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SALES BY AUCTION. February 6. Messrs. Tonks and Co. held tbia moruing an important trade sale of Fijian sugars, ex schooner Winifred, from Levuka. The sugars offered ranged from dark to light yellow crystals, and as the market was extremely bare of such, competition was brisk, and the lot (3000 mats) was quickly disposed of at prices averaging from £24 to £29 15s, in bond. Mr. G. W. Binuey, at his mart, Queen-street, this morning, sold, the Freeman's Bay Saw-mill, plant, and machinery. Messrs. Jagger and I'arker were the purchasers, at the sum of £075. February 12. The residence and grounds of Mr. Charles Tothill were submitted to auction this morning by Messrs. B. Tonks and Co., and were pur--1 chased by Mr. Hoffmann for £1550. February 14. On Tuesday last, Mr. R. Arthur's sale of earthenware ex James Wishait, from London, was fairly attended, and most of the lines aold at good prices. Brown teapots, 8s 3d to lis 3d; white jugs, 5s to lis ; white mugs, 3.i to 4s 3d ; pudding bowls, 3s Id to 6s 4d ; China mugs, 6s (id to Ba. Blue pheasant: Plates,6-inch, 2s Id to 2s 4d ; 7-inch, 2s lid to 3s ; S-inch, 33 3d ; 10inch, 4s to 4s 3d; meat dishes, assorted, 15sto 16s ; vegetable dishes, 2s 5d each ; cups and saucers, 4s to 4s 6d ; printed bowls, 3a 4d to 3s Gd; toilet sets, 10s Cd to lis 3d; jugs and basins, 5s 2d ; basins, 4s lid j coloured mugs, 4s 3d to Gs; blue chambers, 9a to 9s 6d; white chambers, 6s 6d to 7s 6d ; jugs, in sets, 3s 6d--3s lid to 4s 9d ; fancy cans, 2s to 2s 2d. Blue, band and line-ware: Plates G-iuch, 3s Id; 8inch, 3s Sd; 10-inch, 4s Id ; soup, 4s 4d ; meat dishes, assorted, 16s ; vegetable dishes, 2a 6d ; soup tureens, 6s ; sauce tureens, Is Id each ; salad bowls, 2s Id. Butterfly-ware : Plate, 6inch, 3s 3d; S-inch, 3s 7i; 10-inch, os 9d; dishes, 16s; vegetable dishes, 2s Gd; soup tureens, 6s Od; sauce, Is 3d; salad, Is lOd. Dove lihine-ware : Plates, 6-inch, 2s Gd ; 8-inch 3s 2d ; 10-inch, 4s ; soup, 3s lOd ; meat dishes, ' 14s to 16s ; baking dishes, 12a to los ; vegetable ! dishes, 2s 3d; teacups and saucers, 3s Gd ; : sugar boxes, 13s to 14s ; milk jugs, 10s ; cream jugs, 4s; tea plates, 5-inch, IslOd; 6-inch, 2s Gd ; B. and B.* plates, Ss ; egg-cups, Is 6d. Sets of 40 pieces tea-sets Chiua, bronze and blue (Chinese), 10s to 12s Gd. Letchford'a vestas, : japanned tin, 250's at 13s ; 100's, at 425. Whitelead and paints were passed for higher prices.

