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MedicaL |TITCHENS'S CELEBRATED BLOOD EESTOEER. THE RENOVATOR OP THE HUMAN RACE NO MOKE PHYSICAL DEGENERATION IF THE Laws of Health are observed, ordinary care exercised and the BLOOD RESTORER FREELY TAKEN. Sold by Mr. J. Edson, Chemist, Queen-street; Mr C HinDERSON (late Hopkins), Queen-street Junction • Mr. Robinson, Chemist, Parnell; Messrs. HiLu S Hudson, Victoria-street. Mr. Pali well, Otahuhu : Mr. Fallwell, Mr. R. T. Gillma-s, Onehunra; Sindbi and Co., Chemist?, Waikato; Mr. Broadoate, Symonds-street; Mr. Khikpatrics;, Kaw»k»wa ; Mr. John Mjlmisik, Hokianja ; Mr A. G. Hnonna. Chemist, Cambridge, Waiksto ; and of* all* Thames Chemists. This wonderful remedy has attained to a popularity as great as it is surprising. The fame of the Medicine Is spreading over the Australian Colonies.— such pleasing notoriety being easily explained by the multitude of cures effected, and the special fact, that amonr the cases cured were several suffering Australian gentlemen, who were visiting Aucklaui, who ail high positions, and have used their inaaence in making knowh the virtues of the BLOOD KBSTOKER HITCHENS'S CELEBRATED OINTMENTS. RHEUMATIC OINTMENT. A gentle and easily applied remedy for TJheumatism, Stiff Joints. »c. ; for Bronchitis in children for Contusions, Swellings, Bruisei, and Chilblains. SKIN OINTMENT. A very valuable and much required remedy, most effective in its cure of Sores, Ulcers, and Eruption* on any part of the body and for Ringworms. PILE OINTMENT. Sufferers should fly for instant relief to this unexcelled remedy, as delay in treating this peculiar form of sickness may lead to serious results. N.B.—By request, Mr. Hitciiens has arranged the following regular hours at which he may be consulted at his private house, Upper Wakefleld-street:— From 7 to 9 a.m. 12 to Ip.m. 5 to 7 p.m. HAMILTON BROTHERS, Queen-street, WHOLESALE AGENTS. MOBE LOCAL EVIDENCE ON THE CUE4TIVE PEOPEP.TIE3 OF THIS MEDICINE. Auckland, August, IS7B. Dear Sir, —I now, according to promise, forward you with great pleasure my testimonial as to a suecessful cure of a troublesome skin disease, which caused me great waste of strength annoyance for many years. My case is well known, as I procured the best advice in Auckland, which proved unsuccessful, and baffled every trf atment but your valuable Blood Restorer and < dntment, which not only cured u,e of the above complaint, but gave me fresh energy and vigour to my whole system. (Signed) Kobt. Nicholas. To H. A. H. Hltchens, Esq., Wakefleld-street. Auckland. April 20,1870. Sir,—lt is with many thanks that Ido now give yon my testimonial on behalf of your most valuable and mirsculons Blood Restorer. For my part, I cannot Rive it due praise; it is wonderful In its cures. I was for twelve years subject to nervous debility and indigestion, and lost all use of myself. My memory also left, me. My own relations can certify the same. I thank Oivine Providence I am now eDj'oylng the best of health. I would highly recommend it to all my brethren who are suffering from the same maladies. I tried doctors without avail, and modi-, cines I drank until I grew weary. Sarah Sweet, Victoria-street West. To H. A. H. Hitchens, Esq.. Wakefleld-street, Auckland. The Proprietor : H. A. H. HITCHENS, Late Assistant-Dispenser to the Imperial Troops, Army Medical Stores, Albert Barracks, Auckland. DR. ROBERTS'S CELEBRATED OINTMENT, oaxlzt* " THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND," is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description ; a cert tin remedy for ulcerated- legs, burns, scalds bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles. It also entirely removes the foul Bioell arising from Caneer. Sold in pots, 133 d., 2s. Od., 4s. Gd., lis. and 225., each; and bis PILULiE ANTI-SCROPHUL-rE OB ALTERATIVE PILLS, Proved by more than sixty years' experience to be one of the best medicines for purifying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They form a mild and Buperlor family aperient, which may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet, Sold in boxes at 13Jd., 2s. 9d„ 4s. Gel., lis. and 22s each. Prepared only by Beach & Barnioott, Bridport, Dorset. England, and sold by all Medicine Vendors

WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CERTAIN CORE For Biiions and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Ueartburn, Sour Eructations, Lowness of Spirits with sensation of fullness at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes &c. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS STAND UNRIVALLED. As a General Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation and grateful to the Stomach, they give a healthy tono nnd vigour to the different secretions, cautir.r the necessary organs of the stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole systoni. They can be taken at any time without restraint from business or pleasure, henco they are a most valuablo domestic mo liciae. Heads of households should always have a box of these Pills by them, to re-ort to on any slight occasion of ailing on the part of those under their charge, as by paying attention to the regular action of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, many a severe illness is avoided or mitigated. They will be found in slight cases by a single dose to restore health to the body, with a happy frame of mind. Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, la, Vere-street, London, V 7., England, In bottles only. Is lid and 2s Od. Sold by all Chemists, IMPORTANT CACTION.—Be sure to ask for " Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills," in a green bottle, wrapped in green paper, and having the name and address, WILLIAM LAMBERT, 8, KING WILLIAMSTREET, CHARING CROSS, Engraved on the Government btamp. Do not, there* jere, purchase without seeing the Government Stamp over the cork of the bottle. MOLL ERAS COD LIVER OIL RECEIVED THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AVAKDIIIJ TO COD LIVER OIL AT TUS PARIS EXHIBITION, 1873. MOLLER'3 COD LiVKR OIL is by a now special process produced from the fresh Livers in exceptional purity, free fr.?m the indigestible fats inherent in other aorta ; but otherwise in i,s natural condition as in the living o>h ; no chemical, but only mechanical, operations entering into Peter Moller's New Improved Process. MOLLER'S COD LIVER OlL.—The Doily Nevis correspondent at the PARI-i KXHIBITIoN, 1878, writes to that journal of September 12.1878. in reference to the several exhibitors of Cod Liver Oil: -" At the head of the .Exhibitors of this product is PETEH. MOLLF.R. of Christlania, London, and New York. His Factory is in tlio Lcfoteu Isles. All the year round hs employs there 30 men and 30 women, and in the fishing s-ason from 300 to 400 extra hands. This benefactor of consumptive invalids and rosy cntLDiiKN has a special" ethod for clarifying the Oil taken from th( tod's liver -while it is fresh. \\ hat was freshly opened had NO TASTE OF ANY SOR r." THE GOLD MEDAL, the only one awarded in this class, makes the FOURTEEN Til PRIZE which ha 3 been gained by MOL'.EKM COD LIVER ■ IL sine- the London Exhibition, IBG2, in preference to all other m kers—great and small- throughout the whole world, at all thi principal International Exhibitions. MOLLER'S COD 1 IVF.R OIL is the Only One that will retain its virtue in tropical climates, on account of its exceptional purity. Dr. Pearson, of UmbJlla, writes :—" It is the only oil that wil remain good for any time in India, while in therapeutical value your oil excels all others with which I am acquainted." Hbad Of-fioks : CIIRISIIANIA. NORWAY - Branch Offices : 021, ilXt-ORD - STlll-El", l/'Kll-K. W.O.j k'AUTuKiKa: STAUSUNI) AND KABELVAAG, LOFOTEN' ISLAiND;* NORWAY. THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES. ESTABLISHED OVRR FIFTY YEARS. KNOWN ALL OVBR THE WORLD. For upwards of half a Century KAYE'S WORSBULL'S PILLS have been estoemed as the best remedy for tho prevention and cure ef disease. Their use renders tbo doctor unnecessary in the family. Acting on the blood, they purify it from all humours, rondering the life-giving fluid healthy In its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the health of the invalid. These Fills are invaluable to Emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the Stomach, Lungs, Liver, &o. Are equally adapted for all ages and either sex. Persons residing in tho Colonies who cannot have recourse to medical advice will therefore find them indispensable. The Proprietor has In his possession thousands of testimonials bearing witness to the wonderful efficacy of this invaluable .medicine, a selection of which accompanies each box. Sold by all Chemists and others Dealers in Patent Medicines throughout the World, at Is. lid., 2s. 9rL Bd is. Od. per box, •

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5490, 21 June 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5490, 21 June 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5490, 21 June 1879, Page 2