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' Wanted. ]\T ANTED—A Young Girl as Nuree.— Choral H.U). P y'" UrS - Bo ™-- Alfr.4 street (near W^Km, 1 " 0 Furnished Room*, OfflcT Dl»Wct.-Ap,>ly to ••J.P.,"H*BAIi W 'ANTED—A good Barman; reference wqnlred—\rply at the Greyhound HoteL W 'ANTED — Purchasers for 100,000 iiucks; flrst-clrss arlicie : const vnt sunni* feuaranteed.— W. lUbker, 27. Que'n-streetT pplJr WANTED— A good Finisher; constant employment fur astei.iy man Annivin C. Brookes. Bl'ie Boot. Queep-.trnat. W "ANTED, by a respectable youne Man —Employment In a stjre or warehome SSn'l. o^, ""^ 1 W ° a 'l m , a,l ° h:mself Ken,rX usefnl; good ref-rence».—Apply IfBR < t.D Office. ANTED—Two Boys who can ride »» , w«H, weight about 7or S stone ; none other needapply.-Apply Mmo™ & T*«S ANTED to Sell—A snug little Grocery "YXTANTED-Employment as Blacksmith pjJofflcer A 'uc k n 1 a° n , d . COnatry - Aply U S " ANTED, by a respect.bla young Mali St^n^T^^ roßD'j Registry. Upper Quepn-street" VSTANTED to S«U, at Stokes's Point, V 1 next the late Hon. tfartler s and J w Vy ANTED, by a steady Man-Employ." ANTED, by a respectable young Woman (thoroughly elflclent)-A Sitaation u SKSTfi. t 2--S Upper Qae l enXT ;nd, " 1 - cU^^M^S^o^ WANTED— A Servant, with good reierences, to take partial charire of An if*Si^tr^^tS?^ lostance - at \Vr ANTED — A respectable Nurse-oirl • M JrT. Re S ?stO C oXe:s'g r ?an-d A s^ 1 e y t , t0 te^ W r ANTED—Everyone to examine the Ttoi«e»°t a "Gu7ne r a W ll I V , L O ™LS , ra l 1 Tee™ ™ aklng "TSTANTm Known—That Mdsic PbintT 1 iko of niies adapted to Hymn-books and the Pianoforte, Is neatly executed at the IlEßtrn Office. Estimates given for Muaic-books arransed both for the Piano and in score. arrsngea W "ANTED Known —That Bill-heads. PrlnM Ci J CU,atS, °r ds -- and General Printing of every description, from entirely new type, !s eiecutea at the Hkrald Office, at the lowest possible prioes. yu ANTED known-That the undorGiniisTT Bros., Tanners, Wool-merchants, Wholesale B . nd ,, Eet J ail ? ot M ' nu '»c'urers, Wakefleld-street Auckland ; Queen-strret, Ouehuuica : Uastin? .tmoi 0 "" *<^^ VyANTED—A duly qualified Medical fn ?h S 6 '," l6ll^?'?^ l . Bß Surgeon-Superintendent to the Totara District lospital, Koaa, West Coast, hew Zealand. Sa ary, £150 per annnm, with resiclence Private practice allowed. Population, 1200. No medicil gentleman o> disn.tniarowithin 20 miles. OJdfebws' and other Societfes in the District. ApplicUious, with diplomas and testimonials, will be r.ceivfd on or before November 17 1879, ai'.drtnsed to the President. The person appointed will take oiilgo on the 14th January, 1880. PETE it JOHNaT >K," Eo3s,_Scptember 21,1579; Secrerary. WANTED KNOWN—That, as weU aa having Sewing Machines properly repaired, you uau have Weighing Machines, and Scales and Weights repaired ami adjusted, Steam, Vacuum, and Spring Gauges and Indicators repaired, tested, and adjusted, Embossing Presses and Die! made to order or repaired. Copying-presses repaired small Brass or Steel Spiral Spriugs made to order*. Bumll Gear-wheels cut with any number of teeth, Engine-counters inadtt to order, Stamus repaired. Patent SaMocks repaired, or altered so that original keys woa"t at, or Duplicate Keys made ; la fact, small machinery, or apulitnces of any kind requiring accuncy or nico woi, , douo at the Kitting hi-op, Se./ing-machine Agency, Victorla-stVeet, a few doors above Quick's Siables. W A a S t T t£ %%,%£* SA^-Apply WANTED Known—That H. B. Jones (late of tho Thames) has assumed the Proprietorship of that well-known house—tho Army and Navy Hotel, Upper Queen-street, where his friends and the public will flnd that the features of management will be cood accommodation and good liquors combined with cleanliness, civility, and attention. ANTED TO SELL— SQUAEE IBOtf TANKS; J.lso, GALVANIZED IRON WATER TANKS, From £2 upwards. Oalvanlxed Iron Spouting, Judging, &c, ol all descriptions, at the lowest rates At ALFBED SSIABFS, Klliott-street. Vy ANTED KNOWN —A First-olaee Stock of Cloths and tweeds, good workmanship, and moderate prices are the distinguishing features of " The Pantheon." J. FOKD, Tailor, 166, Qneen-6treot. ■\7"ACANC£ES for two or three GentleASTOUNG MAN, who has had considerable experience in tho Corn and Bono Trade, also in nuxins; manures, is open to an engagement; well educated-—Address " W. 3.," Herald Office. A YOUNG LADY (physician's daughter) - lately from an English Collcße, seeks occupation as daily Governess; Newton or Ponsonby district preferred.—Address " Otter," Hkkalp Office. A FIRM in Glasgow, Scotland, would be glad to meet with a Gentleman of means who would Buy their Goods, to sell in the Now Zealand masket. Their specialities are Comb?, Spoons, and other Horn Goods, Carpels, Shoes, &c., &o —Addre-'J Mr. Gedrob Codtt, WhingMOi. FENCING.— Contracts undertaken for Posts and Kails, Paling. Ccrrugated Iron, and Wire Fencing, by a. Wiiir«. Brighton. Parnell. miMBER 1 TIMBER I I TIMBER I 1 ! WANTED KNOWN-That D. GOLDIE Is romovlng to his new premises, Albert and Little Queen street. Having erected Urge sheds, the Timber will be at all times under cover. Purchasers can, there* (ore, rely upon its being In a better condition ttua Timber pcrchaied elsewhere, whilst the prioes wUlte aa low m that cli»rgedj»| anj ether eaUbliihmee^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5582, 6 October 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5582, 6 October 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5582, 6 October 1879, Page 1