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New Zealand Herald Office, Saturday afternoon. The Customs duties collected to-day amounted to £127 Is 3d. Th» followins'aro the duties collected during the week :— Duties £4,087 17 5 LUhtdues 10 3 S Merchant Shipping Act fees .. 3 14 3 Arms Act fees 14 11 0 Pilot and Port charges .. .. 14 2 0 Other receipts 133 0 Q £4,263 9 i The R.IE. s.s. Australia, from San Francisco and Honolulu, arrived in harbour on the 4th instant, due to contract time, bringing advices from London up to April 14th, and San Francisco to May 12th. The other arrivals have been the barques Loch Dee and "Weymouth, from London, with cargoes to the value of £45,000, which have replenished the market with several lines of merchandise that were urgently required. Business during the month ha» been very limited, and Ivom all quarters the same report is heard. While such is the case, we are glad to record that it is sound and healthy. Engagements have been fairly met, and there is abundance of money requisite for legitimate transactions; while, on the other hand, anything tending to undue speculation meets with no assistance. The crisis which has been so severe in the other markets of the colony is now on the turn, and advices therefrom indicate that the worst has been seen, and although the present season is not the most favourable for a reaction, yet the advance in the London wool market, in conjunction with the expressed intention of tho Government to proceed with all sanctioned public works, has tended to relieve that despondency which, a few months ago, settled upon the Southern districts. We have not heard of any important transactions in land during the month, and although several intending purchasers are in the market, the decline in value which was anticipated has not come, and those on the qui vive for euch remain, up to the present, disappointed. Such a feature indicates the solidity of the trade of the district—a feature that is without parallel in any other part of the colony at the present time. By the non-arrival of English ehips last month the market was very bare of certain lines, but we are afraid that the shipments now afloat will again flood the market, and land us in that state which will leave little or no margin of profit on the bulk of imports. The consumption of the district has beeD reduced nearly to the lowest ebb, buyers operating with extreme caution, only to meet urgent requirements; and so long as this continues, we shall be unable to record any marked improvement in business. The principal feature of the month has been the sale of Mr. H. B. Morton's salvage goods, and the keen competition bore evidence of the desire of our storekeepers to pick up a bargain. Many lines realised almost what is required for sound goods. In ales, the market U overstocked with variouß brands, and although offered at reduced rates, they meet with little response, as the Bull-dog (Reads) monopolises the market. Several shipments of this brand have arrived, yet the demand is unsatisfied. Stouts are in full supply, and the season is now on when such is consumed, yet we learn there is less changing hands than during any previous year, Guiuesses' being offered at 8s for quarts, and other brands as low as 7s, or even a ehade less. Brandies have- undergone no change, very few parcels quitted, while stocks are adequate for some time to come. Bonedust is coming forward freely. 