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Conveyances. DANS O N ' S PARCELS DELIVERY £jiHT. SCALK OF CHARGE 3, To all Parts of Town, Small Parcels nnder 251ba., •wuu.'w » K*"l»» s . say llotoon street, Pitt street, Kiriiigaliape Read, street, Shortland Thesame raillus, up tolcwt. each 6d To or from Wharf, under and up to lcwt... .. 1« To or from Railway, same as town delivery, .: 6d To or from Suburbs or Country, as per agreeAll Parcels legibly and (ully addressed will ensure quick despatch. ReC3ivitg Offices— Tnos. Brierlv's Stables, late Mears's ; And the Office of Mr. Slatbr, Lessee of the Market House; At which calls will be made several times every day for m>ssage< and parcels. \*7 CROW THE B, V T • VICTORIA LIVBRV & BAIT STABLES Corner of I orße and Wellesley-streets. Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keepe to H It a the Duke of Kdinburgh and His Excllpncy Sir G. F. Bowen. For Hire.—A great variety of Carriages, open and clce ■ Broui;h»m« and Wedding carriages, with bay horses ; Bnreies, single and Double-sealed, hooded gndopen, MWfle or pair of Horses ; Four-wheeled Uoe-carts ; Breaks for picnic parties ; Covered Conveyances for driving passengers to out-districts Ladies and •■ entlemen's Saddle Horses, &c, &c. '. harsei Moderate. Medical. L> "- D E J ON6H ' S (KSltiliT OK THE ORIIEiI OF LEOPOLD OF BELGIUM, KSI'iUT OF Titß LKG lON OF HONOUR) T lUHT-t) ROWN U U r I V E R r\ I L, moved \ y iK-arly thirty year.' medical experience to be TIIK ONLY OOP LIVER OIL wliic-h pn.duc s the full curalire effects in "ISSLMI'TION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST, IIIROAT AFFECTIONS, GENERAL DEBILITY, iVA-STINf; DISEASES OF CHILDREN, RICKETS, ASH ALL SCROFCLOfS DISOHDERS. 'KLKCT MEDICAL, OPINIONS. O Slii G. DUNCAN (iIBB, Bart, M.l>., Physic in to the Westminister Hospital rgTnu v.ilu.-nf DR. DE JoNGH'S LIGHT_i i:|{i>W.V COD LIVER OIL as a therapeutic n i-ii in K number of diseases, chiefly of an . vhan-itive .-li:ir.u;t<-r has been admitted bv !li>! »-..rld of in■■dicinc; but. in addition, I bavu fund it a n-m-dy nf great power in the lr- tiii.-nt nf many Affectiins of the Tbroit . mi l/irviiN e-ijitcial v in C •nsirnption of the «lu! e it »i,l »u,Miii li:e when everyih.iU ts\x fai.s. , UK. SINCLAIR C:OGHILL, i. ; . siji .11 I'.uy. Nat. Husp. tor Consuniption, Ventnor. ■ I" liav convinced myself that in TuberDE j'i.nGH'S LIGHT-BROWN CiH) ■ IVi:ilOlLi«isscsecsgTe:iti!r therapeutic • Hi acytli-n anv other Cod Liver oil with • Inch" I am acquainted. It especially 11 •;L-1. in a l.irjje imuiber of cases in which the j'i'-.vas j>r.itested they lud never been a In t. cuii-i • r digest other Cod Liver Oil, that I'll. i>K J.JNGHS OIL, was not only t..\ral .1 but tanun readilv, and with mark.d benefit." IOSETH .J. POPK, ESQ., M.R.C.S., '. t-: Staff-urg. Army, Prof, of Hygiene, Birkbe.'k Inßt. Sfi'iiml during my In experience that the worth and char.ictcr of DR. DE J NGII'.S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVEK • 11. rt-.ii inet unchanged by tropical h«at or foreUn, and it fr mi its un fortuity ~| rinr.i.-ler, lurtk-uiariy a-lain il for loluj-.■oi't-.uued administration I'lie Vi'ue of ■ hy :ro-cirl)nn»' in all debilitated states nf the *.£&": a S || , 'it W is, < '»'itiiuiit dmibu froirTVln' ;.ni!iiul oils and fate, rather than from then \ c ■-■.liV. MthstituUs, that «j may hope to .1 livu the surest beneSt The il of DIl DB .1 Nclil pines in everyone's roach a reliable v.i'.ii.ii'k- remedy, one that cannot be tot wi..dy r^.-n^d." DR. R. C. CltOFl Aii'hor of •' Ilandb 'ok for the ur.'ory." »V ; - »« JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN I ,r iM'i LIVB ! <IL, isalmostaspeciricinmaiij ..f ill ■ lipases peculiar to Infancy and Child\i.> 11, .in.! I have sloii marked bonofit pro-.liu-l-i l«y its use I'atients prefer it to tht f..'