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hi another column will bo found the details of a sad and fatal accident, which took place yesterday at the excavations, Port Britomart, by which a poor man named •James Boyle lost his life, and another family is left desolate and fatherless. The accident of yesterday does not come upon the public as a surprise, as for some time back it hag been felt that it was merely a question of time when a serious if not fatal accident would tike place. Several m.'ii had been already injured through falls of earth or boulders, and from the hazardous method in which the men undercut the facc of the cliff to i;et a good "fall" when a "shot "was put io, it was scarcely possible to escape with impunity oil all occasions. The top soil is a volcanic loam, underlying that is a pipe-clay formation of an extrem-ly treacherous character, as it was from a seam of that opening and giving way that the fatality of yesterday ocoiirrcd. It is surely posriblc to adopt S'imc safer method of exe ivatiiiii tliau til it in vogue at Fort Britomart, and which caused the daily remark from passengers by the 1-aihvay going to and fro, that "it was simply tempting Providence." In a < Joveriimeut work of such magnitude and of such a characier, the authorities ought to take some st ps to sec that the lives of the workmen are duly cared for, by instituting those safeguards which daily experience and common prudence would dictate. To-morrow evening the opening of the new organ in All Saints' Church, is to be celebrated by a grand orgau recital in the Church at which several of our leading organists, and the choir from St. Mary's, Parnell, will assist. The doors are to bo I open at half-past seven o'clock, and the busincv* of the evening ia to begin at eight. I

It is taid ciiat earnest efforts arc ! iuad3 from. Auck'and to get the authoriti-s in Mev." South Wales to make an inq iiry into the sanity of Andrew George Scott, iilkm It is stated that lie was for soni! time iu the lunatic in Sydney. A correspondent writes suggesting that as Mr. Edger has challenged any ten Ministers •of the Gospel to an argument upon the several theories set up by Mrs. Britten, the challenge should be taken up, a hall liired, and the proceeds devoted to charitable institutions. We quite differ from our correspondent. We were prepared for a good deal from Mr. Kdger, but were surprised that he should come forward, aud avow himself anxious to be a champion knight on behalf of a lady who is quite competent to talk for herself. We should be glad to think that the motive prompting Mr. Edger to the rash declaration was rather gallantry than a desire to serve the caus ■of truth. It won hi be greatly to be regretted if his challenge were taken up. To get up arguments about the different "spheres" in the spirit world, about what is the nature of the spirit of a worm, about how the spirits of husbands and wives arc to unite iu the next world, would be utterly useless and Bomewhat degrading. In the case against Captain Logan, heard at tho Police Court yesterday, for landing cattle without a written permission, the Magistrate indicted a nominal line, a3 tho defendant had been in the habit of lauding cattle for 11 years, without having received any -warning or notice of the existence of the by-law which has now been put in force. The proper plan for a public body or public officer to pursue, -wh n it is eonsi-d-red necessary that a law which had not been enforced for years should bo revived, would have be?n to have advertised the regulation, wiili an intimation that it must be observed in the future. A statement was made to the court that Captain Burgess was instructed to lay an information by the chairman of the Harbour Board, and upon him therefore must lie the blame of instituting the prosecution, which upon all hands is thought to have been unnecessary aud ill-judged. We have t j acknowledge tho receipt of tho current number of the Church Guzetfr. It contains a large amount of parochial and diocesan intelligence, and has, in addition, a 24-pige supplement, contiiniug a full reparfc of the proceedings of the last Dio-cc-sin Synod, with reports and financial statement. Th re is an article on "A Cathedral for Auckland," in which are stated succinctly various reasons in favour of the project. It is contemplated to add to the attraction of the Church Gazette by having a "Children's Corner" iu it. A va-iety of choice extracts from the pen of Canon Farrar and other writers, and the Sun lay-school Icssods for the currtnt month, complete this useful publication. The December number of the Presbyterian -Ycics is now issued. The subj ets of " Muscular Christianity," "Pl-.