1000 bags have been received, ex mail steamer from California, while fully another 1000 came to hand from other sources. Although the approaching season promises to require a greater amount than heretofore, further shipments ought to be made wi'h caution or the market will be overdone. Breadstuff* may be said to be rather firmer, in consequence of the upward tendency evinced in the principal markets throughout the colonies. In sympathy with this, local millers have advanced their quotations 10s per ton, and superfine is now quoted at £13 10j per ton, and household £1110s. Southern make ranges from £9 to £1010 a, with ample supplies, while the market is bare of Adelaide, and the shipment afloat will come to a good market. In horse-, feed the tendency is downward, owing to heavy shipments, and oats have been placed at 2s 8d up to 2s lid—the latter to arrive. Maize has maintained within a little of last quotations Sydney being sold at 4s 4Jd up to 4» Gd, and local at 4s. Great uncertainty prevails as to the future of this grain during the next few weeks, as heavy cargoes are advised, and should they arrive simultaneously prices will suffer a relapse. Malting barley is almost out of first hands, but the cargo in the 8.L., from San Francisco, which vessel pnt into this port in iistress was offered at 4s 6d. Malt may he quoted rather easier ; English offered at 10s to 10s 6d, and colonial at Ba. Advices respecting the latter, however, indicate that it cannot be replaced under 8s 6d to 9s. Candles ire more in domand, and etocks not quite io heavy as last reported, but prices have not undergone any alteration. The urgent demand for cash, or an opening for the Mtocks of southern merchants, has caused several importations to be received therefrom, which, we understand, have been laid down here at' rather ess than direct shipments. Cement is in few lands, one firm holding about 2000 barrels, which is offered at IBs, but a small line has Deen done at 17a 6d. A parcel of American plaster is on the market at 12s 6d to 13s, but ;ne demand i» nil. Kauri gum has varied very lttle m value during the month, and upon the whole our quotations have been fairly busjained. Low grades rise and fall, accoruing to receipts, but the fluctuation is small, while ;ransparentor fancy qualities are fully stronger ind a parcel has realised £62. The Elinor Vernon sailed for New York on the 6th, with (60 tons, and will bo followed by the aarque Thames in 14 days, from this port, with jver 400 tons; while the barqu. Alastor. (nth about 350 tons, will sail f or London it the end of this week. Gilvanised iron has seen received in email quantities by the last 'Wo vessels, and the large stocks are now being gradually worked down at something near our isk prices. Fencing wire: In our last wo reported there were 400 tone in stock, which

is again augmented, while sales are verj limited. Blasting powder is little inquired for, and, although several email shipments have been made, yet the market is glutted beyond precedent, and a furthei shipment of Hay, Blerrick and Company, if advised, which comes to a bad market. Oilmen's stores have been fairly dealt in, considering the contraction of business, and the better values realised which we mentioned it our last, are fairly borne out by the salvage salt recorded above. Oils are fully stocked, anc may be recorded somewhat easier. A line ol linseed oil, in equal proportion of raw anc boiled, was sold at 3a while colza is offeree at 4s 3d in bulk, without finding buyers, Kerosene isjgoingmore