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£*?, 'ifoGwmeU, J" *<f nCT in, Bridget Si, Peter Gough, Albert - Nathan & Oo>f JJId Thomas Stubbs. j>. a «ents. * "Wans from Wellington, "liangatira, »■."•'-,, jiauukau.) Passengers : |> ton, D»lw. and Co., agents. Si] in the «tee»ge--:£™£ rd from whangftrei and |i Kowens, s -?-jS regor , agent, p Mangapai.—A. l 0^ b Ke ane, from Gisborno. y ManuU th (in the I] Mft^K-^ri^Wchand C o.,a S ent 3. ■ i Sit For Wellington : Mr. Kerr.-Coup-M land and Co., for Mercury Bay and i\ TaSangar-Al'McGrego^asent. !'•■' ENTERED INWARDS. *.! ss, 286 tons, Malcolm, from Tau- ;: »».*«*"•*" ■ i Dhu, brigantine, 163 tons, Roberti son, from Dunedin. • CLEARED OUTWAKDB. Transit, schooner, 79 tons, M. Hooper, for % B Rover, schooner. 33 tons, Andersen, for Wha- « nwri with 17.000 feet timber, 50 sacks oats, 2 % g£[potatoes, 2 case., 6 tons flour, drapery, and % 4 KuhT schooner, 36 tons, Cockfield, for RusI tons, Thomas Glaze- ' brook, for London. : PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ; SIDSET.— S.s. Hero, July 7. Newcastle.—Schooner Estelle, early. •; HOBiBT Town. —Barque Loongana, early. ■ ; New Tltmouth akd Waxgaxui.—S.s. Ranga- ! Tatolnga. Gisbo'rne, asd Southern Posts.— ■! S.s. Ladybird, Sunday. ■i Raglan.—S.s. Lalla Rookh, from Manukau, i BcsselL—S.s. lona, Monday. ■' "Whasgakei.—S.s. Argyle, Tuesday. ■: Taubaxga.—S.s. Glenelg, early. i WaIZAPA.— Hannah Mokau, early. ' GISBOR>-s.—S.s. Pretty Jane, to-day. % WaXGASUI.—S.n. Wallabi, early. ; 'VESSELS EXPECTED. t Minister of Marine, ship, from LondoD, Bailed March 30. • Kildonan, barque, from London, sailed April 24. Adeline, barque, YFHJ, from Sunderland, sailed ; December 5. : Lan°stone, barque, from London, aailed April 1. : City of A<ra, from London ; to sail in May. Famcnotb, ship, from London; to sail in May. barque, from London; to sail in : May. Caberf «dh, barque, from Oamarn. early. John 'Watson, barque, from Adelaide, early. Falcon, barqueutine. from Newcastle, early. Ware, brig, from Oamaru, early. James A. Stewart, brigantine, from South. Kyno, brigantine, wlgv, from Islands, early. : Meg Merrilies, brigantine, from Fiji, early. '. Flirt, brigantine, from Dnnedin, early. Oceola, brigantine, from South. Caledonia, schooner, from the Islands. : Mazeppa, schooner, SRFJ, from the Islands. : Waiwera, schooner, trom the South, to-day. Coronet, schooner, from Islands, early. Fairlie, schooner hfwt, from Islands, early. Saucy Lass, schooner, from Lyttelton, early. Mary Anderson, schooner, from Islands, early. Borough Belle, schooner, from Sydney. Lastitia, schooner, from the Islands. '. • Gael schooner, from Levuka. : Kato McGregor, schooner, from Tahiti. Agnes Donald, schooner, from labour cruise. Tubal Cain, schooner, from Levuka, early. Ovalau, schooner, from Islands, early. schooner, from Lyttelton, daily. schooner, from Oamarn, early. Pearl, ketch, from early. IMPORTS. Iα special charge Is made for the names ol consignees 1 Oirc "~ liaerttd in this colamß.l Per barque Isle of Bute, from London : Printed cottons, £920; woollens and worsted, J3240; flannels, £50; haberdashery,' £30 ; ap- ' parel, £1620; blankets, £30; carpets and ings, £350; felt hats and caps, £20; wrought leather, £470; saddlery, £380; sheeting felt, £20 ; floorcloth, £120; sewing machines, £460; blacking, 20 packages; agricultural implements, £390; rails and general machinery, £2710; books, £290 ; - paper, 