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Wanted. WANTED —A Man to assist in bar and make himself osefnl.— Auckland Flotel. WANTED —Tenders for Boring.—Specification to b* *een atthe Pkr»m> \\f ANTED — To Apprentice a atoufc t ▼ active Lad as Rroa. WANTED —An Apprentice to the Ba3ine»s of Carrier.—lrki.ish Broh. WANTED Known — That Saturday Xight contain* «n<t-ible re*dinz for *11 cU*.'?3. \X7" ANTED—A single Man, that can V T plough and drive \ team of horses.—Apply to J. Pwcn, Rcmaer*. WANTED —A good General Servant or Cook : also, a Nursegirl.—Waterman'.-* Dining Rooms, Qnc«»n-»trfet. WANTED —A Housemaid, able to wash. — Apply toMta. Phillips, Foresters' Arm 3 Hotel, Albert-street. - WANTED — A Steady Man to take chsrge cf a t*am of horses.—Apply to Gzcsoa CjEnorum, Queen-street. WANTED to Charter—A Vesael from 65 to SO toes, for a term of 9 month?.— Apply to " X.Y.Z.," Herald Office. WANTED Noticed —To ba Let —A House »t Upper Pamell; £50 a year.— Inquire at Post-office. WANTED, for Waikata—A Lad who can Ccok. —Apply to Franz Scusrff, Fort-?treet. WANTED —A Good Dressmaker, for Wellington.—Apply to J. Cun\n, Yictcria flotel. WANTED — Housemaid for hotel in Tauranga.—Apply at E. Hjury's Registry, WANTED —A Housemaid and General Seivant.—Apply at the M&aukau Hotel, Onehunga. — WANTED Known —t- That Saturday Night Is the beat family pap«r iu New Zealand. WANTED to Sell—A first-clasa Billiard Table, all complete.—Apply to R. C. Greeswood, ?»larket-house. WANTED, by a respectable Married Woman, milk a week old—A Bkby to Nurse. —Apply for address at th* Herald Office. WAiS IKD Known — That Saturday Sight should be in every household. WANTED Known — That Advertisements in this Column will be posted oa Iho Board in Queen-street every morning. WANTED Known — That Promissory Note Forms (in Books), can ba hid at the Herald Office. WANTED — Two Apprentices to the Millinery and Dressmaking, also a General Servant,—Apply immediately to Mrs. Loso, Milliner and Dressmaker. Hobsoa-street. WANTED — A Situation as assistant Book-keeper; understand the sesl and grain t ades. «»ood references.—Apply try letter to "5.Y.," Herald Offic*. WANTED, by a Lady—Board and Residence in a private family. No objection to the locality beiog two or miles from town.— Address by letter to "Alpha," Her\l> Office. WHY neglect being on the Electoral Roll? or ascertain whether you are there? For a trifling fee I will do it, without trouble to yourself.—T. B. Hansaford, Queen-street opposite Army and Navy Hotel. WANTED— A Smart Youth, accustomed to the Grocery Bu>iaes3 ; one who can write a good h*nd preferred.—Apply to Holland & Kortzeu. 223, Quean-strot>£. WANTED Known — That Saturday Night contains three serial talg3. WANTED KNOWN—Gammed Labels of every description printed at tbe Hruald Office. WANTED to Sell—A iirst class Quadruple Demy Printing Machine (Miin's Patent Fust Machine by Con:sb-:e,, cheap.—Apply at the Herald Office. WANTED Known — That Saturday Nitjht is puhljahed in evry town jn tho'enlony. WANTED, by advertiser (a young Man) —A Situation in warehouse or olfice ; willing tomake himaelt generally useful.—Address " H.i 1.," Post-otfico. WANTED to Sell, a Bargain — Mill Stones and Mtchiuery.—Apply to Masefield &Co., Albert-street ; or, to C. J. LicrcuiNs-o.f, 7, Queen-3treet. WANTED, by a respectable youug Man —A Situation ; thoroughly understands tbo management of horses, ab'e to milk, and willing to make himself generally useful.—Apply to "C.j.,'* R erald Oili | "VSTANTED—Our own Customers to rollV v up on Saturdiy, and others thit like a cheap Sunday's dinner, to carry away Bjc?, Mutton, Pork, Veal, and Lamb at nominal price?, at the S'.eaux Sausiee Factory, Qa^en-^tr^ftt.—Okok<;k Hr-twr. WANTED Known — That Saturday Night aftV>rd<*n eTc»ll>»nt of %dv<>Tt ; ging. WANTED — Mr. and Mrs. Boston, having resigned the Stewardship cf the Working Meu's Club, arc open to uu as Managers of a Hotel ; first-class testimonials.—Address II&RALP Ofti^e. WANTED — Rubber Starap3 to bo generally csed. Awarded first prize at late Fxhiliition, manufa.tured by tho Auckiani Rubber btamp Company, Albert-street; made at 21 hours' notice at reduced pries. \JETaNTED —A Youth, not under IS, for T a m*r2hant*s ollice ; must have a knowledge of Custom-house work and have references. Salary, 30s j er week.