freely into consumption but with no alteration in values ; in fact, thi market is too glutted to admit of an advance each holder being only too anxious to get ric of his stock. Sugars have met with the usua consumption, the arrivals from the other colo nies being gradually on the increase, in conse quence of the higher demand that, necessarily; arises from a growing district. The tendency is downward, as advices have been receivei from the Sydney Company of a reduction or recent scales. Crushed loaf is scarce and in quired for; a parcel of 20 tons is now afloat, and will, probably, fetch £45, d.p. Salmon, ol good brands, has been worked off, and bettei values are now attained—from 8s to 8s 3r; having been realised. Salt, both coarse anc fine, is almost out of the market, witl little coming forward, and prices havt advanced materially—holders asking £4 ss, and £4 15s to £5 for fine. Teas are being gradually reduced in stock, anc nothing of note may be expected to be don< pending the arrival of the new crop in a montt or six weeki' time. "We understand that a new departure has been made by one of our houses who will receive this season direct shipment: from Shanghai and Calcutta. The timber in dustry has again received a further acquisition of logs, and now the mills are supplied with s larger stock of the raw material than evei known before. While such is the case, we re gret to record that the demand is far from what could be desired, and the result is that man} mills hare curtailed their production, beside: sustaining a further decline in price. Mill owners should now be on a par to compete witl the imported article, and many contend thai they can do so, but the fact is, the opportunity is not given; for our best customers, th( Southern people, are so hampered for cash thai building operations have almost ceased. Ar industry that is gradually growing impor tant is the coal trade, and the statistics we pub lished a few days ago startled many. The out put from the local mines is now upward of 600 C tons per month of steam and household. Sucl a fact is only too apparent to those who have hitherto been largely engaged in the New South Wales coal trade, and we h.iv* nc hesitation in saying, now that the mail and colonial steamers are using it freely, a few months will see the last of the imported article, which is daily becoming more difficult to dispose of, a* our local conl is much cheaper. Rates of Exchanoe ok London.—Buying: 15 days, I} per cent, discount; 90 days, U per cent discount: 00 days, J per cent, discount: 30 days, } CO days, 1 i per cent, premium ; 30 days, if per cenl premium; demand, 2Jper cent, premium. Discounj —95 nays, 8 per cent. ; 125 days, 3 per cent, exceeding, 9 percent FHEicinTs.-The following aro the rates of frelchl quoted at this port for London:—Wool, greasy, 8d per lb.; ditto, washed. Jd per lb.; leather, 70s pel ton; ?H, 803 per tun of 252 gall'.; tiillow, 50sper ton copr», 60s pert'in: whalebone, SOs per ton: kauri gum, 50s per ton: shells, 00s per ton ; dead weight, 30s pel ALB 3 and Porter.—Best brands of b"*6rs have gone oft* mililr, »nd the marks', although suppleplrmented with Bait Dog ex arrival), is avain almost bare ; and has been sold to arrive. Ashby's h.M also been sought af er, and several large parc.