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Medical. |TITCHENS'S CELEBRATED BLOOD ■ .; ' ,: , EESTOEEE. THE'.RBNOVATC&t OF THE HUMAN : KACE; ". sr}- j "O MOKK /■ ■ \ '."' ' Ef ? SJCCA-β! l D E G E N X EAWOi if.; ■' •* IP THE %,. Laws of Health are observed, ordinary care exercisefl "'•- ' andthe" ■* ■■'•- BLOOD RESTORER FREELY TAKEN. Sold by Mr.-jV ED3OS, Chemist, Queen-street; Mr. C. Hemdekson (late Hopkins), Queon-street Junction; Mr. Robinson, Chemist, ParneH ; Messrs. HlLb 4 Hudson, "Victoria-street. Mr. Faxxytcll, Otahuhn : Mr. Falltvkli,, Mr. R. T. Gjllhan, Onehunga; Sandes and Co., Chomisis, Waikato; Mr. Broadoate, Symonds-street; Mr. Kirkpatrick, Kaw-ikawa ; Mr. John Mahbinek, Hokiaaga; Mr. A. G. Huohkb. Chemist, Cambridge, AVaikato ; and of all Thames Chemists. This wonderful remedy has attained to a popularity aa great as it is surprising. The fame of the Medicine Is spreading over the Australian Colonies.— snch pleasing notoriety being easily explained by the multitude of cures effected, and the special fact, that among the cases cured were several suffering Australian gentlemen, who were visiting Auckland, who fill high positions, and bave used their inunence in making known the virtues of the BLOOD E.BSTOREE HITCHENS'3 CELEBRATED OINTMENTS. EHEEMATIC OINTMENT. A gentle and easily applied remedy for Ttheumatism, Stiff Joints, &c ; for Bronchitis in children (or Contusions, Swellings, Biulsos, and Chilblains. SKIN OINTMENT. A very valuable and much required remedy, most effective in Its cure of Sores, Ulcers, and Eruptions on any part ot the body and for Ringworms. PILE OINTMENT. Sufferers should fly for instant relief to thl3 unexcelled remedy, as delay in treating this peculiar form of sickness may lead to serious results. N. B. —By request, Mr. Hitch ess has arranged the following regular hours at which he may be consulted at his private house. Upper Wakefield-street:— from 7 to 9 a.m. 12 to 1 p.m. 6 to 7 p.m. HAMILTON BROTHERS, Quiex-szreki. ■WHOLESALE AGEHT3. MOBE LOCAL EVIDENCE ON THE CUKiTnjE PROPERTIES OF T HIS MEDIC INE. /' Auckland, Angnst, 1878. Dear Sir,—l now, according to promise, forward you with great plensnre my testimonial: a3 to a successful cuie of a troublesome skin disease, which caused me great waste of strength and annoyance for many years. My case is well known, as I procured the best advice in Auckland, which proved unsuccessful., and baffled every treatment but yonr valuable Blood Restorer and Ointment, which not only cured me of the above complaint, but gave me fresh energy and vigour to my whole system. (Signed) Eobt. Nicholas. To H. A. H. Hitchens, Esq., Wakefleld-street. Auckland. April 20,1879. Sir,—lt is with many thanks that Ido now give you my testimonial on behalf of your most valuable and miraculous Mood Restorer. For my part, I oaunot give it due praise; it is wODderful in its cures. I was for twelve years subject to nervous debility and indigestion, and lost all use of myself. My memory also left me. My own relations can certify the same. I thank Divine Providence 1 am now eniojinff the best of health. I wonld highly recommend it to all my brethren who are suffering from the same maladies. I tried doctors without avail, and medicines I drank until I grew weary. Sarah Swekt, Victoria-street West. To H. A. H. Hitchons, Esq., Wakefield-strcet, Auckland. Tho Proprietor : H. A. H. HITCHENS, Late Assistant-Dispexser to the Imperial Troops, Army Medical Stores, Albert Barracks, Auckland. "Pfcß. KOBBETS'S CELEBRATED JL/ OINTMENT, OAILED " THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND," is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description; a certiin remedy for ulcerated legs, burns, scalds bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles. It also entirely removes the foul Binell Arising from Cancer. Sold in pots, 131 d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s. and 22s , each; and bis PILULES OR ALTERATIVE PILLS, Proved by more than sixty years' experience to be one of the best medicines for purifying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They form a mild and superior family aperient, which may be taken at all times without confinement or change o< Sold in boxes at 13jd.. 2s. 9d., is. ed., lls. and 22s each. Prepared only by Beach «t Barxioott, Bridport, Dorset. England, and sold by all Medicine Vendors fTIHE Proprietor of the L Turkish Baths and s P e ctfully invites all those JBL iJm stomach and liver comDlainte. colds and all cheat complaints! bago, and dysentery. ■■ L , Cures are being affected in he above cases when all other remedies have failed. Special baths are now completed for patients, separata from the Turkish Baths. The litter have undergone a thorough renovation, and are now open to the public as usnal. Ladies' Special davs, Thursday and Monday night. Lady patients treated daily, if specially arranged. 