—Apply by litter to 41 Bos 131," Postcfiic u WANTED, at Stratford, New Plymouth—A Journeyman Baker, for a perman *nt business. — For particulars, apply to the j undi rsigoed, at Inglewood or Stratford.—G. G. ! Cuk:is. —Inglewood, February 5, WANTED to Sell—A Four-roomeil Cottago, with skillion, good g-irJen, neverfailirg we'-l, and Ur;c Allotment, only 15 miautea' walk from Union Rank. Price, £200. Terms very easy —it. C. Cubes W'Map. M rk a .t-hunse. WANTED Cnowu — That Bill-heads, Circulars, Carils. rrogramiiioi, auJ General Pri ( ing of ever/ rle-icription, fro:n '-r -'y aew typ s is executed at the Herald Office, at tbe lowsst pos ible prioeg. WANTED to Purchase for cash—A • good Four-roomed Uouse. with attached kite len, in a healthy locality, au l gar.l-iU, within twei'ty minutes' wilk of Post-otlice. —Apply by letter to *' Y.Z.." Hbralo Office. \ 1 TAN TED—Employ ment, by a respact- \ \' able single young Man, whose references to and i'S'.imonials from gentleman of b'gh standing ia this elsewhere are of the most undeniable chars cter, as hot«l manager, billiard mirker, or barrr. in ; or as a storeman and handyman.—Hannapoitt s Registry. WANTED to Sell.—To Wool-staplers, Millers, and others.—Tbe Papakura Mill, IfiH-. louse, 2 Co tagea (let to good tenants), and abm 5 Acres of gaod Land, with river frontage, close to Railway Station and Gre;*t ??outh Read. Prici low, and terms to suit p-rchasers. —R. C. Grk .ywoop. Market-house. W ANTED—An Activc Partner, possessing business capacities, wi:h capital to de\ 1 p the present business of Roper's Horse Repci tory, Cattle and Live Stock Yards, Land and £s ate Agency, Auction Rconos; also, Produce s:cres ar I General Auction Rooms; or, the proprietor is oi dii to sell the leaseholds Ihi Iciseb ,ld and business combined.—Apply ta K. W. Rcpeß, A ictioneer, Colombo-street. Christchnrch. ANTED KNOWN—That Friends o f Education will ha^ e to Vote TO-PAY [Tuesday), Maich 4, at the Rooms of the Young Hen's Christian AtfGaiation, Albert-street, between the hours of S a.m. a>(l4 p.m. WANTED TO SELL— SQUARE IRON TANKS ; Also, Gi IRON WATER TANKS, From £2 upwards. Galvaniz-d Iron Spouting, Ridging, &c.. Of all descriptions, at thft lowest rates At ALFRED SMART'S, Blliott-atreet. E 'jLIKGTOJf COLLE&E. Applicatit ns will be received by tho 'aQiersigsed up to thel'r.U March otit for the ilisterSh Seccad SI istor, to teach Classics and EajHsli; Salary, £400 ,-er annum, with a capitation allowance, of 10j for eac l pupil attending the College. Mathumatic-i Master, to teich Mathematics anil Natural PhUoe )pby. Salary, £350 per annuas, witi a cavitation allowance of 10s. , _ .lodern Master, to teach srench Gciman. Salary £200 per annum. . I.'.tra Classes are held in connection with ine CoU'cefor the preparation of students for the Laiversitv, the Oivi) Service, and the Supreme Court Kxan ; *uations. Thefees from such clashes are rereivea ' by tht Master them. \ By O'der of :he of Govejnors. CHAS. P. POWL£?, Secritarr. "Wellington, February 3, 1579. "J"F this should meet the eye of DUNCAN" A CLA.RK, Baker, late in the employment of O~BDR.v, Maryhill, Glasgow, he c\n meet a 3ro.her in the ship ' Canterbury,' Por: Citalmer3. fJ^ago. Henry james hawkins, lata oi the BeWidore Orchard Stokes's i 3 \ for Engagements to select, »plant, BDd tend Frni j Trees, either in Orchard or Garden, to Plant ahrabi beiies, and lay cut Ornamental Grounds, duricg the I coming season.—Address, " Upper Parntll Pcst■Hice." February 23,1579. S7IENCING.— Contracts undertaken for _ Posts and Rails, Paling. Corrugated Iron, and Wire Fencing, by S. "White, Brighton. Pamell. pqo TO BATH to Rotd's Public Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, * Victoria-street Kast. Charge, One Suzlliko. Open r.H week day 3 from.7 am. to 9 f m.. and Sunday Mornings from 0 till 10 a.m. The Bath-rooas are kU private, and supplied with every convenience, Tirkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, combs, resp'rators, soap, &c. Select bath-rooms (private) lor Lalies every day, at all hours, with female attendant e, Onk Shilling. Please rote tbe address : Ylotorivstreet East, above the Greyhound Hotel, and nex . tho CLeap Bedding and Furniture Mart, Auck* lane.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5396, 4 March 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5396, 4 March 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5396, 4 March 1879, Page 3