.':t,liiy. :, '' ;: i. .i inch s light-brown cod liver oil - , Mo-ay in i-iiPMilcd lui-ekiat, Half-PinM, 2s. ed.; i,- ii '.hi.; yurut*. Bs ;by all respectable Chemists ■: l.t-ijis ihxiiughnut the World. . . il! lIAIIPJKD AND CD., 77, STRAND, LONDON. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Ihpubtty of tbi Blood.—Unless the blood be kept in a pure stato the constitution must bo weakened and disease snpervene. These wonderful IMlls possess the power of removing or neutralizing all contamin»tions of the blood and system generally. They quietly, bnt certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to prodnco ill health, and institute r gular action to organs that are faulty from or debility. Tho dyspeptic, weak, and nervous Kay rely on these Tills a3 their beat friend and comforter, aa they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Complaints ok Wombs and Children.—The veiy mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills recommends them to every household ae a remedy for the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which acompany each box of Holloway's Pills has at once available means of checking disease, puryfying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. Disorders op tue liver with Flatoi.knct a.nd Indigestion.—Loss of appetite and flatulency are nsualiy tbe forerunners of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all affections of the liver, and aU irregularities of the stomach and bowels ; they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, o- ercoice nil obstructions and cast out all impurities. Weak Siomacds : Imfaij-.kd Digestion.—The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of tho distressing symptom!, arising lrom enfeebled digestion, all of which may bo readily dispelled by the?e admirable Pills, as they rouso the stomach, livor, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food and drink to the nourishment of the body—hence, these fills are the purest strengthened, and the safest restorative ir nervousness, wasting, and chronic deliilitr Couuus, Colds, Influenza and Sore Throats. — For curing diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, tliese Pills have established for themselves a preeminently world-wide fame, as they purify the bloo.* and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds intlucnza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammatior of tho lungs, and even consumption in its early stages are successfully treated with this medicine, particularly if Holloway's Ointmett be well rubbed upon the chest and back night and oiorning Ilolloway's Tills are the best remedy kn wn in the world for the following diseases:— AgHe jOout : Stone and Gravel Asthma Headache I Secondary Srispliillous com- Indigestion I tonis plaints Liver Complaints Tic-Doloureux Ulotchcs on the Lumbago ; Ulcers I Skin Piles Venereal Aff' complaints Rheumatism ! tions Debility Retention of Worms 'of all Dropsy Urine I kinds H Female Irregu-Scrofula or King's Wcakncse , . , ) A rom larities Kvil wViaVCT^iguse, Fevcrsolallkinds Sore Throats &c";'&ri!-. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor llolloway's Establishment, bTli, Oxford-street, London, also by neail-' overy respectable Vendor ot Medicine throughout the Crvilised World,in Boxes and Pots, at Is ljd, 2s Od, is <M, Us, 225, and 33s each Each Pot and Box of v'he Genuine Medicines bears the British Government StaruD with tVi« «,„„!. " HoUoway's Pills and OißtATtf Union," engrTvert thereon. On tbeLaDol s the address,-. 633, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are MaL^ufactured. S3T Beware of all compounds a.tvled Hollos «<'■ Pills and Ointment, with a " New Yo!£' ÜbeL

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5630, 2 December 1879, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5630, 2 December 1879, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5630, 2 December 1879, Page 7