-ls lave bf«n placed. In bulk beer there is little d-mnud—the run being on bo.tied;, other brands are not much inquired after. Dunedin alo, in bulk (pale). £5; xxxx, £6 10i. Ale, in bulk (d.p.) per barrel, u. Youngcr's, £6 10s ; Buss's, £.6 15s to £7; Asuhy's. £3. Ale fin bond), Tennent's, pints, O-i 01, quarts, Ss β-l; Bass' Bull-dog br.ind (Head's bottling , , pints, 6s ed, quart*, 9s: Ashbr's, 7s and 9a: Ind, Coop-, pints, 65 0d; quart', S3 9d ; Bass's (Blond bottlers), pints, Gs Gd: quarts, Sa: (Rya« bitting!, «i G.I xni 9*. Stous in bond: Blood's, Ss 3.1: pint-.. 0s 3d ; Pig brand. 6s 3d ; quaiti, S' 3.1; Bull-doe. Ouinness's (Head's bottling), pints, 6s 6d ; quarts, 9s ; Burke's. 6s and 9i; Cimero:j and SuinJerss, 7s and 93 Orl other bra-.rts, 5j and 7s 6d : ComWs. 7s in bond. Duty—pints. Is 31: qsarti, 2) 6d per Bcii.r>iN-G Materials.—Cement is concentrated in few hteds. and is firmly held at our quoUtinns, Sevesal large parcels hive been sold for shipment, but 1-olden now isk 17s 6d to 18i SUtes arc lunlsninß in value, with an npward tend'Dcy. f*oantfs«s bave been placed at £14 per thousand. American plaster, very little demand, and o:Tcrii-is -»t 12s Cd t > 134. neglected, and the d-ma-d for comsacks is not almost over. WoolpAcics. full 101b.. 27 x 54, each. 3< ed : cornsacks, 3-buah., 2Jd lb., 93 to 9t 0d per dozen. BoN-EDU.-iT.— The season Is now approaching, and merchants are preparing for it by heavy imporc»d »ny pr-vious ye»r. Bone lust, £7 10i to £S. to £li per ton : Mulden IsUud, £0 10s to £7 per ton ; animal manure, none; coco&nut oil ciko, £7 per ton. Breadstuff* and GitAl.v.—Flour has ad rancid 10i per ton for lo al make, in consequence of a risa in o:her m* ken. Inferior is heavily supplied, and sluggish of sal.'. Adelaide bare, and inquired "for. Hc.rse-fced his fulfered a further decline. Best silk-dressed flour, £13 10s ; household, £11 loj ; Southern brands, £9 to £10 ; Adelaide, £14. Wheat (Auckland), 4s 3d to 4s Oil; feed oats, 2; 8d to 3» 3d; bran, £0 per ton ; Fiji maize 4s- local 4j ; -ydner. 4s4id ; oatraoal, £17. Barley, maltIng iChevaher), Bs to 0a 3d ; Cape barley, 3s to 3s 3d ; pearl, £27 to 283. Cabin bread, £19 per ton. l'otatoc*. £5 15s to £6. Cobdaoe, d.p.—Fully stocked. Manila hemp rope, all sizes,£(lo : whale and lance lines £70 ; cuttlngin falls. £03; second quality, all sizes, £52 ; New Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £42 10s ■ wool lashIng, £38 10i; clothes lines. 5d per lb., subject to trade discount: Manilla clothes lines 8d ; oakum, free, ditto, £42; spun fine two-yarn ditto, £70 to £80 ; twine, shop, d.p., per lb., Iβ 8d ; sewing twine, Is Id per lb. ; local make Is to Is 3d. Coal.— Newcasili coal Is selling at 33s for cargoes alongside; Bay of Islands. 12i., f.o.b, at the mines, and Whangaroi cual, 8,3 to 12i, ditto: Waikato ; steam, e*; household, Bs. Coffee and Spices (in bond), per lb. Ceylon plantation. Is 4d; ISO., native, none; Java, U 3d : chicory, colonial, 71.1 ; cocoa d p Taylor's, Is 4Jd : Fry's Is 3d ; Epps's. Is 0d ■ Blaravilla, Is 6d; chocolate, Taylor's, Is 3d. Spices, il p.: Cloves, 2s 2d ; bleached ginger, Is ljd; unbleached do.. Is Id; nutmegs 4s; black pepper, whole, Sd; white do, lid. Coxrtcrio.-.KHY. — We have to notice a cessation of imports ex ships arrived. Now the duty on sugar is reduced to Jd per lb., possibly Importers will reflect ere importing cert tin c;asses of confectionery, to compete with our inc-easing local manufactu'e. Waterj's colonial boiled goods Vd ; dry goods, 10d: Keiiler's assorted, 10} d ; candied lemon and orange peel, d.p., Is Id ; citron, Is 2i ; jujubes, Is Id. Gum, I?, &c—Oum reiuaios stendj-at quotations say £32 to £85 for ordinary, and the higher grades from £46 to £00. R.