in ih« Totals G .Id Mining Company (all cull) p »id) SAMUEL COCHRANE & 3ON, Ai;ct;<n:ir>. 131 ST DAY. VALUACi.K FKHI'.HOLD CITY, SUi URBAN", A>'D COUNTRY PUOPERTIES. SHAKES;! SHARES! Is tue Estate of tuk l.vts Henry Kees:no. The fiulsciibirs villsfl by mn-'Jon at tht'r Rooir.s, B;v*sFort street, To-d*y (Mon-l:*;., xt 12 o'clock. By Order c! tlm Kx>cuto:s ii: til* Kalate if V-f ia'.e Hrury Kee-inj; SHORTLAXD STREET—Part of lot 5, Sccli n 1. ■■'ill. brkk l-niW-.-RS. c nl.vnin- t op and fivo rooms, ai a: present o:cj|'ied by Misi UcLauir.'ilin. BORTLANP PMIKKT-Pi't T.ot 7, Section 4 53 fei: fronta:-- b. 13 • 'eft w !h that latß« wooden liuildin: Ciic'.eil there i>, ->*■'• present occupied by Mcisr-. <!. U. K..-.~i> -.r." '. o. WATERLOO t '."iDKA"-! - —Tli.r, lar,,e »n i cot:-, modioli? r..--ia»i.« form t y occupied liy thu I late lieniv K* cmmc i-itu.te 03't? Gover-TU'-ut House. ll'B ruuin< are Ursa and lofty, and Btt'.d tbri suh ut with rver co;iTcnl«nce ; th« allotment lms :i .'ar.'u /.-on>-•■. contains about 30 percbej of gro-.t. , ., »ud c--':im»nd» a splcndi-.l P.UNi E3 STSKiT — rart of Lot IS, Section 4, hiM*s a fro "i»--e of -S3 Ic?'. ry 114 feet, witti ilie tvr • lirge I-ick Huil.iii irs tl-creon ertc'.cd. WEST QI'EF.:-' Part of Lot 5. Section 17, with ths larre \Wodi-n Buildin.-s, coataiaing two Bhorsaili sis roun.s. :rti;:e 1 thereon. BANK STRi.:KT—i'art Lot 10, .-ectioa 4, hivinj » frontage o! GG feet. COOK STREET—Lots 12 »nd 30. of subdivision of lot 3 11 to 14, Siation SJ, !l;lTUig frOaUlg Coos and slrects. GEAHAME STRKKT Col!a?ccf four rooms, crec^d on part lot 9, subdivision oi Lots 1 and li. Section £0 soldsu'c.j-ct to an agreement to purchiir. BY3IOSD STi EET—The ncpxpircd term of a Lease, bavit g about 17 uionlhs uneipired, at a rer. "of —IS icr Lot 10 of a subdivision or Lot 10, Se. tion 15. On this property is thr.o Two-story Dwelling?, alt let to *«,<••■! kn.fli. EICHMOND—P*tts of Let! 1 atirl 2 Section 9. Section 5, am' lihlf f.f K-c::on 0, containing about s acres PONSOKBT—Lot3 23 and 30, Mount St. MaryV, havin? two fiontage-3 of 3D fee: eicb. together ICO \feet deep. " /ILYEH'3 CRKEK—l.oto SO, S7. and SS M soi>- / division of Lot 70, containic; 33 acres 1 rood 35 / perches. irVEEEIEAD TOWNSHIP—I 4 v.lotaieutspKOS.X—2 Allotments. / Plans of the above propfrlies mjy be seen, and * any information or particulars obtained, on ap licatlon to t-C auctioneers. SHARES. 159 Shares Ba.,k of Sew Zealat-d 335 ~ Auckland Co. C 6 „ Bay of Islands Coal Co. 50 . Scuiii BritUh Insurance Co. 1G „ Snuth liiilisb Insnrance Co. 20 ~ Thames Gold Mininjt Co. 12 „ Kurtnui Hill United G.M. Co. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, MONDAY, DCCEMBER 15. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES. FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. CITY OF AUCKLAND, OKEHUXGA, PAPAKURA, DEURI', WAIWERA, MAHURANGI, WAXJ GAREI. The subscriber.! h.ive received instrcctiens from tb* Erecntora to the will o - the Late Thomas Weston to spli by i.ublio suction, hi the Land Mart, Fort THE FOLLOWING FREEHOLD PROPKETIKS, ViZ :— HEPBURN STREET—Iot 7 of subdivision o.' loti 43 auil 44, section 44, city of Aucklarv , , with all buildings therroo, tbi property of Thomo -heil Haynes. NAPIER STREET -Part of lot 19, section 44' TVyUe. 02vEHU>'GA—Allotm»nt3 23 anii 21, section 21, Tillage of Onehunza, with large House thereon, the property cf Charles Wiuslow Dundais PAPAKUBA—Part of lot 27, containing 104 acres, the property of Jervis Poynton, jun. PAPAKUIM—IO acres, part of Clendon's grant, the property of William Kmshka. PAPAKUP.A-Lotss6, 61, asd 02, fection 2, of the village of Papitura, the property of Bobert Thompson. DEUEY—Lota 25. 