February IS. A public sale of leases of certain Crown waste lands was held to-day,—Mr. D. A. Tole, Chief Commissioner, presiding. There was a very small attendance. The following lots were dealt with. Puheke Block : No bid. Tauroa (Mangonui District): 10,510 acres, bought by John Bowman, at £10 a-year rental. "Waitapu (Whangaroa) : 700 acres, leased by i Henry George Shepherd, at £3 per aunum. Poupouwhenua Block (Whangarei District) : 32SC acres; there was no bid. Whananaki (Whangarei) : 495 acres, leased by Charles John Hutchinson, at £10 per annum. Those were all the lots offered for sale. February 19. Messrs. Cochrane and Son offered for sale to-day, by order of the Public Buildings Commissioners, the six old houses in Shortlandstroefc. to be removed within fourteen days of sale by the purchaser. The bidding commenccd at £2, and they were purchased by Mr. Garratt, of Newton, for £9. The mortar-mill at the Public Works store, Newmarket, was purchased by Mr. Blewden for £^5. February 20. Mr. It. Arthur held a sale of property at his marc this morning, at which a large attendance of the public were present. The four-roomed house, Ponsonby Road, leasehold, for 25 years, at a ground rental of £5 5s per annum, was sold for £150. The adjoining proportj*, a wcllfiuished six-rcomed house and large allotment, also leasehold for the same terma, at a nominal ground rent, was purchased by Mr. Close for £205. February 24. Mr. R. Arthur held an important sale of suburban and rural lands this morning, at which there was a moderate attendance of the public, but bidding was only slack, and several lots were passed. The following lots were sohl :—Perston's farm at Whangarei, containing 234 acres, was bought in by the moitgagee. An allotment in Stanley-street, 3G feet frontage by 80 feet, £90; 45 acres in the Parish of ICarioi, ss. per acre; S9£ acres in the Parish of Hunua, Papakura, £150; 95 acres in Takapuna, adjacent to Stokes's Point, £5 12s Od per acre ; the interest in the lease of the premises occupied by S. Cochrane and Son, Fort-street, £50. February 25. Messrs. S. Cochrane and Son held a sale of suburban property at their mart this morning, and the following lots were sold :—AUotmeut 154, town of Kihikihi, 1 acre, £25; 153 acres, parish of Waitara, Awitu, allotment 07, £5 per acre. Mr. Geo. Sibbin held a sale of fruit, maize, &c., this morning, ex Rotorua, from Sydney, and the following prices were realised Sydney maize, 5s 3d (50 bags) ; local maize, CJs ; apples, 2d; pears, l£d; grapes, 3d to 4d ; oats (100 bags), 4s 2d. Mr. L. W. Eaton sold this morning a. large consignment of fruit, &c., ex Rotorua, from Sydney, which realised the following values : — G rapes, s|d to S^d; pears. Id to ; apples, lid to 3d. February 26. Messrs. E. and A. Isaacs report of their sale of groceries at Ponsonby, yesterday, that all the goods were quitted at satisfactory prices. The horse and cart realized £25. February 2S. At the extensive sale of furniture, mirrors, pianos, &c., &c., held by Messrs. E. and A. Isaacs, in the Albert Hall, to-day, there was a good attendance, and the whole of the lots, numbering 2(57, were quitted, with few exceptions. The prices realised were anything but satisfactory. SALE OF WASTE LANDS. A sale of waste lands of the Crown was held on Feb. 25, at principal "Waste Lands Oilice Parliament-street. There was a large attendance, but the bidding was by no meaDs in proportion, and the sale not so successful as would have been anticipated. For the greater proportion of the lots olTeied there were no bids. The following sales were effected :— PARISH OK Te IiAPA, 'J'AUIt V !.'<! A DISTRICT.— Lot 124, 48a 2r Bp, upset prfce £4S ; lot 125, 49a 2r. upset price £49 loj ; lot 105, 40a 2c. upset pricc £45 10f, and lot 172. 21a, upset i rice £21, wcro bought by Mr. K. < \ Jordan at the up*-t price; lota 300, 45a 3r, and 300. 