-cei|its continue heavy, but Flai: Finest quality, £17 to £17 103 per ton ■ tow, £10 tJ £12 p>-r ton. Cocoanut oil (One white), per tun, £38. Copra, por ton, £15. Whale oil, £29. ißOiiJio.voEiiY.—Tho market for metals still continuei In an unsatisfactory state. The Imports aro excessive, allowing no time to work off present stock. Blasting powder, glutted aud untalrable. for small pare Is to the South Island. Ewba7]ks nails, invoice, 5 per cent, on list; galvanized corrugated iron. Gospel Oak. 20 gauge. £25 10s to £m ; Threo Crown brand, £24; plain, jt29; English bar iron per ton, £11 10s : plate iron, £13 ; pie ditto, £4 IBs: fencing wire. £13 10s to £14 • sheet-lead, £23 ; plg-lcad, £25 : sheet-zinc, £29. Powder, Kame'e, Curtis aud Harvey's 3}d pe lb. ; Hall's, 4d ; sporting (in canister), 2s; for 20 and 24, d.p., canister. No. 2, d.p., 3s Od. Yellow metal. 7Jd to 81 ; Muntj Bid Jams, Diiikd Fruit*, Ho.— The fruit is now closed, aud a full supply of Hobart Town jams has been received, and placed at 0s to 7s. Drid fruits have reali ed low prices, owing chiefly to inferior quality English marmalade, lib-tins, 8s Od; Hobart Town jams, 0s to 7s; jars, e>l to flj 1 ; sultanas 6id ■ muscatels, 7Jd to lid; elemoi,4jd to fiid ; currants, 3Jd to 33d ; figs, 5d to 8d ; all d p. LxATiijsii and I£iD£.s.—Sole leather lid to 1? 3d 11).; kips. Is o>l to 2s; runners. 2. Id to 2s 9d ; calf, colonial, 3s to 4s 3d ; basils, 103 to 18s doz., closed uppers, 4s 0d to 0s 3d por pair. Hides, 3d to 3Jd ; calf skins, 3Jd to 4id per lb.; aheep Bklns, 61 to 33 6d. Malt and How.-Malt, during tho month hasmet with a fair demand, and have oper-ted freely. In the meantime a little Knglish is being offered, commands, d.p., 10s Od, and tanks £4; colonial. 8s to 9s Bd. Hops: kelson (new) la; Knglish, 1878 (new). U 0d; Bavarian, Is 0d : American (new), (id to Is. OrLMKN's Stores.—Price's Belmont candles 9?d d.p.,perlb.; De Koubalx, Jenar, Brandon's Nevas and Gouda's, BJd to B}d ; Schiedam, Bii. Local bluG-mottled soap, £27 por ton ; carbolic £28 • best yellow, £27; household, £14 ; first Crown £25; second Crown, £19; soft soap in tins' 4id per lit.; toilet, 8d to 9d por lb. ; mould candles, 5d per lb ; all subject to trade discount Fine s»H,scarce, £4 15s to £5 ; coarse, £4 5s • Jordan almonds, Is 10d to 2s ; blue. 8d to 10d ; blackIng, paste, 6s fld ; Column's starch, No. 1, white 4id. blue, 4jd : Orlando Jones's surch, 3Jd. llusl tard, d.p.: Colman's 1-lb. tins (red), 10s 0d; half ditto, 6s 9d : 7-lb. tins (red to groeß), 7Jd to Is ■ 1-lb. tins (green), 13s ; Jib. ditto, 8s; D3f! i-lb. tins, 10s 6d. lCcckitt'a blue, SJd to Dd. Matches : Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's2sO, per gross, 19s 0d; ditto, plaid, 6s 3d; ditto fancy oval, 11s, 17s. and 22s ed ; Letchford's 250,185; BelUnd Black'*, 18s; K. Moll an>l Co., 16s; plaids, Sβ ; Crown plaids, 6s 3d ; 2.i0 p s, Ilk Oil : Castor, in pints, 8s 9d ; half-pints, 5s oa; quarter-pints, 4s 3d. Salad: C. and 8., pints, 13s : half ditto, 8s; Morton's pints, 10s 0d ; half-pints, Bs 3d. Pickles : Croase, and Blackwoll's, pints, 12s; Morton'e and othersfrom 8i to 10s od. Kice (ground), iu tins 4id. Sauces : Lea and Perrin's, half-pints, 12s Od0. & 8., Imlf.pints, Os. Vinegar: Champion's per gaL, 2s dd; Hill, Evans's, 2s; Burnett's 2s 3d; Pott's, 2s Id. Treacle, golden syrup, 31 per lb.,iu bond; sago, 31d; tapioca, 6il. Cornflour, Brown's, 4Jd, d.p.: Uroivn and Poison's 7d • Muiin's, fiid. ' 3ILS and Paints.