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-Rnoksellers and -rf I" finch, • £12, QntEX-HTR""'. AUCKLAND bookseller AND STATIONER. English Supers Hi.d Periodicals, Sl-ebV Music and Magazines. country orders will receive prompt attention. pI!ANH?TALOUP AND QOOi'KK, IMPORTEKS Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS OK OKNERATj. COMMKI'.CtAL, LAW, & SCHOOL .-.TATIONKI'.Y, books, English, AM«tralian,, french »nd Germ&o Magazine.". »nd Newspapers, Artists'. «»tor »K Vok*. Tunritt Cases, Albums, Scr»p lick*. lukstaiHl.. Weights. Bihies ChiMrc'.i .services. i>» 1 Common, UVMNS ANC»-« AND MoLKKN, with »H.l without Music. 50, QrEKN-STHKET, AI'OKI-AND. B'IOKS IN TH R WORLD TUB C..TTAI.E LIIIKAKY. G T CH V I'MAN", Xcu' '/-<-■ ilan.l A pent for the s.-ile of tiu-'e P./pirar 1i,.-ks is now ready W supply them in rinanlitics. at wholesalo prices l'eniiS<Mi appl-ca-ton Tt'u r c ar-- upwurds "I 4'o different \v«»rUs m the i i r.irv. '■! whieli full su|.|.lie< are to liaud. Delaileii Cauli'fc'ucs, iu u:iy i|iiantity may be lnul free on Sl 'lah'| l Modern So ietv—Tea Table and Crumbs Swe:»t up— .Esop's F.itles-All for I.ove—Aineriean Keeeii.t-lio.ik Aneedolcs <'f Mirtvra— l.ord >elson anil Na(H»leon —Anuel and CiiiUl — nna Lee- Annals r»f tho Poor- Amiio l<('ii»oi>—-* ns'>n'j« — Arabian Niirbts—Art«tr.u» Warl—Major Jack l>own« imj-Aunt Pledge -IWhed in itasket—Care*v. Kin- of Gil #>»-- Basket A :f K.'owtUaxU^■ • batnto Km- I'chiiis cf Silver— l;eatri • —HeaiiMful Gatt. Better Uxml - Papers - Bir hday Pre?eiit — I»!itul FarimT — I> ooinfu-ld > I Bo nizWv's smti 1 Kwi inji—lltK>k for l^ords lav Kamilv orship—l>o k t<« nit oil— Con-iurin.'—lJnathin-s of i ovo-Hnd.l —Bndal hv« — iiride's Fat'—British ilrown s Concord-an-'e liruce's Travels— Kuchati's Medicine- Uuflon's Nat'.inl 11 is'ory —•' unvtn's riT-rimi s? fhnici WorkH f.Series.and Purns I °f n \ s - Hu<in>nis — i'.vron's PcM tr.s. .t atid l>.m Jinm-C'ibiii Bi>y*sStor.v—l'aircclled Will- Cast • drift —Chanced grilles CI iidrenof the Abbey—Chil-'ren's Friend— Cli ail's Bo«.k and Pa-ten.-Chr^tnns t'v,. cbri-t s Fain-'tis Titles—Chri>t Precious-(. bristi\n Wa-ri.-r— Chirissa Ilarlown—Clark's Scripture Promises—Clater's « atlle l>oru»r- Farrier—Cobbet's and Murray's iir.>nimar—C'oletidge's Poeiu**—Ci»mic All-'im —Cooke's Letter-writer — C<>-k's \v'yn^es— Pierslaver, Mohicans. Pilot, Sea Mis. and .L'f Gani-ner—C fa«io on Cliff-Key to '•••i|.{!jrt'«--C'v)ttairers of (.Ilonbarnie Minister's Wife —UvM'-r's Poems I'li'i-epj-er's IK-rbal and Doctor— C'ir<e<-t Clifton—l'aily Comforter l'ady Fo »l—Capt. C.'f —I) »viti ric«—l>e >t!i-bed Triumphs— Ueatii in tL'P'-t I'ebtor and Creditor —l»eep. eep*e:i Dewife- l>e>tiny-l>ii:«v r ucs cd Devil-—National g,ii','-bo >k— Divine Garland—Divorced Wi e— Doctor S - .iV:.tX — Dodd'- Hi.-tory, -h:ikesp»*rea»id Di^C"Ui*s<rs — !»"