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Wanted. WANTKD — Thirty good Railway .Libcu-ers for the Ohaupo and Tβ Awamuta conract.—Apply on the works, u. Kallok. WANTED —An Unfurnished Rcom' Rronnd floor, nicely situated,fireplace, for ■t l»dv anrl little hoy —- A.M.U..- Hmln Office. \,\f aNTKU—Kitcheninan for Hotel at it ■ *!> nce , : also u Rood 0,,n "al Servants.—E. Uesrv's Up K jstry_ouice, Shortiand street. W ANTED — A situation as Messenger i»» « r " ny . ,'" D> S > '"> m ='>t- C«i wait at tablr. , Ase 26—Apply "E.F" Hkkalu ufficf. : \\7" ANTED Twenty^gfjoT^Labourcre, : NvisaAKTi. Hawk, foremen, Kumco end of WaiUW "ANTED Knonn to tho inhabitants of w i n ~ AaM v™\ ,ind dlstrict!-That W. Jons,ToN, Victoria street, is .elling off his overstock of Boots .Mid Shoes at greatly reduced prices ior a wems only. VVTANTED—Customers on Saturday for ii f. r J™ tli »'»'*'| l l'«li' equ.lto Chriitmas lieol; I .-rab from 21 per lb. ; boilln" llcnf 'id - Corn W A go^^ni^F GOVerDOr BrO "° a \a? "ANThil>—A Good Horse-Shoer; must T r ba a t'.ircer. Iv'ono others need apply. Also, a strong lioy. — Geo. Lkaht, Dock Iron WANTED— A duly qualified Medical At'en.lant, for tho Auckland Branch, No. SI, Ii.A.C B. Society.—Applications, stating tirms, to be addrssseil to Ilia SrcteUry, caro of Mr. Flynn. Bookseller, Wellc»l«y street, wlirro forther particulars may ba ohla.ned. not Uttr than Oth December ANTED-Two tirst-class hands to the Dressmakinu : also, two or three Appre»ticei.—Apply at once to Mri. Loso, French Milliner, Dies, aud il.ntle Maker, Welleslry street, neap Q een street. WANTED — Employment as Packer ; 12 rears references—" a. M." H krald Offlce. WANTED— A good Baker, must be a steady Stan.—Apply at llskalD OUlco. WANCED —Employment as Gardener, Oenllomsn'a tami.y preferred •■ W.P." Heiiald Ollloa. WANTED, by a smart genteel wellidmaed Lad, son of one of our oldest and pen ami qu clc at flgures : ad. lir.ibly adapted fora atort I . —Hannaforp'h Hetristry. Upper Queinstreet. WANTED, about the end of January n xt — A House of seven rooms with conveniences ; musthnvo agojd viow of harbour: rent or loisc with a purchasing clause.—Mr. STAaK, Auckland. WANTED— A Situation as Aesistant in the Drapery lius.ness.—Address, under cover, - " A.A.," HKKAI.U KjfliCM. *V' ANTED—A Purchaser for a Paddock v of Grass, to be cut for hay, about G acre9.^~ Apply to J. CiTTLnn, Reamer* 'Bus Proprietor. WAN TED—A Situation as Overseer of a Sheep or Cattle Hun hy a Young Wan ot experience . Very best references. A pply at tlie ti ibaM< Office. WANTED, by a steady Young Man— Employment on a Farm or In a Garden ; also will give lessons In Xia'in and music(te»ch hannonlnm or piano) to the children. — Apply to " C.W." Herald Office. ANTED — Employment by 4 Single VV Mnn (abstainers) ; paid their own passage per • Fernglen. , Ages 20, 21, US, 20 ; seven years recomineodali >u ; 2u, worked two years in a blacksmith's shop; li, as coachman, do garden ; 25, locomotive fireman, 8 years; 20, understauds horses and cows, can plough, good milker.—Addnsi eack," Emigrant," H Hμ Lu Oihcn. WANTED— A General Female Servant. —Apply at tl.u UKRU.D QtUco. WANTED Kunvn—That George EleMt»T, Write,. Uraiuur, and Pointer, haj comtiiecced .tin in street, uext to Abbutt s. Grocer. ILLIAM McDOVVELL, late of the i'mpire Hotel, Thames, having taken those well-known premises tbc Thames Hotel Restaurant, Lower Qaeen stteet, has now opened the same, and. hopes through civility and attention to be patronised by hit old friends and public generally. WAKIIID — A buyer fur aUOUL O to»o ot goodtouod Corned Beef, specially packed for hot weather or Island trade. 10 per cent, cash discount or approved bill. Must be cleared at onco.