18,000 Tisits, with Hundreds of Cures I K. D. SYKE3, Proprietor. N.B.—Terms on application. TJELIEP FJROM CODGH IN TEN Ji MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND is the most certain and speedy Remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Bifficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Hooping Congh, Hoarseness, Less of Voice, &c, this Balsam gives instantaneous relief, and if properly persevered with, scarcely ever f .Us to effect a lapid cure. It has now been tried for many years, ha 3 an establ shed repnta ion, and many thousands have been benefit d by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Amport Firs, Andovex, May 29, 1869.—Sir, —I have for some years had your Bilsam of Hor-hound for lira. B. Webster; and intended writir» to tell you how much benefit, she has derived. She was considered consumptive, but tho Balsam has quite restored her, and she is now quite strong. I have recommended you dozens of customers, and all bave b en pleased with it.—lam,vours, &c;, H: B. Wmstkb: Mγ. Hayman, Chemi.t. IN THE NURSERY it is invaluable, as children are f of it and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken, coughing ceases, restlessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues: NO LADI WUO iIAS ONCE TRIED IT WOULD EVER BX WITHOUT IT." Prepared only by A. HAYJIAN, Chemist, Neath, and sold by all Chemiats. Price Is lid and 2s »d per bottle. WnoiBSAM Asests : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO., Auckland and Dunedia. MOLLEK'S COD LIVER OIL AGAIS B.IOEIVID AT THE PAEIS EXHIBITION, 1878, Ins Only Hiojiest Prize—the osit Gold Medal, AUOSOST 43 COMPETITORS. MOLLER'S COD LIVEE OIL.—Dr. E. H. Ruddock M.D., &e., says in his Vade Mecum—" The Oil we invariably recommend for its easy assimilation and high nutritive value, is Moller's." MOLLER'i COD LIVER OlL.—From tho Home for Sick Children, Redcar, Thomis W. S. Locke, Esq., Admiralty Surgeon, writes—" I can bear testimony to the purity of Moller's Oil, which I have now used for somn three years. In comparing the Oil supplied by Mr. Mollec with that used previously, I cannot but be struck with the few cases in which the stomach refuses to tolerate the Oil, a great desideratum In an Institution where so many cases of scrofula are admitted. I can confidently recommend Mr. Moller's Oil as of exceptional purity and of great dietetic value." "MOLLBR'S CJDLIVKR OIL ij.'in my opinion unquestionably the best—lmmeasurably superior to the brown oil—more palatable, and far more efficacious."—W. Domett Stone. Esq., MD. Physician to the Finsbury t.nd. to the Western and General Dispensaries, &c, &S. MOLLER'S COD LIVRR OIL received 'he only Gold Mbdal at the Paws Exhibition; 1878, making tho FOTJBTEKNTH PRIZE which alone MOLLER'S COD LIVEE OIL has gained in competition with all other makers throughout the world since the London Exhibition, 1862. Head Offices : CHRISTIANIA. NORWAY ; JBRAKcn Offices: 621, OXFORD-STREET, LONDON, w.C; Factories; STAMSUND AND KABELVAAO, LOFOTEN ISLANDS, a OfiWAY. THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH ..JBEMEDY FO S .A L L DISEASES. ESTABLISHED OVBR FIFTY YEARS. KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. For upwards of half a Century KAYE'S WOESDBLL'S PILLS have been esteemed as the best remedy for the prevention and cure ef disease. Their use renders the doctor unnecessary in tho family. Acting on the blood, they parity It from all humonrs, rendering the life-giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the health of the Invalid. These Pills are invaluable to Emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the Stomach, Lungs, Liver, Sα Are equally adapted for all ages and either sex. Persons residing In the Colonies who canntt have recourse to medical advice will therefore Snd them indispensable. ■ The Proprietor has in his possession thousands of testimonials bearing witness to the wooderftil efficacy 3f this invaluable medicine, a selection of which acjompanies each box. ■ . , • SoM by all Chemists and others Dealers in Patent aedidnes throughout the World, at Is. ljd., Se. 90. id l>. ed. per box. : .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2