„ ilri»'uv's Kise ami Progress - Domest c Cookery— P..'i Qui\--te Doubly Fdso-■ Down in a Saloon— Cwiu"- O utinns—Dr. WiUou.'bhv'.s Wine Dndens Povius «nd Virtfii Kd-th I.yle— Kd.»iu and I.ucy— tlin Clifford—K\i»iuette for Ladi-s and Gci>tiemcii - Stanley—Kveniuirs at Ilotne—Kvyr^reen— Kinj? Arthur Fair Play—False Ke>- Fa nit-r li^lt-wood j ( . r — Fi?hi n nd Famine — Fatal Mnrriajre ; at!;er!e*s Fanny- Fern Loaves Fn nev'»s Keviva s— Firs— Fisi.ei's Daughter— Five Ni-'hts cf St. F! ««rs of Knowle-l^e —Language ot FKw rs —{■ >r-ct Hie-not Forgive an.l Fonret — Fortune Stek r—Foxe's Ma-tvrs—Fianklin's Work-—Garland oi Hops—Gates .Ajir-Gems by Wayside—Gems of Poetrv and Tlionuht—Gipsy H ide—Glory Through Fa: Mi- Goldsmith's Poems- Good Time comingGrateful Ni-jrro—Gru\t Secret-Guide to He iith— Gul ivt-r's Travels—Heart* Kase- Heav-n Abode of Sail,ted Ueid— Home aud Ueco-niti-»u — Heber's Pocins—Heiress oi Unues—ll n's liabies —Kcrl of M .rel.uid—Hervey's Medita ion-History of En.'lu.d, Franco-Prussian War. lnnu ; >ition. and liussian War—llolid iv Stori-s — Homestead «»n Hdsitle— How be W..n Her—H-wto Please—Huifh Wortbiu-ton — Hungarian lirotlu-rs — I L«»vo Hut The« — "*ll 1 ell 'Ihce All-Dream and Fortune Teller-In-h-ritaiiee—ltalian—J .ek and his Ur-.thers J .cob Faithful—Jovs yf Childhood-Just Kiuht—,lu<tiH Uarley—.luvr-nile Tales—Kathaiine *len— »\eat ' 1 oerns—Kirkw bite's i'oeins— Ki-s f -r a Plow—! ampluiner — lc-etrv of Fiower> — L»w of Kindness - liitcher's — Lena liivcrs — Roderick Ka: dom — Hobin Hood-Lift* of Lev. T. Ch triesL:te of Laroii Trench Christ, Colnne! Gar.:iner. Cromwell. ' dam CKrke J»«n oi Arc. Jo eph and i'eath of Abel, l.ord Nelson, Mrs Flet her, y<»po!eon. Weslev. Was;-i"gton, and Wel.ington —Uerihas Seeret-Grls' Keepsake-Little Henry .aid Liicy —Little He.niit—Little Heroine—Little Wcodman—Lives of s • Kobher-. Pirate* and lo'b'-ers—Longfellow's Poenw and Hiawatha — Looking L'rto Jesus- Lwt Hoi. ess—l.ottrry Ticket - l.ove in a Cott-ire and life-Lo;ers and Hus-baiitis-L- vei's UIT-rir l'—Lov r's Trials—Mabel > lifton-- aU-1 Lee—M.bel Vaughan— M bel's MistakePicture-' from Uibl —Manfr- ne—Man Demon-Man of War Life-.Maria M--nk — .Mysteries of :» Convent — M.trion Grev— Marria^»"j-Married in liable—M»ry L»e-went May Flo-er •" Maxwell—Mary Moward—Melbourne House-Meinoi s oi a i.'avalier—Ann UoL'-rs— Mr .N< well llev J- lui Nelson—Messages of Mercy —Mi:t-'n'.-< J'oems— Miiiine Hermois— Bride— Missionatv Aiieulotes, 1 and -J-Xcwirate CalendarMoore's Poems— Kntcrtaiuim: Anecdorcs— Hannah'f, Pouns .Mothers of U i>e an : Good - Mo:her Sh pton— Mumro Park —My=tea s of New \«.rk. 1 and 2—Mvstories of Pari? and Udolpbo—Joe M Her— Plea»*;ti-' Instruct r News from Invisible World— Nick of \v ( ods —Nina- Nothii ir but Mon-v—O'Hal-loran—OKl DistiUery — Old U-'rou—Castle of Otranto— Id Helmet - «»ld -»tanor Hoii-e—Gluey Hymns—Out of De t—Out of tbe Fire - Pale 's Evi-dences-Natural Thi Pamela I'aitiny Gift— Paul and Virginia—Peter-iiuplc-Planter's Daughter — i'emails' Poems—Poems f««r th.