— J. H ULJIK, Butcher, Queen street. ANTED KNOWN —The Auckland Timber Company have Removed their Business to New Premises opposite Gusworkn. Offices romain at Custom House street. StiU offering bargains in materials to save cost of removal. WANXm Known—That Music Printiso, of sizes adapted to Hymn-books and OUice. Estimates given lor Music-books arranged both for tho Piano aud in score. ANTED Known —That BUI-heade, Circulars, Card.'. Pogrammea, and General Printing of every description, from entirely new type, is execuleu at the Herald Office, at the lowert possible prioes. WANTED — Orders for Ffrost'a New Patent Self-Inking Rubber Stamps ; Small Machinery and Seeing Machines of all kinds to repair; I also make or repair Embossing Presses and Dies; repair Copying Presses and Dating Stamps make Duplicate Keys for Safes ; small brass or steel spiral springs ; cut small Tooth Wheels; repair, test, and adjust Steam or Vacuum Gauges; make or repair engine Counters; repair and adjust Scales, Weighing Machines and Weights to any accuracy : or any other and small accurito work properly done atth* Fitting Shop, Victoria Btreot, a fewdoora above quick's stables. WANTED known—That the undersigned are cash purchasers of Hides, Sheepskins, Woo>, Tallow, &c, at highest market rates.— U arilett Bros., Tauners, Wool-merchants, Wholesale and Retail Boot Manufacturers, WakeSeld-street, Auckland ; nueen-street, Ouehuuga ; flasting-street, Napier ; Gladstone Itoad, liisborne. Works : Star Tannery, Whao , WANTED— Everyone to examine the lieautifil Tweeds from which we are m aking i rouaera at a Guinea.—l. Pbilliffs, Qneon-itreet. WANTED TO SKLL-Fire Grates, from 9s 0d upwards; Sisn WKairra, Id per lb ; Tomb Kails, £3 and upwards; other Cashnou equally cheap.— J. Kelly, Freeman's Bay Foundry. ANTED KNOWN —A JPiret-ol«ee Stock of Cloths and tweeds, good workmanship, and moderate prices are the distinguishing fe»tures Of " The Pantheon." J. FORD, Tailor, 166, Queen-street. vvf a" nt i d 7* CIRCULAR SAWYERS CARPENTERS FIREWOOD CUTTER 3, And all persons using Saws of whatever kind to get them SHASEE>ED, HAMMERED, OR RE-TOOTHED At WALKER'S, SAWMA K E R, Albeit street, near the Market. "1 ADIES ! Bear in mind that Williams's J_J la the Cheapeit House in Town for FANCY DKAPKRY and SMALL GOODS A splendid lot of Ladles' Underclothing, Costumes, Lace Ties; Ribbons, Laces, and Klo ten, great variety; Kid Gloves, ic ; a large lot of Ladies' Back Combs cheap. All these Goods are just opened up fresh. Ladles from the country would do well to buy their Goods a*. W'LTJAUS'S, four doors ibove Market entrance. Junction of Queen and Grey-streets, and opposite Dampier's. miMBER ! TIMBER ! ! TIMBER !I ! WANTED KNOWN—That D. GOLDIE Is removing lo his new premises, Albert and Little Qneen street. Having erected large sheds, the Timber will be at all times under cover. Purchasers can, therefore, rely upon its being in a better condition than Timber purchased elsewhere, whilst the prices will be B W ZEALAND Ffiß NS, Unmounted, or tastefully Mounted In viriotw «V S » FROM 12 UP TD 120 VAniM'M, for sale by EUIC C K A I G > FKJ SCKS-STREKT; Ci OVERNESS requ-red for Wanga. \jr nui: French, music. sc !.^ upu »' Herald pnpils.— Address, with '« m • Offlco. — Z B A T H G° .r. i,iic Hot, Cold, and Sbowm Baths, to KoTii'H I ,uW |f u one SniLLiso. Open Victoria street M"'- in B to 9 p.m.. and Somda. all week °"J -S ' r n tl n 10 a.m. The B»th-ioom» ar Mohni.-'Sx liviij D iipd with every convenience, nil private, »£" fl "j* ami Ull | r brushes, combs, reTurkish tow«- ■ &( . S; . lei . t i, at h-room« (private) fo spir.Htors, so-1 • at M llour3 with fema i e attondl,* Jive SiiiLLiso. Please note tlie address : Vlo*ni 'ati"i!«t Kast above the Greyhound Hotel, tnd next the l ' Lea P Bedding ani Fumituie Mart, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 1