—Duty Od a-gallon. Tho market for oils and paints, as reported in our last still continues fully supplied, but tho decline in' valae has been arrested, and prices may bo reportod a shade firmer. Kerosene is a shade better In valuo, stocks heavy.. Quotations remain tho same for eUndard brands. Culza, in drums, t> lod to ss; bulk, is, 4s 3d ; linseed, boiled, 3s 0d : raw, do., 3s Bd ; boiled, in drums. 4s 3d to 4s ; raw, da, 4s 2.1; castor, In bulk, 4s Sd ; kerosene d.p Deroe's. Iβ SJd; dUmond Is OJd : 3t»r, Is 0d; Electno Light, i B 8d; Downer's 2s 5d • Vouog'n paraain, 2, ad ; Niagara, 2.; Sanlignt 2'. White lead, ground, per cwt., genuine *?»: No 1 white l»ud, 38s; red lead, dry, £1

Provisions.—The Improvement noticed in onr lut ■till applies to Ibe present month, tad hams and b&coa of good quality are sought after, lut stock! are light, and, therefore, command better values. Tbe stock of tinned salmon fa&s been reduced, and good brands are now worth— lib. tins, 8s to 8a 31 : 2lbs. tins, 15s (new); Col nial (Canterbury, in cloth) bacon and hams, assorted, bjd to 9}d; cheese (provincial), 6H to 8d ; Canterbury, 8d to Sid ; salt butter, lid to Is, for good sound; rice, £-'4 to £27 10s; English hams, laid; ditto bacon, Is. Fish: Lin*, 4Jd; preserved red herrings, in tins, 30 to 32s per dozen (2 dozen tins); whit';, 313 per Jb.rre , ; lobsters, American (scarce). 10*: pickled salmon. 4jd : sardines (Albert's), quarters, 4s 9d, halves 8s 3d ; oysters, Si 6d. boon received, and tbe mtrket is adequate to the consumption. Tbe market is well supplied, a lsrge consumption going forward, which is gradually increasing The tendency for all descriptions Is downwards, in consequence of advices from Sydney. In bond, Sydney No. 1. £35 10i, Uelbourne snowdrops. £37 10s; brewers , crystal?, £34 101 to £36 : Mauritius whita crystal, £35 ; yellow, £23 to £30; English crashed loif, scare, but a supply is jast tohaid. £40; Fijian rations. £25 to £27; yellow crystals and counters, £27 to £29 15s. Spißirj.—ln spirit*, the month closes without any great change in values. Business has been much slacker than usual, no doubt owing to tbe larje purchases m»de last month, wh'ch were exceptional M»r:ell'a. p«le, 0s ; llenness/s ditto. 10a; Courvoisier's, bnlk, 8s 6d ; case. 2Ss : Bisqnit, Dubouche and Co's pale, in hhds. and qr.-casks, 8s; Beehive, bulk, 7s: Hennessy's case, 34s to S4s 6d ; Martell's, 32s : Otard's. none ; Beehive case, 245; Bisquit, Dubouche and Co's, 255; Hihh's, 28s ; bulk. 8a : Alarcolaln's, 5s ; Gautier-s, 25) and 8<; Burgand'?, 03 9d; Muller Frera'a, 17s ; Cavalier Frer.'s, -24a. J B. Rene's case. 225. Whisky, bulk: Greenless ind Colville's. 5» 91 to Os and ISs: case, Beith. Rise and Co.'s, fis 6d ; Teacher's 11s ; DunvlUes, 53 9d, case, 17s 6d : Lome Highland, 2ls ; Red Deer, 6i 6d ta 7s, eve, 17s; Hedles's old. 16t 6d; Teacher's old, 245; Encore, 19a; all in bond. Geneva, proof, three gallons, JDKZ, IS bottles. 14s 0d ; key geneva, proof, 13s. Schnapps, Wolfe's. 21s Cd ; Dew of the Alps, 275. Gin, Booth's, 10s; BHrnett's, 15s. Lowndes's rum, 30 o.p, 4s 3d to 4i 6d ; Red Heart, case, 25a 6d. Tobacco.—The direct shipments from New York ready sale. Good brands a F o firm, and 10s, three-quarter boxes.' Is 4i ; cases, la 5d ; Venus. Navy pieces. Is 6d ; Over the Water, ZOs, case, Is 3Jd : Barrett':. Crown. 10d ; Two Seas, Is to Is 3}d: Victory Twist, Is 3Jd, and cases. Is 5d low 10a, 8d to 10d. Timbbr.