-as tor Deeper Interests in Missions," and "The Joy of Public Worship " are ably treated by various writers. A second article, in continuation of the " Lyra Ecclesiastics La'.iua," by Mr. Smeaton, of Ileleosvillc, is also given. "News of the Churches," "The Model Family," "A K'--Ininiec':nce of Mark Lemon,' aud the treasurer's statement, conclude an nteresting aud readable number. The following is the weekly report of the Auckland Lunatic Aaylum and Old Hospital Auxiliary, for tho week ending November 2!), 1579 : —Kemaining last week, 220; admitted since, 1 ; remaining, male 3, 153 ; females, GS; total, 221. The third of the Camndini operatic and ballad concerts was given last evening, in the Lome-street Hall, and a capital programme was submitted, consisting of choic.selections from "Martha," " Maritana," "11 Trovatore," and other equally popular works of Offenbach, Verdi, Kamlaldi, Auber, he. To lovers of really good music, it was a rare treat, and it does not speak well for the musical taste of the Auckland public that such a. first-class programme, to bo given by artists so well known as this company, should not have drawn a better house thau it did last evening. " Oft iu the stilly Night," that old but ever popular favourite, was sung by Madame and Miss Caraudini, Miss Deakin, and Mr. Sherivin, aud called forth the most hearty applause. The touching old Scotch song, " Auld Uobiu Gray," was sung by Madame Caraudini, with the utmost feeling aud pathos. The first part of the programme was concluded by an operatic selection by the company from "II Trovatore," consisting of " Breeze of the Is ight," " Ab, I have sighed to rest thee," an 1 culminating in " The Miserere Chorus," which was admirably sung. In the second part the principal attractions were the recitative and air "Stella Confidante," ung by M:ss Caraudini, with piano aud organ accomuauiuieiit, the latter by Miss Deakiu, and tho form r by Monsieur Calon. " Sweet Oldcu Days," by Madame Caraudini, a:ul a Scotch duet. " Huntingtow cr," by Miss Cavaudi'iiand Mr. Shcrvvin, were both sung in first-class aud uoex- | ceprional mauuer. " i'lic Gypsy s' Lmghiog Chorus,'' sung by the company, brought a most enjoyable concert to a satisfactory conclusion. A curious instance of lusus natural has recently occurred in the matter of a ben's egg which is in the possession of Mr. William Eyre, of Victoria-street. It weighed four and a-half ounces, being about the size of a goose egg, and on being opened con taiued within it, floating in a'bimitious matter, an i rdinwy formed hen egg with shell complete. Probably the id- a has been obtained from one of the Chinese puzzles of a globe within a globe, with which celestial ingenuity has made the public familiar ; but if so, it has been the death of the unlucky inventor, the hen, although there is nothing to suggest the suspicion of foul play. It is a pity that advantage was not taken of the preseuce of Dr. Hector iu our city to get the great savant to te!l us all about it, by peering into— Thu ma-M-'iiing ri-Ullo o tho root Hlell within shell — but failing that, the Crocers' committee who " sit " weekly upon eggs, in their financial aspect, may be able to throw some light upon the subject. In view of the untimely fate of the uuliappy fowl it is scarcely likely that any other hen will be "egged" onto attempt a similar feat', but while she has been quietly laying the foundation of a large family, some idiotic rooster will be sure to be crowing about it. A let'er from the Wellington Local Industries' Association appears elsewhere, and seeks the co-operation of the Workinc Men's Political Association iu this city to raise funds for the purpose of h a New Zealand Exhibiton, at Wellington,' shortly after that to be held at Melbourne. The proposal is, that a sum of £SUOO mi-lit be raised iu public subscriptions, the minimum being one shilling, and that the Government should put on the Estimates an equal amount. It is lioj.el by the projectors that many of the exhibitors at the Melbourne Exhibition will send their exhibits down to New Zealand, and that the colonists would be familiarised with what is going on in the way of art aud inventions in the other colonies and in Europe. "Old Bachelors" was produced at the theatre last night for the first time in Auckland, but owing to a severe pressure upon space, we are obliged to hold over our notice of the performance until next issue.