491cwt. ; stationery, £20 ; paperhangings, 2420; horse-hair and seating, £20 ; upholstery, £910; brush ware, £10; toys, £220; firearms, £50; pianos, £390; corks, £10; clocks and. watches, £20; perfumery, £10; agricultural and garden seeds, £360; iron tanks, £14; hardware and cutlery, £1880; bar and rod iron, 41 tens; sheet iron, 6 tons ; rig iron, 12 tons; galvanised iron, 33 tons; yellow metal, I ton; tin plates, 15 boxes ; iron nails, 8 tons ; wire and wire rope, 5 tons ; steel, 2 tons ; linseed oil, 521 gallons ; olive oil, in bulk, SO gallons; paint colours, £31; pitch and tar, 10 barrels; flint glass, £120; foreign window glass, £50; china and earthenware, £320; woolpacke, £30; canvas, £269; cordage, £74; lines and twines, £21; bricks, 20 mie, cement, 150 barrels; cigars, 36341b5.-; snuff, 2601b5.; tobacco, 951b5.; brandy, in bulk, 980 proof gallons ; brandy, in case, 656 proof gallons, ram, 1753 proof gallons ; geneva, 600 proof gallons; cordials, 8 gallons; British spirits, in bulk, 397 proof gallons; British spirits, in case, 150 proof gallons; hardware, £80 ; perfumed spirits, 2 gallons ; white wine, 148 gallons; beer, glass, 161 barrel! of 36 gallons each ; malt, 20Zqrs. ; bops,' 15 quarters ; preserved fish, not rated, £133; sardines, £30; aosorted oilmen's stores, £812; vinegar, 625 gallons; foreign salad oil, 450 gallons; pepper and spice, 3cwt.; cocoa, 20 cwt.; isinglass and gelatine, £11; mustard, £50; starch, £105; sago, lOcwt.; rice, 7cwt.; split peas, 31cwt.; chicory, 20cwt.; white salt, 102 tons ; bicarbonate of noda, 20ewt.; British and foreign candles, 158cwt.; dates, lOcwt.; raisins, 107 c wt.; currant-*, 336cwt.; French plums, 27cwt; liquorice juice, 3ewt.; refined sugar, 27cwt.; treacle, 36cwt.; confectionery and peel, £160; chemicals not otherwise dencribed, 29 cases; apothecary-ware, £50; tartaric acid, 2cwt; cream of.tartar, 9cwt.; con-densed-milk, £264; cornflour, £69; coke, 20 tons: total raise, £21,550. 2 cases furniture and sundries, 17 cases Keiller's confectionery (assorted),lo cases Whybrow's salad oil, 10 casks currants, 20 cases zaxins, 2 casks carraway seeds, 2 casks linseed, 4 cases Neave's food, 4 bales paper bags, 2 cases Van Houten'e cocoa, 4 case: Taylor Broil. liomoeopathic cocoa, 2 cases Epp&'s homoeopathic cocoa, 20 kegs carbonate soda, 20 cases Alberto's J-tin- sardines, 10 cases lobsteni, 20 cases Morton's pickles, 10 cases J-pinta salad oil, 5 cases t -pints castor ail, 10 casks D. and 1L blacking, 0 cases Swiss milk, 10 cases r.ofiie and milk, Potter and Co, Per barque Weymouth, from London : 12 cases corrugated iron, Potter and Co. Per fcrigantine Rhoderick Dhu, from Dunedin: 150 sacks flour, 100 half-sacks flour, 200 quarter-aacks flour, 250 sacks oats, 100 sacks oatmeal, 20 sacks .peat!, barley, T. H. Hall and Co. ; Per schooner Telegraph, from Gisbome : 9 fens King's :fionr, 60 sacks wheat, IS sacks barley, 7 tons bran, 2 tons pollard, John Reid and Co, • Per ii. Ladybird :—From Taurauga: 1 parcel. From Gisbome: 4 sacks .four, 1 box, X package saws. From Napier: 75 hides,-1 case, 1 cue guns. From. Wellington ■: 1 keg, 5 cuti, 2 coils wire, 10 cases sugar, 1 box, 50 sacks rr-ialt. from Lyttelton : 1 case pigeons,. Trom Dnuedin : 2 drums oil, 1 case tobacco, 1 bale leather, .3 trusses, i cases, 1 seed-sower, 2 caski, 20 boxes, and 1 case tobacco. EXPO3TS. Per barque Alastor, for London: 157 tons xnanganno, 98 casks, tallow, \ cask slack, 2 ■sees whalebone, 2 cases beeswax, 14 bales cottons, 3 cases ferns, 29 tons copra, 157 sacks candlenuts. 