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Insurance Companies. ~V" ORTHERN ASSURANCF ii COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. STATEMENT SHEWING TIIE PUOOUEW n TUB SOUTHERN ASSURANCE COM['ANy From its e.tablishmcnt In 1838 to the present (18781. " m « Net Fire Net Life Ue «nue Revenue. Revenue. I . ' ro,n ' iw? 1 . Interest, i tu wl4ln I 1 hanfl ££\ e ! IS3B 900 700 1 ■■■••o ' , £ IS3S 1,900 2,000 2* 000 -V-X) 1841 3,200 9.500 ! 2*400 ~ lb4l 4,000 14.000 4 000 1 n-'*'" 1 1-47 0,800 18,200 6>oo ISSO 7,000 20.200 0 500 lA™ 1853 22,000 37,400 • ISM j 03,400 Sti.fiOO 13 200 Jr!'-'" 1859 100,300 02,000 Is COO 1802 I 127,900 75,300 24 ■")) ; S' 600 Isds I 163,900 t7 400 31*70, j.;' 101 ISO 3 184,600 1&7C0 4UOO ?.£••»* 1871 230,400 119 910 57 700 .iy* 1874 313,300 133,000 7b,400 1 1877 403,700 157, iOO ~'.V,? lw » -•-*0,500 LIFE DEPAIITMB> 1. 1 It is worse than useless to possess Lif-> {» u unless there is the certainty that th<> sum ' ,be paid at death. A uiau may for years trno » f l as the support for his family, and uitim-uHr 2 i that it is of us value. The sums assure,! if. ,i '• NORTHKRN 'ate gusr»ntv.>il by the Sh irchu'l l capital of Three Million* Sterling, and brit- a •.. latcd Funds, all safely invested, atuountin' il". . u * (December, 1577) to more than rwu TWO ilU> DKEI> THOUSAND iNjf Xl!- ° N * continually increasing. * ' 4Q( i In the Participation Branch, th»» whrj* • ASCEitTAiNKD »UKl»Li'» at each valuation »„1k ' the Assured. uu,,,i "»^to The undersigned, Agent for the above Courts,*. »ru;ired to .accept Risks against Fire on UnM;« s and Contents in the City ami Province of at the LOWEST CURRENT ' • thomas mackv Fort-street, March 10, 1579. LIFE ASSOCIATION op jyJL AUSTRALASIA, FOR MUTUAL AM) IN'OEKKASIBI.F II» ASSURANCE, ' rK ENDOWMENT AND ANNUITY iiI'SINKSS fit ad Omen roi« New Zkahnh : QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND ; Witu Ottices throuyhuut the Colony Local Director : OEOHOE BUKGOVNB OWEN, ESQ. Principal Medical Officer: CHAS. FIELD GOLDSBRO', M.D., F.R.C.p, Solicitors : MESSRS. WIIITAKER, RUSSELL & BCDDLE. The only office in New Zealand granting policies absolutrly indefeasible from date of issue. Settle rnents prompt and liberal, without reference to Sydney office. No quibbles or iied tapi allowed t 0 interfere with justice. Members can travel etcrywuere, resid in anv country, and eDgage io every occupation, without giving notice to theolllce. Every information can he obtained on application at the Association's Office. WILLIAM T. J. BELL, General Agent for New Zealand. JJNITED FIRE AND MARINE IX. SURANCE COMPANY. Capital £500,000. Head Office : 275, GEoRGE-STRBBT, SYDNEY. This Company is prepared to accept Fire and Marine Risks on the most favourable terms. For fall particulars apply to A. li EATII EE, Agent. Queen street, Auckland. THE T KA* S ATLANTIC FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY OF HAMBURG U, Capitai. (Revised} —£220.Ch) ; 1. Capital Paid up and Reserve Fcxd (Revised) £57,000. Bankers is to* Colony: BANK OK NEW ZEALAND. All Claims Settled In the Colony Without L)«lay. This Company having opened Ageucies throogboul the Colony is prepared to accept Fire Risks on every description of Property, at the Lowest Current Ratei AUCKLAND AGENT—ALEX. SAUNDEBS No. 6 Insurance Buildings, Qukks-ht. g )U T H BRITISH INS 'J K\N TK COMPANY. CAPITAL, £1,000,000. Buildings of every description and conteQts insured. Wool from Sheep's B .vc or Shipping of Lo :doa. Fe.isels, Freight, Gold, Gr*ln, Gum, and Cancel gemr-illy Insured to and from London the Co'oalei, Auorica, China, Mauritius, tbe Islands, &c. Lowest Current Ratis. !i«v< t)u x .ce, Auckland. A. BOARDMAN. Manager. Sporting. DEVITT, Gunmaker, 244, Queen- • Btreet, Auckland, opposite the Market* house. Established 1859. . On Sale—Single an! Double Hreech-loading and Muzzle-loading Fowlin?pieces ; Tranter's Patent, Martini and Snider, Rood RiQo3 ; Hall's, Curtis's, and Harvey, Pigon, Wiikaod Laurence's Sporting Powders ; Blasting Powder and Fusp, Newcastle Chilled shot, Eley's Doablewaterproof Caps, Cases, Wadding, Ceacentrators, Wire-cartridges for M. L. and li. L. guns, Gun-cases, "Waterproof Covers, Gamebags, 4c., breech-loading Implements of every description, Breech-loading Revolvers and Ammunition, Fishingtackle. Ail cartridges ordered at the above establishment guaranteed carefully and accurately loaded. Every description of firearms repaired by experienced workmen. Firework".—Just received, ex ' Carmelo,' 5 cases Fireworks, from the celebrated maker, J. Puin, London. WH. HAZARD, • UNMAKER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Firearms and Gun Materials, begs to announce that he has just received, per c James Wishart,' a Lar/je and Well assorted Stock of Sinele and Double-barrel Breech and Muzzle loading Fowling-pieces, Air Gan3 and Cau' 8. Leather Gun Cases, Cirtridge and Game Bags, Waterproof Gun Covers, Rc cappers and Turnovers,&c. W.H.H. would respectfully draw attention to his largo fctock of Second h*nd .-hot, Guns, Rifle?, aud Revolvers, the whole of which must be cleared, to make room for further shipments, per 'Alitor/ ' Sarco,*' Tamaya,' and other vessels eipccted sbovtly from London. Gu:.s carefully packed and forwArded to any part of the colooy on receipt of lemittanre. MactLinery. __ j*/f ASJ3FIELD & 0 0., JL ALBERT IRON FOU.tDRY. IRON AND URA-S CASTINGS DAILY. FOR SALE. 3, 0, 10, 15 an 25-horae power Engines and Boilers Breakdown and Circular Sawing Machinery, new second-hand ; Timber Jacks 1 Iron rurcing Lathe, suitaNe for mill tons Best Charcoal Tramway Wire Complete Boring Rods aod fittings Winches, Bone Mille, Lif'J g Blocks Ships' Castings, Quartz Battery ... Cotton and Hay Presses, Turblna Wheels, oin. vipe

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 6