The now G'ammar school iiiildii almost completed, but as iho Chri ? I" holidays ar« now clos : at hand it wil' i.'" occupied till next yc.r. It may, lie used for a few hours oil th>; breakin-,'" ' day. The Auckland L-ms Con,-.liuati o „ passed its second r. a ding in t"-. e Le'-isV' 1 Council yesterday by the skin <,f itV-w" but is 11 ,t yet out of danger, tli. Hoa \r W aterliouse having fciven n' ti<:e th.v • would " watch it in committee „ ne passage of this bill depends the' iwi-iV-'f* of the council b-itig able to carry ou' number of important drainage and 0 -C„ A works. TlO Improvement Cmmi-: 'n■"[ Rill will ba passed, if it call yet a passing, aua 13 not too far dotvn order pap?r. l "' e The I'ev. Mr. Baker a-id familv. tJj.. lV ,>■ known Tonya Wes cyan Mi-isionarv, ar-VVI in this city last night by the bri'.-A-Myrtle. Mr. Baker is at nut* to Sy'la".'.? l-ut hearing so much in favour of the \ ■ land climate, has decided to leave his f here until he returns from X<nv >v '.f' Wales. Tha rev. gentleman has lie. a wards of 20 years in Tonga an 1 iu pr-v*"' b urhood, and the rapid progress wliiih •'h' people of those i-:lau l have made in "J' tiou ia due in a great measure to tint man's infl'iencc. Mr. 15 iker is account'"'M by David Utja, one of th; most inO , chief of the island. - — Mr. Goldie, tho Sanitary Ir.speeto* , . ports : —During the mouth ending X. u ',~ ber, 1579, there were 11 deaths recV r . 1 within the city of Auckland. Tiic ii-;-."-during the corresponding mo:,th ui* Tl!" were 10 deaths. There were two •li'j'vV:'" tho hospital during the mouth of Nov* ,! ° 1579. r ' "A Taxpayer" writer : —" (ji a ;j shameless persons ill this colony some . • M. H.H.'s are the most shameless. r were anxious to display a quality «vhich'h'U did not possess, and actually by a *'< reduced their own pay. This was ton j a joke to be ear rid out. lteduee servants as you like, but for goodliest • do not touch our own pay. It is sae.. \ i am aware that one-fourth was added re numeration for an extra long session. R a > that does not signify. We luve got It, aiu } we mean to stick to it. If you like, v' shed every drop of our friends'— the uj v i| servants—blood, but none of our own o), Mr. Pyke! Mr. Pyke !-you are in.kvii brazen Pyke ! There are many ab lail a) you are, but they have not the brass :u th-ir composition, although they widinyly you." ° "A Volunteer" sends the follo-.viu/ worthy suggestion : —" I notice that Dem's M m . strels, with their usual liberality, have kiudly consented, at the request of'tiic :au. tain and officers of the Naval Ilris;a>l-\ to give a performance in tho Lome street Hal) on Tuesday evening next (9th), for the benefit of the sufferers by the lato explosion on board their gunboat when out priciibin". Now, I would suggest, as a brother' teer, that every member of each company should patronise this deserving c-iite tain. uient, and so help their comrades in -iittress, and be conspicuous by their presence, isstrad of their absence as on former occasions at volunteer entertainments. 1 throw this fri-ndly hiut out to the captains of all the companies, and hope that they will parade their different companies on that evonini;. and march to tha hall in a body. I ob : er»f by advertisement, that Major Ilernrn has requested his company to patronise the entertainment, aud let others do liken is?. The Whatawliata correspondent of oat "Waitako contemporary writing ou th- 24th ult. reports upon the recent discov- : « of kauri gum in the Waikato district It is somewhere said that one door :iev.: but another open.", so it has proved ir „i:r natives. The Uag'.an road mon- yi; .> of the past with them, aud it was fc„ -\ to see from where the next supply to come, for Maoris like ourselre-! ■: live without a certain amount o"' the needful; but a new and unexpected industry h u been opened to them. Kauri gum has (ken found in payable quantities at and i.ear the Koto Kauri Lake. This lake hail obtained its name by reason ot the isauri trees, which the natives knew had urown there formerly, but few oxpucted it would turn out a payable gum field. However, a large parry of natives aa.l 3Me Europeais are trying tlicir lack at (jan digging, aud so far the natives have teen very successful, one old woman gcllioga large kitful eveiy day. The diners ,ire at present spearing over the swamp ground, but gum has been found in the neighbouring hills, so that it is difficult ti or niit extent the field may be, but large or smill, it will be a great help to the natives ia their hard times, and it m*y psihaps cittse : revival of trade in Whatawhata, whijh for some time past has been rather dull. It may at first seem that find o: gam, useful though it is, is not a further prcof o! the richness of our lauds, but thrr Iloto Kauri Lakq lies several miles out oi V.'intawhata, aud is in the centre of a -.vtfDt of wiste country mar which the r..:ny runs, betweea Hamilton and Ngarua übia, and fciie nafcires pay that gam will be ' iu all the large swamps betiveau lh - ■ ■ ".«! places.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5632, 4 December 1879, Page 4