119 i, wore bought by \lr. Frater at the upset prictj, £1 an acr<* ; lot 474,01 a, upset price £il, bought by Mr. Jordan, who also bought lot 611, 52a lr; lot 012, 4*31 2r ; lot 513, 30a, and lot 514, 08a 3r, at the upset price. £1 per acr*. PAitisn oy Waiokka,Opotjk> District.—Out of teven lots off>re<l only onn was soM, viz., lot 233, 49i 2r, which was bought by Mr. MuGinley at tho upset pricrf, £40 10s. Parish of PuKiiKOiie.—Lot* 290 an 1 291, 23a 2r 7p, up3et price £51), bought by Mr. Walsh at £69 ; lots 07, CS, and 09, 29j, upset pric* £37, bought by Mr. Walsh at £121. Parish of Wa'pipi—Lotss7and 08, 20a, bnught by Mr. iiill at the upset price, £30 ; lot 220. 99a, upset price £99, bought by Mr. Dickey ; lot 240, 08*, upset price £93, bought by Mr. Frater ; Jot 240, 148 1, upset price £143, bought by Mr. Frater. Pahthh of Opaheeb.—Lot 170, 10S* 2r, upset price £108 10.*, bought by Mr. Jones. Parish ok WiiASOA.MA.RiNO.-Lat IG7, SBi, upset price £33, bought b/ Mr. Lock. PaUIHU OF M\NG iTAWHIRI.—Out Of 10 lot? offered only one was ; Lot 117, 24a, was bought at the upset price, £24, by Mr. WAinou Survey - District (Hoiiixgaio and Bi.ocks, lla«km or tub Thame*).— j he lam) is principally swamp aud kabikatea forest. Out of 11 lots offered o*»Iy two were sold; lot 4. block 11, 87a lr 2ip, upset price £87 10s, bought by Mr. Moore ; lot 5, b?ock 12,1C2* lr23p, upset price £102 10s. bought by Mr. Moore at £209. * Parish of Waiueke. —Lot 164, 380 a, upset price £180, bought by Mr. Ashwin. Xanqidua hciiYKT Distuicr(sear. WnAixoAHEi). —Out of 18 lots offered only one was sold, viz.: Lot 17. 142 a, upset bought by Mr. Hall. Kupsell Survey District, Kuapekapeka. — Lot 9, 40a, upset price £50, bought by Mr. bairns. Takahub District, MAuooNur.—Out of 12 lots offered Only two were sold: Lot 1,54% 2r, acd lot 2. 40a lr, both of which were bought by Mr. Rogers at the upset price. Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. —Lot 7G, 41a. upset price £41, bought by Mr. Higgizuon.

k? hl™°hl 44 n!,l' 3 tlle j Va ' ku *urvey district, Karn ;d hlrnhl Hokianga, and lor 12 lots in tha Waikl it district, Panakitere, Hokianga. th»rn were n< ie Sf tJV e ,„ 'J 1 " 0 m y 'or the lots in thi n- pf I< 2 '° t5) - Rivcrheart (10 iota), Arari 10 paroa (4 lot3j. Ver (3 Iots ) ; « Waiwera, Whanga 1h SALE OF CITY ENDOWMENTS. pf;, B : C - Greenwood, auctioneer, sold or tw the Borou 8 h Council, the leases of that well-known block of shops, offices, ,« ff C ;' from tlle Poet-office, Shortland- +£„ ?>' f Queen-atreet. found to the back oi , , 0 Post-office in Fort-street. The length oi I. lease now expiring has been 21 years, but on ... - present occasion the properties were sold tor four years, commencing from the Ist of >- August of the present year. The rental which e I 1 b een received is, it will be seen, fully three i- times more than received up to the present, the e original lessees receiving the benefit of within 25 per cent, to 30 per cent, of this increase, in con ,f m? UOD f e °. su b-letting the various properties ?f, 0 ok P lace in the Stock Exchange and there was a large gathering, and the lot were purchased, we believe, in almost every in p stance, by the present occupants or tenants ,f Iho following are the purchasers, and the ' rf„ r f nta 'f c ; - L »' No- 1. Orchard, £143 No Tole, £46 lGs ; No. 3, Tole, £36 8s ;No t',?n ÜBS 4 U '\ nd T Duv °re, £91; No. 5, Posscniskie, '• t-in? ; s°' «■ L t> aD ß sf °r<3, £130 ; No. 7, Howden, toi . S / mo , nds . No. 9, Cleal, • u ' feearle . £80 12s ; No. 11, Mowbray, i'l.jG ; No. 12, Lennox, £52; No. 13, A. pi i l4 • Cochrane and Son, 1 poon A o ' lo ' Waverley Hotel (Harrison), t £299. Total rental, £ISO 4 Bs. The original lessees paid £o< 2. The increase to the Corporaj £™30 of Au S usfc will therefore be

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 7

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5395, 3 March 1879, Page 7