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Gazette in BanJaniptcy. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NORTUKIIN DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. Iu the matter of "The Debtors and < realtors Act, 1870," and ' The Debtors and Creditors ••• ct Amendment *ct, 1878," and of the Bankruptcy of JOSEPH OSBOKNE. cf Great .North R al, near the City of Auckland, in the Piovincial District of Auckland, in theColooyof New Zealand, Fe Imouger, a Debtor. Notice is hereby given tint it is the inteutiin of Joseph Osborne, the abo-enamed Debtor, to apply to this Honourable Conrt on WKUNKBDA.Y, the seventeenth day of December, at the l our of eleveu o'clock in th: forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard in that behalf, for an order of ixnwcdiite o;sch»r,je. Date i at Auckland, this fifth day of December, 1879. F. M. P. BuOOKHF.LD, Debtor's Solicitor. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NOU.THKRN DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of "Tho Debtors and Creditors Act, 1576," ''Til) Debtors und Cre itm» Act Amendment Act, 1878," and of the Bankruptcy of CHAULKS L.AM.Ii LONG, a Debtor. This is to notify that Charh-a Lamb Long, of Newmarket. in the Provincial District of Auckland, Clerk andStttion Master, has this day fl!e I a SUtemeu' that he is UDable to Meet his Engagements witn hiCreditors : the first Meeting of Creditors to be he'd, at the Hnpre • e Court Buildiogs, Auckland. "» FRiDaY. the twelfth day of December, 1579. Jit the hour of el«»ve i o'cl ?ck in the forenoon. Dated at Auckland, this sth day of Dice'uber, 1879. EDWAIID S. WJLLCOCXS, Registrar. HtsKfcTii & Eichmonu, So'le't >rs for the said Public uces. ; Ijy O T I C E. IX Tilt. SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND; CANTERBURY DISTRICT. BETWEEN J:iHN TUCKER FOilD AND CHARGES NEWTON", PLAINTIFFS, AND HENRY CUHLKS YOUNG, DEFENDANT. WhTras. 1 y virtue of a writ of jicri facias issued herein, order.ui; me tint of tin roal and personal Pftate of tin abovename I defendant, Ileary Charles Youug. T should catuc to he made the mm of f>no thousand f.-ur hundred and nintenn pounds thirteen shillings and threepence, tosether with interest, sin riffs' ar.d other fees and expenses of execution. Now f, Edwakd Rm\tu Willcxks, Sheiiflf of the district of Auckland do hereby give notice that [ shall cause to be sold by publ'c auction, by Samuel Cochrane and Son, at their auction rooms, Foit street, Auckland, after the expiration of three calendar months from the day of the date hereof, uame'y. on the nisteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, at the hour of eleven o'clock, in the forenoon, unless tha said sum of one thousand four huudred and nineteen pounds thirteen sh lHncs and threepence, and interest, sh riffs' and otherfe s and expenses the eon as aforesaid, bosroner paid all the estate, ri<ht, title, and interest of the said Henry '.harles Youug in and to all that unreel of land in the prnv.ncinl district of Auckland, in the colony of New Zealand, containing four hundred and fifty-two acres, more or situite at Matamata, in the district of Waikato, Banks Cout.ty, called, or known by tha naine of Taramoirari No. 2. and numbered 005 N. : boun ?cd towards tve north east by the Wharikiriki Swamp, towards tho s u h east by a line, and towards the south wist and north wost by the Mcngapuri Swamp And in und to al! that j aiCcl of land in the proviacfal district of Auckland aforesaid containing ei^lit huudred and seventy-five acres three roudi porches. more or lrss situate at Tahamii, iu the district of Hauraki, Queen's County, called or known by the name of "Tnhanui," numbered IS7S ; bounded towards the north ens'-by the Th lines River, towards the south • ast by the Kopuatoto Block, jind by tho Tamah- re Block and by lines, towards the south west ly lines, towards the west by h. line, and towards the nor h west by the Arapeka Block And I further give notice thf the estate or iuierust of tho said Henry Charles Yourg in lespect of the aforesaid lutuis so int'tided to be sold, consists cf his being seized of tho said hereditaments for an estate of inheritance in fc6 simple in possession. And all the said lands, and all the estates and interests of the uaid Henry Charles Youn,' therein and thereto, hate l oen Uken by me in elocution at the suit of the said John Tucker Ford and Cha: lea Nowt m, the execution creditors. 'J ho nimo aud addn-Si of the solicitor for John Tucker Ford and Charles Newton, the ssid «xecution creditors, is Leonard Harper, of Hereford street, Chiistchureh, in 4 ho provincial di-tiict of Canterbury, in the colony aforesaid, whose agent is Kritnund Augustus M<sckechn'e, solicitor, of No. 30, bhortland street, in tho citj of Auckland.

