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r" Merchaniilse. t . isTABIISiraD IN 1832. •rtBISTOL'S gARSAPARILLA JHB GEEAT PUBIITBB OF TH* BLOOD. ™» m ITS OWN> RBPOTAB lotk series of wondkbjci. mjara DOK, gained b7 a iodk «« 40 years, anil by " In W section of Op. these proofs had until then pb°»'"', «,,«« Proofs we invite - Sf 'rfk SSdifffertrf 'to pot tSoir trn.t, well knowing, theirfckandaffe«ea £ peraevenngly ■2JS »£SSs[SSSaJamll*. will never disappofnt those who rely upon it. AND WHY 13 THIS? Tfcii reolv come, without hesitation, with a fall SfhS-lnse it IS a OKNUIKI PnABMAOBOTIOAL PRKmade according to the established rolks 2£?S Faouitt. because it is prepared by thoroughly druggists who understand their business EBWTOL-β Sarsapajulla Is never inert, and In ninety-nine oat of every hundred cases it will either benefit, relieve, or cure. BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA, ;Fo» bale bt all Djivaorsrs <s Sxokekehpem. ■Wholesale Agents: li. l>. NATHAN & CO. •jOKISTOL'S QUGAR-COAJCED p I L L S, GUARANTEED PURELY VEGETABLE, Are the only pills which contain Xbftandbih akd Podo?etiii». The«e two powerful antlbllious plants are a imre com for aU diseases of the Stokaoh. Lttkb and iowns, Headache, Ihdioeshoh, Dizzeikss, Paim xb ib« Sice en Back, and especially BILIOUSNESS. They never weaken nor gripe, unless the stomach 9* very fottl, and they are East to Take. POB Sale, by All Drcooists and Deaiks rs MsDiccnta. Wholesale Agents : li. l>. NATHAN & CO. TMPERISHABLE "EIRAGKANCB, MURRAY k. LANMAN'S 3ELXBBAIED J?LOBI D A A T E The richest, most lasting, yet most delicate ot all perfumes, fox use on the EAXDXEECHTEF, At the TOILET, And In the BATH As there are Imitations and counterfeits, always uk for the Florida Water prepared by the sole proprietors, LANMAN & KEMP, NEW YORK. ]?ob Sals bt all Psmtwms, Dbuooibts, ahd Dealers xs Faxct. Goods. ■Wholesale Agents: L. l>. NATHAN & CO. \ FAMILY MEDICINE Wβ call thejrpeclal attention of onr leaders to the directions for the use ef that favourite home remedy, — -—-— PAIN-KTLLER ! - It has been before the. public over Tmrtt Years, said probably has a wider md better reputation than toy other proprietary medicine of the present day At this period there are but few unacquainted with the merits of the Pain-killer; but, while some extol It as a liniment, they know bat little of its power Is easing pain when taken internally; while others tue it internijly with great success, bat are squally Ignorant of Its healing virtues whea applied externally. We therefore wish to say to aUth»t it is externally, and it s&nds today ui rivalled by all the tjreit catalogue ol^Family Medicines. It Is sufficient evidence of Its Wrtuei u> standard medldne to too* that It b not? tutd in all parts of the world, ; and that its sals Is constantly Increasing. Ho suratlve agent has had such wlde-tpread fame or gjv<ni ■neb. universal satlsfattion. DAVIS" PALST-KILLEB, Is a purely vegetable canpound, gxepared from the best asd puns, materials, and with a care that Insures the most perfect uniformity in the medldne; and, while it is • most efficient remedy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine, ftVfn iw tha TWftwfc'nii«Hlfnl »r*r] has been tested In every variety of climate, and by aimoll every nation known to Americans. ; it is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, and be being kept ready for immediate resort, will save jnany an sour of suffering and ™***y s, dollar in time - and doctors' bins. __ After thirty years , trial, It Is siill receiving the most - asqualified testimonials to Its virtues from persons of ■ '- the Ughest character and responsibility. Physicians of the list respectability recommend it as a molt • effectual preparatten for the extinction of pain. It - Is not oniy the best remedy ever known fox Bruises, - Cuts, Barns, &a, bat for Dysentery or Cholera, or any sort cf Bowel Complaint, it Is a remedy unsurpassed — xor efficiency and rapidity of action. In in* great cities of India, and other hot climates, it has become the standard medldne for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, liver 'Complaints, and other * kindred disorders, for Conghs and Colds, Canker, . ' Asthma, and Bhematlc difficulties, it has been proved by the most abundant and eomrindng testimony to bean invaluable medicine. . _ Wβ would caution the public against all Imitations c< our preparation, either is name or style of patting **• ' * .■..-'■ - . The PAHT-KTT.T.KR.Is sold by Druggists, Apotie- ■ carles, aad Sealers in Family medicines is a parts e* the world. • . *~ I* D. NATHAN & 00., AtrOKIuLND, N.'.Z., WHOLESALE AGEKTB. TO THE PUBLIC. The deplorable effects which have followed the use t>l vile compounds, sold under the name of 'Schnapps,*' should prove a itantton to the public to vnchase oaly that bearing th* name of " UDeiiVHn WOLTE," to which four thousand physicians nave certified IU exceUwce and purity over aU othen stimulanta. "XTDOLPHO WOLFETS BCHWAPPS" has been a quarter of a century before the public, and its ase steadily Increasing, while - ' Hwn»JMor 2MHino!iß : have appeared and disappeared, learing only ruin •od disgrace to alLsoanected wlth_ them. The public ahould no losfferbe duped by injurious, cheap, flery compounds with 'forged certincatea, maenfaetured in lie Colony. To protect consumers against zhttatzoss of UDOLPHO WOL»TPS ABOMATIO SCHIXDAU SCHNAPPS tnerefore strongly advise purchasers to protect tiemselves and buy onlj : OaiamAi, TJnor sotbd Bottlxs ok Oabxs, . sma thas secure -the foil advantages of this ZXxXAOBI)raAR7 MIDIOAi BXVZSAax. WaozixaAxx Aoejtts: ■L. t>. NIIEiK * 00. UINNESS'S STOUT . Bz Read Bkothkbs, I" BotUlng Mark.) " Haeb" & " BuliL-doo Labels. Tbls Stoat combines due richness with tte "edge" tint Is developed only by prolonged storage la vats of great capacity, such as EtessrsQnl ß ness r s; and the bottling arrange, ments are a guarantee for prime conL. D, NATHAN & CO., eauAcwma, : . AITOKL A'M D. j 'gASS'S PALE ALE, Bt Reid Bboihixs, LONSOW. {«• Bnll-Dos" BoKUig Uaik. Easss's & " BoxL-DOa Labele. Hefaner the Brewers nor the Bottlers have spared , any trouble or cost to make this the Fbnt Ale bathe z -srorld. Both capital and skill are allied to make it a - tandarf ot excellence. 1 I* D.INATKAN k CO.; Sou AacnKc, '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 2