16 caees sundries, 77 ingots tin, 43 ingots lead, 5 cases curios, 1 case books, 1 case tailings, 6 pieces timber, 1400 horns, 76 bags tones, 30 bales leather, 38 tons bark, 347 bales •wool, 4587 casts gum. 14 bales cotton, Owen and Graham. 26 bales wool, 26 caees gum, 46 bags bark, Potter and Co. 159 bales wool, 27 bales leather, 1 case beo»7?ix, Ireland Bros. Per s.s. Oreti, from New Plymouth, Wanganui, and Wellington ; 10 bags salt, 2 parcels, 4 packaged ironmongery, 5 sacks guano, 1 bale drapery, 5 bales tow, 11 sacks seed, 1 case plants, 1 bundle trees, 2 casks, 8 cases d rapery, fee., 2 boxes, 3 hones. IsnvABDS Coastwise.—Gem, schooner, from Tairua, with 28,200 feet timber: Msna, cutter, from Tairua, with 23,500 feet timber, 50 bags gnm, and 13 empty beef casks; Bangatlra, cutter, from Great Barrier, with 50 to»s fireweod. :.-. ODIWAED9 Coastwise. —Rangatira, cutter, or Omaha. : The schooner Transit cleared at the Customs yesterday for Russell. _ The A.S.S. Co.'s s.B. Pretty Jane is advertised to tail for Gisbome, at noon to-day, cany- • ing passengers and freight. : The schooner" Colonist entered out yesterday ■ '. at thi Custornjfpr Sunday bland, .

The schooner Manaion will not get away to sanuT and Wellington, with passengers and oaroo The steamer will not proceed further than Wellington on this trip, and is therefore expected back in the Manukau in about se'ren da Tho s.s. Wallabi arrived in the Manuljau yesterday from Wanganui, with cattle and Bh T e fi schooner Atalanta, from ta "L' * y ballast, arrived in the Manukau yesterday af ThTs° D s: Bowona arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Whangarei and Mfneap* , . number of poultry- saiieu wr u ■ r=\t^s cross and took shelter under Kapiti that night Got 'away again on Tuesday morning, and 1 ,™"v«l in Wansanui at noon ; discharged cargo, and left at 1 o'clock on Wednesday. Ex--1 perienced fine weather, and arrived at Taranaki early on Thursday morning; got away at 3 o'clock s»me afternoon, and arrived as above. Sho is advertised to return to the same ports at ' 1 The' Vairn'Oo.'* s.s. Lidybird is advertised to sail for Tauranna and Southern ports at 4 p.m. to-morrow. Cargo will be received alongside up to 2 p. m. to-day. _ The s.s. Gleneis ftiiM last night for Tauranga ' and Mercury Bay, with passengers and cargo. I The schooner Christina, bound for Bussoll, 1 we reported in our last as having put into Mercury harbour with ft portion of her sails blown away She made another start after repairing damages, and encountered another furious gale, ' which carried away another lot of canvas, ami she is now at anchor under Whansarei Heads, 1 Captain Smith haviug come up to town for new ' Sa The barquo Alastor cleared at tho Customs yesterday for London, and carries away a cargo valued at £37,250. During the stay of the vessel in port, Captain Glazebrook and his : officers have made many friends by their quiet, gentlemanly demeanour, and we are euro thj.t ■ all will join with us in wishing them a speedy '' and pleasant Toyage. In the event of the vessel 1 returning to this port again, we are sure that the captain and his officers will bo heartily " welcomed by the many friends they have made here. The Alastor will sail on Monday or Tues- ■ day next.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5496, 28 June 1879, Page 4