Dated the twenty-ninth day of October, 1579. EDWARD S. WILLCOCK3, Sheriff, ITakpkr, ll»iirEß, and ?coit, of Herr-ford street, Christchurch. solicitors for the p aintifFs, by their afjent, E A. Mackcchkir, solicitor, >o. 36. Shonland street, Auckland. To Kksky Charles Young, and all other peraors claiming any interest iu the raid Lndsand premises. PATENT MACHINE-MADE EXTENDING TRELLIS, For Park, Paddock, or Garden Fences, Flower-bed 1 Borders, umtucr aud Fowl-house-, Porches, Vineries, Creeping Plant Supporters, Arc., Ac. Zs'o labour in erecting. Can be removed wi'.hout damage. Much ckcaper and far superior to handmade trrliitwork. Patentees nod manufacturers. K. & J. SLATER. Upper Queen street, Auckland. gu SIN ES S N OTIC E. Mr. Kbenezsh Wood, Symoods street, begs to tbank hi* customers for past pjitron*go, ami to respectfully req'iest that th« sarno be couti ued to his brother, E.socu WcOL\ to whom he has sold the busiat s?. All accounts dua to the late firm are requested to he paid as eirly as possible to Mr. Enoch Wood. *icned f EBKNKZER WVOD. wignea, j BNuuH w0 D December 1,157 P. gUSINESS NOTICE. Mr.. Enoch Wood, Wellington street, brga to thank his customers for past patronnge, and to rospectfully rrquest that tho same be conti ued to his brother, Autuuk Woot>, to whom he h?.s sold tho buslncs*. All accounts due to the late Arm are requested to bo paid as early as possible to Mr. Arthur Wood. Signed J KNOCfI WOOD. -unei. AKTHUUWOOL). December 1, 1579. IN PRICE OF SUGAR, We, the undersigned Grocers and Storekeepers, notify to our Customers aud the J-üblic generally that, in consequence of » Seconij Ai.vancb in the Price of Sugar we are Compelled to Rai.his the Prick 6f Sugar ONE HALF-PEXNY per lb. on all orahhs, v z.; Ist While, 5Jd; aud >'o. 1, 6d, &c. T. W. Doonin F. Hewin & Bro. H P. Gibbons & Co. Glaoville A: Ellycit Close Croa. U. Maxfleld Holland & I crtzer G R. MeNab Juhn C. Morrin 'J'. Thomps n Robert N cal Robert Raw Geo. Osborne Jaines Davies C. Major. per R.C. J. Warren Mauficj Jb'oley Robertson Bros. Joseph Abbott Merely and White Young Warren Robert StevensOa J. W. Prime J. Biilington J. L. liatswell. Aucklaud, 3rd December, 1579. THE NEW ZEALAND PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE iOCIEtY. Cftiec—l9, Insurance Buildings. Mr. W. Macrune lias ceased to be an of this society. ARTIIUP. W. LAWS, Secretary. oTI c E . The Business heretofore carried on by FRANCIS HULL, JuN., & CO. will in future bo conducted !>y W. F. Hull and F. liull, Jun., under the style or firm of HULL BROTHERS. UL L jg KOTII Eu S, GENERAL MER Jll ANTS. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION AGENTS, Queen street (adjoining Insurance Buildisos) AND IiJIIiAKWATER, Cash Buyers of Wool. Tallow, ICaurl Gum, &c. Auckland, October 1, 1879. O T I C E. Rnnnlnpr on our farm, a Grey Muto. If not claimed within seven days, will be iold to defray expenses. R. & R. DUDKR, North Shore. O jr ICE. Tho partnership bminess, hitherto carried on by J. and J. Pickoy, Ironmongers Queen street, being dissolved by tho death of Mr, John Dickey, will iu future bo conducted by me under the stylo aud firm of J. and J. Dlckoy as heretofore. All accounts «>winu to tho old Arm aro requested to be settled without delay. JAMES DICKEY.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 1