26, 23. 45. 46, 47, and 49, Section 0, the property of Bobert Thompson WAIWERA—Lot 67, parish of Waiwerawera, containing 110 acre?, tha property of the late Kobert Buchanan. MAHUEANSI RIVER—Lot 88, parish of Mahuransi, containing 132 acres, the property of William Bradley. MAKGAPAI—Lots 73, 74, SO, 82, and 83, contain ing 582 acres, the property of Chares Pye. WHAXG4REI.—Let Sβ, and parts of lots 90 and 13, parish of Owhiwa, containing 80 acres, the property of John Waddingt™ Graves. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. THIS DAY. LEATHER! LEATHER! E. &, A. ISAACS Hare received instructions to sell by auction, Today (Monday), December 8, at 11 o'clock, Q/"V SIDES WAX KIP OU 30 Sides Memmel Kip. E. & A. ISAACS Merchants and Auctioneer!. SATURDAY, DECEMBEE: 13. IMPORTANT SALE OF SAWMILL AND FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MESSRS. HALCOMBE & SHERWILL, Under instructions from the mortgagees, will sell a Halcombe, Manawatu, ou Saturday, 13th Deco.nber next, THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY known as Lash's Sawmill, situate in the town of Halconihe, within a few chains of the main railway line, with which it Is connected by a private Siding laid with iron rails. The property consists of— 1. Steam Sawmill, with engine 14-horsa power nominal, planing machine, forge, &c, with all appliances in perfect working order and good condition, and capable of an output of from 4000 to 6000 feet per diem. 2. Fourteen working Bullocks with all necessary eear, for which there is ample paddockiug nn the property. 3. The right to the Timber growing on 100 ac-os of land adjacent to the mill. 4. Freehold Property consisting of 759 acres of land, heavily timbered with totara, mntat, asd rimu, all in the immediate vicin.ty oi the mill and very easily accessible. The situation of this land, sunonn ing as it does the toin of Ualcombe, as well as Its excellent quality, will t ivc it a high value when stripped of the forest. Tti'S land Is covcrfd by first mortgagi-n to the amount of £1750, having 3 and 4 years to run at 9 and 10 per cent. These mortgages will hive to be taken OTer hy the purchaser. The property being a complete and compact whole as a sawmni property will not be divided, hut will be sold all together. The terms of payment are—oo pel cent, cash, and the balance in equal Instalments in six and twelve montns ; or, 30 per cent, cash, and the balance in equal Instalments in 4, 8, and 12 months, the unpaid balances in either case being represented by bills beatLig interest at 8 por cent. N.B.—The Auctioneers can confidently re onimcnd this property as a flrat-class investment. It is without election the best situated and most compact saw-mill property in the whole of the Manawatu OouW. Its position as tho nearest mill to Wanganui. which is the chief local and export market of ' *u« jtufrtnt <rivA* it an advantßtge of from 6d to la pe?WO feet over another nUI In the J?' ," The reatest care has been exercised In fh° s&ctlon of th-'land for sawmill purposes, and his 1 been done by the.present prosum in cash of a magnificent property on remarkably easy te-ms. Sale to commence at 2 p.m. For furlhcr part'culars, apply to Messrs. Zolirab Newman & Co., Wellington ; Messrs Httlrombe and y 3herwill, Feilding ; or, ,to Mr. W. ,H. Lasb, onlthe property.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 8