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Shipping. _ WOOL SHIP FOR LONDON DIRECT. 7' ne splt-ndid ir n 'WAIKATO 1021 tons register, 100A1 at Lloyd's, W. Wobster, Commander, will i il ai above on or about the 15th December. Ila3 superior stluon acjommoditioc. For freight or p»BSii?e a; ply ta THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY {limited;. SH 1 P 'WAIKATO,' FOR LONDON. Inten'ingSaloon Passengers are requested to S'cure their berths not later tl an the 10th instant. THE NEW ZEALAND SRITPING COMPANY (LIMITED), Agents. Gazette ill Bankruptcy. J X B \ PTC Y. In the Fstate of KODHHICK McINNES, Auckland. Painter and Psperhanger. a Debtor. No'.ice is hereby given that a Final Dividend wiJl be p.yable on the BtU instant. TIIO. MAC yp AR f.A NE, Trustee. Auckland, December 3, IS7O. $&&& IX TflE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of "Tho Debtors and Creditors Act. lS7t»,'' '"Tha Debtors *nd Cre-itors Act Amendment Act, IS7S," and of thr; Bankruptcy of M.CHAtiL FUREY, of Coromaudtl, Qncen's Cjuuty, in the I'rorlncial District of Auckland, in the Co'ony of New Zealand, H-telkeeper, u Debtor. Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of Michael Furiy, th»* abo - >enamed Deblcr, to apply to this Hon urable Conrt on WEDNESDAY, the seventeenth «iay of December, at the riour ol eleven o'clock in th-_» forouoon, or as noon thereafter as counsel la-j be heard mi th it behalf, th:»t an order of imme ii it" G;rtliar<« m-iy be granted to him. Date i at Auckland, this fourth day of December, 1571). JOSEPH A. TOLT', Solicitor for the Debtor, Shortland-street, Auckland. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. IN BAMiRUPTCY. In the matter of "The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1576," and '"The Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment .-set. IS7S," and of the Bankruptcy of CIHKLE3 EDWARD STUART JiO.SK, of Cioibridge, Hotelkeeper, a ebtor. Notice is hereby given that, at a First Meeting of the Creditors of the said Charles Kdward Stuart Rose, hel l on Thursday, the fourth d*y of December, 1579, in th-t Supreme Court Buildings, Auckland, at the hour of eleven o'clock forenoon, Thomas Macffarlane, of Auckland, Ce:tificated Ac.ountant in Bank-r-jp-cy, was elected CreJito.a' Trustee of the property of the said Charles Edward Stuart Rose ; and that the said Thomas Mactfarlano has intimated to the Registrar, in writing, his acceptance of the said otlice Dated, at Auckland, this fourth day of December, 1579. H. WILLIAMSON, Deputy Registrar. Jodjf M. Alexander, Bank Buildings, Solicitor for the Petitioning Jreditcr. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW 7EALAM', NORTUERN DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of ''The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1876," 4 *The Debt >ra and Creditor* Act AniHudment Act, 1875," and of the Bankruptcy of HENXtY CLARE.NCK lIOYTK, of Tauranga, in the Provincial District, of Auckland, Chemist, a Debtor. Notice is hereby given that, at a Meeting of the Creditors of the Baid Henry Clarence Hoyte, held in the Buildings of the Supreme Courthouse, Auckland, on Wednesday, the 3td day of December, 1579, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Thoma* Macffarlane, Esquire, or Auckland, Ceitificated Accountant in Bankruptcy, was elected Creditors' Trustee of the Estate of the said Henry Clarence Hoyte ; and that the said Thomas MacfTarlane has intimated to me, in writing, his acceptance of the siid oflice. Dated at Auckland, this 3rd day cf December 1879. EDWARD S. WILLCOCKS, Registrar. Frkd. A. Purvis, Tauranga, Solicitor for the Debtor. Land Transfer Notices. TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. Notice id hereby given that the several parcels of Land hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions of "Tho Lind Transfer Act, 1370," unless caveat in the meantime he lodged forbidding the same, within twe calendar months from the date of publication of this notice in the " Gazette" JOHN GWYNNETH —Allotmont 274, Parish of Wcdotat.i, County of Opotiki, containing 25 acresunoccupied. Also, Allotments 149 and 150, Parish of Waioeka, County of Opottki. containing 100 acres ; in the (occupation of C. D. Litchfield 1395 and 1890 JAMES DILWORTH and WILLIAM KELLY;— Allotments 25 and 26, Parish of Te Mania, Cook' 9 County, containing 303 acr*js 1466 Diagrams may be at this otlice. Dated this '25th day of November, 1579, at tho Lauds l egistry Office, Auckland. THEO. KISSLING, District Land Registrar. TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. Notici is hereby given that the several parcels of Land hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions of "The Land Transfer Act,lS7o," un'cs3 in the njciintime be lodged forbidding the same, in each case on or before the lith day o ( January next : — EVEItY McLEAN—Lot 0 of a subdivision into lots of part of a block cf land called or known l»y the name of " ukoroire," situated at \\ atkato. Cook's County, containing 200 acres : in applicant's occupation. 13031 MAItY LINCOLN —Lois 43, 44, 45, 40, and 54 of the subdivision into lots of part of allotment* 12 and 13. section 8 of the suburbs of Auckland, con'.aininu 1 rood and 3 perches ; in applicant's occupation. UtTO WILLIAM KSDAIt.E TIIOMAS-Part of allotments 12 and 13 of section 2, Suburbs of Auckland containing 1 rood and 10 perchcs; in the applica .t s occupation. 1492 Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 25th day of November, 1878, at tho Land Registry Office,. Auckland. THEO. KIS3LINO, District Land Registrar. Governor browne hotel, IIOBSON STREET. I Board and Lodging 20s per week | do. do. (single room) 25s ao»

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 1