- —IVeiical Keepsake—Pi'etrv of I ove - Poems of Pope. 1 lair, Grav and Dodd* Homer's Iliad and • dyssey— Popular Somr-book- Pretty Little Poems— Queen's of the Isles—Hay ot Liiiht— Keeirer for the Millon— Rejected Court.-hip-Hills of sbaten.uc-Riirhted at UstKobof the Low-!— Uobiu-on Crusoe—Koiuance of ihe For-s-t— liosa Lee— K-se Clark— Koau Mather — Ruby Gvy's strategy - Kuth Hall — Sabbath ilu»ini:s — Sacred Gariand, 1 and - — Sacred Harp—s'andford and Mert«>n — Scottish Chiefs — Scott's Lady of Lake, La-t ilinstrei, Lonl of llarmion. liokeb. and Wa*.erley—Sciipt re T-uths— Seven Chami»io»is -;1 ady side— SheMey's I'ovins — fchipwrveks—."vdney De Grev— ier.t s — Silver - tar— -i in pie Susan—Key to Prophecies—Plea or Religion Sketches, by Loz-Ke«.. J. smiths Works, 30 vols. —Soldier's «»rpban—Solids of * flection —SpriiT of Sbillelrth - St Cla;r of the Isles—Stephens' Travels — Stepping Heivciiward — Mreains from Lebanon — -Diking the Fla-' turm's Pellectiotis. 1 ar.d 2 —Sunday Scb>*oi P.eeiter. 1 ami "2— - uuuy ilemories—Susan «.ray—Lizzy -lenn — swvet Mary— Swi*> Family 11 bia.-on- An m Is Linls. and H-hes —Taes and St«»ri-s «f I el.ind-Ta. s of L.cii and Poor—T.i es cf Batiks-Tales • f Fairy Land— Foe a Ta'es—Tenii sranee Tales - Temped and .-unshine— Temjited v\'ifo —Tln-übus ff Wa'j-aw—Th'-ni-'-n's IVems—Three isters—Tii.-r's Naf.r-i lii>tory, I and 2—m:el of Iceberg — To-M's ec .~-tudent» Hanual and mii day Tea«;hur—Tom W i i e—iJank nf Faith-True — ieh-s—Twice Told Tales—Two Halfcrowns— l'*.vo .-hoemrikers Two Years Before tne jlast—T\ »'ney Hall—Vne'e Paul's sto.ies — Cncle Tern's Cabin Upward Path - Vara - Waiuleri: jr Jew —War Path Wars of England—Watt's Loiri-, < n the Mind, -c ipture llist-rv, a-.d World to Come—Wis- ! ley's Primitive Phy«ie—West Lawn—WJnte -Ja-e— Who -1 all be Victor—Why bid he Marry Her—Wide. Wide World and Bonk. Fo.-tune Teller, Letterwriter and—Wife's Secrf.-t— Wife's Victory— "Wi'S'-n <>n l.or<i's .-upper — Wilson's Worderful ChaiacKrs-World of \\ it—Nature nrd Art-Wnrds-wo tii'a Poem*, 2 vols. —V. reath Around Cross—Young Han's Amusement, Compa'don, and own Book— Y- unjj' Woman's < ompaLk-n— 2vo Pretty Tales, lice., &c. Betail Pr ce, Is. each for 0 Volumes. CtIAPMAN, BoouSkllkk an'l> Stationer, Auckland. No 10. THE AUCKLAND HLINC factory. ||jjp VENETIAN BLINDS ! VENETIAN 0 BLINDS ! Made of the best Pine, guaranteed not to v.i-rp or twi<-t, Our P.linds surpass all imported Blin-.s, Wrodor'ron. Wo have a vt;rv htoek of well >casoned Pine Timber; alsc; a lanre stock of VENh'ii\N BLINDS on hand, acsorted sizes. Wire Gauze blinds made to oider, and forwarded to all part- of tbe Color.y at the rl:orte=t notice. A. & A. BUSBY (Late if. Hoi:ton Busbi*}, ELIN D.M A K EBS AXO WIRE- WOB KERB, VENEHAN HOUSE, COOK ANP GREY STREETS, AUCKLAND, N Z,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 3