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[FROM OUll OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] HA.MILT )S, Monday. At the meeting of the Waiktto Couoty Council, held ou the 3rd instant, there were present: Captain Steele (in the chair), and Councillors Martyn, Walker, and Henry. Mr. Housings, being the lowest tenderer, was accounted the county engineer and surveyor. The council declined to accede to the request of the public meeting at tho Bombay settlement, to urge on the Government tho advisabilty of straightening the railway lino by constructing a loop from Drury to Pokeuo, via Bombay, aa inopportune at the | present moment. This proposed chauge would make the j umey between Auckland and Watkato eight miles shorter, reducing the coat of freight and passage, and saving half-an hour in time, be.-ides avoiding the bteep gradients and dangerous curves betwen Pukekohe and Pokcno. The Waikato Council approved the scheme, but considered tho present time inopportune. At ameetiug of the Kirikiriroa Road Board, the following matters relating to local selfgovernment were ordered to be urged on the member for Waikato: To oppose the aboli tion of plurality of votes ; to endeavour to have the road board's yi-ar terminate on the 3lsfc March, ins ead of 30.k June; and to get the use of proxies at annual meetings of ratepayers abolished. CAMBRIDGE, Monday. At the meeting of the Camb< idge Highway Board on Saturday, the secretary intimated | the receipt of £150, Government subsidy, toward the cost of the construc: ion of the ! Victoria Road counecting Cambridge with Waikato. A uumber of road improvements wore agreed to. HAMILTON, Monday. The report tba- the navigation of the Thames Riv r is stopped by the natives is incorrect. The steamer Riroriro caino up the river on Wednesday last with a of goods, and discharged them at the Aroha landing without any obstruction of any kiud King offered, TE AWAMUrU, Monday. The Loyal Orange No. 29, To Awamutu, will be opened in the Wesleyan chapel here on Wednesday evening, by the R. W.G-.M. and G.C. There will be a large muster of the craft from the sister lodges, Nob. 9, 17, and 21. [PRESS ASSOCIATION.J NEW PLYMOUTH, Monday. Tho Harbour Board met this afternoon, when a letter was read from Sir John Coode, intimating that ho was willing to aasist the board in the selection of the plant required for the harbour works, and to see its being shipped in good order. Although now there is no necessity for the engineer to go to England, the board has decided that he shall, and ho left yesterday by thn eteamer. There has been great mortal-ty at Parihaka, During ti<o last few weeks over one hundred have died. WELLINGTON, Monday. The criminal sitting of t .e Supreme Court commenced this morning, before Chief Justioe Prendergaat. His Hui.or, iu charging the Grand Jury, remarked that the number of petty thefts ia by no means inconsiderable. He said that a number of parsons had been committed from tho East Coast, aud his Houor said that it eeemei to him quite in-consi-tent with and opposed to the principles which ought to prevail irt the administration of criminal justica t.liit persons should be committed at thu will of the committing magistrate as to -he time and place of trial. Ho said that bringing persons here manifestly increased the expense to the country and parties concerned. With regard to tho natives committed from the West Coast, he had reason to think that they would nut come before them this sitting. He then discharged tho Grand Jury to their duties. Mr. Travers, who is retained for the defence of the Taranaki natives, asked for a postponement, to enable them to be tried at a special sitting of the court. The Crown Progenitor agreed to the application, which was granted. France Amoor, for larceny, Walter Thompson, for embezzlement, and William Matheaon, for larceny, were found guilty, and sentence deferred. Patrick Sullivan, for larceny, George Snooks, for larceny, and George Brighting, for burglary, were acquitted. A true bill was found against Joseph John Walsh on four charges of felony. With regard to the cessation of over-time hitherto paid to the telegraph officers, we understand that the following is the proposed arrangement. It ia proposed to do away with the system of over-time at all large stations, but this will not be done until the staffs aie so strengthened that no operator will be call«d upon to do more than eight hours' duty. The proposed system will prove much more acceptable and pleasant to the officers than the present one. The staff's of the following stations have already been brought|up to the standard to enable the over-