—ln consequence of heavy rain', the mills have received a further supply of logs, and a further reduction in value wo ild be accepted if that would induce a demand. There is very little demand for export. Kauri Boards and scantling, cargoes. 100 ft.. at mi 1, f.0.b., East Coast, 9s 61 to 11s ; to 6s to 7s for second-cUss ; Wtst Coast. Sj to 10s 6d ; baulk. 5s 6J to Cs ; white pine (kahikatea), 6s 6d toSJCd, f.0.b., at mills; Hobart p ilings, sft., 16s; Oft., ISs; Hobart Town rails,£3 12i 6d. Teas.—We have to report a further, briaV business since the first of the month. Stcck taken out of bond has been considerable, .Sales general in broken and sittings to finest descriptions at from Is Ojd to 2t 41. i.t>. Atsams meet with steady patronage, and stocks in most kinds low, with choice parcels to »r ive. Fancy sorts of all grades in limited dedemand. Choice Oj«es with delicious liquors barely appreciated, while Pekoes of low quality meet with sale. Wikes.— Tho demand for light wines lias ceased as the cold weather approaches. The late season has been an unusually brisk one for Australian and similar wines. every year. Champagae (d p.): Perier, Jouet and Co.. first quality, quarts, 80i ; pints, 84? ; half-pints, 94s : second quality, quarts, 84s ; pints, 68) ; half-pints, 73*. Ingeilueim. quarts, 80s to 84s; Moet, quarts, SSs; pints, 90s. Koederer, 1003. Adolpho Collins quuts. 503 ; pints, SOj ; ditto, extra suparior, qua ts 00s ; pints, 365. Deinhardt's quirts, l-doz?n case. 403 ; pints, 2-dozen cue, 593 per cite; Fenier's Imperial Sillery, 465, and Carte Blancho. 80(. Sherry: i.b., £15 to per butt; port, same; cluets, 11s to 22s per case. Australian Wines : i.b., Tokay, bnlk, 7s ; Grenache, 7s. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHAREMARKET MR. SAUNDERS'S MONTHLY REPORT. There is no improvement noticeable yet in the stock and share market. There are, however, very few sellers, and in most cases shares are held firmly for better prices. Auckland gas shew a marked improvement, and have risen from £8 to £9, at which price sales have been made. There is also an inquiry for Loan and Mercantile shares ; holders are not disposed to take quoted rates. There is no alteration in insurance stocks, if anything, prices are a sharl<! which pumping operations may be carried on, we cannot expect capitalists to invest or speculate in tho goldfield. The following quotations will give a fair idea of the market valuo of most of our stocks ;— Buyers. Sellers. J^ d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand IS 2 « IS 5 0 18 5 0 National Bank .. — 3 6 0 — Colonial do., do. .. — 2 0 0 2 0 0 New Zealand Inmr. — 3 0 0 — South British do. .. — 212 0 210 0 National do. .. — 0 10 0 0 19 0 Union do 013 0 014 0 013 9 Colonial do. .. — 0 4 9 — Auckland Gas .. 9 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Auckland Timber .. — 6 0 0 — Union S&ah and Door — 8 2 6 — Guthrie <fc Larnach — 4 5 0 — Loan and Mercantile i 5 6 410 0 — Gold Mining Snares— Calrdonian .. 117 0 2 2 0 — Alimrnia .. .. — 12 0 12 8 Moanataiarl .. ..226260 — KurauulHUl.. ..060076 — Cure — 0 3 3 — Corby .... — 0 5 S — AI.EX. SAUNBKRS, Stock and Estate Agent. 2, Insurance Buildings, Auckland, 3.Z. CALLS. Calls have been made ia the following companies : Calls— £ s. d. When due. Kempthorne. Prosser. and Co.s N.Z. Drag 0 6 0 — July 1 Bismarck .. ..030 — July 7 Progreis 0 0 S — July 9 Nonpirell United ..010 — Sept. 12

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5491, 23 June 1879, Page 4