time tobe suspended from the viz: H-kuiki, Oreymuuih, Timaru, Uamirn, Auckland, Nelson, GrahamstoAn, Naw Plymouth and Waugauui. Th*« abolishing of overtime, and curtailing the hoars of officers, wilt have a very beneficial pff-ct. ami the percentage of siuituess grsUly diminished. The extra duty on Sunday is from 6 to 7 p.m., and no o er-tiine for this will be allowed, but as Sunday duty is taken alter* nuteiy, it will not Lear heavily upon any particular officer. CHKISTCHURCH, Monday. The Judge, in his opening speech at the Supreme Court to day, said th»it the charge list shewed no improvement, though it was scarcely worse than "he average amount of crime. He dwelt, as us al, t>n the. facility afforded to ch-rque-utt rors and formers, repeating the remarks he usua'ly makes at each session. The (iraud Jury found true bills against R. W. Junes, forgery and; W. Barnard, sheep stealing; Threod, larceny; T. MoCullough, receiving stolen property; W. Woods, larceny from the p*-r*ou ; E. Jone*, forgery ; Jane Mahouay, forgery and uttenng ; Mary Ho2lid<»y, fa s j pretences ; s*mart, rape; J. Miller and CLrkson, attempted rape ; ditto, robhe y w th violence ; W. Hall, perjarj\ JSo biil was found against ft, H. Maudonald, unnatural offence, and the Grand Jury d him. R >bert Win. Jones, William Banard, and Thomas hleury pleaded guilty, ami were sentenced to six years' penal servitude, and one day's imprisonment respect, vely. R#»ad :s.iboy,n.-jd was let eff lightly iu consequence of his youth, his good characfrr, and the inability of the authorities to youn_i» from old prisoners. Thomas charged with receiving the goods received as stoleo, got six months. M*ry Hoiliday pleaded guilt}*, and was sentenced to a mouth's imprisonment. Edward J< nss and Jaue Mabouey were found, respectively, guilty and not guilty; the latter received a year's inlprisonmerit. John • iller and Edward Clarkton were to 10 years' penal servitude for robbery ui h violence, aud the other charges were withdrawn. The libel case against Matthew Henderson fell through, as the Crown Pnseaior declined to appear, and the plaintiff, Bites, refusod to take the duty of prosecutor. It was stated in court that oue of the prisoners who rectived six y» arV peual serv.tud •, is of a highly respectable family, aud heir to a large estate in Wales. Three prisoners, named respectively J<hn James, John lrviue, aud IV. Thompson, attempted this afternoon to fr» m the Lyttflton gaol. They were all ve.ry soon recaptured. John James was convi :ted "ait ses&ion o! the Supreme (Joiirt of an attempt tj commit an abominable offence, at; Timaru. John Irvii e, who heirs the aliases of Johu Jack aud Jack M. Guire, was convicted aud sentenced to ten years' s< rvi'ude last session. William Thompson was sentenced about twelve uiou;hs at the Christchu.-cU Supreme Court to ten years' penal servitude fur housebreaking. Doctor Powell died on Saturday night. Mr. T. M. Hassall, of Miles Hassall, died this morning. Some Jirno bags took fire yesterday moning iu a yard near Crauiurr Square. The bags were amongst limb-r, which was stacked a short distance fr in a house which was insured in the Union Office for £1000. The fire was put out by the police. Amot ng of th». Chess Club was called for Saturday uigbt to discuss matters connected wit.i the lata ciU'S3 None of the officers of the club turned up. The grievance seemed to he that the managing committee, late of th-a had gone outs de the rules made and pubished for the guidance of the competition. The discussion and resolution conn to was that the managing committee had carried out the congress very uui-ati>faotorilv. DUN-.DIN", Monday. The criminal session was opene i thia morning by Mr. Justice Willi ims. True bids were returned against Matthew ilham Hawkins, for embezzlement, aul Jonathan Kijt anUon for assault and robbery. Both prisoners pleadod guilty. Richirdeou's senteuce was deferied.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 5

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NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 5

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5583, 7 October 1879, Page 5